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Aircraft and Satellite Remote

Sensing of Desert Soils and Landscapes


Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

The remote sensing of desert soils and landscapes using Thematic Mapper (TM), Heat Capacity Mapping Mission
(HCMM), Simulated SPOT, and Thermal hdrared Multispectral Scanner ('rIMS) data is discussed. These studies were
all conducted in arid or semiarid study sites. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for southwestern Nevada
discriminated among alluvial fan deposits with different degrees of desert pavement and varnish as well as different
vegetation cover. Thermal-irdrared data acquired from the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) satellite were
used to map the spatial distribution of dinrnal surface temperatures and to estimate mean annual soil temperatures in
semiarid east central Utah using diurnal data [or five dates throughout a year. Simulated SPOT data [or northwestern
New Mexico identified geomorphie features, such as differences in eolian sand cover and fluvial incision, which are
correlated with surface age and geomorphic stability of landscape components. The Thermal Inkared Multispectral
Scanner (TIMS), which is an aircratt scanner that provides six-channel spectral capability in the thermal region oI the
electromagnetic spectrum, was used to depict surface geologic features of the Saline Valley in southeastern California.
These research projects are presented as a summary of some of the sensors and analytical techniques that are useful in
the study of desert soils and landscapes.

Introduction capabilities for image analysis, interpreta-

tion, and classification. The growing
Softs play a vital role in the biospheric availability of higher resolution (spatial
processes of energy balance, hydrology, and spectral) digital data provides new
biochemistry, and biological productivity. challenges for investigation of their appli-
Spatial information on soil characteristics cation to softs and geomorphic mapping
is essential if biospheric processes on re- problems.
gional, continental, and global scales are As has been shown by previous re-
to be evaluated. search, remote sensing offers a potential
Previous research has shown the utility for providing information on soft char-
of digital aircraft and satellite remote acteristics over large areas. However, it is
sensor data in the softs and geologic map- the intent of this paper to restrict the
ping process. Remotely sensed data are discussion to the remote sensing of desert
used in conjunction with field observation softs and landscapes. Four research proj-
to define mapping unit composition and ects that have been conducted at Penn
extend mapping to inaccessible areas. The State University are described. A differ-
digital form of data from aircraft and ent type of remote sensor was used for
satellite multispectral scanners makes it each project. Therefore, the paper has
possible to utilize high speed computing been subdivided, according to sensor type,
into the following four sections: Thematic
*Department of Agronomy.
iOffice for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources.
Mapper (TM), Heat Capacity Mapping
Department of Geosciences. Mission (HCMM), Simulated SPOT, and
©Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1987
59. Vanderbilt Ave., New York, NY 10017 0034-4257/87/$3.50

Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (Thompson and Henderson, 1984), desert

(TIMS). alluvial deposits (Merifield and Yang,
1985), and clays, iron oxides, and
carbonates in Nevada (Borengasser et al.,
Thematic Mapper (TM) 1984). Landsat TM and the airborne
oceanographic Lidar define stream chan-
Introduction nel cross sections which have been used
The research in southern Nevada in- in a dynamic storage routing model
vestigates the use of remotely sensed (Helwa and Ragan, 1986).
imagery for predicting the hydrologic re- The nature of remotely sensed data
spouse to precipitation events in arid provides advantages for input to surface
watersheds. Using multispectral Landsat hydrology and sediment transport mod-
Thematic Mapper (TM), Systeme Prob- els. Remotely sensed data are an areal
atoire d'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), average while traditional inputs to models
Seasat radar, aircraft-acquired multispec- are point measurements, which are then
tral visible and near inhared data, and used to represent areal averages over por-
digital elevation models (DEM), surface tions of the watersheds. Remotely sensed
features such as vegetation cover, soft tex- data also measure the unique spectral re-
tures, sudace roughness, soil moisture, sponse of the combined affects of soil
slope gradients, and flow paths will be type, soft moisture, vegetation cover, and
determined. Because these surface fea- surface roughness, some of the same char-
tures interact to regulate the quantity of acteristics that control surface hydrology.
water which infiltrates and that which Because of the digital form of remotely
contributes to runoff, these remotely sensed data, it may be readily input to
sensed landscape characteristics can be models. Furthermore, in areas where
used to predict the hydrologic response of ground truth data are limited, remotely
watersheds. Numerical hydrologic and sensed data may be the only data avail-
sediment transport computer models will able.
be used to predict water discharge, sedi- Applications of remote sensing to
ment eroded by overland flow and chan- surface hydrology and sediment transport
nelized flow, and sediment deposition. models are c a t e g o ~ by the relation-
The Landsat TM bands are particularly ship between the model and the data
useful for surface hydrology studies be- (Rango, 1985; Engman, 1981; Link, 1983;
cause of their ability to discriminate soil Peek et al., 1981, 1983). The first ap-
from vegetation (Band 1), to determine proach is to make minor modifications to
biomass (Band 4), and to identify rock existing models to improve the correla-
and soil mineralogy (Band 7). All of these tion between model parameters or states
characteristics influence irffiltration prop- and remotely sensed variables (Johnson
erties of a surface and the amount of et al., 1982). The second approach is to
runoff and sediment movement. The TM make major modifications or to create
has been usehtl in diseriminal~ng surficial new models that are capable of accepting
geology and geomorphic units in Nevada remotely sensed input directly (Rango,
(Peterson, 1984), soils according to 1985; Engrnan, 1981; Link, 1983). This
mineralogy and surface texture in Texas study takes the first approach.

