Lesson Observation Template

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Template for Debriefing about Lesson


Name of the observer:

Name of the school:


Time :



Name of the teacher:


Instructional strategy used:

Tech tools used:

Major Observations:

1. Briefly mention the flow of the lesson.

2. Mention the small wins (what worked).
3. Mention what did not work (If that is the case) and your understanding
about the reasons.

Consider the following guiding questions for writing your comments:

● How do you think the implementation of the lesson went? Why?
● What impact on students do you think the strategy had?
● What did you notice as the teacher implemented the strategy?
● What adjustments did the teacher make?
● Did the teacher face any challenges during this class?
● What do you think the teacher might change about this strategy?
● What do you think should be a next step from this lesson strategy?

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