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16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 0-5 points SCORE
Lyrics The lyrics are extremely The lyrics are catchy, The lyrics are somewhat Lyrics are not catchy, and
catchy, promote the GS promote the GS but do catchy but do no do not promote the GS.
and flow well with the not fit the rhythm. promote the GS.

Melody Contains three or more Contains two qualities Contains one quality of Lacks the qualities of an
qualities of an effective of an effective jingle: an effective jingle: short, effective jingle: short,
jingle: short, catchy, short, catchy, simple or catchy, simple or catchy, simple or
simple or repetitive. repetitive. repetitive. repetitive.
Presentation Excellent creativity; very Some creativity; most Little creativity; a few Lacks creativity; not very
well thought out. parts appeared to have parts appeared to have thought out.
been thought out. been thought out.
Originality Exceptional use of new Good use of new ideas Average use of new ideas No use of new ideas and
ideas and originality to and originality to create and originality to create originality to create jingle.
create jingle. jingle. jingle.
Music Music is original and Music is original and Music is original and Music is not original.
blends extremely well blends well with lyrics blends somewhat with
with lyrics and melody. and melody. lyrics and melody.
Overall Extremely cohesive; all Cohesive; all parts Somewhat cohesive; Lacks cohesion; parts do
Effectiveness parts interrelate very interrelate well. parts interrelate not interrelate.
well. somewhat.

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