Final Project - Highly Effective Questioning

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Final Project: Highly Effective Questioning

Strategies for Teachers

For your final project, you will create an artifact that would support you in teaching the concepts
you have learned in this course to an audience of your choosing. The artifact and audience that
you choose should be designed to suit your professional role.

Assignment Objectives
• Synthesize all that you learned about highly effective questioning strategies (e.g., the
purpose of questioning, Bloom’s taxonomy, HOT questions, the teacher’s role, and the
student’s role).
• Devise evaluation methods for progress and success at meeting personal and
professional goals set for the course.
• Devise a plan for sharing your knowledge of course concepts with a specific audience
using an appropriate artifact.
• Create an artifact that reflects and applies course concepts for teaching to others.
• Plan for implementation of the created artifact and evaluation of its success.

Examples of artifacts may include (but are not limited to):

• A grade-level appropriate lesson, unit, or intervention plan designed to teach questioning

strategies that you would like for your students to use in your classroom.
• A grade-level appropriate lesson, unit, or intervention plan that integrates questioning
strategies at various points of the lesson.
• A professional learning presentation to be shared with your colleagues about highly
effective questioning strategies for teachers.
• A coaching plan for a colleague struggling with questioning strategies in their classroom.
• A video demonstration of a lesson in which you teach actual questioning strategies to
your students.
• A video demonstration of lesson that incorporates questioning throughout the lesson.

Assignment Components
Your completed final project should include:
1. A plan for how you will implement the artifact you have created into your role-specific
environment, and how you will evaluate its effectiveness and impact on your intended
2. Explain how this artifact demonstrates that you have met or your progress toward meeting
the personal and/or professional goal(s) you set. Also, how does it reflect the Danielson
outcomes identified in the course syllabus?
3. Include a description of the specific challenges you anticipate may arise as you implement
your artifact and strategies that you will use to overcome those challenges. How will you
practice self-accountability through these challenges, and ensure that you pursue
implementation of your artifact when obstacles present themselves?

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4. Apply the course concepts to an artifact and through methods that demonstrate appropriate
awareness of audience (e.g., age appropriate tone).
5. Include the specific knowledge and skills that you have obtained from this course that you
would expect your audience to know/be able to do after engaging with your artifact. You
may include details such as:

• A grade-level appropriate lesson, unit, or intervention plan designed to teach questioning

strategies that you would like for your students to use in your classroom.
• A grade-level appropriate lesson, unit, or intervention plan that integrates questioning
strategies at various points of the lesson.
• A professional learning presentation to be shared with your colleagues about highly
effective questioning strategies for teachers.
• A coaching plan for a colleague struggling with questioning strategies in their classroom.
• A video demonstration of a lesson in which you teach actual questioning strategies to
your students.
• A video demonstration of lesson that incorporates questioning throughout the lesson.

Output Recommendations
• Please ensure that all files submitted for your final project are in a fixed file
format, such as PDF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft PowerPoint. If you use a
project creation software, such as Google Slides, Prezi, or macOS Keynote to
create your project, please use the program’s export function to obtain a fixed
version of your project file.
• All work should be presented in a professional manner, including the use of spelling,
grammar, and visual formatting.
• Include your name and the current date in any work you submit or create for the project.
• Your project should include additional supportive information from at least 3 outside
sources (resources that are not included in the course). These sources should be cited
appropriately using APA style, and included in a References list with your submission.
• If you choose to create a document that is mostly text, such as a report or a letter:
o Your project should be 2000-3000 words in length.
o The document should be formatted appropriately for the type of document and
the intended audience, including font settings, titles and headings, page layout,
and page numbers.
o Include appropriate citations to your outside sources within the document and
add a References page at the end of the file.
• If you choose to create a video or a presentation, the final product should be between 8
and 12 minutes in length.
o Videos:
 Include your name, the title of your project, and current date in the
opening frames.
 Include your voice in at least part of the video, such as in the introduction.
Your face is welcome, too!
 Create an outline (or even a complete script) of what you want to cover,
to ensure that you address all topics you want to include.

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 Make sure that all audio is clear in the final project. You might consider
doing a voice over after creating the visual content to have more control
over sound quality.
 Make sure that all visual content is clear using standard playback
 Submit a document that includes an outline or script of the content of your
video and a References page listing your sources.
o Presentations:
 Include your name, the title of your project, and current date on the title
 Follow the 7 x 7 rule (or something similar) so that the audience can focus
on the main concepts rather than reading large blocks of text.
 Use the Notes pane to include additional comments that you would
include if you were to present this to an audience.
 Use an appropriate and attractive template instead of the default black on
 Include appropriate pictures that are formatted and sized for the context.
 Voice over is optional but encouraged. A voice over allows you to record
what you would say if you were to give the presentation to an audience.
 PowerPoint allows you to export the presentation to a video, which you
can submit along with the PowerPoint file if you wish.
 Sources should be cited on appropriate slides (in the Notes pane, for
example), and the last slide should be a References slide. You may use
more than one slide for references if you have too many to fit on a single

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Final Project Rubric
Focus Areas Does Not Meet Partially Meets Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Expectations Expectations (4 points) (5 points)
(1 point) (3 points)
Knowledge of Artifact relates incomplete or Artifact relates superficial Artifact relates clear Artifact relates detailed and
Course Content incorrect information about information about course information about course thorough information about
course concepts. The learner concepts. The learner concepts. The learner course concepts. The learner
provides an unclear reflection provides a superficial provides a satisfactory provides a detailed reflection
upon how they have reflection upon how they have reflection upon how they upon how they have progressed
progressed toward progressed toward have progressed toward toward established course
established course goals. established course goals. established course goals. goals.
Application of The created artifact is not Learner makes choices Learner makes appropriate Learner chooses and adapts
Course Content clearly aligned with chosen regarding content and choices regarding content artifact content and presentation
audience; learner methods of presentation that and methods of in multiple ways to ensure
demonstrates no or faulty may be unclear or presentation; demonstrates complete appropriateness for
awareness of the audience’s inappropriate in some ways; clear awareness of the the chosen audience;
needs. demonstrates some chosen audience’s needs. demonstrates exceptional
awareness of the chosen awareness of the audience’s
audience’s needs. needs.
Alignment of Alignment to course learning Artifact is clearly aligned with Artifact is clearly aligned Artifact is clearly aligned with 3-
Student outcomes is unclear or 1-2 course learning with 2-3 course learning 5 course learning outcomes.
Outcomes absent. outcomes. outcomes.
Implementation A plan for implementation of Learner develops a superficial Learner develops a clear Learner skillfully composes a
of Course the created artifact in the or unclear plan for and focused plan for thorough and detailed plan for
Content role-specific environment is implementation of the created implementation of the implementation of the created
incomplete or absent. artifact in their role-specific created artifact in their role- artifact in their role-specific
environment. specific environment. environment.
Evaluation of Learner develops an Learner includes a superficial Learner includes a clear Learner formulates a detailed
Implementation incomplete or unclear plan for plan with some clear steps for plan with several clear steps plan with thorough steps for
evaluating the effectiveness evaluating the effectiveness for evaluating the evaluating the effectiveness of
of the artifact created, and its of the artifact created, and its effectiveness of the artifact the artifact created, and its
impact on the planned impact on the planned created, and its impact on impact on the planned
audience. audience. the planned audience. audience.

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