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Eugene Bosiako

Dzedze Samuel

Sasu Samuel

Asamoah Kyeremanteng Emmanuel

Apasnaba Ajara

Adua Daniel

Table of Contents
TABLES................................................................................................................................................ 6
TABLE OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................... 7
1 LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Geotechnical information:...................................................................................................... 9

1.2 Drainage system:.................................................................................................................... 9

1.3 Water supply and distribution:............................................................................................... 9

1.4 Solid and Liquid waste management:..................................................................................... 9

1.5 Socio-Economic studies:........................................................................................................ 9

2 WATER RESOURCES AND WATER SUPPLY......................................................................10

2.1 Background.......................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Existing situation of the area................................................................................................ 10

2.3 Estimation of demand........................................................................................................... 11

2.3.1 Fire demand.................................................................................................................. 11

2.3.2 Estimation of demand................................................................................................... 11

3 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................. 14

3.1 OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................... 14

3.2 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................... 14

3.3 CHARACTERIZATION OF WASTE.................................................................................14

3.3.1 Population Estimate...................................................................................................... 15

3.3.2 Assessing Existing Sanitation Services and Population Served....................................16

3.3.3 Waste Generation......................................................................................................... 18

3.3.4 Solid Waste Collection................................................................................................. 18

3.3.5 Frequency of Collection............................................................................................... 18

3.3.6 Disposal and Treatment................................................................................................ 18

3.4 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DESIGN......................................................................20

4 SOLID WASTE ESTIMATION................................................................................................. 22

4.1 Waste Estimate for Residents............................................................................................... 22

4.2 Design of a typical skip for the residents.............................................................................22

4.2.1 Type of sanitation available.......................................................................................... 23

4.3 CAUSES OF POOR SANITATION....................................................................................24

4.4 PROPOSED FINAL SOLUTION........................................................................................ 24

5 RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................ 25
6 LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT........................................................................................... 26
6.1 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................... 26

6.2 OBSERVATIONS............................................................................................................... 27

6.2.1 Water Demand Estimation............................................................................................ 31

6.2.2 Waste Water Estimation............................................................................................... 33

7 Drainage design........................................................................................................................... 34
7.1 Objective.............................................................................................................................. 34

7.2 Hydrologic Design............................................................................................................... 34

7.3 Design Parameters................................................................................................................ 34

7.4 Sample calculation on hydrological discharge into drain.....................................................35

7.5 Hydraulic discharge.............................................................................................................. 36

7.6 Sample calculation on drain sizing....................................................................................... 37

7.7 Design of underground reservoir.......................................................................................... 38

7.7.1 Sizing of tank................................................................................................................ 38

7.8 Distribution tank................................................................................................................... 39

7.9 Sizing of the distribution tank.............................................................................................. 39

7.10 Elevation of tank.................................................................................................................. 39

7.11 Material for elevated tank..................................................................................................... 41

7.11.1 Properties of suggested materials.................................................................................41

8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................... 44
9 CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................... 45
9.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 45

9.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT........................................................................................ 45

9.2.1 Road Network............................................................................................................... 45

9.2.2 Traffic Management..................................................................................................... 46

10 CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................... 47
10.1 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY...............................................................................47

10.1.1 Road network layout..................................................................................................... 47

10.2 Road lengths and widths...................................................................................................... 49

10.2.1 Route one...................................................................................................................... 49

10.2.2 Route Two.................................................................................................................... 50

10.2.3 Route Three.................................................................................................................. 51

10.2.4 Route Four.................................................................................................................... 52

10.2.5 Route Five.................................................................................................................... 53

10.2.6 Route Six...................................................................................................................... 54

10.3 Traffic volume and classification of vehicles.......................................................................54

10.4 Traffic management studies................................................................................................. 55

10.4.1 Summary of Road Description.....................................................................................55

10.4.2 Traffic management studies.......................................................................................... 56 Detailed Description of the State of Traffic Flows on the Ayeduase Road..............56

10.4.3 2.4.4 Peak Hourly Volume........................................................................................... 58 Peak Hour volume (PHV)......................................................................................... 59 Determination of the Peak Hour Factor (PHF).........................................................59

10.5 GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF ROAD NETWORK................................................................60

10.5.1 Classification of Road................................................................................................... 61

10.5.2 Design Speed................................................................................................................ 61

10.5.3 Design Vehicle............................................................................................................. 61

10.5.4 Alternative route from Ayeduase gate to kotei to reduce traffic flow...........................61

10.5.5 Cross Section Elements................................................................................................ 62

10.5.6 Traffic Lanes................................................................................................................. 62

10.5.7 Lane Width................................................................................................................... 62

10.5.8 Sidewalks...................................................................................................................... 62

10.5.9 Road Camber................................................................................................................ 62

10.5.10 Typical Cross-Section of a Road..............................................................................63

Table 1 Domestic water requirements per person(students)................................................................11

Table 2 Domestic water requirements per person(residents)...............................................................12

Table 3 Categories of solid waste expected from the site....................................................................15

Table 4 People contributing to the Population..................................................................................... 15

Table 5 Estimating population on a grid per the map.........................................................................21

Table 6 Average SWM Rate by Income.............................................................................................. 22

Table 7 Domestic water requirements per person(students)................................................................31

Table 8 Domestic water requirements per person(residents)...............................................................32

Table 9 Waste water estimate.............................................................................................................. 33

Table 10 Typical cross section of a drain............................................................................................ 36

Table 11 Profile of the area................................................................................................................. 39

Table 12 properties of material used for elevated tank........................................................................41

Table 13 Summary of Road Description............................................................................................ 55

Table 14 Intersection count at Ayeduase-Kotei.................................................................................. 57

Table 15 Estimation for Peak Hourly Volume...................................................................................58


Figure 1 Current source of water......................................................................................................... 10