Objectives sorption. The molecular water and

This study is part of an ongoing project aluminum/magnesium-hydroxyl groups
at Plutonium Valley, Nevada and Walnut aid in the identification of day minerals
Gulch, Arizona being conducted by Los and quartz.
Alamos National Laboratory and Penn
State University. This cooperative project Site description
will determine if remotely sensed data
The study site is the Plutonium Valley
can be used to predict, within the accu-
watershed in southern Nevada, part of
racy of conventional technology, the hy-
the Nevada Test Site which is under the
drologic response of two arid watersheds
control of the U~S. Department of En-
using hydrologic and sediment transport
ergy. This watershed was used to test
models at two different scales (Wobber,
nuclear bomb satety shots in the 1960s.
1986). A low resolution, parametric model
The presence of plutonium serves as a
will use satellite imagery for > 10 km2
tracer for erosion and sedimentation and
watersheds and a high resolution, physi-
contaminant transport studies. Bedrock
cally based, numerical model will use
consists of Tertiary tuff and basalt, and
aircraft imagery for < 1 km2 watersheds.
Paleozoic limestone and is mantled by
The eventual goal is to predict radioac-
gravelly alluvial fans and alluvium. The
tive contaminant movement using com-
climate is arid, and vegetation coverage is
puter models with remotely sensed input.
This paper summarizes Thematic Mapper
data analysis for Plutonium Valley.
The TM data were registered to a
Platform and sensor characteristics
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
The Thematic Mapper (TM) is a projection through the use of ground
seven-band sensor aboard the Landsat-4 control points using the Earth Resources
and 5 satellite platforms. This multispec- Data Analysis System (ERDAS) GCP,
tral system collects data at 30 m resolu- COORD2, and RECTIFY programs
tion in Band 1 (0.45-0.52 /~m), Band 2 (ERDAS, 1985). The Plutonium Valley
(0.52-0.60 #m), Band 3 (0.63-0.69/xm), watershed was extracted from the recti-
Band 4 (0.76-0.90 /~m), Band 5 fied data set for input to a hydrologic and
(1.55-1.75 #m), and Band 7 (2.08-2.35 sediment transport model for the
/~m) and 120 m resolution in Band 6 watershed area only. The watershed
(10.4-12.5 pm). The TM was designed boundary was point digitized on a digitiz-
for agricultural applications such as dis- ing tablet with the ERDAS DIGPOL pro-
crimination of crop types, biomass mea- gram. The ERDAS CUTTER program
surements, vegetation stress analyses, and was used to extract the watershed from
determination of soft moisture conditions. the image using the digitized watershed
It was also designed for lithologic dis- boundary to effectively mask out the
crimination. Band 5 detects molecular image area exterior to the watershed. The
water absorption, and Band 7 detects same procedure was followed for the
aluminum and magnesimn-hydroxyl ab- Seasat data with the exception that a

low-pass filter using the ERDAS area on the left part of the image is a
DCONVLV program was implemented large playa.
to remove speckle, or random noise, prior At least five features can be dis-
to any other processing. The rectified data criminated from the combined TM,
sets were combined in one eight-band Seasat, and DEM data set. Features gen-
(seven TM and one Seasat band) data set erally seem to be correlated with slope
using the ERDAS SUBSET program. classes, which presumably have affected
Principal component analysis (ERDAS the amount of surface erosion and deposi-
PRINCE program) was used to reduce tion and moisture content and hence
the size of the data set from eight to three sediment particle size and vegetation
bands. The first three principal compo- growth. Two features of the valley floor
nents account for 98% of the variance in with the same slope characteristics have
the eight-band data set. Unsupervised different reflectances which can be corre-
classification (ERDAS CLUSTER pro- lated with two distinct periods of alluvial
gram) was used to find spectrally distinct deposition. The near infrared (Band 4) to
classes in the three-band principal com- red (Band 3) band ratio indicates vegeta-
ponent image. An infared to red band tion differences between the valley floor
ratio image was also calculated using the and the uplands and the variety in vege-
ERDAS DRATIO program. The 7.5-rain tation cover in the mountains.
Digital Elevation Model was processed Completion of this project will involve
using D E M p r o g r a m s ( D E M S U B , future data analysis, field investigations,
DEMJOIN, DEMWIND, and LAND- and computer modeling. Low-resolution
FORM) written by R. L. Day at Penn (generally satellite-derived) remotely
State University. sensed data will be used as input to a
watershed-scale, distributed, parametric
Results and discussion model for daily prediction of water and
PreLiminary investigations of the TM sediment discharge. High-resolution
data indicate that surface water flow lines (aircraft-derived) remotely sensed data
are detectable on the alluvial fans and fill. will be used as input to a subwatershed-
Bedrock properties, such as hydrothermal scale, physically based, kinematic cascade
alteration and varnish on desert pave- model for event prediction.
ment which may influence surface runoff,
can also be discriminated. Plate III is a Heat Capacity
false color composite of Bands 1, 4, and 6 Mapping Mission (HCMM)
of the TM data. Pale yellow surface water
flow lines can be seen in the center of the
image. Dark brown areas represent older The Heat Capacity Mapping Mission
alluvial fan surfaces. Purple areas are rel- was the first of a series of Application
atively young alluvial fan deposits. Light Explorer Missions involving the place-
blue areas are in the mountains; these ment of satellites in special orbits de-
areas also have high near infared to red signed to collect unique types of surface
band ratios, possibly indicating greater information. Project motivation stemmed
amounts of vegetation cover. The white from feasibility studies attempting to

