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Scarlet in danger


David: There was a girl name Scarlet this girl was 12 years
old. She had a friend named Rubi of the same age. Scarlet
suffered from problems since her parents were fighting
every day.

One day she decided to get into a website called Facebook,

she created her profile and decorated it, but she did not
know the danger she was running when creating her profile.

Scarlet: This page is amazing, I love it

David: Hours later a notification arrived, it was a friend

request from someone named Wilson. She saw that Wilson
was the same age as her and they had similar tastes in music,
so without thinking she accepted it.

Wilson: I saw that you have good taste in music, would you
like to be friends.
Scarlet: of course
David: They spent hours talking about what they liked,
music, clothes, movies and all that, but Scarlet did not tell
him about the problem she had with her parents.

The next day when they went to school Scarlet decided to

tell her friend Rubi and clearly, Rubi did not like it.

Scarlet: Rubi, I have to tell you that I am talking to someone

called Wilson on the Internet; I know you do not like talking
to people over the Internet, but this is a different case.

Rubi: Are you sure, you want to talk to this Wilson person?
She is an unknown person; you do not know anything about

Scarlet: What are you saying? Are you telling me that I do

not know what I am doing?

Rubi: No, I did not say that, I am just worried about you; I
do not want anything bad to happen to you

Scarlet: Do not worry Ruby, I will be fine.

David: Scarlet got home and the first thing they did was
grab her phone and saw that she had a new message from

Wilson: Hello Scarlet, how are you?

Scarlet: Hi Wilson, fine and you?
Wilson: I too, how was your day?

David: Scarlet was very happy to be able to talk to Wilson,

but the joy disappeared instantly since her parents were
fighting, Scarlet was very bad and she had no one to vent to
so she decided to do it with Wilson, since there was no one

Scarlet: Wilson I feel bad, my parents are fighting they fight

all the days.
Wilson: I am sorry scarlet, my parents also fight.
Scarlet: Really? How do you feel?
Wilson: I do not care about that, I continue my normal life.

David: The next day Scarlet did not go to class, since she
stayed talking all day with Wilson, since she felt that he was
the first person who understood her after a long time.
Rubi was very worried about Scarlet, because since she had
not gone to class she thought something bad had happened
to her.

Rubi began to send messages, calls, voice notes, but Scarlet

did not answer. Since Scarlet did not answer, so Rubi
decided to tell her teacher.

Rubi: Teacher I am very worried about my friend Scarlet,

she started talking to a person on the internet.

Teacher: She was doing what? I need to call the parents.

David: The teacher call the parents but that didn´t pick up.
Teacher: Rubi, maybe Scarlet is sick.
Rubi: I do not know teacher, I am not going to stay with the
doubt so I am going to go to Scarlet's house
To see what is happening.

David: Rubi did go to Scarlet's house and found something

she did not like.

Rubi: Scarlet what are you doing? Why you don’t goes to
Scarlet: Sorry, I was talking to my friend Wilson and I
forgot to go to class.
Rubi: I hope this is the last time you do this, I was very
worried about you, the teacher called your parents but they
did not answer.

Scarlet: Yeah I know my parents do not care about me; they

never answer those kinds of calls.
Rubi: Don’t say that
Scarlet: It is the true

David: A few weeks later, Wilson made a proposal to


Wilson: Hi Scarlet, would you like to meet in person?

Scarlet: Hello Wilson, yes I would love to, where do we

Wilson: How about central park at 4:00 pm?

Scarlet: Yeah, sure, see you there

David: Scarlet decided to tell Rubi about going to the park

with Wilson,
Scarlet: Rubi, I feel nervous, I am going to see Wilson
Rubi: What time are you going to see him?
Scarlet: from four to 5
Rubi: Call at 5:30 please
Scarlet: Okay, you do not need to be worry.
Rubi: Scarlet, please take care. Send me where they will be,
for anything
Scarlet: I know you are not going to use it but there it is, I
already sent it to you.

David: Scarlet got dressed and everything and went to the


Scarlett: I think Wilson forgot where he is.

David: David: Suddenly. Someone behind Scarlet stopped

quietly. He suffocated her with a rag full of ammonia,
Scarlet lost consciousness, she could not speak, and she was
very weak.
Hours later, Scarlet reacts and does not know where she is,
she does not remember what happened.

Scarlet: Where I am? Who are you?

Wilson: I am Wilson, your friend
Scarlet: No, you’re not, no
Wilson: what is happening? Disappointed you? How awful.
Did you know? I am tired of you, do not talk

David: Wilson drowned her again with ammonia to keep her


Rubi: How strange, it is already 5:40 and Scarlet does not

answer neither my calls nor anything, I do not like it, I am
going to call the police.

Hi, Police, I need your help

Police: What happened?
Rubi: My friend Scarlet was kidnapped
Police: Are you sure?
Rubi: Yes, of course, she had a friend on the internet and he
kidnapped her, today they were going to the park and Scarlet
Police: You have evidence.
Rubi: Yes, sure, you can come to my house. Maybe and you
can track the location of that person.
Police: Yes, I am in 5 minutes

David: The police officer arrived at the house, Rubi showed

him the messages and since it was a Facebook profile, the
police officer did find the location, since Wilson had placed
his real data

Police: I found it, Wilson is not a boy of 12 years old, and it

is a man of 40 years old.
Rubi: Oh my God, poor scarlet
Police: We need to go, right one, your friend can die.

David: they go, and they found evidence

Police: Nobody move, if there is someone here do not move.

Wilson: What?
Police: Wilson is under arrest for child kidnapping
Wilson: No, this is an error
Police: No, you are under arrest
Rubi: Oh scarlet: are you okay? I tell you, Thanks God your
okay, I was so worry
Scarlet: Yes Rubi, I am okay

Police: Rubi I need the number of the parents of Scarlet

David: They spoke to Rubi's parents and they finally

answered, Rubi took Scarlet home and finally Scarlet rested.

Rubi: Scarlet you need to go to therapy

Scarlet: Yes Rubi, I know.

David: A day later, Scarlet did not want to go to class

because she was very tired so Rubi only went, the teacher
asked for Scarlet

Teacher: And Scarlet? How is she?

Ruby: She is fine.
David: Rubi told the teacher everything that had happened
Teacher: Oh no, how sad for her, but I am glad she is okay



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