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Hand out (LIVING IN AN IT ERA) Short Term 2023

MODULE Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of Technology
Expert Insight on Computers and Technology

MODULE Hardware
Chapter 2 The System Unit, Processing, and Memory
Chapter 3 Storage
Chapter 4 Input and Output
Expert Insight on Hardware
MODULE Software
Chapter 5 System Software: Operating Systems and Utility Programs
Chapter 6 Application Software: Desktop and Mobile Applications
Expert Insight on Software
MODULE Networks and the Internet
Chapter 7 Networks and Communication Devices
Chapter 8 The Internet
Chapter 9 Security and Privacy
Expert Insight on Networks and the Internet
MODULE Systems
Chapter 10 Information Systems and System Development
Chapter 11 Program Development and Programming Languages
Chapter 12 Databases and Database Management Systems
Expert Insights on Systems
MODULE Technology and Society
Chapter 13 Intellectual Property Rights, Ethics, Health, Access, and the Environment
Expert Insight on Technology and Society

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Hand out (LIVING IN AN IT ERA) Short Term 2023

Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of Technology

After completing this chapter, you will be able to do the following

1. Explain why it is essential to learn about technology today and discuss several ways computing devices are
integrated into our business and personal lives.
2. Define a computer and describe its primary operations
3. List some important milestones in computer evolution
4. Identify the major parts of a personal computer, including input, processing, output, storage, and communications
5. Define software and understand how it is used to instruct the computer what to do.
6. List the basic types of computers, giving at least one example of each type of computing device and stating what
that type of device might be used for.
7. Explain what a network, the Internet,and the World Wide Web are, as well as how computers, people, and Web
pages are identified on the internet.
8. Describe how to access a Web page and navigate through a Web Site.
9. Discuss the societal impact of computers and technology, including some benefits and risks related to their
prominence in our society.

Asynchronous Activity NO. 1

1. Explain why it is essential to learn about computers and technology today?

2. Discuss several ways computing devices are integrated into our business and personal lives. Be guided with the
questions below.
(a) How is information technology being used in education?
(b) How are computers being used in health and medicine or at home
(c) How will computers affect my financial matters?
(d) How will my leisure activities be affected by information technology?
(e) How could I use computers to advance my career? (Jobs and Careers)

Tip: About two-thirds of all U.S. mobile phone users today are smartphone users; that is, their mobile phones
include Internet capabilities and the ability to run mobile programs or apps.

Why Learn About Computers and Technology?

What does being computer savvy mean, and what are its practical payoffs?

Computer savvy means knowing what computer can do and what they can’t, knowing how they can benefit you and how they can
harm you, knowing when you can solve computer problems and when you have to call for help.

Among the practical payoffs are these:

1. You will know how to make better buying decisions.

No matter how much computer prices come down, you will always have to make judgments about quality and
usefulness when buying equipment and software.
2. You will know how to fix ordinary computer problems
Whether is replacing a cartridge, obtaining a software improvement or pulling photos from your digital camera
3. You will know how to protect yourself against online villains
The online world poses real risks to your time, your privacy, your finances and your peace of mind- spammers,
hackers, virus senders, identity thieves.
4. You will know what kind of computer uses can advance your career.
This topic will give ideas about how the technology can benefit you in whatever work you choose.

What is information technology and how does it affect education, health, money, leisure, governments and careers?
Information Technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate
and or disseminate information.

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The term IT refers to the entire industry that uses a computer and software to manage information. In some company, it
refers to MIs.

3. How is information technology being used in education? (Education: The Promise of More Interactive & Individualized
4. How are computers being used in health and medicine. (Health: High Tech for Wellness)
5. How will computers affect my financial matters? (Money: Toward the Cashless Society)
6. How will my leisure activities be affected by information technology? ( Leisure: Infotech in Entertainment & the Arts)
7. How could I use computers to advance my career? (Jobs and Careers)

Pervasive computing—few aspects of daily life remain untouched by computers and computing technology.
Convergence- many devices today include computing or internet capabilities
Computer Literacy, also known as digital literacy, involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.
Computer Competency is applying your skill with computers to meet your information needs and improve your productivity.

