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SY 2019-2020
I. Objectives
Identify and categorize the different types of adverb.
Use the different types of adverbs in role playing, song/rap and illustration/pictures.
Value the importance of adverbs in making sentences more meaningful and interesting.
A. Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as
means of valuing other people; also how to use processing information strategies, different forms of
adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

B. Performance Standards:
The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through employing effective
verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions,
Style and Body Movements or Gestures.

C. Learning Competencies:
• EN9G-IIb19: Use adverbs in narration.

Discipline Integration: MATH (Algebra) and MAPEH (Performing Arts)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types of Adverbs (Time, Place, Manner, Degree, and Frequency)
Reference: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature Learner‘s Material for English (pages 126-128)
Materials: Visual Aids, Activity Materials, Powerpoint Presentation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Good morning class! o Good morning. Mrs.
(Prayer…) o I would like to request Ms.
Nonong to please lead the
You may take your seats. prayer.
How was your morning?
o I feel energized ma’am and
ready for the whole day’s
I’m glad you feel that way especially that your first subject this activity.
morning, which is English will be needing your 100% cooperation
for us to be able to achieve our objectives for today.

Before going on to our lesson proper, let us be energized first by

performing 10 jumping jacks so you will be awakened and become
more energized.
o (Students perform the
Attendance Check energizer)

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May I know from the class secretary how many are present and o Everybody is present
absent today?
That’s great! I’m glad to know that everyone is here this morning.

House Rules
In order for us to have a smooth flow of our discussion I want
everybody to always remember the following rules as we go on
with our class. Okay all girls kindly read the rules in odd numbers
and boys in even numbers.
1. Everyone must actively participate in group activities and class
2. Always take note of the time limit given in every activity.
3. Avoid unnecessary noise as you perform the activities.
4. Listen carefully and avoid talking when somebody is speaking
and sharing his/her ideas.
5. Raise your hand if you want to share your ideas to the class. o “Yes, ma’am!”

I hope you are going to remember all of these.

o Ma’am, last meeting we
have discussed about the
PRIMING poem entitled “Auld Lang
Anybody from the class who can share their insights on the topic o The poem revolves around
that we have discussed yesterday?
the theme friendship. This is
a very good poem telling us
not to forget our friends
That is right! We had a meaningful exchange of ideas as we have after so many years that had
discussed the poem. Can you share quickly what is it all about?
already passed.

o None ma’am!

o Yes ma’am, we are ready.

Very Good! I hope this poem will inspire you to always connect
with your friends and never forget them no matter how far he/she is
and how long it has been since you were together. o (Students will form their
Any questions/clarifications on that topic?

Motivation (Integration in Math)

Great! This time I want you to group yourself according to your
seating arrangement (row 1-G1, row 2-G2, row 3-G3, row 4-G4).
I want you to gather and move closer with your groupmates so you o None ma’am!
can work closely.

o (Students will do the

1. This activity is called “Algebra in Puzzle.”
2. Each group is going to solve problems given that X=2. The activity and post their
answer in every problem is equivalent to the words which will answer after.)
complete the puzzle.
3. The words equivalent to the answer is written in the box.
4. Output stations in every group is provided. Once done, the group
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may post it immediately.
5. The first group to complete the puzzle with all correct answers is
the winner. o So enjoyable ma’am.
Any clarification with the instructions?
o I find it very interesting
Great! So let’s start! ma’am especially that we
(The teacher will distribute the activity materials.) have to solve mathematical
On my cue, ‘Let the game begin!’ problems first to do it
successfully! This somehow
(All of the groups have posted their answers)
refreshes our knowledge in
Let’s see if you have formed the puzzle correctly! fractions.
So the winner is group….
How did you find the activity? Yes (name of student…)
Good that everyone enjoyed it. Anyone else?
o It’s very clear ma’am that
we will be discussing about
adverbs. And the rest of the
words are its kinds.

Very good! I’m glad that everyone has followed one of our house o (Students will read the
rules, which is to participate. objectives posted on the
So let’s go back to the puzzle that you have formed.
Can someone share their idea what will be our topic today based on
the words in the puzzle.

Great Observation (name of the student)!

For us to be guided of what are we going to tackle today, everybody o (Students will read the
read our objectives. instructions.)
(Teacher will expound the objectives.)
To know more about adjectives and its different kinds let’s have
another activity with the same group.


• The activity is called “Where do I belong?” o None ma’am! We got it!

