Present Simple Do - Does

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‘We use do/does in simple present questions: Affirmative Question [1] work we like |} ao ive | you | do | you | work? they have | | they _| tke? | works Te [2 she|lkes | | does she | L_*[has Lath Study the word order dofdoes + subject + base form Do [you play | the guitar? Do | yourfiends live | near here? Does | Chris work | on Sundays? Does i rain alothere? | where) do your parents | five? | Howoten| do you wash yourhair? What | does |thsword | mean? | Howmuch | does ic cost cofly 0 Puerto Questions with always and usually: Does [Chris | always | work | on Sundays? |__what| do_|you | usually |do | on weekends | What do you do? = What's your job? “What do you dor” “Iworkina bank* Remember: do ijwelyoulthey.. ©. Do they ike music? does _he/sheric © Does hele music? Short answers Uiwelyoulthey do. | [ | welyoulthey don't ehyoulthey do | |, |Vwelvouthey don't he/shelit does. | | he/shelic doesn't. | “Do you play the guitar?” ‘No, don't.” 5 "Do your parents speak English?” “Yes, they do.” "Does Ryan work hard?” “Yes, he does.” “Does your sister live in Vancouver” "No, she doesn't.” (Cidoworkike 22} Unies don regi) -® Unie _quesions Unie 42-45 )

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