measure thermal inertia (the ability of a graphic location, topographic position,

material to resist temperature change) by surface cover, and moisture conditions
using thermal infrared data to measure (Carter and Ciolkosz, 1980; Schmidlin
maximum and minimum diurnal surface et al., 1983). Other methods predict
temperatures (NASA, 1978). A review of MAST from weather station air tempera-
studies utilizing HCMM data can be ~ r e data and vegetative cover type (Soil
found in The Heat Capacity Mapping Survey Staff, 1975; MueUer, 1970).
Mission ( HCMM) Anthology (Short and Recent studies have utilized airborne
Stuart, 1982). and satellite-based thermal infrared
Soil temperature is an important soil sensors to measure long-wave thermal
property that impacts agricultural pro- radiation emitted from land and water
ductivity and genetic soil development. surfaces in order to estimate surface tem-
Biological, chemical, and physical peratures. Such remotely sensed thermal
processes affecting seed germination, infrared data have been used in applica-
seedling mortality, plant growth rates, tions involving microclimate modeling
root growth, and species adaptability are and soil moisture m e a s u r e m e n t s
influenced by soft temperature as is the (Schmugge, 1978; Carlson 1986),
geographic distribution of soils. Field groundwater hydrology (Cartwright,
studies have defined topographic posi- 1979; Huntley, 1978), geologic mapping
tion, moisture condition, and surface (Vincent, 1975; Kahle and Walker, 1984),
cover as primary factors controlling soft and crop physiology (Millard et al., 1978;
temperature throughout a yearly period Pinter et al., 1979).
(Shul'gin, 1965; Carter and Ciolkosz,
1980; Schmidlin et al., 1983). Objectives
Soils are classified by the Soil Con- The combination of orbital and sensor
servation Service into temperature re- characteristics of the HCMM satellite
gimes based on their Mean Annual Soil provided a unique opportunity to mea-
Temperature (MAST) and are field- sure the spatial distribution of surface
mapped as part of the National Cooper- temperatures in semiarid and arid regions
ative Soil Survey (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). repeatedly over both diumal and annual
MAST can be accurately determined by cycles. Therefore a study was undertaken
measuring soil temperature at four equally in east-central Utah with specific objec-
spaced times throughout a yearly period tives to:
at levels below the depth of diurnal tem- a. Use HCMM thermal infrared data
perature fluctuations (Smith et al., 1964) to measure apparent soil surface
or from a single bore hole measurement temperatures in desert areas and
at a depth below the level of seasonal evaluate relationships between
fluctuations (McDole and Fosbert, 1974). surface temperature variability and
MAST is normally estimated for soil surface physiography.
surveys because of the impracticality of b. Evaluate the feasibility of using
direct field measurement. Several least HCMM multitemporal data to mea-
squares regression models have been de- sure soil surface and plant canopy
veloped that predict MAST based on geo- temperatures and to thereby delin-

eate and map soils into their respec- erly across the site. The town of Moab,
tive Mean Annual Soil Temperature UT lies near the center of the site.
(MAST) regimes. The study area lies in the Canyonlands
section of the Colorado Plateau Physio-
Platform and sensor characteristics graphic Province. The general physio-
graphic structure consists of broad, fiat
The HCMM satellite was launched 26
parallel folds of sandstone and shale at
April 1978 by a Scout launch vehicle into
lower elevations progressing upward
a sun-synchronous circular orbit inclined
across a stepwise succession of plateaus
97.6 ° retrograde to the equator and col-
mantled with glacial till towards the ig-
lected data for over 2 years. The sun-syn-
neous La Sal Mountains. Elevations range
chronous orbit allowed coverage of the
from 1180 m in the canyons and plateaus
entire Earth's surface between 85 ° north
to over 3810 m in the La Sal Mountains.
and south latitudes every 16 days. This
Annual precipitation ranges from less than
entire area received diurnal coverage at
22 cm in the arid canyons to 22-63 cm in
approximately 12-h intervals. The nomi-
the high dry subhumid mountains.
nal ascending equatorial crossing time of
2:00 p.m. produced north middle latitude
crossing times of 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. Methodology
The HCMM satellite contained a two- The change in average daily soil tem-
channel Heat Capacity Mapping Radi- peratures throughout a yearly period can
ometer (HCMR) that was a modified ver-
be represented by a sine curve fluctuat-
sion of the Surface Composition Mapping
ing symmetrically about the mean annual
Radiometer (SCMR) flown on Nimbus 5.
soil t e m p e r a t u r e (MAST). Multiple
The HCMR collected both visible/near
observations of average daily tempera-
infrared (0.45-1.1 #m) and thermal in-
tures throughout a year via HCMM data
frared (10.5-12.5 /~m) data. The should therefore allow the sine curve to
visible/near infrared band corresponded
be mathematically "fit," thereby result-
to a broadband equivalent of the Landsat ing in an estimate of MAST.
MSS and had a nominal pixel resolution HCMM daytime and nighttime ther-
of 500 × 500 m. The thermal infrared band mal infrared data sets for five dates
had a nominal pixel resolution of 600 × throughout a yearly period were spatially
600 m with a Noise Equivalent Tempera- registered and digitally overlaid using the
ture difference of 0.3°K at 280°K. Data ORSER (Office for Remote Sensing of
preprocessing by NASA resulted in a Earth Resources) image processing soft-
481.5 m square pixel. ware system (Turner et al., 1982). Aver-
age Daily Temperature (ADT) data sets
Site description
were calculated from each of the five
The study site consisted of approxi- pairs of daily temperature data sets by
mately 925,400 h bounded by the Book averaging the daytime and nighttime ob-
Cliffs to the north and the La Sal Moun- servations on a pixel by pixel basis. The
tains to the southeast. The Green River five ADT data sets were then used to
forms a western boundary and joins the "fit" a sine curve describing the annual
Colorado River which flows southwest- soil temperature response at each pixel

