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Layers of Unreality

By Josh Hittie

Ostrichmonkey Games


• The Backrooms creepypasta

• I’m Calling - Tennis
• Possibly in Michigan (1983)
• Liminal Horror: Voidcrawl Procedure
• The Stygian Library

Layers of Unreality is an independent production

by Ostrichmonkey Games and is not affiliated with
Goblin Archives LLC. It is published under the
Liminal Horror Third Party License.

Liminal Horror is copyright by Goblin Archives LLC.

The spaces between
Backgrounds 2
Zones 4
Depth 5
Exploring the Skein 7
Skein Fallout 10

Weaving the skein

Room Tables 12
Zone Tables 16
Depth Tables 22
Tangles 27
Creatures 31
The Spaces
The Skein exists between the spaces of reality
as an amorphous, fluid, warping, and twisting
plane of semi-existence. The Skein is an
uncanny funhouse mirror dimension formed
and shaped by strange hands. The Skein is a
parasitic reality, siphoning off energy and
thought from the shared dreamspace of
humanity. The Skein doesn’t exist at all, you
cannot find it. The Skein is all that exists with
the waking world merely a comforting dream.

The Skein welcomes you.

The Skein takes on the appearance of human-

made places. Boring and mundane locations
that have been twisted and warped into the
uncanny. All the hallmarks of being man-
made, yet subtly hostile to human existence.

You have stumbled into the endless rooms of

the Skein. Perhaps you were looking for
someone or something, maybe ending up here
was completely accidental. Whatever reason
you have for being here, you need to leave.
Leave before the Skein sinks its hooks into
you, reforming you into a new shape.

Using the SKEIN

Layers of Unreality can be used as a
standalone procedural adventure for a new
Liminal Horror campaign, or used as a
location-crawl for an existing Liminal Horror
game, with the PCs slipping into the Skein for
a brief time. You can also chop this all up into
pieces and sprinkle it throughout whatever
game, system, or adventure you can think of.

Layers of Unreality centers on the method of

generating the ever-expanding Skein, and the
procedures for exploring, and maybe even
escaping. It is suited for an emergent style of
gameplay. Allow the Skein to seed its ideas
into your game, and wait to see what
monstrous results begin to germinate.

Video Influencer: Subs have been
Backgrounds on a steady decline. You need
something fresh, something big!
The following Backgrounds can be This livestream will be your
used during character creation magnum opus. Assuming you can
following the rules laid out in The make it out in one piece.
• Take: selfie camera rig, mobile
Terminally Online: You’ve been an hotspot (tenuous connection),
enthusiast of dark and scary laptop
stories spread through the web for
years. You shouldn’t have opened Liminal Resonant: Something
that link. You shouldn’t have within the Skein touched you,
followed those strange directions. drawing out your latent psychic
You shouldn’t be here. powers. Once you set foot into the
spaces between, it was like waking
• Take: Panasonic RR-DR60 up from a long, hazy, dream.
recorder, backpack (+2 inventory),
tactical flashlight (d6) • Take: occult journal, dream
memento (+1 stability), 1 magic
Wrong Turn: It was supposed to be spell
just a quick trip, and you thought it
was weird when there was a new Desperate Seeker: You lost
doorway on your way out of your someone to the Skein but no one
apartment. You should have believed you. After years of
trusted your gut. searching, you’ve finally found your
first real lead.
• Take: house keys, cellphone (low
battery), grocery list • Take: handgun (d6), photo of
loved one, flare
Amateur Sleuth: Following up on a
set of suspicious missing persons Corridor Addict: The Skein nearly
cases led you down a rabbit hole took everything from you, but you
you never imagined possible. Torn escaped. Or did you? You kept
between finding closure and your thinking, dreaming, of this place. It
instincts screaming at you to turn refuses to let you go. But this time,
around, you soldier onward. you came prepared.

• Take: taser (d6), leather jacket (1 • Take: Armored Vest (+1 armor),
armor), charged power bank sawed off shotgun (d6 blast,
bulky), 1 Skein Fallout
Urbex Junkie: The old factory had
been long abandoned and far too Naive Piranesi: Like a moth to a
tempting to pass up. It was flame, you were pulled here by
practically untouched, just waiting unknown forces. Something within
for you to enter. the Skein wants you to find it, to
never leave, to play a part in
• Take: headlamp, EDC multitool, something greater.
climbing rope
• Take: Strange knife (d6), ball of
Mirror Twin: You are from red twine, broken pocket watch
somewhere else. A stranger trying (+1 stability)
to blend into a world you do not
belong in.

• Take: shears (d6, bloody), lighter,

odd mask

The SKEIN Uncanny
The Skein is the backstage of Spaces
reality. Liminal spaces given
ominous shape. They cling to
the underside of reality like The Rooms
parasitic barnacles,
occasionally burrowing their Rooms are the base units of the Skein.
way through, opening up They are individual spaces chained
trapdoors for the hapless or together to create the endless expanse
foolhardy to fall through. of the Skein. The deeper into the Skein
you go, the stranger and more
dangerous the Rooms become. Some
Unraveling The Rooms may appear to have a function
or purpose, but it is always obscured
knots behind a strange logic. This nearness to
the familiar amplifies the uncanniness
Entering the Skein on that suffuses the Skein.
purpose is rare, but not
impossible. There are arcane Rooms can be more than just
rituals of old and dangerous rectangles. They can contain internal
procedures that push the twists, turns, passages, corners, niches,
human mind to their limit, archways and more. The Skein takes
that can unlock access to Rooms, that which is superficially
the Skein. Sometimes the familiar and understandable, and twists
Skein may open itself up to it into something alien and haunting.
an individual, seeking them
out for some inscrutable, When entering a new Room, roll to 1d6
larger purpose. determine its type, 1d6 to determine
how many doors or passages are
present in the Room, and 1d6 to
determine what encounter is present.

D6 Entrances to the skein

Perform an ancient, bloody, arcane ritual. A sacrifice
1 is demanded.

Complete a strange and pointed puzzle-cube that

2 opens a doorway to the beyond.

Ingest tailor-made psychotropics, altering your

3 perception of reality.

Within a sensory deprivation tank, allow your mind

4 to open to new, strange ways to perceive reality.

Follow your nightmare deeper into dream right

5 before you wake up.

Become truly lost, grinding yourself far from home

6 and all that is familiar and known.

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