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Welcome to ICThingz, the show that will help you gain knowledge and escape any harm from

internet. Itzyoboi Paolo and im with the boyz me, myself, and I. 17 years old and so handsome
ugh, and today we’re talking about cybercrime.
First and foremost, what is cybercrime? is any criminal activity that involves a computer,
networked device or a network, too easy ain’t it? In 2022, around four in ten internet users
worldwide have ever experienced cybercrime. Based on a survey conducted between
November and December 2022. internet users in India were most likely to have fallen victim to
cybercrime, as nearly 70 percent of respondents claimed to have ever experienced cybercrime
which what makes them poor. Meanwhile, in Philippines, Phishing is the top cybercrime during
pandemic followed by online selling scams and the proliferation of misinformation that cause
panic among the public, Pilipino really are diligent just to get money, they’ll use the bad way,
they don’t care who will their victims be. Other example of cybercrime is Video voyeurism,
Identity theft, hacking, atm or credit card fraud and many more. Microsoft’s Global Threat
Activity Tracker detected more than 8 million malware incidents, with education being the most
affected industry. As a result of the recent rush to adopt e-learning, the field has been exposed
to an increase in cyberattacks; cybercriminals are finding opportunities to defraud schools, steal
sensitive information, or deploy ransomware schemes to extort money. from educational
institutions. Meanwhile, financial institutions have been targeted through phishing scams and
other tactics aimed at stealing personal and financial information from customers. Despite
increased awareness about cybersecurity risks, many organizations still struggle to implement
effective security measures. This highlights the need for ongoing education and training for
employees, as well as investments in advanced security technologies such as artificial
intelligence and machine learning. Ultimately, protecting against cyber threats requires a multi-
faceted approach that involves both proactive measures and rapid response capabilities in the
event of an attack. To avoid experiencing cybercrimes, I want you guys to be more cautious with
your information online, starting with your password. Creating a unique and complex password
like "paolovillanueva2006livinginph" is good and contains the most classified information about
yourself. Don’t ever share information with strangers, even if they look trustworthy, and also
don’t click links that will tell you that you won, like the iPhone. My god, I was a victim of that
thing too, and I gave some information about myself, so be very careful with what you are doing
online. . In addition to being cautious about sharing personal information and clicking on
suspicious links, it is also important to keep your computer and other devices secure. This
means regularly updating your antivirus software and using strong passwords that are difficult
for others to guess. Another way to protect yourself online is to be mindful of the websites you
visit and only use reputable sites that have secure connections. Additionally, it is important to be
aware of common scams, such as phishing emails or fake job postings, and to report any
suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. By taking these precautions, you can help
ensure that your online experience is safe and secure. 

Thanks for listening to ICThingz, Then stay tuned for next week where we will begin the next
episode about the importance of knowledge and skills on technology these days. I hope you learn
something cuz you might use it to avoid having a problem.

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