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Neurogastroenterol Motil (2005) 17 (Suppl.

1), 13–21

The lower oesophageal sphincter


Division of Gastroenterology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Abstract The lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) is a

specialized segment of the circular muscle layer of the
distal oesophagus, accounting for approximately 90% The junction between the oesophagus and the stomach
of the basal pressure at the oesophago-gastric junc- is a specialized region, composed of the lower oeso-
tion. Together with the crural diaphragm, it functions phageal sphincter (LOS) and its adjacent anatomic
as an antireflux barrier protecting the oesophagus structures, the gastric sling and the crural diaphragm.1
from the caustic gastric content. During swallowing Together these structures function to prevent reflux of
or belching, the LOS muscle must relax briefly in gastric contents across the oesophago-gastric junction
order to allow passage of food or intragastric air. (OGJ) into the oesophagus while at the same time the
These swallow-induced and prolonged transient lower passage of ingested food into the stomach must be
oesophageal sphincter relaxations (TLOSRs) respect- guaranteed. Somewhat related to the latter, the LOS
ively result from activation of the inhibitory motor high-pressure zone should also allow retrograde pas-
innervation of the sphincter. Both in man and ani- sage of gastric contents into the oesophagus during
mals, the main neurotransmitter released by the belching or vomiting. This complicated task is
inhibitory neurones is nitric oxide.The two typical achieved by a high-pressure zone, which keeps the
examples of dysfunction of the LOS are achalasia and junction between the oesophagus and the stomach
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Achalasia continuously closed, but which is still able to relax
is characterized by reduction or even absence of the briefly via input from inhibitory neurones to permit
inhibitory innervation to the LOS, leading to passage through the sphincter. This manuscript will
impaired LOS relaxation with dysphagia and stasis of mainly focus on the LOS, however, it is important to
food in the oesophagus. On the contrary, GORD stress that in particular the crural diaphragm also plays
results from failure of the antireflux barrier, with a crucial role in the physiology and pathophysiology of
increased exposure of the oesophagus to gastric acid. the OGJ.
This leads to symptoms such as heartburn and
regurgitation, and in more severe cases to oesophagi-
tis, Barrett’s oesophagus and even carcinoma. To date,
TLOSRs are recognized as the main underlying The LOS is a specialized thickened region of the
mechanism, and may represent an important target circular muscle layer of the distal oesophagus, in
for treatment. More insight in the pathogenesis of humans extending over an axial distance of 2–3 cm.
both diseases will undoubtedly lead to new treat- Sensory information from the LOS to the brain is
ments in the near future. conveyed by both spinal and vagal sensory afferents.2,3
The spinal afferents have their cell bodies in the dorsal
Keywords gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, lower
root ganglia at T1 to L3,4 and are believed to detect
oesophageal sphincter, transient lower oesophageal
mainly nociceptive stimuli. The vagal afferents with
sphincter relaxation.
their cell bodies in the nodose ganglia transmit non-
painful sensory information to the brain stem where
the central terminations synapse in the nucleus tractus
solitarius. The neurones of this nucleus tractus solita-
Address of correspondence rius are closely connected with the dorsal motor
G. E. Boeckxstaens, Division of Gastroenterology, Academic nucleus of the vagal nerve. The latter provides the
Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The
motor innervation to the LOS and contains the efferent
Tel.: +31 20 566 3632; Fax: +31 20 691 7033; neurones that can either increase or decrease LOS tone
e-mail: g.e.boeckxstaens@amc.uva.nl by stimulation of inhibitory or excitatory motor