Figure 2 skip container........................................................................................................................ 16

Figure 3 Unauthorized dumping site................................................................................................... 17

Figure 4 overflow at the dumping site................................................................................................. 19

Figure 5 Condition of the site due to insufficient skips.......................................................................20

Figure 6 General Flowchart of Solid Waste Management Process......................................................20

Figure 7 Wet-onsite system............................................................................................................ 23

Figure 8 Septic tank............................................................................................................................. 27

Figure 9 Septic tank............................................................................................................................ 28

Figure 10 collection of grey water....................................................................................................... 29

Figure 11 Channeling of grey water from hostels and households......................................................30

Figure 12 Typical cross section of u drain...........................................................................37

Figure 13 Proposed elevated tank........................................................................................................ 41

Figure 14 typical cross section of elevated tank..................................................................................42

Figure 15 Plan of elevated tank.......................................................................................................... 43

Figure 16 Layout of Existing Road and Drainage Network................................................................47

Figure 17 Layout of Proposed Road and Drainage Network...............................................................48

Figure 18 Route one............................................................................................................................ 49

Figure 19 Condition of route 2............................................................................................................ 50

Figure 20 Route five............................................................................................................................ 53

Figure 21 Route six.............................................................................................................................. 54

Figure 22 Proposed Conceptual Design of Ayeduade-Kotei Intersection...........................................60

Figure 23 Typical cross-section of a road............................................................................................ 63

Figure 24 Typical cross section of a road.......................................................64

Figure 25 Typical cross section of a road........................................................................................... 64


The Government of Ghana, in its bid to promote and build a better Ghana has taken a step to
extend its developmental projects to the remote parts of the country. This it aims to achieve
through the formation of a new ministry – Ministry of Zongo and Inner City Development.
(MZICD). The purpose of this newly formed ministry is to enhance the livelihood of residents
of inner cities through the creation of a clean, habitable and sustainable environments in all
regions including the Ashanti region of Ghana where the focus community of this study –
Ayeduase and Kotei – is founded. Ayeduase and Kotei communities have been chosen to
benefit from this scheme and hence EDC3 2016/2017 Group 09 has been selected as
consultants on this project to undertake design of the civil engineering infrastructural works in
the project area. The components of infrastructural works to be designed include:
 Road Network and Traffic management on main roads and at intersections
 Drainage network
 Water supply and distribution system
 Solid and liquid waste management system
 Water resources

The inception phase of this project took twelve (12) days – from the 6th to the 17th of
February, 2017. The purpose of this report to recount the methodology adopted on the project
and paint a vivid picture of the current situation in the study communities within allowances
permitted by the project boundaries.

The Ayeduase and Kotei communities and its environs has experienced a massive in
population since the establishment of KNUST in its suburbs. Increasing demands of the
growing population has placed stresses on existing infrastructure – housing, water, electricity
and social amenities such as schools and churches. This presents a major setback to the
development of Ghana as a country as it seeks to eradicate poverty, provide adequate amenities
for its citizenry and generally improve the quality of life of Ghanaians. Because about 90% of
the population in the study community are students it also poses a problem to KNUST in its
bid to be recognized as a leading university not only in Ghana but in Africa and in the world.
The inception aims at assessing the current situation, gathering facts and proposing a feasible
solution. Data gathered during the inception phase includes the following.

1.1 Geotechnical information:

The soil type of the location is mostly clayey with few other locations up-hill being silty-clay
and mostly sandy soil around the bibini stream which serves as a mid-point of the project area.

Road network and Traffic system:

The field investigation carried out points out the unplanned housing system, encroachment of
houses into roads, non-connecting road network and narrow road systems including untarred
roads, surfaced dressed unequally sloped roads and eroded roads. Narrowly designed T-
junctions and crossroad including inaccessible lay-bys enhances traffic jams. Most road lacks
pedestrians’ walkway as such, they are at risk of being knocked down.

1.2 Drainage system:

From observations made on site, drainage connectivity is at a poor state with a few having
accurate slope channel. The team observed that approximately 90% of the project area lacks
drains leading to flood and erosion and at a long run enhancing the activities of water breeding
insects like mosquitoes.

1.3 Water supply and distribution:

Enquiries made sincerely shows that the Populace do not get access to good quality drink water
not even the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) but depend solely on bore-hole systems
(underground water) and less often purchase from vendors (water tankers).

1.4 Solid and Liquid waste management:

Most of the liquid waste are discharged using the drains. Septic tanks are also connected to
sdrains to dispose liquid waste.
Solid wastes are collected only when due either by Asadu Company or Tricycles operators.

1.5 Socio-Economic studies:

A visit to the site and subsequent analysis indicates the likelihood of many structures being
demolished to make way for the restructure and development of the locality. Hence, terms of
agreement have to be met before constructions begins. Job opportunities for the inhabitants and
its environs.


2.1 Background
Water is a very essential resource in the environment which can be used for various purposes.
Water is used within the household for drinking, personal hygiene, cooking and cleaning,
irrigating gardens. It is therefore very necessary to provide this resource in quantity and good
quality and if possible for a 24hr duration.
As consultants from the Civil Engineering Department, we have been tasked to provide or supply
portable quality drinking water to the Ayeduase-Kotie community with a constant flow of water.
The study or design area is made up of both students and the community inhabitants.

2.2 Existing situation of the area

From a survey conducted, it was found out that the community do not get water from the
GHANA WATER COMPANY LIMITED (GWCL). The interview conducted revealed that
GWCL do not have connected pipelines to the area in question therefore most hostels and
households depend on boreholes and wells. Based on this we as a group agreed to provide the
community with a supply system. The current source of water is as shown.

Figure 1 Current source of water

2.3 Estimation of demand

In the design of a water supply system it is very important to estimate the quantity of water that
will be required by the community. This estimate is used to determine the sizes capacities of all
the constituents of the water supply system. The two factors used in estimating the water
requirement from the community are:

 Population at the end of the design period.

