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Category Beginning(35) Developing(40) Accomplished(45) Exemplary(50)

Assistance Contributions were Contributed some toward the Contributed significantly but Completed an equal share of
insignificant or non-existent project other members clearly work and strived to maintain
contributed more equity throughout the
Effectiveness Work performed was Work performed was Work performed was useful Work performed was
ineffective and mostly useless incomplete and and contributed to the very useful and
toward the final contributions were less final project contributed significantly
project than expected to the final project
Attitude Rarely had a positive attitude Usually had a positive Often had a positive Always had a positive
toward the group attitude toward the group attitude toward the attitude toward the
and project and project group and the project group and the project
Attendance and Readiness Rarely attended group Sometimes attended group Almost always attended Always attended group
meetings, rarely brought meetings, sometimes brought group meetings, almost meetings, always
needed materials, needed materials, and was always brought needed brought needed
and was rarely ready to work sometimes ready to materials, and was almost materials, and was
work always ready to work always ready to work
Focus on the task Rarely focused on Focused on the task and what Focused on the task and what Consistently stayed
the task and what needed to be done some of needed to be done most of focused on the task and what
needed to be done. the time. Other group the time. Other group needed to be done. Other
Let others do the members sometimes had to members could count on this group members could count
work. nag, prod, and remind to person most of the time. on this person all of the time.
keep this member on task.

Advisee Names

1._____________________________ 4. _____________________________

2._____________________________ 5. _____________________________

3._____________________________ 6. _____________________________

NOTE: Please rate each of your advisee base on the given rubrics. 50 is the highest score and 35 is the lowest. Thank you.


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