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Following lead pointers may help you to present your experiences in debriefing sessions:

Lesson observations
Kindly give brief description about:

● How many lessons have you observed?

● State if possible - date, name of the pre-service teacher, grade, subject, topic;
● Your overall impression about the lesson

What worked well in the lesson?

● Formative and summative assessments of student work

● Varying levels of questioning based on Bloom’s Taxonomy
● Oral and written responses of the students
● Active student engagement
● Critical thinking among the students
● Arranging group / collaborative learning
● Individual student expressions
● Examples of exemplary student work and use of technology.

What were the moments of failure?

Your takeaways from lesson observations ;

Your disappointments if any;

Your suggestions for making teaching practice more meaningful.


About your mentee

● If you know her background:
● Her previous student-teaching experiences;
● Her opinion about her teacher preparation;
● Her reason for being a teacher;
● About the school she was having teaching practice;
● Her teaching strengths
● Her teaching weaknesses;
● Her ideas about addressing these concerns;
● About her first draft of lesson plan and your input in it; For example:
○ lesson objectives;
○ teaching strategy
○ assessment plan;
○ activities and resources;
○ plan to help any special need child if any;
○ her uncertainties about any part of the lesson.
● Result of your collaborative planning;

Your post-lesson comments

● How did the lesson go?
● What did you notice about students’ engagement, interactions;
● How did what occurred compare to what you had intended?
● Were there any surprises related to your teaching decisions? Related to student
○ (If applicable) What was the effect of the shift from what you had intended?
● What changes would you make next time in mentoring for lessons?
● Did your mentoring fulfill her expectations?
● Was this mentoring mutually helpful? In what way?

Overall about internship activity

● Did the learning architecture of teacher education context enable your mentoring?
● What constraints did you experience in the process of mentoring?
● Did this activity help you to take a professional stance?
● How could you position the pre-service teachers?
● What can you say about your interaction with teacher educators?
● What insight about teacher education did it help to develop?

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