 Water consumption per capita per day.
The population of the design area is very important here since this will help calculate the demand
of water per person per day. The per capita consumption is the average water consumption per
person and it is usually expressed in liters per capita per day (l/c/d). For our design area, which is
the Ayeduase-Kotei Area we estimated the population as 9548 people. This is an assumed value
and the value was arrived by considering the number of hostels and households in the area.

2.3.1 Fire demand

During fire outbreaks, large quantity of water is required for throwing it over the fire to
extinguish it, therefore provision of 1 to 4 per person per day has been made in the design to
supply sufficient quantity of water or keep as reserve in the water mains for this purpose. Fire
hydrants are provided on the water mains at vantage points.

2.3.2 Estimation of demand

Table 1 Domestic water requirements per person(students)

Activities Demand (l/cap/day)

Drinking 2

Cooking and washing of food stuffs 12

Bathing and washing of cloths 70

Flushing of closets 24

Other needs 10


Number of grids with high rise buildings = 3*1232 = 3696

Number of grids with low rise buildings = 4*20% of 1232 = 985.6 =986

Number of grids with medium rise buildings = 2*50% of 1232 = 1232

Total number of student populace = 1232 + 1479 + 3696 +1000 = 5914

Average demand for students:

Q ave =5914 x 118=697852l / cap / day=697 . 852 m3 / day

Table 2 Domestic water requirements per person(residents)

Activities Demand (l/cap/day)

Drinking 5

Cooking and washing of food stuffs 20

Bathing and washing of cloths 50

Total 75

Estimated population of residents in a grid = 300

Number of grids = 9

Total number of populace = 9*300 = 2700

Projected population for residents Pnew = Po (1+ 0.02)15 = 3633.84 =3634

Average demand for residents;

Q ave =3634 x 75=272550l / cap / day=272 .55 m3 / day

Miscellaneous = 30% of 272.55 = 81.764m3/day

Total average daily water demand for the students and residents:

697 .852 + 272.55 +81.764m3 = 1052.166m3/day

Provisions for general water requirements = 20% of total average demand = 210.433m 3/day

x 1052. 166=263 .042 m3 /day
Provisions for fire demand = 4

Grand total average daily water demand = 1052.166 + 210.433 + 263.042 = 1525.642m 3/day
The solid waste to be generated at the proposed site will be considered as domestic waste. The
collection, handling and disposal of domestic solid waste shall be considered.

The following are the objectives that will be considered under waste management.

• Assess Current Situation to identify Problems

• Evaluate Alternative Solutions
• Propose a Final Solution
The following shall be considered:

 Separation of the solid waste.

 Design of collection, handling and disposal of the waste.


The main types of waste generated include:

 Paper waste
 Food waste
 Plastic and rubber
 Metals
 Bottles and
 Miscellaneous waste (mainly foil, takeaway, ceramics, and some food packages).
It was quite observed that plastic waste was going to be most the waste produced by volume
while textile virtually was not found in the domain of research. The main grouping of waste
found were as follows:
 Paper waste- paper drinks, paper, sugar boxes, menstrual pads.
 Organic Waste- peels of yam, plantain, kenkey.
 Plastic and rubber Waste- water sachets, polythene, rubber packages.
 Metallic Waste- can drinks, tin fish, milo tins, milk tins.
 Bottles- disposable cups, mineral bottles, used pomade containers.
 Miscellaneous – toilet roll, wood, takeaway packages.

Table 3 Categories of solid waste expected from the site

Domestic waste General waste

Papers Plastics

Bottles Boxes

Old furnisher Rubbers

Used clothing Bandage

Left-over food Batteries

Used oils

Kitchen wastes



Toner cartridges

3.3.1 Population Estimate

Table 4 People contributing to the Population

Residents Hostels

Family populace Student populace

3.3.2 Assessing Existing Sanitation Services and Population Served

For most of the households in Ayeduase, the disposal of solid waste is a major problem.
In the low-income households, the waste is collected in buckets or plastic bags. These are then
carried to a secondary collection point. The Ayeduase point of collection is un-engineered and
serves as a temporary storage site. There is one skip available as shown below.

Figure 2 skip container

Other than this, some of the inhabitants have resorted to the burning of their solid waste on the
premises of their homes. Due to the cost involved in disposing of their waste at the site, others
have also created an unauthorized dumping site locate. The waste at this location is treated
through the process of incineration as shown below.
Figure 3 Unauthorized dumping site

Other homes (mainly middle class) dispose of their waste in the same manner. However, the
difference lies in the location of the dumping site. The waste is sent to an un-engineered site
where the inhabitants pay a user fee of 80pesewas to deposit their waste in the skip on site. The
waste from the student hostels in the vicinity is collected by private services such as contractors
of cleaning services (Zoomlion Ghana, Asadu ventures, Zoom Alliance)

3.3.3 Waste Generation

Solid wastes are all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid
and are discarded as useless or unwanted. The term solid waste as used in this text is all
inclusive, encompassing the heterogeneous mass of throwaways from our area or society. This is
because of their intrinsic properties; discarded waste materials are often reusable and may be
considered as a resource in another setting. The materials that are collected under the term solid
waste include many different substances from a multitude of sources. The sources of solid wastes
are dependent on the socioeconomic and technological levels of a society.

3.3.4 Solid Waste Collection

Collection will be provided under various management pattern/arrangements:
 Private services such as contractors of cleaning services (Zoomlion Ghana, Asadu ventures,
Zoom Alliance etc.)
 Scavenger system: Individuals may collect and use wastes (domestic wastes in the residence)
like paper, metal, containers, clothes etc. for reuse or recycling to help reduce the waste going to
the final disposal site

3.3.5 Frequency of Collection

The waste must be considered to avoid fly breeding and for aesthetic consideration in other not to
create extra health problems to the residents in the area. Therefore, in view of this, all wastes in the
resident will be collected daily.
 Garbage: at least 2 times /week from various hostels
 Garbage: 5 days in local residential areas at vantage points

3.3.6 Disposal and Treatment

The general waste will be disposed in accordance with the KMA method of disposal.