Computing Devices in the Home

1. Reference-- Retrieving information, obtaining news, viewing recipes, shopping online, and exchanging e-mail are
popular reference activities.
2. Productivity-- online baking and shopping, editing and managing digital photos and home videos, creating and
editing work-related documents, and paying bills are common productivity tasks.
3. Entertainment – Watching online TV and movies. Viewing photos and videos, playing games, and viewing Web
content are popular entertainment activities.

Computing Devices in Education

1. Computer Labs and Classrooms – computers and internet access are often available in the classroom and/or
computer lab for student use.
2. Campus Wireless Hotspots – Students can often access the internet from anywhere on the campus to do research,
check e-mail, and more, via a campus hotspot.
3. Distance Learning ---With distance learning, students can take classes from home or wherever they happen to be at
the moment.

Computing Devices on the Job

1. Decision making—computers are used to help make on-the-job decisions

2. Productivity – computers are used to perform on-the-job tasks efficiently and accurately
3. Offsite communications—portable devices are used to record data, access data, or communicate with others

Computing Devices on the Go

1. Mobile Devices --- enable individuals to remain in touch with others and to access internet sources while on the go
2. Consumer kiosks – are widely available to view conference or gift registry information, print photographs, order
products or services, and more
3. Mobile payment systems – allow individuals to pay for purchases using a smartphone or other device
4. Wearable Devices – Enable individuals to easily view smartphone messages or their fitness activities while on the go

How cloud computing changed the world?

Technology, Education, Health Care, Mobile Apps and Social Media, File Storage and sharing, Internet of Things (IOT), E

Computer Literacy, also known as digital literacy, involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers
and their uses.

Computer Competency is applying your skill with computers to meet your information needs and improve your

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A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory, that can
accept data, process the data according to the specified rules (arithmetically and/or logically, produce results, and store the
results for future use.
Computers process data into information. Data is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text,
numbers, images, audio, and video. Information conveys meaning and is useful to people.

Four basic operations which a computer performs (IPOS), irrespective of the program which is running on it. They
are classified as:
1. Input: the process of entering data into a computer. Ex. Through encoding (keyboard and mouse), data from
camera, data from a cellphone, data from a scanner.)
2. Processing: performing operations on data that has been input in into a computer to convert that input to output.
3. Output: The computer produces an output on a device, such as a printer or a monitor, that shows the result of the
processing operations.
4. Storage: The computer stores the result of processing operations for future use in some storage device, such as a
hard disk or a floppy disk.

In addition to these four primary computer operations,, today’s computers almost always perform
communications functions such as sending or retrieving data via the Internet, accessing information located
in shared company database or exchanging data or e-mail messages with others.

Data vs Information

Communication- The transmission of data from one device to another
Data – raw, unorganized facts
Information – data that has been processed into a meaningful form.
Information processing – (the conversion of data into information) is a vital activity today for all computer users, as well as
for businesses and other organizations.


A. Precomputers and Early Computers ( before approximately 1946)

1450 B.C. Abacus (China)

The abacus is the first known calculating device. It was invented by the Chinese for commercial
calculations. The device has a frame with beads strung on wires or rods and arithmetic calculations are
performed by manipulating the beads.
1600 Napier’s Bones
This is another counting device invented by John Napier, a Scottish mathematician who became famous
for his invention of logarithms. His “bones” are a set of eleven rods with numbers marked on them in such a way
that by simply placing the rods side by side, products and quotients of large numbers can be obtained. The
sticks were called bones because they were made of bones or ivory.
Oughtred’s Slide Rule
An invention attributed to William Oughtred, basically, it consists of two movable rulers placed side by
side, Each ruler is marked off in such a way that the actual distances from the beginning of the ruler are
proportional to the logarithms of the numbers printed on the ruler. By sliding the rulers, one can quickly multiply
and divide.