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G. E. Boeckxstaens Neurogastroenterology and Motility

neurones in the myenteric plexus of the LOS. The The basal resting tone most likely results from the
rostral neurones in the dorsal motor nucleus of the relatively depolarized resting membrane potential of
vagal nerve preferentially innervate the excitatory the smooth muscle cells compared with the adjacent
myenteric neurones whereas the neurones in the caudal tissue.7 In the opossum LOS, the depolarized resting
regions innervate inhibitory motor neurones.5,6 The membrane potential contributes to the spontaneous
excitatory myenteric neurones in the LOS are choliner- release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmatic reticulum
gic in nature and act to stimulate muscarinic receptors activating Ca2+-activated Cl) currents that in turn lead
on the smooth muscle.7 Inhibitory motor neurones to to continuous spike-like action potentials and the
the LOS are abundant and receive powerful cholinergic generation of basal tone.24 Other studies suggest
nicotinic inputs from the vagal efferents.7 Although regional electrophysiological differences in ion-chan-
the vagal nerve innervates both inhibitory and excita- nel diversity as underlying mechanism.25 In addition to
tory myenteric motor neurones, vagal stimulation in the myogenic properties of the LOS, neurogenic mech-
experimental protocols generally results in LOS anisms can contribute as well.
relaxation.8–10 In some species however, a complex As reflux mainly occurs when LOS pressure is below
motor response consisting of three phases (a brief 5 mmHg, basal LOS pressure should be sufficient to
relaxation followed by a brief contraction and a pro- protect against the pressure gradient between the
longed relaxation) has been reported in response to stomach and the oesophagus.26 However, with increas-
vagal nerve stimulation.11,12 On the contrary, splanch- ing abdominal pressure, such as during inspiration and
nic nerve stimulation relaxes the LOS by activation of straining an additional compensatory mechanism is
adrenergic neurones probably via nicotinic and non- required. This function is fulfilled by the crural
nicotinic mechanisms of neural transmission, which in diaphragm or the ÔexternalÕ component of the oesoph-
turn elicit b-adrenergic inhibitory effects on the LOS.11 ago-gastric sphincter which encloses the proximal
The inhibitory myenteric neurones innervating the 2 cm of the LOS and contracts during each inspira-
LOS are nitrergic in nature. Both in vitro and in vivo tion.27–29 The crural diaphragm will not only prevent
studies in many different species have shown that LOS ÔstressÕ reflux, but also reflux during periods of absent
relaxation to electrical field stimulation (EFS), vagal LOS pressure. Elegant studies show that even in the
nerve stimulation or swallowing are blocked by inhib- absence of basal LOS pressure, manoeuvres that
itors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) or the NO/cGMP increase abdominal pressure fail to induce gastro-
pathway.9,10,13–15 However, other neurotransmitters oesophageal reflux.27,30 Moreover, additional studies
including ATP, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and showed that reflux mainly occurs when the crural
carbon monoxide may be involved. For example, in the diaphragm is inhibited during LOS relaxation, illustra-
opossum, EFS induces a biphasic relaxation with a ting the importance of the crural diaphragm.31
rapid initial and a slower sustained relaxation. The first Together, the internal and external components of
phase is clearly nitrergic, however the second one is the sphincter complex generate the typical pressure
mediated by an as yet unidentified neurotransmitter. profile at the OGJ. When the two sphincters are
Although VIP has been suggested as inhibitory neuro- separated however, as in patients with a hiatal hernia,
transmitter in the LOS, VIP antagonists or VIP anti- the pressure profile changes significantly into two
serum did not antagonize the second phase of the separated low-pressure zones.32 These findings further
relaxation,16,17 suggesting that other mediators are imply that the smooth muscle and the crural-striated
released. Not only in animals, but also in humans muscle components strengthen each other and func-
evidence has been reported illustrating the importance tion as a well coordinated and efficient sphincter
of NO in the LOS.18–21 region, a condition very similar to the sphincter
complex at the anorectum.


The LOS is a specialized part of the circular smooth
muscle of the distal oesophagus, with a length of
approximately 4 cm. In healthy volunteers, this part One of the main functions of the LOS is to create a
of the sphincter complex generates a tonic pressure of high-pressure zone to protect the oesophagus against
15–30 mmHg above the intragastric pressure,22 reflux from caustic gastric contents. However, the LOS
strongly varying during the day,23 and accounting for withdraws from this function temporarily and relaxes
approximately 90% of the basal pressure at the OGJ. during swallowing and belching in order to allow