Description of the six main functional elements of solid waste management system:

 Waste generation: these are activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of
value and are either thrown away or gathered together for disposal.
 On-site handling, storage, and processing: this involves activities associated with the
handling, storage, and processing of solid wastes at or near the point of generation.
 Collection: they involve activities association with the gathering of solid wastes and the
hauling of wastes to the location where the collection vehicle is emptied.
 Transfer and transport: These activities are associated with
I. the transfer of wastes from the smaller collection vehicle to the larger transport
II. the subsequent transport of the wastes, usually over long distance, to the disposal site.
 Processing and recovery: These include techniques equipment and facilities used both to
improve the efficiency of the other functional elements and to recover useable materials,
conversion products, or energy from solid wastes.
 Disposal: They are activities associated with ultimate disposal of solid wastes Interrelationship
of functional elements comprising a solid waste management system.
Figure 4 overflow at the dumping site

Figure 5 Condition of the site due to insufficient skips


Figure 6 General Flowchart of Solid Waste Management Process

Table 5 Estimating population on a grid per the map

Hostel Number of Rooms Population

No Weapon 57 171

Happy Family 59 177

Jalex 32 96

Stone Castle 25 50

Frontline Inn 62 186

Adom Bi 87 261

Amen 58 174

Shalom 39 117

Approximate Number of Average Number of Persons Total Population of Local

Households in a Household Residents in a Grid

25 12 300

Total number of grids Total: 1532

Table 6 Average SWM Rate by Income

Income level Average SWM (Kg/cap/day)

Low 0.6-1.0

Middle 0.8-1.5

High 1.1-4.5

(Urban Development Series)

4.1 Waste Estimate for Residents

Waste generation rate for domestic establishment is given as 1.5kg/cap/day

Population estimated residents = 3634

Waste ( estimate ) =3634 x 1 .5 Kg/day=5451 Kg/day Assumed density of waste = 250Kg/m3

⇒ volume of waste for residents= =21 .804 m3 / day

4.2 Design of a typical skip for the residents

Collection frequency= 5 days

volume of waste for residents=21.804 m3 /day

Volume accumulated at the end of two days = 5days * 21.804m 3/day = 109.02m3

Adopting a standard skip of 15m3

109. 02
=7 .268=8
Number of 15m skips required = 15

The number of skips required=8

4.2.1 Type of sanitation available
Based on the survey conducted it was observed that most of the resident populace make of the
public latrine (KVIP). This is divided into two, the first part that has water closets installed and
are cleaned occasionally. The waste water is connected to a septic tank which is desludged
periodically. And the other which is a KVIP with pits. A picture of the available facility is shown

Figure 7 Wet-onsite system

Basically, most respondents indicated that

 The major cause of poor sanitation in the site is attitudinal problem

 Some also suggested that other causes apart from attitude, culture, poor education and
governmental problems included ignorance of dangers and repercussions of poor sanitary
 On the other hand, poor planning of the township was cited as another cause of poor
sanitation situation in the country.
 Other causes cited were a lack of refuse collection vehicles to cart refuse to landfill sites
 Poor or a lack of monitoring mechanism to check waste management companies from
executing shoddy jobs.
 Others too suggested that a lack of good basic personal hygiene of some individuals
 Lack of enforcement of the bye-laws was also a part of the causes of this canker.


In dealing with waste management in the city, residents indicated that:

 We suggested that recycling, re-using and reduction in waste generation was the way
 Other residents suggested that the assembly should employ reasonable number of
sanitary laborer’s in assisting in quarterly clean up exercises and assisting communal
labor once every month.
 Ensuring that waste bins are placed at vantage points and regularly emptied would help
a great deal and ensuring that waste containers are always available at all refuse sites
and regularly carted away.
 KMA should introduce modern trends in waste management e.g. solicit for funds from
corporate institutions.
 Good basic personal hygiene should be imbued in home and school upbringing,
attitudinal change and commitment to keeping a clean city should be a concern for the
 Assembly should adopt its own emergency collection unit to cater for failures of
 KMA should embark on effective house to house collection and employ more people
to inspect and collect waste and include experts to monitor agents.
 The existing high rise buildings should be provided with external chute systems to
easily and effectively move waste to the point of disposal.
 The primary storage should be collected at the close of each working day or early
in the morning to avoid over storage which leads to support breeding of inspects
and other pathogens.

Wastewater to be collected and treated will be generated from the residents and the proposed
hostels with a systematic administration of activities that provide for the proper handling,
treatment and disposal of liquid waste/wastewater.


Estimates of the water demand

 Sources contributing to wastewater
 Components of the wastewater generate
 Wastewater flow rates from the residents and students
A large percentage of the houses in the study area practiced on-site treatment system and were
already equipped with septic tanks for the treatment of black water. This was also the case found
at the various hostels. The waste entered the septic tank via pipe connections from the W.C in the
buildings. Septic tanks for the treatment of black water are shown below.

Figure 8 Septic tank

Figure 9 Septic tank

The main problem with wastewater management in the area was with the treatment of the grey
water (sullage). Some of the households collected the grey waste along with the black into the
septic tank for treatment. However, a vast majority of the inhabitant in the area had no system in
place for the safe treatment and disposal of the grey wastewater.
For some of the households, the kitchen and bath wastewater is collected in buckets or basins and
is thrown into the street. Most of the hostels in the vicinity channeled their grey waste into the
existing drainage network which empties out into the Wiwi stream. A bucket had been placed in
the hole and the grey water was channeled into the bucket using a piece of ‘water hose’. The
waste water was then collected in the bucket till it was full and then poured out onto the street as
shown below.