location using least squares regression at similar elevations. These shale-derived

methods, which also provided statistical soils also showed unusually low nighttime
reliability estimates. The major outcome temperatures on each of the five over-
of the "fit" was an estimate of MAST, passes, suggesting that cold air drainage
about which the sine curve fluctuates may have contributed to the cool temper-
symmetrically. MAST data sets were pro- atures. Daytime and nighttime imagery
duced and used to digitally map the spa- consistently showed up to 9°C tempera-
tial distribution of MAST across the study ture differences between sandy soils in
site (Plate IV). MASTs were also divided Salt Valley and adjacent bedrock out-
into classes corresponding to USDA soil crops. However, the di/ferences were not
temperature regimes used to classify soils. apparent in MAST imagery. Apparently,
the materials have differing diurnal tem-
perature amplitudes that fluctuate about
Results and discussion
the same mean.
Evaluation of MAST distribution across Soil survey personnel who were map-
the study area showed an expectedly ping soils in the study area qualitatively
strong influence of topography. An in- evaluated MAST map products derived
verse relationship between MAST and from HCMM data and concluded that
elevation gradient was apparent. Warmest the MAST maps showed temperature
temperatures (greater than 16°C) were patterns that they had observed in the
found in the deep, complexly incised field. Most of the area was classified into
canyons of the Green and Colorado Rivers the mesic temperature regime with some
and generally became cooler as elevation thermic soils in the hot canyons and val-
increased into the La Sal Mountains. ley bottom and some frigid, cryic, and
Aspect effects on MAST were evident pergeUic in the high mountains. Areas
along steep, northeastern-facing escarp- which they suspected of having thermic
ments of major valleys. Temperatures temperature regimes but were not
there were approximately 2°C cooler than mapped as such, due to map scale consid-
adjacent flat-lying surfaces at similar erations, were delineated on the MAST
elevations. imagery. They also indicated that MAST
The effect of soil moisture on MAST imagery would be useful as a tool during
was also apparent. Irrigated farmland the initial stages of a soil survey to delin-
temperatures were 4-6°C cooler than eate areas that may require detailed field
surrounding nonirrigated soils, and soils observations.
immediately bordering the Colorado River In conclusion, HCMM provided multi-
showed relatively cool temperatures as temporal, high-resolution, diurnal thermal
well. infrared data that could be used to de-
MAST imagery illustrated the apparent termine the dynamic nature of soil tem-
effects of material density and composi- peratures. Such information is practically
tion. Patterns of relatively cool tempera- impossible to obtain using conventional
tures coinciding closely with soils derived field methods, thereby making satellite
from marine shale deposits along the base systems the only realistic tool to gather
of the Book Cliffs contrasted sharply with the information. This study shows that
surrounding sandstone-derived materials thermal sensors on satellites with diurnal

orbits can be used to study the dynamics (Frank, 1984) and sediment yield/runoff
of surface microclimate. (Owen and Shown, 1976) in Utah, and
severity of wind erosion in Texas
(Baumgardner et al., 1973). Drainage
Simulated SPOT density, runoff rate, sediment yield, and
perennial and ephemeral stream locations
Introduction were manually interpreted from Landsat
The research in northwestern New data from Wyoming (Shown and Owen,
Mexico investigated the utility of simu- 1976). Extensive and/or spectrally dis-
lated Systeme Probatoire d'Observation tinct surfaces with high and low infiltra-
de la Terre (SPOT) imagery for the study tion rates were distinguished with Land-
of geomorphic features and landscape sat date in New Mexico (Gardner and
stability in a semiarid region. An exten- Duffy, 1985). Arroyos as narrow as 20 m
sive geomorphic data base for the site were detected on high contrast images
(Gardner and Dttffy, 1985; Gutierrez, and arroyos as narrow as 45 m were
1983; Mills and Gardner, 1983; Wells, detected on low contrast images for
1982, 1983; Wells et al., 1983a, b; Wells Arizona (Morrison and Cooley, 1973).
and Gardner, 1984) allows for the delin-
eation of surface features that are related
to a particular geomorphic process or set
of processes. Correlation of surface reflec- The overall objective of this research
tance with surface characteristics permits was to investigate the utility of the new-
recognition of geomorphic features and est generation of high resolution, digital
inference of process types and rates. satellite imagery (SPOT) to characterize
Remote sensing is one useful tool in the surface hydrology and geomorphology in
identification of unstable areas, the im- an arid region. The general objective in-
pact of man's disturbance, and natural cludes a subset of specific, task-oriented
factors contributing to landscape instabil- objectives. These include:
ity and environmental degradation. a. Evaluation of the classification level
Several investigations have attempted to of the simulated data for the stan-
identify semiarid, surficial, geomorphic dard land cover classification scheme
processes, or at least the direct results of (Anderson et al., 1976) used by re-
those processes from Landsat imagery. mote sensing scientists and compari-
Albedo changes determined from mul- son of simulated SPOT classification
titemporal Landsat data were related to with Landsat-3 classification.
desertification and soil erosion in Utah b. Evaluation of the simulated data set
(Robinove et al., 1981) and in West Africa to identify specific components of
(Coiner, 1980). Changes in reflectances the hydrologic system, areas of
caused by changes in vegetation density, potential rtmoff, and relative land-
degree of erosion, soil type, geology, or scape stability.
land use were used to identify areas with c. Evaluation of the effectiveness of
different aridity in Brazil (Lombardo and different analytic techniques for Ob-
de Carvalho, 1980), geomorphic surfaces jectives a and b.

