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Bone Dry Bushes

Adventure Hooks

d6 Hooks
1 The Cat Witch Kutili wants the secret to undeath and knows for
certain it lies in the plane.
2 The Tunnel Rats gang want a vial of Taipan venom to kill a human.
500 pips to whoever can get it.
3 The skink colonies want to do a coup and require a distraction to get
the snake outside the plane. Many rewards promised.
4 Wizard Festus needs bones and molt of skinks for a new spell, he will
owe you a huge favor if you do so.
5 A player/mice family member is dead. Could the Taipan snake save
6 One of the player/mice is plagued by dreams of a spider in a rock
beckoning them to the plane.

Random Treasure
d6 Treasure
1 Ember-encased flower ring (2 slots, 300 p)
2 Rusty nail (Light d6, Critical Damage: Frightened Condition)
3 Random spell.
4 Giant silvery wrist watch (4 slots, 500 p)
5 Skink skin armor (2 slots, Prevents critical damage once, breaks)
6 Spider trapped in a rock (3 slots, need to evaluated by a wizard)
Cat [Witch Kutili]
Warband scale
15 hp, STR 15, DEX 15, WIL 10, Armour 1
Attacks: d6 Swipe, d8 bite
Spells: Darkness, Grow, Be Understood (Innate)

3 hp, STR 12, DEX 8, WIL 8
Attacks: d6 cleaver
Names: Chewy, Chocamuck, Jaws, Pepper, Scabbers, Sriracha

4 hp, STR 12, DEX 11, WIL 6, Armour 1
Attacks: d6 bite. d8 spear
Critical Damage: Run Away
Names: Amaru, Enika, Kunta, Kinja, Mateh, Riwa

Undead Skink
2 hp, STR 11, DEX 9, WIL 6
Attacks, d6 bite/claw
1-in-3 chance to absorb attack damage, 1-in-2 chance to absorb attack
damage, physical/magical damage is superseded

Ghost Spider [Effigy/Effie]

6 hp, STR 8, DEX 15, WIL 10, Armour 1
Attacks: d6 poison bite (damages DEX instead of STR)
Critical damage: Carry away in web
Can only be damaged by magical or silver weapons

Snake, Taipan [Lord Spina]

12 hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 10, Armour 2
Attacks: d8 damage
Critical damage: Swallow whole, d4 STR damage per Round until rescued
or escape



1. The Outside
○ Red sands and gravel, dry prickly bushes and once in a while
sound of something slithering
○ Waiting: eventually will run into 1d3 Skinks (mein: cautious)
■ know about entrance 8
○ Investigation:
■ skink skin molt (1-in-3 chance can be used as armour)
■ Entrance 8
○ Telegraph: Other possible entrances
○ Connects TO 2, 7, 8
2. The Door
○ The door to the plane splayed open into a shadowing interior.
The red dust gathered hides the rust below
○ Entrance: WIL save or be surprised by 1d3 + 1 Undead Skink
○ Connects TO 3, 4, 5
3. Pilot Seat
○ Random Treasure trapped in the seat cushion
○ one brave skink trying to retrieve it (1-in-3 chance the skink
gets attacked by an Undead Skink)
4. Seat Panel ■
○ A shiny red cylinder lies supine with unreadable human
glyphs on top
○ Telegraph: it is a fire extinguisher unused,
■ atleast a powerful artefact,
■ what it is can do be deduced by 1 turn of studying, risk
drawing attention from creatures (1-2 Lord Spina, 3-4,
d4+1 Undead Skink)
5. Passenger/Co-pilot seat
○ A halo of light pours from above one this wyrd leather
surface and a weird holey ladder leading to a hole to the sky
○ Climb without gear: STR save to avoid CORRODING condition
or 1d6 damage, player-choice
6. Controls and Engine ■
○ A dark labyrinth of cables and metal tunnels beckon with
sound of something alive
○ 4-in-6 chance Lord Spina is there
■ Will converse with mice, if possible. Will send d4+1
skink to investigate otherwise
○ Entered: 1-in-3 chance get CORRODING condition
○ 1 random spell + 1 random treasure
7. Cable rope
○ Leads to 6
○ Climb: STR save [+] or fall and take d6 damage. Triggers WIL
save and draw attention
8. Wing panel hole
○ Leads to 5, see above
○ Chance:
■ 1, a skink being dragged away by undead skink
■ 2-3, 1d3 skink fight 1d4+1 undead skink
■ 4-6, random treasure, evidence of skirmish
9. Cargo ■
○ One imposter skink hiding amongst undead skink
■ Wants to rescue its kin’s remains
■ Knows about the ghost spider in 10
○ 1 random treasure + 2 skin molts
10. The Deep ■
○ 2-in-6 chance that Lord Spina is here if not encountered
○ Spider trapped in a rock forced to being back the dead
○ 2d4+2 undead skinks
○ Any creature dying here can be brought back as Undead
○ Effigy is helping Lord Spina but is losing hope, can be
convinced to betray Lord Spina but more likely will ask the
mice to defeat Lord Spina first

d6 Encounters
1 1d3 skinks hiding with a random spell
2 1d2 undead skinks patrolling
3 1d3+1 skink dragging a skink prisoner (unconcious)
4 1d3 + 2 rats, on their treasure hunting mission struggling to carry a
big treasure out
5 Effigy astrally projecting looking for allies
6 Lord Spina having trapped a skink in the ribs, playful

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