Figure 10 collection of grey water

Figure 11 Channeling of grey water from hostels and households
6.2.1 Water Demand Estimation

Table 7 Domestic water requirements per person(students)

Activities Demand (l/cap/day)

Drinking 2

Cooking and washing of food stuffs 12

Bathing and washing of cloths 70

Flushing of closets 24

Other needs 10

Total 118

Number of grids with high rise buildings = 3*1232 = 3696

Number of grids with low rise buildings = 4*20% of 1232 = 985.6 =986

Number of grids with medium rise buildings = 2*50% of 1232 = 1232

Total number of student populace = 1232 + 1479 + 3696 +1000 = 5914

Average demand for students:

Q ave =5914 x 118=697852l / cap / day=697 . 852 m3 / day

Table 8 Domestic water requirements per person(residents)

Activities Demand (l/cap/day)

Drinking 5

Cooking and washing of food stuffs 20

Bathing and washing of cloths 50

Total 75

Estimated population of residents in a grid = 300

Number of grids = 9

Total number of populace = 9*300 = 2700

Projected population for residents Pnew = Po (1+ 0.02)15 = 3633.84 =3634

Average demand for residents;

Q ave =3634 x 75=272550l / cap / day=272 .55 m3 / day

Miscellaneous = 30% of 272.55 = 81.764m3/day

Total average daily water demand for the students and residents:

697 .852 + 272.55 +81.764m3 = 1052.166m3/day

Provisions for general water requirements = 20% of total average demand = 210.433m 3/day

x 1052. 166=263 .042 m3 /day
Provisions for fire demand = 4

Grand total average daily water demand = 1052.166 + 210.433 + 263.042 = 1525.642m 3/day
6.2.2 Waste Water Estimation
To determine the amount of waste water produced, 80% of the water demands calculated would be

Table 9 Waste water estimate



Residents 697 . 852 558.28

Students 81.764 65.41

Miscellaneous 272.55 218.04

General water requirements 210.433 168.45

Fire demand 263.042 210.43

7 Drainage design
Generally, the topography of the site could be said to be gentle but gradually slopes into the stream
that joins the wiwi stream. The school of business which is opposite to the site is generally flat and
slopes into the stream. The drains are made in accordance with the topography of the area and
maximum flood levels.

7.1 Objective
 Upgrading of existing drains if capacity of such drains is not satisfactory.
 Designing of good drainage systems to ensure that flooding of the site will be avoided
 Designing of drains to meet the economic needs of the society and for easy maintenance
at a low cost.

7.2 Hydrologic Design

The rational formula is used to find the runoff on the catchment area after which the Manning’s
formula is used to find the peak flow in the drains sizes assumed for each catchment area. If the
hydrological Q is less than the hydraulic Q the drain size is used otherwise another size is used
till the hydraulic Q is greater than the hydrological Q. The Wiwi stream is serving as the outfall
of the drains.

7.3 Design Parameters

The major parameters which are required for the design that is for the determination of
dimensions of the drains are
Hydrological discharge: Q=KIA
Q=the peak runoff or discharge A=the catchment area, (ha) = 36
I=the rainfall intensity K= runoff coefficient,

7.4 Sample calculation on hydrological discharge into drain

From the relation
Q Hydrology= 360 *K *I *A

For the chat above, the rainfall intensity of 549mm/month or 0.763mm/hr

Runoff coefficient of 0.85(pavement),

Q Hydrology = 360 x 0.85 x 0.73 x 36 = 0.0621m3/s
Table 10 Typical cross section of a drain

7.5 Hydraulic discharge

When an assumed area of drain is taken, a hydraulic discharge is calculated and if the hydrologic
discharge is less than the hydraulic discharge, the assumed area is used.

This discharge is calculated using the Manning’s formula:

2 1
A 3 2
Q= R S

The slope of the area under consideration, S

The Manning’s roughness coefficient, n

The hydraulic radius, R

The cross-sectional flow area, A

Figure 12 Typical cross section of u drain

7.6 Sample calculation on drain sizing

Using a U-drain of dimensions 600 x 600mm to accommodate the discharge

2 1
3 2
AxR xS
Q hydraulics = n

3 . 142 xW W
+W ( H− )
For a U-drain, Area, A = 8 2

With breadth B = 0.60m; Height H = 0.60m=

Area = 0.3214m2

3 . 142 xW W
+2( H − )
Perimeter, P = 2 2 = 1.542m

Area 0.3214
= =0.208
R= perimeter 1.542

For a slope of 0.002 and Manning’s n of 0.013 (in-situ concrete)

2 1
3 2
0. 3214 x 0. 208 x 0 . 002
=0 . 388 m3 /s
Q= 0 . 013

Since the Q hydraulics is greater than the Q hydrology, the assumed drain size is appropriate and can
accommodate the discharge; hence assumed drain dimensions are chosen and applied to all.

7.7 Design of underground reservoir

The capacity of the tank is calculated based on the daily demand. Other factors needed are;

 Number of days to be stored

 Percentage of emergency volume for daily demand
 Dead volume of tank
 Demand balancing volume for each day
Provision will be made for water storage of 4 days peak.
A dead volume of 15cm of the depth of the tank. This is to prevent the tank from drying.

Volume required per day = 1525.642m3

Volume required for 4days = 1525.642m3 * 4 = 6102.496m3

7.7.1 Sizing of tank

Volume = ×h

Height of tank is assumed as = volume 3 + dead volume (0.15)

Height = √ 6102. 496+0. 15=18. 27 m

√ √
V ∗4 6102. 496∗4
D= h∗π
18. 27∗π
=20. 62 m

Assuming dimensions: diameter of 21m and a height of 19m

7.8 Distribution tank
Distribution tanks are elevated and are fed from the underground reservoir. They can be located at
source, at end of transport system or at any other favorable place in the distribution system. They
store the treated water temporarily for distribution. They also have capacities that store water needed
for balancing storage also for breakdowns like pump failure.