1642 A.D. Adding Machines (Blaise Pascal)

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician who devised a calculating machine that was capable in adding
and subtracting numbers. The machine was operated by dialing a series of wheels which could add and subtract
numbers containing up to eight digits.

1692 A.D. Multiplying Machine (Gottfried Leibnitz)

Like Pascal, Gottfried Leibnitz was a seventeenth century scientist who recognized the value of machines
that could do mathematical calculations and save labor. He utilized the same techniques for addition and
subtraction as Pascal’s device but could also perform multiplication and division, as well as extract square root,
although not always accurately.
1822 A.D. Difference Engine (Charles Babbage)

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Since the early 19th century, Charles Babbage, an Englishman, had been working on the development of
the machine which could perform complex calculations. On 1822 A.D., he invented the “Difference Engine” which
could perform complex calculations and print them as well. This machine was a steam-powered machine.
1862 Arithrometer (Charles Xavier Thomas)
This was the first calculator with commercial prospects developed by Frenchman Charles Xavier Thomas.
The machine performed addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root functions accurately.
1863 A.D. Analytic Engine (Charles Babbage)
Charles Babbage, a nineteenth century Englishman, is frequently considered the father of modern
computer. Although he did not actually build an operational computer himself, his ideas became the basis for
modern computational devices. He had conceived of a mechanism, which could carry out long sequence of
complex calculations under automatic control. It would have the ability to store 1000, 50 digit numbers in one
second and multiply 20 digit numbers in three minutes. He used a form of the punched card for inputting the
data. Lady Ada Byron worked with Babbage and wrote a demonstration program for the Analytical Engine
prompting many to refer her as the first female computer scientist and programmer.
1896 A.D. Punch Card Machine (Dr. Herman Hollerith)
Herman Hollerith, a statistician with the US Bureau , used the idea of employing punched cards in
speeding up the collation job of the American Census of 1880. Using a 3” by 5” punched cards to record the data,
he constructed an electromagnetic counting machine to sort the data manually and tabulated the data.

B. First-Generation Computers (approximately 1946-1957)

- The first computers were enormous, often taking up entire rooms
- Powered by thousands of vacuum tubes which needed replacing constantly, required a great deal of
electricity, and generated a lot of heat.
- Could solve only one problem at a time because they needed to be physically rewired with cables in
order to be reprogrammed
1946 A.D. ENIAC (Harvard University-USA)
Scientists of Harvard University brought out the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
(ENIAC) under the direction of Presper Eckert Jr. and John Mauchly, which was the first electronic
calculator. It weighed nearly 30 tons and occupied a space equivalent to 2 big rooms and could
perform all the calculations that a small pocket calculator of today can perform. It used 18,000
vacuum tubes and was able to do 300 multiplications per second. On its test run in February 1946 the
ENIAC took only two hours to solve a nuclear physics problem that would previously required 100
years of calculation by a physicist.
1951 UNIVAC ( J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly)
Initially built for the U.S. Census Bureau was used to analyze votes in the 1952 US Presidential election.
UNIVAC became the first computer to be mass produced for general commercial use.

C. SECOND-GENERATION COMPUTERS (approximately 1958-1963)

-Transistors allowed second-generation computers to be smaller, less expensive, more powerful, more
energy-efficient, and more reliable than first-generation computers.
-Typically, programs and data were input on punch cards and magnetic tape, output was on punch cards and
paper print outs, and magnetic tape as used for storage.
-hard drives and programming languages (such as FORTRAN and COBOL) were developed and implemented
during this generation.

D. THIRD-GENERATION COMPUTERS ( approximately 1964-1970)

-integrated circuits (ICs) marked the beginning of the third generation of computers
-ICs incorporate many transistors and electronic circuits on a single tiny silicon chip, allowing third-
generation computers to be even smaller and more reliable than computers in the earlier computer
generations. Instead of punch cards and paper printouts, keyboards and monitors were introduced for
input and output, hard drives were typically used for storage.