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Volume 17, Supplement 1, June 2005 Lower oesophageal sphincter

passage of ingested food or intragastric content (mainly distension of the stomach, in particular the subcardiac
air) in appropriate directions. region. These vagal afferents synapse in the nucleus of
Swallow-induced relaxation is part of primary peri- the solitary tract to activate motor neurones in the
stalsis, a complex reflex generated by the swallowing dorsal motor nucleus of the vagal nerves relaxing the
program generator in the swallowing centre in the LOS. Interestingly, the crural diaphragm is also inhib-
brain stem.33 It involves activation of sensory afferents ited during TLOSRs. This observation has led to the
in the pharyngeal area (superior laryngeal nerve, glos- assumption that TLOSRs are mediated by a pattern
sopharyngeal nerves) connected to the neurones of the generator in the brain stem not only sending projec-
swallowing centre. These neurones also receive input tions to the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve, but also
from other areas of the central nervous system, partic- to the nucleus of the phrenic nerve located in the
ularly from the cerebral cortex and regional afferents cervical spinal cord1 (Fig. 2). However, no immunoh-
from the pharyngo-oesophageal tube.2,3 Although the istochemical studies are yet available providing ana-
brain stem neurones that constitute the swallowing tomical evidence for this pathway.
centre are not well understood, they are most likely
located in the nucleus of the solitary tract and the
adjoining reticular formation.3 Stimulation of the
superior laryngeal nerve at high frequencies elicits In the following paragraphs, two typical examples of
either a full swallowing response and lower frequency dysfunction of the LOS will be described. Achalasia is
stimulation results in isolated small LOS relaxation.34 chosen as example of impaired relaxation of the LOS,
In addition to swallowing, the LOS relaxes also as part whereas gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is
of secondary peristalsis. The pathways and brain selected to illustrate the consequences of an impaired
centres involved are described in more detail else- antireflux capacity of the oesophago-gastric region.
Electrical stimulation of afferent vagal fibres (ventral
branch of the subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve) arising
from the stomach rather induces isolated, i.e. in the As described above, the LOS pressure decreases upon
absence of peristalsis, frequency-dependent relaxation swallowing in order to allow passage of the ingested
of the LOS.35 Most likely, this neural pathway is food to the stomach. In patients with achalasia how-
involved in the generation of the so-called transient ever, manometry typically shows an incomplete relax-
lower oesophageal relaxations (TLOSRs). These are ation of the LOS upon deglutition39,40 (Fig. 3A). In
prolonged relaxations of the LOS in the absence of addition, oesophageal peristalsis is absent and resting
swallowing, believed to underlie belching and to tone of the LOS will often be elevated. The net result of
constitute the main mechanism during which gastro- these motor abnormalities is that saliva and food will
oesophageal reflux occurs36,37 (Fig. 1). Mainly from be retained in the oesophagus leading to the typical
animal studies, it is believed that TLOSRs are medi- symptoms of achalasia: dysphagia for both solids and
ated by a vagovagal reflex pathway as they are liquids, regurgitation of undigested food, respiratory
abolished by vagal cooling.38 The TLOSRs are triggered complications (nocturnal cough and aspiration), chest
by activation of gastric vagal afferents resulting from pain and weight loss.41 In clinical practice, the

pH 4

Pharynx 0


Oesoph. 0

Figure 1 Manometric tracing showing a
typical example of a transient lower
oesophageal sphincter relaxation TLOSR Swallow
Stomach 0
(TLOSR) accompanied by a reflux epi-
sode and a swallow-induced relaxation. 30 s 25 mmHg

