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Research Ethics

Qualittive : Feelings , Thinkng

Non Probabilty Sampling : snowball sampling, purposive, quota, convinient,


Research Ethics : Provacy Confidentiality, Consent ( Informed)

what data, where/how data stored. time commitment, non judgmental , timecommitment.

Activity : Consent , Close Ended , followup questions

Interview, Focus group,

conducted a survey with whom , how,

conducted a fcous group. how , how many participant, ethical issues around them.
did they rehject ...

focus group should be ideally 5-10 not more . otherwise it can be criticsed.

"This could have been done using purposive sampling "

Experiment, Survey, Observation


Informed consent : I am going to ask you about your orevious expereince before
stydying with EIT
Q1: Were u studying or working
Q2: What program were u enrolled with or what was your job
Q3 : Open ended : What makes u choose EIT

A1 Working
A2: Banking
A3: Agent Recommendation , references.

quantitavice research methords:

survey research
correlational research

errors with population sampling bias

overcoverage , undercoverage, duplication
Research topic > Research Question > Research AIM > Research Objective

pitulia, Online study , cant travle outside NZ

make clean question
any sector you are inteseted in
Max marks from METHODOLOGY

Frame work : Qualitive feature , Quantitavir featuer.. Why you chose qualitive or
Check 2 text books

Week 5 workshop

Experimental research : pre experimental , true experimental , quasi experimental

research design

Trure Experiment : randomisation,

How to refer to prvious assesment.

reseach title , easy , relevant

research back ground : will research fill a gap . background of the complex
3 paragraphs : What Why how ( 3-8 sentecnces per paragraph)

introduction , background , significance

who will be benefitted from this study ..

PROBLEM STATEMENT ( Include why you selected this problem)

followed by PURPOSE ( Why do you solve this problem)

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