E. FOURTH-GENERATION COMPUTERS (approximately 1971-present)

-invention of microprocessors which contain the core processing capabilities of an entire computer on one
single chip.
-e.g IBM PC and Apple Macintosh computers and most traditional computers fall into this category.

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-typically use a keyboard and mouse for input, a monitor and printer for output, and hard drives, flash
memory media and optical discs for storage.
- this generation also witnessed the development of computer networks, wireless technologies, and the

F. FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTERS ( now and the future)

-based on artificial intelligence, voice and touch input and speech recognition are in use today.
- in the future, expected to be constructed differently such as in the form of optical computers that
process data using light instead of electrons, tiny computers that utilize nanotechnology, or as entire general
purpose computers built into desks, home appliances, and other everyday devices.

1st (1940-1956) 2nd (1956-1963) 3rd (1964-1971) 4th (1971 –present)

Technology Vacuum tubes; Card Transistors; Tape Integrated circuits; Disk VSLI;
Oriented oriented oriented Micro oriented
Operation Time Milliseconds Microseconds (millionths Nanoseconds( billionths Picoseconds (trillionths
(thousandths of a of a second of a second of a second
Processing Time 2000 instructions/ 1 M instructions per 10 M instructions per 100 M to 1 B instructions
second second second per second

AI Applications: Top 14 Artificial Intelligence

Applications in 2023
Lesson 2 of 12By Avijeet Biswal
Last updated on Jan 17, 202320544389

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

AI Facts and Figures

What Are the Applications of Artificial Intelligence?


The function and popularity of Artificial Intelligence are soaring by the day. Artificial intelligence is the
ability of a system or a program to think and learn from the experience. AI applications have significantly
evolved over the past few years and has found its applications in almost every business sector. This
article will help you learn the top artificial intelligence applications in the real world.

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What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the machine-displayed intelligence that simulates human behavior or thinking and can
be trained to solve specific problems. AI is a combination of Machine Learning techniques and Deep
Learning. Types of artificial intelligence models are trained using vast volumes of data have the ability to make
intelligent decisions.

AI Facts and Figures

 According to Statista, revenue from the artificial intelligence (AI) software market worldwide is expected to
reach 126 billion dollars by 2025.

 As per Gartner, 37% of organizations have implemented AI in some form. The percentage of enterprises
employing AI grew 270% over the past four years.

 According to Servion Global Solutions, by 2025, 95% of customer interactions will be powered by AI.

 A recent 2020 report from Statista reveals that the global AI software market is expected to grow
approximately 54% year-on-year and is expected to reach a forecast size of  USD $22.6 billion.

Let’s now take a look at how application of AI is used in different domains.

What Are the Applications of Artificial Intelligence?

Here is the list of the top 14 application of AI (Artificial Intelligence):

1. AI Application in E-Commerce

Personalized Shopping

Artificial Intelligence technology is used to create recommendation engines through which you can engage better
with your customers. These recommendations are made in accordance with their browsing history, preference,
and interests. It helps in improving your relationship with your customers and their loyalty towards your brand.

AI-powered Assistants

Virtual shopping assistants and chatbots help improve the user experience while shopping online. Natural
Language Processing is used to make the conversation sound as human and personal as possible. Moreover,
these assistants can have real-time engagement with your customers. Did you know that on, soon,
customer service could be handled by chatbots?

Fraud Prevention

Credit card frauds and fake reviews are two of the most significant issues that E-Commerce companies deal with.
By considering the usage patterns, AI can help reduce the possibility of credit card frauds taking place. Many
customers prefer to buy a product or service based on customer reviews. AI can help identify and handle fake

2. Applications Of Artificial Intelligence in Education

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Although the education sector is the one most influenced by humans, Artificial Intelligence has slowly begun to
seep its roots in the education sector as well. Even in the education sector, this slow transition of Artificial
Intelligence has helped increase productivity among faculties and helped them concentrate more on students
than office or administration work.

