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St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Inc. Govt Permit SHSP No. 230 s.

SY 2022 - 2023

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Status of Agricultural Sector in the Philippines During Pandemic

Submitted by:

Alexandra Nicole P. Bernardo

Jenaline P. Bautista

Jennylyn P. Victoria

Lance Andrei S. Mangoba

Jarffy S. Ramos

John Carlo M. Fajardo

Submitted to:

Mrs. Mikka Grace Cunanan-Paragas

Home and School: Vessels of learning, growth, and faith

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Inc. Govt Permit SHSP No. 230 s. 2015
SY 2022 - 2023

Full Name of Teacher

Status of Agricultural Sector in the Philippines During Pandemic

(Informative Essay)

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the Philippines; it provides a lot of work

for Filipinos, especially in rural areas. When the pandemic struck, the effect of the imposed

community quarantine on agriculture and the agricultural sector couldn’t be unseen. The effect of

the pandemic on the value of agricultural production in the Philippines is visible. For the last 3

years that the Philippines has been under strict restrictions, the total value of agricultural

production has been affected every year during the pandemic. The value of agriculture has lost

thousands of pesos.

The pandemic almost certainly resulted in negative economic growth, but due to the

lingering impacts of the stringent lockdowns, which led to widespread unemployment and unstable

inflation rates brought on by increased food and transportation prices, the economy has yet to

recover. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the Philippines; it provides a lot of

work to Filipinos, especially in rural areas. It was found that the COVID-19 pandemic had many

negative effects on world economies and people around the world. The COVID-19 creates many

threats to the sustainability of the agriculture sector, which is very sensitive because of food supply

security needs. Aside from the lockdown, agriculture also had an influence on the supply chain in

the Philippines and was felt by farmers and consumers.

One of the most significant industries in the Philippines is agriculture, which offers many

jobs to Filipinos, particularly in rural areas. The impact of the community quarantine imposed after

the pandemic on agriculture and the agricultural sector cannot be undone. The four subsectors are

Home and School: Vessels of learning, growth, and faith

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Inc. Govt Permit SHSP No. 230 s. 2015
SY 2022 - 2023

shrinking as the pandemic spreads and affects a large portion of the agricultural sector. The

COVID-19 pandemic's effects on agriculture show just how many difficulties there are. A decrease

in laborers, damage to the supply chain, issues with the sale of agricultural products, a ban on

exports, and the closure of restaurants are just a few of the repercussions of the pandemic on

agriculture. Due to the lasting effects of the strict lockdowns, which caused widespread

unemployment and unpredictable inflation rates driven by rising food and transportation prices,

the economy has yet to recover from the epidemic, which almost certainly resulted in negative

economic growth. Farmers are among the many Filipinos who depend on agriculture for their


All of the agriculture sector in the Philippines is particularly heavily struck when the

pandemic spreads broadly over the world, along with the four subsectors of fishing, poultry,

livestock, and farming in the Philippines. Throughout the pandemic, the price of fish output

fluctuated, with some just remaining the same. Because they are unable to leave their homes to go

fishing for food and profit, fishermen and their families suffer from a lack of food. The value of

fisheries output was also altered for this reason with the data acquired by the researchers: 14.8%,

15.2%, and 14.4% are the outcomes for the complete year of fisheries total contributions to the

value of agriculture produce in the Philippines during the pandemic in 2020–2022. The pandemic's

effects on the fishing industry and the people who work there are evident, and the epidemic has

had both beneficial and negative effects on the farming and crop sectors. Positive as a result of the

rising value of agricultural output. This has a detrimental impact on consumers, farmers, and other

agriculture workers. Based on the data collected, 54.8%–57.0%–56.6% is the outcome of the

information that was gathered for 2020–2022. The production and delivery of meat were also

impacted by the pandemic, with a percentage of 17.0%-14.4%-14.6% for the entire year of 2020–

Home and School: Vessels of learning, growth, and faith

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Inc. Govt Permit SHSP No. 230 s. 2015
SY 2022 - 2023

2022, and for poultry, the countries that supplied the raw materials, feed additives, and veterinary

products suffered from labor restrictions, an increase in the cost of staff medical insurance, and

lockdown periods that disrupted their production cycle, operating costs, and distribution chain.

Based on the researcher's findings, the annual poultry performance was 13.4%, 13.4%, and 14.4%

in 2020–2022.

In conclusion, the effects of COVID-19 are seen in agricultural productivity, as evidenced

by the declining growth rate and million-dollar production value. The value of the Philippine

agricultural sector went up and down during the COVID-19 pandemic, but overall, the value of

agricultural production decreased. The four sub-sectors of agriculture—farming, fisheries,

livestock, and poultry—are the ones most affected by the pandemic. It was found out that

everyone's lives were negatively impacted when the pandemic expanded, especially those whose

lives depended on agriculture, such as farmers. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has become the

biggest threat to agricultural production, causing world-wide agricultural decline.

Home and School: Vessels of learning, growth, and faith

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