Chapter - 6

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Chaplee = 6 EMI ——— Etatstmagnette “Tnduetfon — “_Dioapene ft | Qevsted oe - a3 Cooment_ eaoay sng conductor pooduts ent Field. _ eT Smechstel_ egy te del | a = 4 cia bay changin eo es —_Andueed cust = Shang mnogaetie_ Pld | | Forad - °4 5a mpg a a \_ shag — a Weney am sa et fadhoe —2y t eNeKgy, The _phesoamencn. oe ee Curent 2 - Ba Baltery CScucer ) - # The ee “developed tn he conducts | emf :- Bo ee (sougee) ging magnetic Field | “Induced er? | Vor _peocra tb ym Is ealed by taduced . emt | Taduced Quomend t= The cuserend peeduced in the cfecular ihe = poe \oup of dhe Conduclos 4 peocss of EMT abated | Gusset Tn is tel Temday discos the eamenon—tl—eleelspmagnetic_induchany Gnduced [Magee Mux J — W) a = 3 _ a > > RE O20, es 0-3 iy) B= Gg? Gi) 8-180" ens 1802 = _—<$—<$<$ + a a Teen) i af | r of | _| 14 x — | yy Py | be «| | | Cc os oe | | 4 3) itt flys 8 Jef Pe | | He + 3 ql | Phar [acts | ra EI ag 2 TNE EET eas et | Hh |g ett ist loam Ma 4am | [>| fat 9s | is | Runt oem magnetic Pild exist ta The space 8 Qty Got -Bsk - Find the » Magnetic —_ fluy through qn onra S, LAR Ve ota Sis in 2 plane. ( Hf R- at “Rel “Bak =| | @. oo \ ane at BS th A — long “stlenotd of gadtw dom lengh { _, Amd cm. _Corvories __qg — Cunment_of 3 A> | Assuming ideal — svienold % “Pind the Flux thous! he a edulat, |The 4otal number — of —tunns_fs to subace — Prat cenbee on axis ok 4) _salennid ole Snadius zom and is wi pendicular to The axis of sdhenoid- 1 ity amside oo Khe tnd ob solenoid. The Wom OM WO em J. um 0 T= 3A __ oe em i = a = “95 mm) _ ‘ { 4 Coo: => inside, - -—— | a> | $y = BANS 8! = : 2 dont Ayr _ { 2 Ugo ys XT y¥ (Sy1972)* 2 oon x0 Ag x10 SOA ION ga Os Ane end b= Bacay = Joont Ax 2 = Sunn? yigt AGT 2 2 Ason? x79 __ ae | Famdays —lou_of eleckromagnetio nducttat > There ome tue lou's af -EMT_given by Fatday x | Tanaday's First low s- > [Whenever the amount ob magnehe. fur Vinkrd with o eteeutt— changes. An eme js fnduerd in She efroyth. Tat _ackual —Awibte_oh magnet elie Bitld lints_ Vrmough he eteeuth_ dow not _oracdkee jo fe velue at _indure dd ome « —_Tnduted tn ts delremin the sabe ot whieh {ne magnetic Mux _eneangeg Fovaday’s second Re 7 ~The magnitude of induerd em? tna | oteeult js__equal_ 4n_he_ sate of 4 canst & Magnetfe_ Flux Arnough- the J Geeutke a : /Malnematteally Fotaday ateon tou cen “| he expeua SOs _ | Induced eme a Rejt ck change 0k magnetic J — fluy _| gaaccioted — with each tunn ts same_! peso dte|— oe - _ dt _ a Negative sign _{Indfeates that _Yhe fnduced emf {nthe _lonp due to changing Mux — dlways — Opporses change . Ane __ Magnetic __— Flux Fa gest of dosty wound eafl ve DS honna_ ne change af Mux Yreeelose # Ye expmeszion Her of total Indeed ermF fg _gtuen by e= -Ndbg a i | OS —*9, The _magnthude of magnetic Field —changes_| —, With Mine Hime sooring magnetic Pirld”)_| Bee 