Some of these applications in this sector include:

Administrative Tasks Automated to Aid Educators

Artificial Intelligence can help educators with non-educational tasks like task-related duties like facilitating and
automating personalized messages to students, back-office tasks like grading paperwork, arranging and
facilitating parent and guardian interactions, routine issue feedback facilitating, managing enrollment, courses,
and HR-related topics. 

Creating Smart Content

Digitization of content like video lectures, conferences, and text book guides can be made using Artificial
Intelligence. We can apply different interfaces like animations and learning content through customization for
students from different grades. 

Artificial Intelligence helps create a rich learning experience by generating and providing audio and video
summaries and integral lesson plans.

Voice Assistants

Without even the direct involvement of the lecturer or the teacher, a student can access extra learning material
or assistance through Voice Assistants. Through this, printing costs of temporary handbooks and also provide
answers to very common questions easily.

Personalized Learning

Using top AI technologies, hyper-personalization techniques can be used to monitor students’ data thoroughly,
and habits, lesson plans, reminders, study guides, flash notes, frequency or revision, etc., can be easily

3. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Lifestyle

Artificial Intelligence has a lot of influence on our lifestyle. Let us discuss a few of them.

Autonomous Vehicles

Automobile manufacturing companies like Toyota, Audi, Volvo, and Tesla use machine learning to train computers
to think and evolve like humans when it comes to driving in any environment and object detection to avoid

Spam Filters

The email that we use in our day-to-day lives has AI that filters out spam emails sending them to spam or trash
folders, letting us see the filtered content only. The popular email provider, Gmail, has managed to reach a
filtration capacity of approximately 99.9%.

Facial Recognition

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Our favorite devices like our phones, laptops, and PCs use facial recognition techniques by using face filters to
detect and identify in order to provide secure access. Apart from personal usage, facial recognition is a widely
used Artificial Intelligence application even in high security-related areas in several industries.

Recommendation System

Various platforms that we use in our daily lives like e-commerce, entertainment websites, social media, video
sharing platforms, like youtube, etc., all use the recommendation system to get user data and provide customized
recommendations to users to increase engagement. This is a very widely used Artificial Intelligence application in
almost all industries.

Also Read: How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Work and Its Applications

4. Applications of Artificial intelligence in Navigation

Based on research from MIT, GPS technology can provide users with accurate, timely, and detailed information to
improve safety. The technology uses a combination of Convolutional Neural Network and Graph Neural Network,
which makes lives easier for users by automatically detecting the number of lanes and road types behind
obstructions on the roads. AI is heavily used by Uber and many logistics companies to improve operational
efficiency, analyze road traffic, and optimize routes.

5. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

Robotics is another field where artificial intelligence applications are commonly used. Robots powered by AI use
real-time updates to sense obstacles in its path and pre-plan its journey instantly. 

It can be used for -

 Carrying goods in hospitals, factories, and warehouses

 Cleaning offices and large equipment

 Inventory management

6. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource

Did you know that companies use intelligent software to ease the hiring process?

Artificial Intelligence helps with blind hiring. Using machine learning software, you can examine applications
based on specific parameters. AI drive systems can scan job candidates' profiles, and resumes to provide
recruiters an understanding of the talent pool they must choose from.  

7. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence finds diverse applications in the healthcare sector. AI applications are used in healthcare to
build sophisticated machines that can detect diseases and identify cancer cells. Artificial Intelligence can help
analyze chronic conditions with lab and other medical data to ensure early diagnosis. AI uses the combination of
historical data and medical intelligence for the discovery of new drugs.

8. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

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Artificial Intelligence is used to identify defects and nutrient deficiencies in the soil. This is done using computer
vision, robotics, and machine learning applications, AI can analyze where weeds are growing. AI bots can help to
harvest crops at a higher volume and faster pace than human laborers.

9. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Gaming

Another sector where Artificial Intelligence applications have found prominence is the gaming sector. AI can be
used to create smart, human-like NPCs to interact with the players.