Platform and sensor characteristics 10 m pixels, each with the same multi-
spectral response.
SPOT, launched in early 1986, is a
French observational satellite containing
Site description
high resolution, visible (HRV) range in-
struments in a multispeetral and panchro- The study area is located northeast of
matic mode (Chevrel et al., 1981). The the town of Crownpoint, NM, in the San
SPOT spectral bands include three multi- Juan Basin and is centered around Kim-
spectral bands: 0.50-0.59 btm (Band 1), me-ni-oli Wash, an ephemeral, discon-
0.61-0.68 /~m (Band 2), 0.79-0.89 gm tinuous arroyo and southern tributary of
(Band 3), with an instantaneous field of the Chaco River. Bedrock consists of
view (IFOV) resolution of 20 m and a gently north-dipping upper Cretaceous,
broad, panchromatic band at 0.51-0.73 continental yellowish-gray to grayish-
gm (Band 4 or P) with 10 m IFOV orange, fine to medium-grained sand-
resolution (Bengi, 1982). stone, dusty yellow to olive-gray sandy
As part of a SPOT Image simulation shale and mudstone, dark-gray to black
program, data were acquired on 19 June shale, and coal of the Menefee Formation
1983 at 18:33 GMT with a Daedalus (Hackman and Olson, 1977). Bedrock is
AADS 1268 Digital Multispectral Scanner discontinuously mantled by quaternary
System flown in a Lear jet 25-C at ap- alluvium and eolian deposits. The climate
proximately 6.35 km with IFOV of is high (elevation) desert. Summer pre-
7.9-9.2 m. Several corrections were ap- cipitation is in the form of high intensity,
plied to the aircraft data to simulate SPOT local thunderstorms. Vegetation consists
satellite data (SPOT Image Corp., 1983, of rangeland grasses, forbes, cacti, and
Saint and Weill, 1984). Spectral bands shrubs.
and ground resolution were the main Dominant geomorphic processes within
parameters matched to the anticipated Kim-me-ni-oli Wash drainage basin are
real SPOT data (Saint and Weill, 1984). eolian erosion and deposition, slope
Data were resampled spatially to degrade sheetwash, fluvial headward extension and
the resolution, normalized to that of "a incision, lateral stream migration, piping,
typical satellite scene," and geometrically and pedogenesis. During the Quaternary,
corrected for mean ground speed, aircraft these surficial geomorhic processes have
altitude over a reference plane, and crab produced a landscape composed, in gen-
angle (SPOT Image Corp., 1983; Saint eral, of three components (Uplands, In-
and Weill, 1984). Radiometric corrections termediate, and Valley Floor) which
included calibration between bands and consists of diverse geomorphic units in
to a reference panel, and a linear combi- complex spatial associations. These
nation of the spectral bands of the landscape components differ in both type
Daedalus scanner to simulate SPOT spec- and rate of surfieial processes as well as
tral bands (SPOT Image Corp., 1983; age and are regarded as fundamental sub-
Saint and Weill, 1984). Because four pan- divisions of the surface in Kim-me-ni-oli
chromatic pixels (10 m) correspond to Valley.
each multispectral pixel (20 m), the 20 m The upland landscape component is
multispectral pixel was divided into four characterized by Holocene eolian sheet

