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Seatwork 1

The Bauhaus movement and Modernism

Author/s: Neil Andre M. Borgador
Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines

The Bauhaus movement aims to design anything by unifying individual artistic vision. The materials used
and objects created should follow the principles of mass production to meet the needs of society. Walter
Gropius and Ludwig Mies Van der Roche were the founders. They emphasize the importance of form to the
function of a structure and encourage architects to neglect ornamentations for the design.

1.1 The Bauhaus movement in architecture

In architecture, the movement's principle is to consider the structure as the only ornamentation. Therefore,
the focus of the design centered on the primitive and vernacular forms of architecture such that there should
be no distinction between the form and the function of the building. For an architect to create harmony
between the function of the building and its design, He must go through the education system influenced by
the Bauhaus movement. An architecture student should dive into the areas of Vorkurs, the primitive
understanding and personal experience of architecture. Formlehre, students learn the design process and
principles of architecture. Worklehre, students or architects apply, practice, and exercise their education
through prototypes or built structures(zeitgeist).

1.2 The Bauhaus education method to modernism

The Bauhaus movement is an inspiration of medernism. The methods from the Bauhaus education were the
pattern for an architect's design philosophy. Architect applies the empirical method to know the relationship
between the building and people or determine the function of the building. In designing a building, the
method of simplicity and mechanization is exercised. An architect should use Computer-aided programs to
create a design that emphasizes simplicity in the building's function. The design philosophy of an architect
must center on the characteristics of functionalism and minimalism. The construction of the building makes
use of new and innovative technologies. The utilization and experimentation of new materials and
techniques in a building showcase the individual artistic vision of an architect.

In conclusion, The architect must adapt to the principles of functionalism and laws of physics to create his
own style. He must depend on the concept and method of the bauhaus movement in the design process of
the building. Through empirical, simplicity, and mechanization method, he can design the form that follows
the function of the building without breaking the principles of functionalism and the laws of physics. To
show his individual artistic expression or have an identity, architect should experiment and use creative
materials and techniques in designing the building. Clients would appreciate more the work of an architect
if the building he has built serves the funtion to people, structurally sustainable, and uniqueness of design.

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