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Service-learning provides students the opportunity to work with others, gain valuable insights, and
acquire different skills. Through varied community projects, they can apply what they have been taught
in class by formulating appropriate solutions to the problems they encounter i their chosen

As enrollees of NSTP-CWTS 2, students can use the insights they gain in the classroom and provide
solutions to real-life problems in the community. They become bona fide members of their assigned
communities as they render service and perform acts like the following:

1. Students can analyze the effect of natural disasters and use a kit to gather important items during
disaster preparation. Elementary students can design and distribute these kits to the members of the

2. High school students can closely monitor the effects of poor nutrition and lack of exercise by
organizing health- related activities, concoct nutritious recipes, and putting up fruit and vegetable
stands in schools in the community.

3. Biology majors can study the complexity and diversity of wetlands to eliminate invasive aquatic
species. Streams can also be monitored

and the results may be presented to the class

4. University students can help struggling

local non-profit organizations cope with difficult economic conditions, Students who are enrolled in
communication-related course can provide varied public relations services with community partners,
develop press kits, and provide assistance holding event


The common characteristics of service-learning include the following:

1. It beings good, substantial, and practical results for the participants.

2. It promotes cooperation rather than competition where the skills associated with teamwork and
active community involvement are developed.

3. It gives appropriate rather than simplified solutions to problems that seriously affect the community.

5. It gives students a deeper understanding of concepts and real-life situations in the community
through immediately observable results.

6. Through an immediate understanding of a situation in the community, service-learning becomes a

more significant experience for students, leading to their emotional and social development and
cognitive learning.

Students have misconceptions about the conduct and value of Service-learning is ifbltce-learning

1. An episodic volunteer program.

2. An add-on course to an existing school or college curriculum.

3. Logging a set number of community service hours in order to graduate.

4. Compensatory service assigned as a form of punishment by the courts or by school administrators.

5. Only for high school or college students.

6. One-sided, that is, beneficial only to the students or the community.

The distinctive element of service-learning is that it improves the community through the services
provided, and it also results in the improvement of the students and the other people providing the
services, Service-learning is rapidly growing and becoming popular because. of its Powerful impact on
people and their-development. It 15 a

Dynamic process through which the students personal and Social growth are tightly intermoven into
their academic

—and cognitive advancement According to Eyler and Giles service-learning model


Service-learning theory is based on the idea that experience is the foundation for learning, and the
bases for learning are the different forms of community service (Mofton&Troppe, 1996), Service-
learning, therefore, is a form learning occurs through cycles of action and reflection.Students work with
others in applying what they have learned in class to solve community same time, reflecting Upon their
experiences as they seek to attain their goals For the community and to develop—skills for themselves


Service-learning is based on RA 8292, also known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997.
This law reiterates Section 2(1) of Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution by declaring that the "policy of
the state is to establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of
education relevant to the needs of the people and the society." This policy can be attained through the
HEIsv trilogy of functions-academics (teaching- learning), research, and extension (community service)
and their keeping in mind of their legal responsibility to a t as effective agents of change and

Benefits of service learning.

S e r Vice learning has potential benefits to the students, faculty, and community. S students in service -
learning benefit academically, classes can professionally, and personally. They will:


1. Increase their understanding of the class topic.

2. Gain firsthand experience (possibly leading to a future internship or job).

3. Question or defend values and beliefs.

4 Have the opportunity to act on values and beliefs.

5. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

6. Increase their knowledge of diverse cultures and communities.

7. Learn more about social issues and their causes. .

8. Improve their ability to handle difficult situations.

9. Be open to change and become more flexible.

10. Develop or enhance their skills, especially in the

of communication,collaboration, areas an leadership.

There are personal and professional benefits that

faculty members can derive from integrating service-

learning into the courses they handle. Their decision to

teach service-learning classes can:

1. Promote interactive teaching as well as reciprocal learning between them and their students.

2. Provide new concepts and subjects that will enrich the class.

3. Open up new areas of concern for research.

4. Motivate their students to engage in activity

learning and be exposed to varied teaching styles.

5. Enable their students to learn more and further

develop themselves.

6. Increase enrollment by giving the proper

motivation to highly engaged and active students.

7. Enhance the leadership potential of their students

Civic Welfare Training Service

National Service Training Service

LTS-Literacy Training Service

ROTC-Reserve Officer Training Corps

NSTP -9163

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