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G. E. Boeckxstaens Neurogastroenterology and Motility

not elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract remains

unclear. Detailed examination of resection specimens
shows infiltration of myenteric ganglia with CD3-/
CD8-positive lymphocytes expressing activation mark-
ers.45,46 In addition, immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibod-
ies and evidence of complement activation was shown
Efferent Vagal within myenteric ganglia.47 Finally, antibodies against
Pattern myenteric neurones have been repeatedly shown in
limb nerve
generator serum of achalasia patients,48,49 especially in patients
Afferent with a specific human leucocyte antigen (HLA) geno-
Phrenic nerve
limb type, namely those carrying the DQA1*0103 and
DQB1*0603 alleles.50 These findings all point towards
an autoimmune origin of the myenteric ganglionitis.
The exact stimulus initiating this autoimmune
response or the antigen targeted remain, however to
be identified. Some studies suggest a previous viral
infection as possible trigger, however others fail to
confirm this.47,51–53 Other investigators have also
Figure 2 Schematic representation of the neural pathway demonstrated antineuronal antibodies in serum from
involved in the triggering of transient lower oesophageal GORD patients, suggesting that the antineuronal
sphincter relaxations (TLOSRs).
antibodies are generated in response to tissue damage
and thus rather represent an epiphenomenon and not a
diagnosis is made preferably by manometry, after causative factor.49
exclusion of organic causes of dysphagia. Endoscopy The loss of the nitrergic neurones results in the
is diagnostic in about one-third and radiology in about absence of relaxation of the LOS in response to various
two-third of the patients; diagnostic certainty is stimuli both in vitro and in vivo. Muscle strips taken
provided by manometry in over 90% of cases.42 from the LOS of patients with achalasia fail to relax in
Although achalasia is the best characterized oeso- response to EFS54,55 (Fig. 3B). In addition, infusion of
phageal motor disorder, its pathogenesis is still incom- cholecystokinin, known to relax the LOS in healthy
pletely elucidated.43 Histological examination reveals volunteers, contracts the LOS in patients with achal-
a significant decrease in the number of myenteric asia56 and LOS relaxation to oesophageal distension is
neurones, especially inhibitory NO releasing neurones reduced.57 Finally, gastric distension fails to induce
in the distal oesophagus and at the level of the LOS.44 TLOSRs in achalasics,58 further illustrating the
Why exactly these neurones disappear at this level and absence of inhibitory innervation to the LOS.



Figure 3 (A) Manometric tracing of

swallow-induced peristalsis and lower
oesophageal sphincter (LOS) relaxation
in a healthy control subject. Note the
absence of peristalsis and LOS relaxation
2 10 20 40 in a tracing obtained from a patient with
Hz 3.10–7 10–6 M
achalasia. (B) Representative tracings
Achalasia from muscle strips of the LOS of a con-
EFS NO trol subject and a patient with achalasia.
In control tissue, electrical field stimu-
Control Achalasia lation (EFS) results in frequency-
dependent relaxations, mimicked by ni-
2 10 20 3.10–7 M
Hz tric oxide (NO). In contrast, EFS-induced
relaxation is significantly impaired in
achalasia, whereas the response to NO is
similar to that in control tissue.

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Volume 17, Supplement 1, June 2005 Lower oesophageal sphincter