8 — _ 12 TU) Cunncndd + ai) “The_cumownt_petducing the magnetic Field — | ean witht e Wme waning | Lay] The — once enclosed by The \oop. ean ehange dik Line _ Ww, Any —eommbination of the chove can eters — GJ A cof with on, eautrege diemedte oh 002m _ts_ Paced _penpendteutax te __g __ | a = ——Tnagnelte Meld of oT _, Te “the, —_|Andticed emt fs dyu. When the, magnetic Meld is changed det to — oso Tin Meee What t the no. ok — | Avouna ot eat. pase ee — — 8+ 0-02 =0-01 m 2. | em | || Ba = iow 4 _ LEN gee, WN ~ Oy- by oe > Raf - BAA a + (8e-B)A ~ -ndd 1 Taducted —Qoment “Adhen fhe magnetic. Flux Vert pasann I are a \nop ig changed and ind ord emt pesdueed and ~ hence induced Seument peoduced fn the efecutt = (ae R fs Nhe nwistance of 1 Whe cieeutt | — Sean —tnduced mé_{s_ghven by ts: rc | sl TP tnduerd — ewment- §s_pmoduetd ino _| _ oil potated An _uniform__magaeite | | Field _ Vr- Nanisstaut | - R [ ts = NABALY ! — R = —_ ke Magnetic fidd | Tos Peak value of ensment | joo NE Ny. of psn Sates Aelyeiny ol sncedion —_| M2 fren nk tense section —___ & : ‘Tindueed -thacge | Be ‘Ahen Uhr cunnent sharks Plowing fn Jokes -Pleee.- 7 He l Sktps ty Auside diceckton of -indused | Surment_ Vht tirevit . Plow of hag alSo _| Shp 1b Devine, 0. positive _dtseelfon for the - Arp L i Step 3.4 \ | Qnta_NVrehoes S$ - Geom dhe dinrekton of a The saagnetic Fisld 8, debeemine ne. Tt 4% is postive Moy As inewrasin indeed twotat ts negative . vice NS G . | sign of ee and the Mme seate ok enange cs Se 37 Qo oe) "alee 4 Finally Aeitsmine \he dfcectfon of ; i Undue Quoment using Your STi ght © Wand. Const youn. wh une ok sigh) : hand enound “Ss with your ot an ’ i Mm in the dineclfon of “S . Tf “the , _Anduced — cunnent Is postive , tr isin _ Ane Same Aeection — 05 uote hurled —, Finguats and 42 {hte —_negatine 4b _ — As = Ain the dpposiie—_dinection = yo Plax decntaaing — -—S- A coi consich of a6n Aung oF ster having a Antal —gitafslance of 2 a — Each “Aunn ig ig Squase ole gide 18 tm 1 and ‘anthem magnetic Feld _diseded —_ ' | a _pesptadiones Tt dhe — Lemme and. Field the Ay the plane of thei ad \d- changes Hine Vneant from — Bh Us T In O-RO sees S ——F What is the then Ma attitude of induced —— Cumnent in the coil while the Changs a ae eet? — A 324 x19 me __| _ a a oN oe dk yoo _ _§ Veo Oo —— ~ a ——— a eee 4 _ 7 oe _ 4 - ee ~ ~ ~ - ‘ a 4 ~ fo a q | oe tt “Me mangle. Flux “ fhorading a _-metel “using the inkeevol Frome te 0 bE" sof ming — Vertes with Aime OV acegsding to SO ba = Sab Sth? 3a? - bt?) Tm? Lutth 2 28°35 be &S™ . The smistancel of Ve ing is Zo.» Velecmine the maximum tssmens ‘induced in tha a by 3 ai3- Me. _ | a = ¥ Gee ont) = 2 i> 20% bb fot mer cumens Cid di_ =o dt [ dlgat2-2bt) = 0 dt lim = bat -%h =0 - ee . | aceed be het kD See - ; dmax = bx 2x2 - 2x4 - — = 24-12 ' ic Linpy Gh Doe - | tay 0-28 = -12 A wi) “he dike Re R_square love oF Side oom and | aesistanee 