7.9 Sizing of the distribution tank

Since the tank will be elevated and will need to be pumped, we will take the capacity to be 1/4 of
the total daily demand. And pumping will be done 4 times daily, 6 hours consecutively. The
sizing of the tank is done as follows;
total demand for a day = 1525.642m3.
Number of times to pump = 4
Volume to be pumped for an 6hour use = = 381.41m3
Volume of water to be in a tank at a time = 381.41m3 + (0.15*381.41m3) = 438.62m3
Taking a dimension of 9m x 9m x 6m

7.10 Elevation of tank

Since they take water from the underground reservoir also need to be elevated, we design for 6
hours for the one day only the 4day peak and pumped four times. The elevated tank is kept on
the highest point and the minimum pressure needed to reach the last consumer of the area.

Table 11 Profile of the area

The minimum pressure needed to reach the furthest section of the area is 15m.
The height of the elevated tank is calculated below.
From the energy equation,
p1 + z 1 = p2 + z 2 + h f where;
p1= pressure∈the tank
z 1 = elevation of tank
p2 = minimum pressure
z 2 = elevation of the furthest part = 262 m
h f = head loss

length of pipe from elevated tank to furthest area = 666.90m


Q=v x A

Assume v= 1m/s
0.015= 1 x

√ 0.015 x 4

D = 0.138m

D=150mm for our design

Q= v x A

v x π (0.15)
0.015 =

Kinematic viscosity = 497 x 10

Assuming a temperature of 200

Kinematic viscosity = 1.006 x 10−6 m2/s

Re =

0.9 x 0.15
Re = −6
1.006 x 10

Re =133663.37
By using Barr’s equation to find lambda

Lambda= 0.034

lambda x l 2
Hf = Q
12.1 x d

Hf = 5.46m

From the energy equation;

p1 + z 1 = p2 + z 2 + h f

Where p1= atmospheric pressure which is considered zero

z 1 = 15 + 251.1 +5.46

z 1=271.56

but z 1=¿elevation of ground + elevation of tank

elevation of tank = 271.56 – 263.4 elevation of tank = 8.16m

Figure 13 Proposed elevated tank

7.11 Material for elevated tank

Two options that seem suitable for the design and construction of the elevated tank are

 Braithwaite steel
 Glass reinforced plastic
7.11.1 Properties of suggested materials
Table 12 properties of material used for elevated tank


1. Excellent flexibility to adapt as 1. Retards growth of algae and

storage requirements change. fungi
2. Ability to be installed in areas 2. Excellent quality of stored
with restricted access. water.
3. Infinite range of sizes and 3. Very low maintenance.
configuration s. 4. Long service life.
4. Quick and easy assembly using 5. Low dead weight thereby
hand tools. saving on foundation cost.
5. Highly economical 6. Good resistance to most
transportation. chemicals.
6. Long term life expectancy.
7. Inherent strength and
durability of the raw material

After comparing the two materials, it was decided that Braithwater would be the better option
based on its properties.

Figure 14 typical cross section of elevated tank

Figure 15 Plan of elevated tank
The Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Water Resource and Sanitation (MOWRS)
and the Ministry of Zongo and Inner City Development (MZICD) is undertaking a community
upgrading project to improve the livelihood of the selected communities in the Ashanti region of
Ghana. The Ayeduase and Kotie communities have been selected to benefit from the scheme due
to the rapid growth in population of students resident there.

The MOWRS is procuring consultants to undertake conceptual/preliminary design of the scheme

which will lead to the preparation of tender documents for the award of contracts for the eventual
construction of facilities in the areas selected for upgrading. The consultants are required to visit
the sites and identify pertinent areas of intervention.

To this end, the M/s ED C 3 2016/17 Civil Groups have been shortlisted to undertake the design
proposals of the Civil Engineering Infrastructure Works in the area. Civil 3 students (Group 7)
have been assigned to undertake the design proposals of the Civil Engineering Infrastructure
Works in the area. Inception site investigation was held on April 16 and 17, 2014, the site
investigation focused on identifying problems in the area that require


The components of the Infrastructure Works to be designed for under this phase
is to include the following with respect to the Road Network and Traffic management.

8.2.1 Road Network

Providing a well annotated layout of the existing road that indicates the following:

 Surface types
 Road lengths and width;
 Typical cross-sectional features
 Extent of deterioration
 Show areas to be developed.
8.2.2 Traffic Management

• Provision of a detailed description of the state of traffic flows on the Ayeduase road showing
the main challenges.

 Plan and undertake typical studies to evaluate the current situation.

 Proposition of the type of facilities to be provided to improve flow and pedestrian safety.
 Propose a conceptual design to improve the layout or control at the Ayeduase-Kotei
9.1.1 Road network layout

The layout of the existing road network showing and types of surfaces to be provided is shown

Figure 16 Layout of Existing Road and Drainage Network

The layout of the existing road network showing improved connectivity and types of surfaces to
be provided is shown below.

Figure 17 Layout of Proposed Road and Drainage Network

9.2 Road lengths and widths

Six roads were considered from the project area. The width of the roads and the drainages were
taken with the aid of a measurement tape rule. The lengths of the road however were taken using
individual paces of group members.