sands which were deposited during high landscape component of a given age"
rates of eolian transport and deposition. (Wells, 1982). Landscapes with low fluvial
Soils of the eolian-mantled uplands have and eolian erosion rates and old softs are
high (mean value of 27.0 cm/h) infiltra- defined as stable. Early to mid-Holocene
tion rates (Gardner and Dully, 1985) and ratio-carbon ages (Wells et al., 1983a),
a reddish brown, argillic horizon. low rates of modern fluvial and eolian
The intermediate landscape compo- erosion, and soils with argillic horizons
nent is characterized by bedrock and dis- indicate that the eolian-mantled upland
continuous surfaces produced by slope component is stable relative to the inter-
wash and partial deflation. Coppice dune mediate and valley floor component.
fields occupy most of this component with Rates of fluvial erosion and deposition on
individual dunes ranging in size from 20 the valley floors are significantly greater.
to 100 cm in diameter and from 10 to 30 Mills and Gardner (1983) document a
cm in height. The dunes consist of eolian maximum tributary headcutting rate of
sand trapped and stabilized by clumps of 12.3 m / y r and maximum lateral channel
vegetation. Infiltration rates on the dune migration rate of 5.1 m / y r on the younger
fields are moderate (Gardner and Dully, valley floor. Based on the young or weakly
1985). Locally severe deflation has created developed soils, active erosion and depo-
blowouts exposing subsurface saltpans sition, and mid-Holocene to recent radio-
(rich in gypsum, calcium carbonate, and carbon dates (Wells et al., 1983a) on the
sodium montmorillonitic clay) at times valley floors, this component is consid-
leaving a gravel lag of sandstone and ered unstable. The intermediate compo-
ironstone rock fragments. Very limited nent is considered to be of intermediate
exposures of badlands are present near age and geomorphic stability. Because
sandstone and mudstone bedrock out- coppice dunes are present and vegetated
crops. with shrubs, there does not appear to be
The valley floor c o m p o n e n t is large-scale sand movement from eolian
characterized by locally rapid tributary erosion. The only feature of the inter-
headward extension and drainage in- mediate component for which geomor-
tegration, lateral stream migration, and phic process rates and surface ages are
sheetwash. The alluvial deposits are mildly reported are the badlands. Badlands are
alkaline, fine sands, and silts with local extensive in northern tributary drainage
clay and salt accumulations behind dams. basins of the Chaco River, but are much
Infiltration rates are generally lower than less extensive in the southern basins (e.g.,
the upland component (mean value of 9.7 Kim-me-ni-oli Wash). Northern basin bad-
c m / h ) due to thin, montmorillonite crusts lands have been dated as younger than
formed by raindrop impact on the highly 5600 to 2800 years BP (Wells, 1983).
dispersive, sodium rich soils (Gardner and Instrumented watersheds in some of these
Dully, 1985). badlands had erosion rates of 0.1-6.3
Surface age and rates of modern geo- c m / y r (Wells et al., 1983b). Erosion by
morphic processes were used to divide rilling and sheetwash is reported to be at
the three landscape components into rela- a rate of 0.3-2.0 c m / y r and erosion by
tive stability classes where stability is de- creep, sheetflow, and piping at a rate of
fined as the "rate of modification of 0.1-0.5 c m / y r (Gutierrez, 1983).

Methodology computer programs except where other-

wise noted are from the ORSER image
Methods used in this study include dig- processing system (Turner et al., 1982).
ital analysis of simulated SPOT data and Digital classification of the simulated
ground investigation. Ground data col- SPOT data was accomplished with a su-
lected included vegetation species; per- pervised Euclidean distance analysis. Su-
cent vegetative cover; surface soil Munsel pervised methods were used to derive
color (dry and moist); surface soil texture; feature signatures from homogeneous
percent, size, lithology and color of areas used the ERDAS FIELD program
surface rock fragments ( > 2 mm); per- (ERDAS, 1985) which allows interactive
cent cover of coppice dunes, sheet sand, editing of a feature signature. Evaluation
exposed subsoil and exposed bedrock; and of training field accuracy was based on a
erosional state. Percent cover was esti- qttick-look parallelipiped classifier. The
mated using percent of surface coverage scene was classified for each feature after
diagrams. Rock fragment size was esti- the training field mean and standard
mated by visual observation. Erosional deviation were determined and displayed.
state was estimated by the USDA Soil Training field signature means and stan-
Conservation Service method where dard deviations that represent recogniz-
slightly eroded surfaces have few rills able ground features were retained and
a n d / o r deflated areas and severely eroded heterogeneous or poorly selected training
surfaces are guillied and/or blown out; area signatures were deleted. Signatures
moderately eroded surfaces are in an in- for similar ground features define a fea-
termediate condition (Soil Survey Staff, ture class. The ORSER CLASS program
1962). Color aerial photographs flown in uses feature class signatures (means) and
1977 and reproduced at a scale of an Euclidean distance classifier for final
1:24,000 served as a base map for the scene classification (Turner et al., 1982).
New Mexico field investigations. Photo- Pixels are assigned to feature classes by
graphic color, tone, texture, and patterns pixel signature similarity to input feature
were compared with ground features, signatures derived from training fields.
where ground features are defined as rel- Limiting distances at three standard devi-
atively homogeneous identities distinct ations for 99.7% confidence intervals (for
from one another in vegetation cover, soft the channel with the maximum standard
color, soil texture, and/or geomorphic deviation) were used for classification.
processes. Data collected within feature Where overlap occurs in multispectral
boundaries delineated on the aerial pho- channel space between feature class
tos included 320 sampling points distrib- limits, the feature class mean that was
uted throughout the study area. closest to the pixel signature was chosen
Digital classification of the simulated as the feature class for that pixel.
SPOT data included: supervised Euclide- The resulting classified data set was
an distance analysis and parametric linear smoothed with the ORSER DISPLAY
discriminant analysis. Comparisons were program to improve the appearance of
also m a d e b e t w e e n unsupervised the output map (ORSER LMAP pro-
Euclidean distance classification of gram) by retaining only contiguous blocks
Landsat-3 and simulated SPOT data. All of a given feature. A clean parameter of 3
264 G . W . PETERSEN