It can also be used to predict human behavior using which game design and testing can be improved. The Alien
Isolation games released in 2014 uses AI to stalk the player throughout the game. The game uses two Artificial
Intelligence systems - ‘Director AI’ that frequently knows your location and the ‘Alien AI,’ driven by sensors and
behaviors that continuously hunt the player.

10. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Automobiles

Artificial Intelligence is used to build self-driving vehicles. AI can be used along with the vehicle’s camera, radar,
cloud services, GPS, and control signals to operate the vehicle. AI can improve the in-vehicle experience and
provide additional systems like emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring, and driver-assist steering.

11. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Social Media


On Instagram, AI considers your likes and the accounts you follow to determine what posts you are shown on
your explore tab. 


Artificial Intelligence is also used along with a tool called DeepText. With this tool, Facebook can understand
conversations better. It can be used to translate posts from different languages automatically.


AI is used by Twitter for fraud detection, removing propaganda, and hateful content. Twitter also uses AI to
recommend tweets that users might enjoy, based on what type of tweets they engage with.

12. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are popular in the marketing domain as well.

 Using AI, marketers can deliver highly targeted and personalized ads with the help of behavioral analysis,
and pattern recognition in ML, etc. It also helps with retargeting audiences at the right time to ensure better
results and reduced feelings of distrust and annoyance.

 AI can help with content marketing in a way that matches the brand's style and voice. It can be used to
handle routine tasks like performance, campaign reports, and much more.  

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 Chatbots powered by AI, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, and Natural Language
Understanding can analyze the user's language and respond in the ways humans do. 

 AI can provide users with real-time personalizations based on their behavior and can be used to edit and
optimize marketing campaigns to fit a local market's needs. 

13. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Chatbots

AI chatbots can comprehend natural language and respond to people online who use the "live chat" feature that
many organizations provide for customer service. AI chatbots are effective with the use of machine learning, and
can be integrated in an array of websites and applications. AI chatbots can eventually build a database of
answers, in addition to pulling information from an established selection of integrated answers. As AI continues to
improve, these chatbots can effectively resolve customer issues, respond to simple inquiries, improve customer
service, and provide 24/7 support. All in all, these AI chatbots can help to improve customer satisfaction.

14. Applications of of Artificial Intelligence in Finance 

It has been reported that 80% of banks recognize the benefits that AI can provide. Whether it’s personal finance,
corporate finance, or consumer finance, the highly evolved technology that is offered through AI can help to
significantly improve a wide range of financial services. For example, customers looking for help regarding wealth
management solutions can easily get the information they need through SMS text messaging or online chat, all
AI-powered. Artificial intelligence can also detect changes in transaction patterns and other potential red flags
that can signify fraud, which humans can easily miss, and thus saving businesses and individuals from significant
loss. Aside from fraud detection and task automation, AI can also better predict and assess loan risks.

15. How is AI used in accounting and finance?

a. identifying patterns in large datasets- by utilizing ML algorithms and NLP technology, businesses can swiftly
detect patterns or discrepancies in their financial data that may have been previously undetectable.

b. capitalize on predictive analytics- can accurately anticipate future trends based on past data, by leveraging AI
driven analytics, organizations can gain a strategic advantage by being able to make informed decisions about
their resource allocation and future strategies.

c. gain insights into customer behavior- analyzing past transactions or predicting future outcomes based on
current market conditions.

d. prevent fraud- AI based systems can detect suspicious activity, AI tools assess creditworthiness of applicants
through detailed analysis of their financial history thus reducing loan defaults while increasing profitability

The physical parts of a computer. Hardware can be internal (located outside the system unit
of the computer) or external (located outside the system unit and connected to the system unit via
a wired or wireless connection), There are hardware devices associated with each of the five
computer operations previously discussed (input, processing, output, storage, and communication)

- Keyboard - CPU
- Mouse - GPU
- Microphone STORAGE
- Scanner - Hard Drive
- Digital Camera - CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc
- Digital Pen/stylus - CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive
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- Touch pad/touch screen - Flash memory card