0-S_a. fs placed —weekte n Am Rag- wesk plane. A unites m magnetic Field 08 OAT fs sedeup wens he plane, fy most — east dicecion. — The magneric Fidld is deenease to DD In OFOBCe Tok _Conatant wale, What 8s the maqnthude ok Cwrmend tn Ais Mone Andesval ) | Side = doen = oem $= 0-90 cee | Aseg = 107 & me Re ose | AG. 0-10 T - - i B= Nst ed | me Add Baeso _ | _ =_ 0-10 x10°7 % COS Vg" - | = yo SB xi a a - 0 i = - lg _ - _ - _ _ Se _ ke dd tee : | dt Z Rw _ 21S x1 2 jo* x9 _ SA X07K : alzxos | = oh = 107 — a4. BsIe oe 2 1054. | _ _ _ a | = = | - _ avo H -=2mA 43. t col_of nea SF mz, Reo eT no ob Sunna avn held _pespendicular | Av 9 _unifoom — magnetic firkd ! ob | ONT Te eril_ tg now dunned to Wor An Hee see Lat fe 8) Brvtange emf __ti_ Atnage- Snduced cre L BOW) Lad ay ~ QD‘ OUASK Cosy’ ISD yh Bp NES cos 180" dy. -NRs = -UWW wb Change 0. Flux Ab: NaQs- (mes) a - = Yooe Lup) - = @D oh ~@ewer wewee" | Consider gest NO Sueaday's Expestment (Weary J i — | Lx preiment 4+ Lewoent Trduerd by magnet ) Pig. 6-1 gn. - 205 ) | Awend ot conducting — ragttricl fnaultaled® sow As. corttecled tp og — Sensitive gaivanomen Ga. —|Weenewex Vheee is _melative Feom one another and 7 ¥ motion bj coil and -Magnrk «the glaranomelry_ siting det icelion this _ meana that cumrent is Anduced fn the enil- - + Faraday seeond expentment 2 A cunnent Induced “by cungienk) Lig. 6.2 Pq no =206) __ Qs ae 7 1 To Soeaday_seeond erpeciment_, magnet ———} 15__aeplace™ by C2 which ‘is eonntedes tna ty « fl congkant eumment Flos — Sought “opil Co | ANhen a eo 4s brought towards coil — Sy y clugnotneter Shows deflection _ hy Sd ab... at fis induced tn — ——jentl et. a _ 4 Nat (Whenever Co ini er ts ‘Induced an Se ft _ | Faeadag's — Yoied Expeniment $= | Peg no: -206 Pig. 63 ‘ Tr fascday thied expeniment cil ¢2 fs conn ky 4 tate ae ‘spping 4 Ki. When a key _ porased The ga\wanometts deine. mvamneniy ” Arhleeian - Lhrn key Kis pressed _tontinuausly The galvanomelee_ “do, nat _chow any. “geflec — 8 1 onekene — Sain Bowe, defleekfon bukit . Spoasite " Maections — 7 Pik “The ease ae OE _Tnduerd_emf fs magnetic: “flux. | valntn —\he_ ig arrigeased Yne gene Lihak_is the couse of Induced emp 2 ord tan you change the _ magnetic thar 1 A esn_changg the magnetic Flux by | TL | “Magartie — Fick oe Aime | | Nontng “efanent _ - - “get - —____— oe _qrett | Lenz's Loa 2 = “And. Encagy Conseevettan Lena's low hole that _diseckion of any | magaelic__induction_ -siftet_ fs such aa, +e —_oppnce the cause of eee, ats Thig louis based on the law oF . _Sonsrnvation oF seeaiys— tL aI As Yhe induced eme_ _uppostas, dhe che. <7 i Whe Spposition _Okhened by emt _} suaent_] OF Flux _@ Work, haa ty be done against tn Hanging Ae Plax. _ ee | a Os, Ale his low dhe | polonity of induced. emf (Be Such hot YW produce, c Cuvaent which — epposesa the change 4 in { Magnetic Flux hich —geodueces it - _ : 4 | When he Magnet —_rgues