• Here is the instruction. (Instructions will be read by group) o (Students will do the
1. Each group is provided with strips of paper.
2. Each group is going to group the words written on the strips of activity. After which, they
paper into Adverb of time, place, manner, degree and frequency. will post there outputs.)
3. Definition will also be given and must be matched to the correct
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o (Group reporting)

o It’s quiet difficult ma’am

though words are just
type of adverb. simple to understand yet it’s
4. Once you are done, you may post to your output stations your somehow difficult for us to
manila paper. Reporting will then follow. group them especially that
5. You are given 5 minutes to finish the task.
they are not used in a
6. The first group to complete the table with correct answers will be
declared as a winner. sentence.
o With our group ma’am, we
Any clarification/questions about the activity? find it interesting
Okay! Your 10 minutes starts now! discovering the definition of
every type of adverb.

o Ma’am, we did a thorough

Time is up! Let us proceed to sharing of outputs. analysis of the words given
in order for us to group
them. Besides, identifying
How do you find this activity? its definition first helped us
a lot in doing the groupings
of the words.

o I think ma’am, looking for

keywords will help a lot.
Okay! How about the other group?

Good to hear! o (Students will be called to

read the definition and give
Seems that everybody is working and cooperating for you to come
up with your outputs. But aside from helping one another, how did examples in each type.)
you come up with your answer? How did you group the words?

Very good! Of course by identifying first its definition, it will then

be easier for you to group the words according to its type.

Some more? How about in matching the definition? How did you
do it? How did you match the definition to every type of adverb?

Great! Keywords in the definition will help you associate it with the
type of adverb.

So for you to have a full understanding of what an adverb is and its

different kinds. Let us now reveal the correct answers.
(The teacher will show the correct answers)

So adverb is a part of speech do you use when giving details about

verbs or adjectives to make a sentence more meaningful and
This stuidn
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o Students will answer the
adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a questions based from the
relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. discussion.
The following are the types of adverbs.

1. Adverb of Time- An adverb of time tells us when something is o None ma’am!

done or happens. We use it at the beginning or at the end of a
sentence. We use it as a form of emphasis when we place it at the
beginning. Adverbs of time
include afterwards, already, always, immediately, last
month, now, soon, then, and yesterday.
2. Adverb of Place- An adverb of place tells us where something is
done or happens. We use it after the verb, direct object or at the end
of a sentence. Adverbs of place include words
such as above, below, here, outside, over there, there, under,
and upstairs.
3. Adverb of Manner- An adverb of manner tells us how something
is done or happens. Most adverbs of manner end in –ly such
as badly, happily, sadly, slowly, quickly, and others
o None ma’am!
that include well, hard and fast.
o (Group Presentation…)
4. Adverb of Degree- An adverb of degree tells us the level or extent
that something is done or happens. Words of adverb of degree
are almost, much, nearly, quite, really, so, too, very, etc.
5. Adverb of Frequency- An adverb of frequency tells us how often
something is done or happens. Words used as adverbs of frequency
include again, almost, always, ever, frequently, generally, hardly,
every, nearly, nearly always, never, occasionally, often, rarely,
seldom, sometimes, twice, usually and weekly.


So we have already discussed what is adverb and its different types.

Again let us recall…
What is adverb?
What are the different types of adverbs?
Give examples in every type.
What is the importance of using adverb?
Very good! Any questions/clarifications?
Seems like you have already understood our topic today. So for
now, let us further check your understanding and mastery of the

Okay, since everything is already clear, as an application you will
be using the concepts that you have learned in our discussion in
doing the different presentation. You will be group into three based
from your area of interests. Based from the result of your multiple
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intelligences group yourselves into three tasks:

G1- Role Playing

Create a short story about love in the family (Based from one
member experience) Include in your script/ dialogues examples of
adverbs. At least two examples in every type of adverb.

G2- Singing and Dancing

Compose a song about your dream vacation using adverbs.
Incorporate tune and actions as you present it. Use at least one
example in every type of adverb.

G3- Drawing
Draw sketches/scenarios about your experiences in school.
Write a sentence in every sketch/scenario using adverbs. One in
every type of adverb.

Any questions with the different tasks to do?

Okay, You will only be given 20 minutes to do it then presentation
will follow!

