Gold Harvest

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Learning Targets:

A.I can share what I know and what I’ve learned

from the video.
M.I can identify the meaning of the unfamiliar
T. I can determine social, moral & economic issues
in the given text
(What I think I know about (What I want to know about
Thailand Literature) Thailand Literature)
Come with me and discover our
culture and tradition.
Within Asian and Hindu
literature like the literature of
other cultures, we often find the
values, morality, and principles
of proper or right human
conduct values by such cultures.
• Tical- the former standard
monetary unit of Thailand,
replaced by the Baht in 1928
• Namprick- a spicy sauce made
from beetles and fish paste
• Wat-a Buddhist monastery or
• Saffron- a color that is a tone of
golden yellow
• Geckos-any of various
small tropical and
subtropical lizards
• Myriad-a countless or
extremely great number.
• Fuzz- a fluffy or frizzy
mass of hair or fiber.
Thailand Folklore

Nai Ha The husband who

wanted to turn
Tong copper into Gold

Wife of Nai Ha
Tong who does
Nang not believe on
Song Sai

Nang Used his wisdom

to teach his son-
Song Sai’s in-law a life
father lesson
Long ago in Old Ayudhya,
Nai Ha Tong
wanted to turn
copper into Gold!
Once there was a man name Nai
Ha Tong whose dream is to turn
copper into gold. He believes in
magic while his wife, does not.
He experimented with a lot of
materials, but to no avail.
Despite his failures, he did not
give up on his dream and
continued to experiment.
Since he kept on experimenting on their ticals ( money/coins )
they were starting to become poorer and broke. Their ticals had
been used up for experiments. Moreover, Nai Ha Tong does not
want to work like other men.

Do you think it was wise

of Nai Ha Tong to use
their money in
experimenting with
Since he kept on experimenting on their ticals ( money/coins )
they were starting to become poorer and broke. Their ticals had
been used up for experiments. Moreover, Nai Ha Tong does not
want to work like other men.

Do you think it was wise

of Nang Song Sai to ask
help from her father
about their problem as
husband and wife?
Nang Song Sai turned to her father for help
about their problem as husband and wife.

Her father advised her to keep their meeting a

secret. He planned to share a meal with him
before intervening Nai Ha Tong.
Why do you
think a meal is
important before
heading into a
Nang Song Sai’s father claimed that knows how
to turn copper into Gold…

What was the instruction

of the old man to Nai Ha
Over a meal, the old man instructed his son-in-law
on how to collect 2 kilos of banana fuzz. These will
be used as an ingredient for their gold turning
Nai Ha Tong worked day and
night to take care of the
banana trees until they stood
tall and strong. While his wife,
took the bananas every
morning to the market to be
Key Event:
Unknowing of his
father-in-law’s true Did the old man and
intentions, Nai Ha Tong Nai Ha Tong really
persevered and worked turn copper into
Gold? How?
hard for 3 years in
order to collect the 2 What happened
kilos of banana fuzz. instead?
His father-in-law tricked him yet he was
able to turn copper into gold but in a
different way. His wife had been selling
the harvested bananas for them to make
Nai Ha Tong collected the 2 kilos of banana fuzz.
He also realized his foolishness hence, he built a
statue in honour of his father-in-law’s wisdom and
his own foolishness.

•Do not give up on your dream or goal

•Keep moving forward

•Be industrious and hard working in

order to achieve your dreams and
desires in life
The gold harvest was made by Thailand. The moral of the story was “If
a person wants his or her dreams to come true, he must work hard on
it and move, because if you are lazy enough you can’t reach your
dream” because you never achieve anything just by standing. In order
for one individual to achieve things you must move like me, whenever I
don't have an idea for my project or activity, I look around my school
campus and get ideas just by looking.
Sometimes believing in a person can be hard, but it’s never hard to
believe to a particular person especially your parents. They always teach
you the right things in life and they want you to make your life more
Hard work. It is something we do if we place all our efforts to
obtain or create one thing.