- Gaming controller - Flash memory card reader
- Fingerprint reader - USB flash drive
- Monitor/display screen - Modem
- Printer - Network adapter
- Speakers - router
- Headphones/headsets
- Data projector

Input Devices- is any piece of equipment that is used to input data into the computer.
Processing Devices- the main processing device for a computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), as well as
additional processors such as the graphics processing unit (GPU).
Output Devices- accepts processed data from the computer and presents the results to the user, most of the
time on the display screen (monitor), on paper (via a printer), or through a speaker.
Storage Devices- are used to store data on or access data from storage media
Communications Devices- allow users to communicate electronically with others and to access remote
information via the Internet or a home, school, or company computer network.

Asynchronous Activity No. 2

Identify the following peripheral hardwares. Write I- for input, O- for output, S for Storage

1. Microphone
2. Game controller
3. LCD monitors
4. Web cam
5. Ink jet printer
6. plotters
7. Scanner
8. Touch screen
9. Mouse
10. Keyboard
11. Bar code reader
12. speakers
13. Biometric device
14. Pen based system
15. headphones
16. Digital camera
17. Dance pads
18. Airbuds/airphones
19. Data projector
20. Hard disk
21. External drives
22. Mobile printer
23. Flash drives
24. Fingerprint reader
25. Memory cards

-Refers to the programs or instructions used to tell the computer hardware what to do
- software is traditionally purchased on a CD or DVD or is downloaded from the Internet.

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-software can also be run directly from the Internet (via Web pages) without being installed on your
computer; this is referred to as cloud software, Web-based software, Software as a Service (SaaS), and cloud
-computers use two basic types of software; system software and application software.

System Software
The main system software is the operating system, which starts up the computer and controls its

Application Software
Programs designed to allow people to perform specific tasks using a computer, such as creating letters,
preparing budgets, managing inventory and customer databases, palying games, watching videos, listening to
music, scheduling appointments, editing digital photographs, designing homes, viewing web pages and
exchanging e-mail


A computer system includes people
Computer users are the people who use computers to perform tasks or obtain information (e.g an
accountant electronically preparing a client’s taxes, a parent e-mailing his or her child’s teacher
Computer professionals include programmers who write programs that computers use or systems analysts
who design computer systems to be used within their companies.

Categories of Computers (based on size, capability, and price)

1. Personal Computers. A personal computer is a computer that can perform all of its input, processing,
output, and storage activities by itself. A personal computer contains a processor, memory, and one or
more input, output, and storage devices. Personal computers also often contain a communications

Two types of personal computers are desktop computers and portable computers.

1.Desktop computer- is designed so that the system unit, input devices, output devices and any other
devices fit entirely on or under a desk or table.
2. Portable computers- are small personal computers designed to be carried around easily

Examples of Portable Computers

2.1. Notebook computer- also called a laptop computer, is a portable, personal computer often
designed to fit on your lap.
2.2.Netbook-a type of notebook computer that is smaller, lighter, and often not as powerful as
a traditional notebook computer and are designed primarily for accessing Internet-based
applications and resources. If run by the Chrome operating system are often referred to as
2.3.Tablet PCs. Is a special type of notebook computer that allows you to write or draw on the
screen using a digital pen/stylus or touch input.