tmsond the el 4 +S _porieulee” amount of cunment fs 1 peoduced fn the egg ——{ _f _ - 4 fo 7 N — gg Tt ——————— q _ Mettion Sepa ay a Sa, magnetic —t \ux th Soy ——— SN _pphst can Qoge-T — 4 When the magaes 4 fs moved touneds the cot, She polecctty, of coil becomes, dost and — the “induced — cunnens fg in antfelockwise Neeckon. Case — adhere the As moved — way Prom _ Me _—polastts of edt P becomes — ent ———} south and the’ Andiieed current fg in clockwise —_dteeetiad NWWeeTE the magaes ut be tn oat Ond the esl “fs {in mnotfon the | Ateeetitn sil be same. a > a - ee 7 Pent _ S= waits oo —_ tn Ss] mee - (s)- Rex - ON Ne Vv, <— — >, Cay Ins a \ St as - ee ere | ax {wos - a Nf ov — —\) —— Vo {ws) ‘ Ny >Vy hen noc}h_ pauls of -O magnet Ag | mourd __\prrards the cot, the front — foce of Yhe coil has roth — poleeitg Thus, work hos ty be done — wnst 8 Te magnet __tosen ty the coil Vhe___ force ot =e in aingig _ When nosh pole ofa m magaet “48 Vaken_ \ he pink Pace of the en%|_ hes. Ss soulh polarity —_ Thus» the uosk _| _| hos to he “Sone Against the fosee — of _ai¥sactton tn _moving— the Ne magne, Guay from Yre — enil. Tr the. magnet is nok moud no _| wosk hea to be done. Thur, the | mechanteal _aaosk. in moving the magneb| wth spect to the enil ad anges inte __elecketeal MOGY —_paeducing ~ induced cusoeat - Wenee day os - hokrs place. Me'chaniecl wok = eleeksteal entsyy __ | Cae) — — Rght - | , Fleming's be ban Qules- TR we ated» the thumb, — PoseFingune, Lond middle “tin wate at your Reg ht phand {n__Such “a _* nak they / ate mutuall waged ty cach other. Te te oan Vhumb gives the disechon | sive She Atineekion of magnetic Field — i 4 {ngune gtuea the _dtsechon of motion oP eonductoe and_ FosePingune &_| Molfonal__Eleekeometiue Pose 2 fawn day's —| a _ tt ¥ ¥Y le’ e E SY[EE F 2 _ _ yy a cal S 5 _ pe 7 Consides a unites — magaetie fidld 8 i confined to the sargion AReQ and | emagnelt | of Ake Gem of the eotl SS | nea _of the vai goede Ye_magnekiafi _pitd OL coll PGRS flak inside the fo PG =SR=Y OF “Yhe__ coils tnside the om qnekic Field = Leb 2 be the eg a Mme + ts Quen by Cae = ——— - == 4 AS = §RxSR — ——| an AS = SS oe ___| _| — Magnetic Pox aked with the eo in - , Aime 4 As given. by 4 tS oo - ® = Bas _ | b 2 Biy _ + =e | The_wate of shang ae gpa Flux _ Vntked with ‘ is Nats ——+ feom 8B t BR is | ) _ eyoentenee the __Samme_Poree iw magiittude Yhe__chatge will _also_move__uith sped V_| An the magnetic field - “The _Lomenta Fosee] on __Yhis __Ghatge _is__GQv _{n magnitude | _ Ws BY RV Ve WwW ¥ Rie Ww qe Lek she the oem PG ob Tie ! F- Bry Cument nthe T= Bly ty - erento v a The nitude ole ceststance OF — movable Jancguloy conductor. ° loop is an by Posee acting on — Ane _eod peste te _ velocity &G given by [ge fe Th = PQ ts conatantly moved with velocity agains} the ° Cowee . So the ue ee _artquined 4p do thfs 4 given S Pe Fv _ Pe Bev xy a6 re — ui) Pa