Treatment of achalasia is aimed at improving bolus components such as acid, pepsin and bile. Especially
transport across the LOS. As the damage to the with increasing acid and/or bile reflux, GORD can be
neurones is irreversible, the only therapeutic option complicated by oesophageal intestinal metaplasia
is reduction of LOS pressure to decrease the resistance (Barrett’s oesophagus), dysplasia and ultimately oeso-
to flow at the OGJ. At present, treatment options in phageal carcinoma. It was commonly believed that a
achalasia are pharmacotherapy, pneumatic dilation, defective LOS pressure was the main mechanism
surgery or injection of botulinum toxin.59–64 Although underlying reflux in GORD patients. However, especi-
several studies have reported some degrees of success ally in patients with non-erosive GORD, LOS pres-
using calcium-channel blockers or nitrates, these types sures are in the normal range.67 It was not until 1982
of treatment are only useful in less severe types of that Dodds et al. unravelled this discrepancy and
achalasia. They are associated with cardiovascular showed that the majority (65%) of GORD patients
side-effects and they are generally less efficacious. have reflux episodes during a TLOSR.26 As mentioned
Pneumatic dilation aims at disruption of the LOS by above, a TLOSR is a vagovagal reflex-mediated motor
forceful dilatation using an air-filled balloon. Follow- pattern generated in the brain stem and triggered by
up studies have indicated that the best predictor for a distension of the stomach with free air, inflation of an
long-term remission is a residual sphincter pressure intragastric balloon, or ingestion of a meal.37 Most
below 10 mmHg.65 Pneumatic dilation yields good to likely, stretch receptors rather than tension receptors
excellent results in 70–80% of patients, especially in in the subcardiac region mediate this response to
patients over 45 years old, in patients with a longer distension.68,69
standing history (>5 years of symptoms) and in patients As TLOSRs account for the majority of reflux
with a slightly dilated oesophagus. An alternative to episodes, one would assume that GORD patients have
pneumatic dilation is per-endoscopic injection of bot- more TLOSRs. However, studies have reported con-
ulinum toxin in the LOS, an easy and patient-friendly flicting results with both increased and normal
procedure.64 The mechanism of action consists of a TLOSRs rates in GORD patients.70 A more consistent
temporarily blockade of release of acetylcholine from finding is that the probability of reflux during TLOSRs
excitatory motor neurones at the level of the LOS. is doubled in patients with GORD.70 In addition,
Although the initial rate of symptomatic benefit may studies using intraluminal impedance have character-
be comparable with that of pneumatic dilations, the ized the patterns of gas and liquid reflux during a
effect wears off quickly in many patients,63 making TLOSR71 and provided evidence that the air-liquid
this treatment less attractive. Surgical myotomy, now composition of the refluxate differs between patients
performed via a laparoscopic approach, is increasingly with GORD and controls.72,73 Why patients have an
performed and has become the treatment of choice in increased percentage of TLOSRs accompanied by reflux
many centres. Via laparoscopic route, a myotomy or which factors actually determine the composition of
combined with an antireflux procedure is applied the refluxate remain however, unclear. Possibly, a
leading to reported success rates of 80–90%.62 Whether difference in compliance of the OGJ,74 differences in
this rather new approach is superior to pneumatic the meal distribution or the localization of the acid
dilation is still unclear and needs further study. pocket on top of the meal75 may be involved.
Unfortunately, none of these therapies corrects the Another important factor leading to incompetence of
underlying abnormality. Recent studies in mice how- the antireflux barrier is the presence of a hiatal
ever, suggest that transplantation of neuronal stem hernia.76 This anatomic abnormality may promote
cells may be a therapeutical option. Indeed, neuronal reflux via several mechanisms.1 Acid may be trapped in
stem cells injected in the pylorus survived and even the hiatal sac ready to reflux when the LOS relaxes
expressed NO synthase.66 The advantage of such a after swallowing or when the LOS pressure is low.77 In
technique would be that not only sphincter function addition, in the presence of a larger hiatal hernia, the
will be restored, but perhaps even peristalsis. Clearly, a two components of the sphincter complex, namely the
lot of research remains to be done further exploring LOS and crural diaphragm are disrupted leading to a
this approach. significant change in pressure profile and reduced basal
Based on the knowledge that TLOSRs are an import-
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
ant mechanism underlying GOR, it is now considered
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is one of the most an important target to treat GORD. The first evidence
common gastrointestinal disorders resulting from that pharmacological blockade of TLOSRs is indeed
abundant exposure of the oesophagus to gastric feasible and results in reduction of reflux episodes was

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G. E. Boeckxstaens Neurogastroenterology and Motility

reported in 1995.78 By now, several pharmacological relaxation is achieved by activation of the inhibitory
agents, such as cholecystokinin A antagonists,79 mor- motor innervation of the sphincter. These inhibitory
phine,80 glutamate antagonists,81 cannabinoids82 and neurones receive a prominent vagal input and mediate
NOS inhibitors21 have been shown to reduce the the swallow-induced and the prolonged TLOSR. In the
triggering of TLOSRs. So far, these drugs have not past decades, insight into the physiology and patho-
reached clinical development mainly due to their physiology of the LOS has led to a better understanding
undesirable pharmacological profile and/or side-effects. of diseases such as achalasia and GORD, and will
Recently, baclofen, a c-aminobutyric acid (GABAB) undoubtedly lead to new treatments in the near future.
receptor agonist clinically used in the management of
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