Performances will be rated based from the following rubrics. Each group is
given a copy of the rubric.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Relevance To All of the Some of the Most of the None of the
The Topic scenes are scenes are scenes are scenes are
related/conn not not related/conne
ected to the related/conne related/conne cted to the
topic cted to the cted to the topic.
topic. topic.
Use Of The Lacking 3 of Lacking 5 of Lacking 7 of
Adverbs required the required the required the required
number of number of number of number of
adverbs to adverbs to be adverbs to be adverbs to be
be used is used and is used and used and
complete used some are not many are not
and is used correctly. used used
correctly. correctly. correctly.
Organizatio There is a Very few of Many events No sense of
n very clear the events interrupted beginning,
sequence of interrupted the sequence middle and
events the sequence of the events. end.
showing of the events. The
that the The beginning,
beginning, beginning, middle and
middle and middle and end is not
end has end is shown clearly
worked in correct shown.
together order.
well for the
story to be
Clarity Of Voice is Voice is loud Voice is loud None of the
Voice, Use loud and and clear. and clear. three are
Of Facial clear. Facial Facial Facial observed.
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And are are and blocking
Blocking appropriate appropriate are not
to the to the scenes. observed.
scenes. Blocking is
Blocking is not observed.
Quality Of Lines/ Some of the Many of the Most of the
Acting Dialogues lines/ lines/ lines/
are dialogues are dialogues are dialogues are
mastered not mastered. not mastered. not mastered.
and was Acting is Acting is not Acting is not
delivered convincing. totally convincing at
well. Acting convincing. all.
is very (Checking of paper)
Criteria 4 3 2 1 o None so far ma’am!
Relevance To All of the Some of the Most of the None of the
The Topic lines of the lines of the lines of the lines of the o So long and thank you Mrs.
song are song not song are not song are
related/conn related/conne related/conne related/conne
ected to the cted to the cted to the cted to the
topic topic. topic. topic.
Use Of The Lacking 1 of Lacking 2 of Lacking 3 of
Adverbs required the required the required the required
number of number of number of number of
adverbs to adverbs to be adverbs to be adverbs to be
be used is used and is used and used and
complete used some are not many are not
and is used correctly. used used
correctly. correctly. correctly.
Melody Sing the Sing entire Sings entire Sings entire
entire song song with song with song out of
with only 1-2 only 3-4 tune.
appropriate lapses in lapses in
melody. melody. melody.
Choreograp Dance Some of the Many of the None of the
hy moves dance moves dance moves two is not
matched did not match did not match observed.
with the with the with the
melody of melody. melody. Only
the song. Several few change
Many change of of formation
change of formation is is observed.
formation is observed.
Synchronizat All of the Few of the Many of Most of the
ion members members members members
are commit commit commit
synchronize mistakes in mistakes in mistakes in
d. singing and singing and singing and
the execution the execution the execution
of the dance of the dance of the dance
movements. movements. movements.
Criteria 4 3 2 1

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Relevance To The output The output The output The output
The Topic contains contains a contains little has no idea
meaningful little but ideas that and did not
ideas meaningful demonstrate demonstrate
supporting ideas that a little connection to
details that demonstrate connection to the topics.
demonstrate connection to the topics.
clear the topics.
to the topic.
Use Of The Lacking 1 of Lacking 2 of Lacking 3 of
Adverbs required the required the required the required
number of number of number of number of
adverbs to adverbs to be adverbs to be adverbs to be
be used is used and is used and used and
complete used some are not many are not
and is used correctly. used used
correctly. correctly. correctly.
Clarity The picture The picture The picture The picture
drawn can drawn can be drawn can’t drawn is not
be clearly understood if be easily clear.
understood given enough understood Understandin
in a single attention. and needs g it would be
glance. more time to difficult.
Craftsmansh Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing
ip shows a shows good shows some lacks
mastery of technique. technique technique
advanced All objects and and/or
techniques are placed in understandin understandin
in drawing. correct space. g of art g of art
All objects Negative and concepts. concepts.
are placed positive Average use Paper is left
in correct space is of negative mainly blank.
space. almost and positive
Negative balanced. space. Paper
and positive Paper is is half filled.
space is drawn on
balanced. leaving some
Paper is area undone.
drawn on.
Creativity Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing
reflects a reflects shows some shows little
high level originality. evidence of or no
of Student uses originality. evidence of
originality. line, shading Student uses original
Student uses or form in an line, shading thought.
line, original or form in a Student does
shading or manner. slightly not use line,
form in a original shading or
highly manner. form in a
original creative
manner. manner.

• Very good! Everybody did a great job!

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Get your test notebook and answer this.

Encircle the adverb and identify its type.

1. Alice fell into the rabbit hole.

2. I often visit my grandparents.
3. Wet pieces of clay fell everywhere.
4. Sean never likes that old hotel.
5. I jog sometimes.
6. Yesterday, they play the games.
7. The show will begin soon.
8. George will come here?
9. Allison moved away.
10. Dennis always brings his dog.
11. She is amazingly skillful in both spending and saving money.
12. The boys were extremely nice to the new student.
13. The football game was rather fun.
14. Today, mother is inspired.
15. Jim saw the cat on the sidewalk.

Let’s check your paper.

Very good! It seems that everybody has already understood the
topic today.

Any questions?

If there’s none, then that would be all for today. Goodbye class
and see you on Monday for another meaningful discussion.

Prepared by:


Observed and Checked by:


School Head

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