Ale, naga _ btw Anis vasrk 3g mechanicd mechanical —enete gy Rs eat’ a OR ‘Sal he and "Sis ee ene Py = q2¢ Py = (Qivey ee Ys eh at yt aw - “e By era | Thts ts c Ay egy | i Naa y ‘ | bie, y 2 | = = +— 4 || © . . _ Thus, mechanieal enttqy which was, —— converted nto tleeleieal? eres 4 and | —— thin th 1s convested — into iS emal er _ : ! a = = 4 * => \When 0 Conducting siod of length 2, ——\s__ffxed at one® end and gs “aotated { — i MNen magnetic field tg given by, , Re a a | 2 —{ — jj ‘ = — t i ee ee —4 Qe A vahee\ sh 10 meballic spokes - each OS m Long fg rotated —watth a —} Spred__of _s90 apm tna plane — noamal 4 the honfzontal. Component ole | easth’s magnetic _Picld Ba ok a place, Te B= OY ok The place, shat ts ithe — Induerd — emP __hetiseen the axel fan Whe aim oe \ne vaheel | R= bom f= leo capm = O. = 2 ops We ant = anxr = Yer B= ot 2 04 x04 T a lm lea aa le | Ruse _ os = 9x9 x2y X10°4 4 xO X25. pte ww \ 2 aiaanae oe J LA ONAIGTAWT 20.5 20-5 0 19O - = b2-8pros = 28x 10> - SS 4¥ Eady Cusenent #- > Eddy plant paapendiculse to Whe disreekion of I magnetic field. Kiddy cyerend shows dca necting ond | meq netic ebfecls = aren Cumment ave ms pa duce ty {wu z | im [sontan Fiwxs Vines vith he eonduclos t Ane ! ete Qe > the _anagotiude of eddy quent 35 Given | Zs Be =e 7 [g- -dt Nay _ ee R L Je R ake {Anduced 8 eusment Sn We conductoe rT <4 Marctlon of eddy — coment Is given by Lrni's lew oe Ferny Foght — Mand ale LTV Was Aiswouned by Foucault in the yeas less = ed _— : A \Alvrn vate treve 6 enetal plate oud oF t taqnelte Feld, the sucla\ive motion of Field and the conductor again Tikects of - Undisenable A Eddy Usment J Ld Cumnctnt ote pacduced Snside jot ob _sactotlaq ot nabune — of electaie motors ghd dynamos 1 | and algo fr__Ahe tone of deanafeemen, ! Likich tx penferee Pur than ge —_Uhin they j Gee In sed + SS Lady Qwucunt cause, unnteetsrany heattng _ And —_laglta 0k poten. o_ f | The het pacduced oy edd “evant GY Aarnaye Be nee inaulahon_ | ok — cei Liddy Sasmnent ee minimised by using _ \ambootiont ok — metal Yo make a 9 | - | eal tere - —af Rgpiieattan at. eddy “eyoneith Larranacd —porearllel ty Magne Field 4 Se Ahat —Vhey can eu ge >| Lady Uenent SG Toma } Rleckeie ponee meen - ; Magnelic__bacaking in sleckronte tata he lamtnatfons are Sxpevat ed hy | insulating malevial «7 - The Plane ok dhe Aaminatfon must be | \ne day Qeeent path Qnd— dis coin vqement perdu — the —Seatgh— aE fay ewan Goan. Ele Veoh Ke pping Tnluthen’ faumeent - ‘s 7 Whok 35 eleekeo magnelie_d amping 7 | _sleckromagnelte [To Sifimedtately —laing She movi I of a guivarfimdee © toy est Suse use| Somping a 1 Sumpents ty. ‘tag Whe cath fees. i When the enth 95 Mats eddy ewour| + genrrattd fn Me egne Bpposses_ ~ the — —, Motfon of afl and baring — ty ots Whot g induclion —Tunnace-% 1 Th induction _ Fuensee high temp —— 45 penduced by usin ed wound ore the metal uich has to 4 toe