2. Mobile Devices.

A Mobile device is a computing device small enough to hold in your hand. It usually store
programs and data permanently on memory inside the system unit or on small storage media such as
memory cards.
Examples of Mobile Devices
1. Smart phones. Is an internet enabled phone that usually provides personal information
management functions such as a calendar, an appointment book, an address book, a calculator
and a notepad. In addition to basic phone capabilities, a smart phone allows you to send and
receive e-mail messages and access the web
2. PDAs. Provides personal management functions such as calendar, an appointment book, an
address book, a calculator and a notepad. Most PDAs also offer a variety of other application
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software such as word processing, spreadsheet, and games. A common input device for a PDA
is a stylus.
3. Portable Media Players. A mobile device in which you can store, organize, and play digital
media. For example you can listen to a music, watch videos, movies and television shows.
4. Digital Cameras. Is a device that allows users to take pictures and store the photographed
images digitally, instead of the traditional film.
3. Servers. A server controls access to the hardware, software, and other resources on a network and
provides a centralized storage area for programs, data, and information. Servers support from two to
several thousand connected computers at the same time.
4. Mainframes. Is a large, expensive, powerful computer that can hundreds or thousands of connected
users simultaneously.
Major corporations use mainframes for business activities, enterprises are able to bill
millions of customers, prepare payroll for thousands of employees, and manage thousands
of items in inventory.
5. Supercomputer. The fastest, most powerful computer—and the most expensive. Applications requiring
complex, sophisticated mathematical calculations use supercomputers. Large scale simulations and
applications in medicine, aerospace, automotive design, online banking, weather forecasting, petroleum
6. Embedded Computers. It is a special purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger
product. A variety of everyday products contain embedded computers.
Ex. Consumer electronics, home automation devices, automobiles


A computer network is a collection of computers and other devices that are connected in order to
enable users to share hardware, software, and data, as well as to communicate electronically with each other.

What Are the Internet and the World Wide Web?

The Internet is the largest and most well-known computer network in the world. It is technically a
network of networks because it consists of a vast collection of networks that can all access each other via the
main backbone infrastructure of the Internet.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)—a company that provides Internet access,usually for a fee (which include
conventional and mobile telephone companies like AT & T, Verizon, and sprint; cable providers like Comcast and
Time Warner) function as gateways or onramps to the Internet, providing Internet access to their subscribers.

World Wide Web (often just called the Web) refers to one resource – an enormous collection of documents
called Web pages—available through the Internet.
Web pages typically contain hyperlinks—text or images that are clicked to display other Web pages or
Web resources. A group of Web pages belonging to one individual or company is called a Web site.
Web pages are stored on computers (called Web servers) that are continually connected to the Internet;
they can be accessed at any time by anyone with a computer or other Web enabled device and an Internet

Web pages are viewed using a Web browser, such as Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera ,
or Firefox. Web browser is a program used to view Web pages.
To request a Web page or other resource located on the Internet, its Internet address—a unique
numeric or text-based address- is used. The most common types of internet addresses are IP addresses and
domain names(to identify computers), URLs (to identify Web pages), and e-mail addresses (to identify people)

IP Addresses and Domain Names

IP Addresses and their corresponding domain names are used to identify computers and other devices
available through the Internet, IP( short for Internet Protocol) addresses are numeric, such as
and are commonly used by computers and other devices to refer to other computers or devices.

Sample top-level domains (TLDs)


.com Commercial businesses

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.edu Educational institutions

.gov Government organizations
.int International treaty organizations
.mil Military organizations
.net Network providers and ISPs
.org Noncommercial organizations
.aero Aviation industry
.biz Entrepreneurs and growing businesses
.expert Individuals branding themselves as an expert
.fr French businesses
.info Resource sites
.jobs Employment sites
.name Individuals (personal branding)
.nyc New York City businesses
.us United States businesses


Uniform Resource Locator (URL) uniquely identifies a specific Web page (including the protocol or standard
being used to display the Web page, the Web server hosting the Web page, the name of any folders on the Web
server in which the Web page file is stored and the Web page’s filename, if needed).

The most common Web page protocols are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http://) for regular web pages or
Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (https://) for secure Web pages that can be used to transmit sensitive
information, such as credit card numbers, safely. File Transfer Protocol (ftp://) is sometimes used to upload and
download files. The file extension used in the Web page filename indicate the type of Web page that will be
displayed (such as .html and .htm for standard Web pages.

E-Mail Addresses
To contact people using the Internet, you often use their e—mail addresses. An e-mail address consists
of a username (an identifying name), followed by the @symbol, followed by a domain name for the computer
that will be handling that person’s e-mail (called a mail server).

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