9.2.1 Route one


Based on the field reconnaissance conducted, it was observed that the route one (from
Continental supermarket to Abaase junction) as indicated on the map is paved (bituminous
surface). The length of the road was estimated to be 1082.85m. This was obtained by using
individual pacing. The width of the road was estimated to be 6.7m from Ayeduase gate to
Kotei junction. From Kotei junction to Abaase junction, the width of the road was measured as
9.2m. The road has two lanes, and on both sides of the carriageway are walkways with width
2.3m and 1.5m on the left and right respectfully. Both sides of the carriageway have drains of
size 0.45m. A circular culvert of diameter 0.7m is installed at 186m from Ayeduase gate. Also,
a circular culvert is installed at 105.7m from the intersection. Based on the survey conducted it
was observed the road was recently maintained and for that matter no defects were obtained.

Figure 18 Route one

9.2.2 Route Two


Based on the field reconnaissance conducted, it was observed that the route two (from Abaase
junction to Rising Sun Hostel) as indicated on the map is unpaved. The length of the road was
estimated to be 550.0m. This was obtained by using individual pacing. The width of the road was
estimated to be 8.9m with no designated lanes. On both sides of the carriage, no walkways are
provided on the left and right. Both sides of the carriage have no drains. Based on the survey
conducted it was observed the road has a lot of defects. Some defects on the road are listed

 Edge failure
 Gulley erosion and Potholes

Figure 19 Condition of route 2

9.2.3 Route Three


Based on the field reconnaissance conducted, it was observed that route three (from Helenus
to Rising Sun Hostel) as indicated on the map is unpaved. The length of the road was
estimated to be 578.57m. This was obtained by using individual pacing. The width of the road
was estimated to be 5.68m with no designated lanes. On both sides of the carriage, no
walkways are provided on the left and right. Both sides of the carriage are drains installed of
size 0.6m. A circular culvert of diameter 0.7m is installed at 112m from Ayeduase gate. Based
on the survey conducted it was observed the road has a lot of defects. Some defects on the road
are listed below:

 Edge failure
 Edge step
 Gulley erosion
 Potholes
9.2.4 Route Four


Based on the field reconnaissance conducted, it was observed that route four (from Engineering
gate to Nyberg Hostel) as indicated on the map is unpaved. The length of the road was
estimated to be 536.42m. This was obtained by using individual pacing. The width of the road
was estimated to be 6.5m with no designated lanes. On both sides of the carriage, no walkways
are provided on the left and right. Both sides of the carriage have no drains installed. Based on
the survey conducted it was observed the road has a lot of defects. Some defects on the road are
listed below:

 Edge failure
 Edge step
 Gulley erosion
 Potholes
9.2.5 Route Five Description

Based on the field reconnaissance conducted, it was observed that the route five (from Ford
hostel to Nyber fast foods) as indicated on the map is unpaved. The length of the road was
estimated to be 393.57m. This was obtained by using individual pacing. The width of the road
was estimated to be 6.2m with no designated lanes. On both sides of the carriage, no walkways
are provided on the left and right. Both sides of the carriage have no drains installed. Based on
the survey conducted it was observed the road has a lot of defects. Some defects on the road are
listed below:

 Edge failure
 Edge step
 Gulley erosion
 Potholes

Figure 20 Route five

9.2.6 Route Six


Based on the field reconnaissance conducted, it was observed that the route Six (from Access
bank to Route four) as indicated on the map is unpaved. The length of the road was estimated
to be 221.43m. This was obtained by using individual pacing. The width of the road was
estimated to be 5.6m with no designated lanes. On both sides of the carriage, no walkways are
provided on the left and right. Both sides of the carriage have no drains installed. Based on the
survey conducted it was observed the road has a lot of defects. Some defects on the road are
listed below:

 Edge failure
 Potholes
 Gulley erosion

Figure 21 Route six

9.3 Traffic volume and classification of vehicles

Traffic volume studies have been conducted to determine the number, movements, and
classifications of roadway vehicles at a given location. Manual volume count. The volume counts
helped to estimate the number of vehicles which will be accessing the facility after completion,
therefore the design should be in accordance to this estimated number.
To obtain the traffic volume, a volume count was conducted at the intersection. The volume
count was conducted for a period of two hours (11:00am-1:00pm) at an interval of 15 minutes.
Prior to the traffic count, the vehicles plying the road were broken down into the following
divisions per the GHA Road Design Guide.

 Small vehicle
 Large vehicle
 Trailer

9.4 Traffic management studies

9.4.1 Summary of Road Description

Table 13 Summary of Road Description

Designated Section Length Width Number Width Drainage Culvert

Road (m) of of of size size (m)
carriage lanes` footpath

Route 1 Gate to 1082.85 6.7 2 2.3 and 0.45 0.7

Abaase 1.5

Route 2 Abaase to 550.0 8.9m none none none none

Rising Sun

Route 3 Helenus to 578.57 5.68 none none 0.6 0.7

Rising sun

Route 4 Engineerin 536.42 6.5 none none none none

g gate to

Route 5 Ford hostel 393.57 6.2 none none none none

to Nyber
fast foods

Route 6 Access 221.43 5.6 none none none none

Bank to
Route four

9.4.2 Traffic management studies

The following studies were undertaken to evaluate the current situation of the Ayeduase road:
• Traffic Volume and Classification count
• Intersection/Turning Movement and pedestrian Count Detailed Description of the State of Traffic Flows on the Ayeduase Road

The following are some main challenges encounted on the road

 Indiscriminate stop of buses which blocks the flow of traffic

 No provision of pedestrian sidewalks making pedestrian share the travelling with moving
 No crossing facilities
 Lack of road signals
 No provision of lay-by which blocks traffic stream Traffic Volume and Classification Count

The following are some reasons why there is the need to conduct a traffic volume count
 To determine the influence of large vehicles on traffic flow
 To document traffic volume trends.
 To compute expected highway user revenue.
 Locating areas where new facilities or improvement existing facilities are needed. Result of Studies

Table 14 Intersection count at Ayeduase-Kotei

Small Vehicles Large vehicles Trailer

Turnovers Turnovers Turnovers Total

Time Left Straight Right Left Straight Right Left Straigh Right

11:30- 80 90 91 97 30 110 3 0 0 501


11:45- 95 80 50 100 37 89 1 0 1 453


12:00- 79 82 96 120 20 78 1 0 1 477


12:15- 50 30 70 50 35 59 0 0 0 294

12:30- 67 30 20 25 9 10 1 1 0 163

12:45- 85 70 89 90 27 102 0 0 0 463


1:00- 34 30 16 42 6 34 0 0 0 162

1:15- 27 20 17 19 10 2 0 0 0 95
9.4.3 2.4.4 Peak Hourly Volume
Table 14 above shows data collected at the Ayeduase-Kotei intersection which would be used to
estimate the peak volumes and turning movement of various classes of vehicles traversing the
intersection as shown in the table below.