melted and —Aat__pasa —-sthtenating 4 | &worent OE __Wgh __farqucney — ahi eh | Qanenate - rads — | whieh _ —pacduces— high —Armperchsee to enratuce — 4 Cunnent's. | SAR ge sadud fgn Miknace tn the seperation __of alloys by melting dhe | Peanstthuenla of “tae = & calle ig —Qysrett 1A Ye metal yondk he meth q a ld | Weetste porate Medes te | x Magnetic, Baraking a Eeckeonie Veeking ‘> | vale ace pucduced due ty gtnu- “Inala “pore meter metallte “dick notates 4 duc to gintacttcn of eddy ewnent 4 q q solddly. NWHDG _ Cusarot An he coil. q q Same _efectele ower _Snefing _ make_use 4 4 4 4 ck bung elretsomagaet Which ave | sthated — sthualed oves the nafle . | These —eleclromagneh Gwe used _to psoduce | eddy Quoents \n the natle ‘whieh op posses the motion gb the cain ond hus, stop th — $e Se Anduelfon —Cril__oppocses an change inthe SAF Anduelton to Moe_peopesty of Oo _ ent — by victue of ‘vahveh Ye SAtenglh— of Sunnent Flowing. Arnough | by (nduetng an em? tn __‘ise\f- The eme Sndueed 3s called “back. emt. \htn the ewmetnt in the ent 33_swatiched| Qo the self tnductton —oppnsses | Qepyith of ewurent. LWhen —“Ahe susftehed | x “ofe > then he sei nductton Opposses| Me drag OF cusment-Wenee elf | {odustion x also _knovan ax _inechta of electetetty ae BS ORFF — © + - 2 Anes} —\ & TOON — _ | _induclos Cry A_etouull ox a past of edneuth thet 15 | designed to hove paskreulas Induekton— Ag Sealed an indyetss K \ —_—m rm - | An ‘Anduetor js a Céhroutt cihemeoe vwhicla( «prpesset the change tn _ ewer nt ak Yeoh Acc ~ Solenotd ‘ Ceculas coh x, Co-efictent of set Induclos $- TR ot te fis the “sheer tf “tysatnt — | Fou 6G eof] ob" any dime land S$ fe ° dhe amount 5 “magnetic _ Pluy linked with __ The __ coil = Mya Kime then, 34 Yo Pound that, dae — pe Li - Le ne ae ok Sele induckten The —_yalue_of 1 depends ‘oh no. ob Lory, $f. amen OF nase _ seetfon A and Aaluer oF patel tonto which evil Ts wound « Foo tung _Tnducttunce tsa seclow_Guontthy » tO Wenas ST unit} ok Inductance. “Self -Induelanee fa set said to SP be, yd tf an induced emf sf —__ A yolt © js sek up tn the ect] due — Ay. the changing —_Cusere at ‘ok the mate pe -\__ompene “pea Second. —__— 1 hhtroy = Lot \ ampene | seeond _ OR nnent “G" fs pasaed Ing TE a eunnent _ Ament and fy fs changed al ahe ote dt, hen the induced emf '@’ penduced to the cteeuth Is deeeclly pengustonal ke The Mme sake of ely ex At dt ra | L= Cotefeient af self Prduction, — See Snduetanee of a long solenoid ao] > B Lon. solenoids one ahdse Nenglh ig 4 Pimeaion of sdf indvedonce Umit rat}. \avge 08 _ Compace ty Qnea oF esoss i secon a ma: oe. Field B ot — any point _{tnetde” the solenoid fs —_ cankhant Gnd fs _gfven by _ R= ont _ Be ont | Magnette Flux —Wnked “with the selenaid §s__—given by _ = BX ara of eenss aectton | ee b= Ment yA S Tohal Flux associated uth 1 tunny Mo = HMR aN a f = No = Honstd L. : A - _ As we know that oe MH = Lt So, _ _ Toe PowtraA x - | — 6-1] Govent in a etecult Falls — sheadiy f'som| 7 ® 2A & v-oA in 30 mg - "TR | | on _auenage em@ of 2unv fs Induced | eoleulate > Hae self inductance oF the _— Ceeutt re —_ dg= -28 | 4 dA = 1p mg = 19 = 1G = (suo en _ 8: gammy _ ai = 2 = 2x yo , dk lye ft oe —§] wWhek is dhe arf -fnducttance ok ealenoid_| of — length 40 em and has enoss -stehor | Seq 28 om? and Anbel no. ok Sunny — _ BO ee a __| | a: YOoum: \orno® — A- 90 om = 20x04 _ — es N= go | i = - —r ~ a — yo Le wo a nyt! Ay ger Gen yan _| , ww Yori? Le Yn vie x gee xu Li = 42x 19S Lie 401 ayos WO | Enesgy shored Anan induetos s- | —_ Eacegy shored oe — The enes: ¢ &_Capact toe fy stoned Sn_tne “Seieckete ‘Pretd blu the —_| Gea \ ' Yhe eg ability ot Stoning cagy An is Thagaeith eld. _, => E eagag e= Lat | ; | on As on Intneaging Cousts on Araraging cunment Induced emf bha__its — teemfnale Iuiich Is given by, £ = 1 ak VWatkdone 4o prove chat at dy against emf _fs__given hy ey duis Ldt dy - | dt dw = Ldt-di — __ dk dys Lidi Tiel ethene tegen by Sohgeing both _side x 3 aw = 3 Liat 2 zt Ws mben LA oie Lys - 2 — we dv yt _ z = ‘Woskdone 1s equal to potential eneegy | We U Ne uit T * Gouging of entle t pp Sete —in acres (2) Col Sa parallel _] Le Lyake _ Toba U+le [Mod “Tnduelanee oo o mag nette aa Te phonon LATHE _ Gee “ang yy ushic he — | a —Spegsing — ee emf : sehuerge eC Cyserent —_f ‘neahbiusia: ‘ so duced Inq] ith @ >|] Corbigetert ok roviuel, “fnduckadr T=) : Me de Flux Vtnkage fr one — eof unit Cunracor Floss fn Phe 9 two calls equal _4n he no- ot nee ob if the | ther coil. — #149 epeedtnes_ of rashual —Trdwelanee oh | ton | ne ae hyo tulle Cstae | ak softs — Do._oktynna , neture ole mated ashich enil is usnund ). 7 Ay wi! unitntelion of dao I Distance ba two coils sok 7 Puta, “Inductance of fae two lon ng coaxial > ,lon9 solenoids a— ——_|-—* : { — = = —— : ——=$ $4 | Constdes tuo _\onq__salensid_sa_ 8 § | of aon ~R, such_Yhat___| _ gnlenid__ So © _Gummounda _Salenoid Si] completely. _ _ 4 Lek ty be he no. ob tunns pen unit — Tength of Si. gnd Ag be Yre_no- as + f EF So. ry be the" cunnent pasaed thn | Sy 4 To he the ewrment pas +hnou qh So - Bar be the Plux (faked uatth So due #o__tunnent—T,_flauilag_thauugh | Sy On 2h ! be, = Mal —Alnen —_Conmrent_f¢__p.oss__fhamagh solenoid | — Sy an__erk f induecd Stn So Magneto Meld _pwoduee indice the | _____| solensid Si __on _passti Ty eunnent_| Atnoudh — hfs Quen by a Bye ony Tra) magadic Flux Vinita th the | Solensid Sa__{s__given oe _ ) Qo, = BAn,g Yor = wert Ange Now, Moy = Oo, Ty : Mor = Mo Y Ang ——_L Xe Mo, = Mens Ang also, Mag = Mog ni Ae Meee Mig = Moy =™ Mo: boran Ad | - | Me hy she Length ok longex Solenaid_| A= Pea ob enosecechon oe ines Solenoid - [Te ts 0 Suter uahteh fe usted to eons —_| AC Tenens 2 omnenh smeenanical —_enengy Anty_eleckiea) | 4 EML. 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