was used, i.e., three of the neighboring were init:'ally labeled for feature class by
pixels must be classified the same as the the operator. Individual pixel signatures
pixel in question or the classification of were extracted with the USTATS pro-
that pixel is changed to be like its neigh- gram by outputting raw pixel reflectances
bors. of a block of "homogeneous" pixels. All
Accuracy of classification results was pixels in a block were initially labeled as
evaluated by comparing digitized plani- though they were the same featttre.
metric area of features on the classifica- NEIGHBOR relabels test pixels accord-
tion map with a zoom transferscope su- ing to the feature class to which the
perimposed ground truth map for a small discriminant functions have classified the
strip of the classification maps. Landsat-3 pixels.
data analysis methodology was identical
to the simulated SPOT Euclidean dis-
tance analysis.
Results and discussion
A landscape stability map was created
from the classified map of surface fea- Euclidean distance analysis of simu-
tures using ERDAS. The classified map lated SPOT data was used to distinguish
was treated as one layer of a geographic among geomorphic features that in-
information system (GIS) and was sub- fluence surface hydrology, erosion poten-
jected to 1) a series of proximity searches, tial, and landscape stability. Level III and
2) tests for coincidence between proximal possibly Level IV classification (Anderson
areas and the original classified map, and et al., 1976) of geomorphic features is
3) overlays of the searches, coincident attainable with the high spatial resolution
areas, and the original map. These of the simulated SPOT imagery.
analyses were conducted for fea~res Euclidean distance analysis of the multi-
whose stability classification was depen- spectral bands identified the same fea-
dent on their spatial relationship to other tures visible on the decorrelated image
features. (Plate V) eolian-mantled uplands (dark
The NEIGHBOR procedure in SAS green to blue on Plate V), coppice
(Statistical Analysis System) (Goodnight dunes (tan), surface exposure of subsoil
and Sade, 1982) uses nonparametric lin- (B-horizon) (reddish orange to yellow),
ear discriminant analysis. Two sets of sig- poorly vegetated silty and fine sandy areas
natures were used in this procedure: a (pink), saltpans (white), well-vegetated
training set and a test set. Training sig- fine-grained areas (red to black), and
natures were raw pixel values from blocks sandy areas vegetated with shrubs (white
of pixels; each block represented a homo- and blue). Landscape stability maps were
geneous ground surface feature. A nearest generated from landscape component
neighbor discriminant analysis defined ages and rates of fluvial or eolian processes
functions to separate training signa~res on each geomorphic feature. The pan-
into user-defined feature classes repre- chromatic band discriminates between a
sentative of ground surface features. Test 7-13 m wide arroyo, active tributary
feature signatures were classified by the headcuts, and the stable valley floor.
discriminant fimctions defined from the Comparison of simulated SPOT data
training signatures. The test signatures with Landsat-3 data illustrates improve-

ments in digital classification of small, alluvial fan mapping in Death Valley, CA

geomorphic features that are important in where units were discriminated on the
determining landscape stability. Landsat- basis of both composition and relative age
3 analysis (Gardner and Dttffy, 1985) for differences (GiUespie et al., 1984). Kahle
the same area was not able to delineate and Walker (1984) used emissivity and
the wash or tributaries. Identification of thermal inertia images generated from
areas of rapid lateral migration and active TIMS data to discriminate bedrock and
tributary headcut extension is critical in alluvium units in Death Valley. The
locating sites of instability and erosion. success of these projects and the clear
The continual coverage available from potential for TIMS to provide useful in-
satellite data at this resolution provides a formation for softs and geomorphic re-
means of monitoring stream and tributary search in arid regions prompted the cur-
migration over large areas with repeat rent study to further evaluate the TIMS
periods much shorter than generally sensor.
available from aerial photographic cover-
age. Objective

Thermal Infrared The objective of a research project

Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) conducted by the Office for Remote
Sensing of Earth Resources (ORSER) at
Introduction Penn State University and JPL was to
investigate the use of TIMS for softs and
A new thermal infrared airborne spec-
geomorphic studies.
trometer (TIMS) recently developed by
personnel at the Jet Propulsion Labora-
Platform and sensor characteristics
tory (JPL) shows significant promise for
softs and geologic studies. The spectral The TIMS is a thermal infrared spec-
channels and sensitivity of the TIMS trometer with six channels in the range
sensor offer a unique opportunity for col- 8.2-11.7 #m. The thermal sensitivity of
lection of data potentially useful in a the instrument (noise equivalent delta
variety of settings including softs and geo- temperature NEAT ~<0.1°C at 300°10
logic materials identification, land and the internal reference blackbodies al-
use/cover discrimination, and agricultur- low for an accurate estimate of surface
al applications. Several studies conducted thermophysical properties. TIMS re-
by JPL personnel have shown the utility sponds to the spectral photon radiance
of TIMS for discrimination of geologic (photons/s m 2 sr/xm) of whatever is within
and soils materials. Kahle and Goetz the field of view (FOV). Two thermal
(1983) were able to distinguish silica-rich reference sources, allowing for instrument
igneous rocks, hydrothermal alteration calibration, are mounted in the scan head
products, volcanics, and carbonates. A1- so that the scan mirror views one before
luvial fan units were found to be related and one after scanning across the FOV.
to the composition of the source material One of these reference sources may be
or the development of desert varnish on either heated or cooled and is used as the
the surface or a combination of both fac- lower temperature blackbody. The other
tors. TIMS was successfully applied to reference source can be heated only and