Hard work will always earn you success, because for how
many years, Nai Hah Tong still didn't give up on reaching his
dreams and at the end he got rich. I also conclude that in the
story his father-in-law lied in other for him to move more and for
me "Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right
path, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their
hands". Instead of finding a way to make another thing to gold
do something productive.
1. Whom did the wife ask 2. Why do you think the 3. What did the old man
for counsel? Do you think meal was important need and what were the
it was wise? before heading into a strict requirements?
serious conversation? Is
this the same way we do
it as Filipinos?

4. What resolution did Nang 5. Did the old man really 6. How did the wife
song Sai thought of to help change copper into gold? benefit from the
their dilemma? How? If you had this collections of the soft
power, would you use it? fuzzes.
What for?

7.Why must people 8. Why did the son-in-law 9. Why do we need to be

become industrious? make a statue of the old a hard-working person in
man? life?
Directions: You are required to answer the center
question no. 5. After answering, select 2 more to
form a straight row or column like in a tic tac toe
game (Example: horizontal for Questions 4, 5 and
6; vertical for Questions 2, 5 and 8; or diagonal left
for Questions 1, 5 and 9 or diagonal right for
Questions 3, 5 and 7). Whatever straight line you
choose, you will be answering only 3 questions.
Write the number of the questions you are
answering. Then proceed to complete the CLAIM-
EVIDENCE-REASONING for each question. For
evidence, you have to refer to your book. Page 217
1. Whom did the wife ask 2. Why do you think the 3. What did the old man
for counsel? Do you think meal was important need and what were the
it was wise? before heading into a strict requirements?
serious conversation? Is
this the same way we do
it as Filipinos?

4. What resolution did Nang 5. Did the old man really 6. How did the wife
song Sai thought of to help change copper into gold? benefit from the
their dilemma? How? If you had this collections of the soft
power, would you use it? fuzzes.
What for?

7.Why must people 8. Why did the son-in-law 9. Why do we need to be

become industrious? make a statue of the old a hard-working person in
man? life?
QUESTION NO. 5: Did the old man really change copper into gold? How? If you had this power, would you use it?
What for?
CLAIM: My answer to the question is ...

EVIDENCE: The statement in the article that supports my answer is …

REASONING: The evidence I chose supports my answer/claim because …

CLAIM: My answer to the question is

EVIDENCE: The statement in the article that supports my answeris…

REASONING: The evidence I chose supports my answer/claim because…

CLAIM: My answer to the question is

EVIDENCE: The statement in the article that supports my answer is…

REASONING: The evidence I chose supports my answer/claim because…

Ms. Iuupload po ba ito sa Yes and Yes. Deadline Feb
LMS? Feb 22, 2023

Ms. Kailan
5pts 4pts
3pts 2pts
The question chosen The question The question The question
is complete, well chosen is mainly chosen is not well chosen is
organized, and complete, fairly organized or not incomplete or
finalized organized, but not completely missing. Very few
All instructions finalized. Most finalized. Some instructions are
(proofs are provided) instructions are instructions are followed
are followed followed followed completely. More
Choice #1 completely. No completely. Only completely. Two than three aspects
aspect of the activity one aspect of the aspects of the of the activity
contradicts the activity activity contradict contradict the
instructions. contradicts the the instructions. instructions.

Choice #2
Same as the above

Choice #3
Same as the above
5pts 4pts
3pts 2pts
Extremely well Clear Somewhat Confusing and
written or organization of
organized but poorly
presented. Zero information. ideas are not organized;
spelling or One to two presented messy. There
grammar spelling orclearly. Three were more
mistakes. grammar to five spelling than five
mistakes. or grammar spelling or
mistakes. grammar
Put a great deal Thoughtful Some creative Put little
of creative format with touches, but creative
CREATIVE/ORIG energy into many creative overall little energy into
INALITY project; very touches; originality project; no
original somewhat originality

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