Table 15 Estimation for Peak Hourly Volume

Time Volume (15 minutes) Hourly Volume

11:30-11:45 501

11:45-12:00 453

12:00-12:15 477

12:15-12:30 294 1725

12:30-12:45 163 1387

12:45-1:00 463 1397

1:00-1:15 162 1082

1:15-1:30 95 883 Peak Hour volume (PHV)

PHV is the maximum number of vehicles that pass a point on a highway during a period
of 60 consecutive minutes. Some uses of Peak hour volume is that they are used for:
 Traffic management
 Functional classification of roads
 Geometric design of features
 Justifying, planning and locating traffic control devices
From the above the Peak Hour Volume (PHV) is 1725 vehicles/hour and it occurs from
(11:30pm-12:30pm). Determination of the Peak Hour Factor (PHF)

4 xV max
The Peak Hour Volume (PHV) = 1725 vehicles/hour from 11:30pm-12:30pm
The peak flow for 15minutes = 501 vehicles/hour from 11:30pm-11:45pm
PHF= =0. 861
4 x 501
Therefore, the peak hour factor is estimated to be 0.861 Types of Facilities to be Provided

Some few facilities required to improve flow, facilitate operations and improve pedestrian safety
on Ayeduase road as listed below:
 A lay-by for commercial buses to stop.
 Pedestrian sidewalks.
 Traffic Signals and Signs.
 A larger turning radius at the intersection.
 Pedestrian signs (Zebra crossings) Proposed Conceptual Design to Improve Intersection

The figure below presents a conceptual deign to improve the layout or control traffic flow at
the Ayeduase-Kotei intersection.

Figure 22 Proposed Conceptual Design of Ayeduade-Kotei Intersection


Design standards & Criteria The design criteria to be used would include the following:
 Safety
 Functionality
 Driver, vehicle and pedestrian characteristics
 Aesthetics
 Economics
The design standards to be used is GHA Road Design Guide

9.5.1 Classification of Road

The classification of the road is done with regards to the functional and terrain type classification of
roads as stated by the GHA road design guide. The class of road to be constructed is Service road or
Access road.

9.5.2 Design Speed

Design speed is the most important consideration in geometric design. It is the design criterion that
is aimed at providing consistent and coordinated alignment. It is related to alignment such as the
curve radius and sight distance. The design speed depends on the functional class of the road and the
topography of the area in which the road is located. The design speeds corresponding to functional
and terrain type is between 40-60 km/h per the GHA Road Design Standard

9.5.3 Design Vehicle

The design vehicle is the largest vehicle that is expected to use the facility in significant numbers
daily during the design period. Per the data obtained, small vehicles make up most vehicles. Per the
GHA Road Design Guide, small vehicles include private cars, taxis, vans, pick-ups, land rovers and
jeeps with 2- axle single rear wheels. Therefore, the design vehicle to be used would be small
vehicles. Per GHA Road Design Guide a small vehicle has the following dimensions recommended
for design;
 Length-4.7m
 Width-1.7m
 Height-1.5m
9.5.4 Alternative route from Ayeduase gate to kotei to reduce traffic flow

From the reconnaissance survey conducted, it was observed that traffic flow on the Ayeduase-Kotie
road was slow. To take traffic from the Ayeduase-Kotie road there is the need to provide an
alternative route.
Vehicles from Ayeduase gate can be made to move through Route 3(Helenus-Rising Sun) and then
through Route 2(Rising Sun-Abaase Junction) as indicated on the map. This route would be One-
way. Also, Vehicles from Kotei can be made to move through Route 5 and then through Route 6 as
indicated on the map. This route would be One-way

9.5.5 Cross Section Elements

Cross section elements are those elements of the road that form its effective width and which
affect vehicle movement. The cross-section elements considered are:
 Traffic lanes
 Lane width
 Sidewalks or Shoulder
 Camber of the carriageway.

9.5.6 Traffic Lanes

The number of traffic lanes required considering cost, the proposed area and ease of traffic
operation, 2 (two) traffic lanes was chosen.

9.5.7 Lane Width

The selection of a lane width for a road is dependent on the type of road classification, traffic
volume, design vehicle dimensions and the design speed. The lane width selected for the road
design considering the above factors, as stated by the GHA Road Design Guide is 3.25m.

9.5.8 Sidewalks

These are normally provided for pedestrians to prevent traffic conflicts. Sidewalks are to be
provided on all roads. The width of side walk chosen is 2.0m.

9.5.9 Road Camber

The road camber ensures easy drainage of water from the road surface, this prevents road failure
since the water would be drained from the road surface and ensure the safety of running vehicles.
The cross slopes corresponding to surface dressing carriage ways stated by GHA in to be used is

9.5.10 Typical Cross-Section of a Road

There figure below shows a typical cross-section of a road.

Figure 23 Typical cross-section of a road

0.60m 2.0m

Surface Course
Binder Couse

Base Course
Sub Base Course
Compacted Subgrade


Figure 24 Typical cross section of a road

Figure 25 Typical cross section of a road

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