is used for the higher temperature Paleozoic era, followed by intense fold-
blackbody. The TIMS is designed such ing, thrusting, and uplifting during Early
that scene output data numbers (DN) are Mesozoic time. Late Mesozoic massive
linearly related to the input photon radi- intrusions of quartz monzonite cut older
ance. This linear relationship can be de- strata and were broken up by Late
termined channel-by-channel and scan- Cenozoic (Late Tertiary and Quaternary)
by-scan to reduce the DN to physical strike slip and block faulting and
units (photons/sm2sr/~m). When scene volcanism. The youngest deposits in the
brightness temperature is desired rather area consist of Quaternary and Recent
than scene photon radiance, a look-up unconsolidated alluvium and related de-
table method may be used to reduce radi- posits from the surrounding mountains.
ance to temperature (Palluconi and These deposits include alluvial fan
Meeks, 1985). material, landslide deposits, recent al-
luvium, playa deposits, dune sand, and
Site description valley fill material. For the most part, the
The area selected for this study is Quaternary and younger deposits form
located in the extreme northern Mojave gently to moderately sloping alluvial fans
Desert in Inyo County, California, ap- extending from the mountain fronts to-
proximately 9.90 km north of Los Angeles ward the valley center (McAllister, 1956).
and 39.0 km southeast of San Francisco. The soils of Saline Valley (Wardlaw,
Saline Valley, a deep basin approximately 1979) have four sources of parent
56 km long and 39. km wide is, typical of m a t e r i a l - - y o u n g e r alluvium and
the dosed, undrained basins within the lacustrine deposits, older, semiconsoli-
Basin and Range Province of southwest- dated alluvium, eolian materials, and bed-
ern United States. The valley floor, with a rock. Younger, lower alluvial fans and
central playa lying at approximately 39.0 dune sand areas are typically Entisols,
m above sea level, is surrounded on all while higher, older faals and terraces have
sides by peaks reaching as high as 3350 argillic horizons and duripans and are
m. The Inyo Mountains form the western classified as Aridisols. These older, more
rim of the valley with the Nelson Range stable fans and terraces have varying
to the south, the Panamint Mountains to amotmts of desert pavement and desert
the east, and the Saline Range to the varnish development.
Saline Valley is located in a unique
geologic setting near the western margin Multispectral scanners seldom make full
of the Basin and Range Province. The use of the dynamic range available when
region is characterized by high uplift rates recording scene radiance values. There-
within mountain ranges, considerable fore, image contrast enhancements are
topographic relief, and later Tertiary and nearly always required as a first step in
Quaternary volcanism of the basalt-rhyo- information extraction. However, most
lite bimodal type. The geologic record in multispectral scanners such as TIMS also
the uplifted mountains surrounding Saline exhibit high interchannel correlations.
Valley shows virtually continuous marine This combination of low dynamic range
miogeosynclinal deposition during the utilization and high correlation hinders

effective color composite generation of is the inverse of the original PC rotation.

multispectral images. This rotation places the uncorrelated
Separate contrast enhancements of the channels back into the coordinate system
individual component channels of the of the original image components without
color composite will somewhat improve introducing additional correlation and
image quality. However, due to the corre- preserves the original, basic color rela-
lation that exists, the full color range tionships. Also, the rotation back to origi-
available will still be underutilized. Soha nal image space has the effect of dis-
and Schwartz (1978) describe a method tributing the noise found within the PC
for dealing with this problem. Their components more evenly among the new
method, known as decorrelation enhance- components, thus becoming less apparent
ment, combines a well known multi- in the composite image display.
variate statistical technique--principal In summary, the decorrelation en-
component analysis--with a variance hancement procedure favored by Soha
equilization step to produce a more easily and Schwartz (1978), and the one utilized
interpreted image. The basic procedure is in this study, consists of a PC transforma-
briefly outlined below. tion followed by variance eqnalization,
The principal component technique followed by an inverse rotation to original
(also known as the Karhunen-Loeve image space. The variance equalization
transformation) is a linear transformation may be in the form of either a linear or
which results in a rotation and translation nonlinear transformation. In this study a
of the original coordinate axes of the nonlinear transformation to approximate
probability density function of a multi- a Gaussian distribution was performed.
dimensional data set. The resulting prin-
cipal component (PC) channels are un-
Results and discussion
correlated and are arranged in order of
decreasing variance, with the first PC The decorrelation procedure outlined
axis containing the largest variance, the above was performed on Channels 1, 3,
second PC axis containing the next largest and 5 of the Saline Valley TIMS data
variance, and so on. After performing a (Plate VI). As in previous work using this
PC transformation and equalizing vari- decorrelation enhancement technique
ances, each of the uncorrelated compo- with TIMS data (Kahle and Goetz, 1988;
nents may be contrast enhanced sep- Gillespie et al., 1984), it appears that
arately and color composited for display. spectral differences (which are primarily
Although a broad color range is available, related to the diagnostic emissivity
display colors are usually altered substan- minimia of silicates in the 8-12 #m re-
tially and are difficult to relate to the gion of the spectrum) are displayed as
original scene. Also, the signal/noise color differences, while temperature vari-
ratios for lower order PC axes will have ations are displayed as intensity dif-
an adverse effect on image display qual- ferences. Due to the nature of the trans-
ity. formation the colors in the enhanced
As shown by Soha and Schwartz, the image are similar to those in a conven-
above problems may be addressed by tional color composite of the same chan-
performing an additional rotation which nels, although they are more saturated.

Based on previous mapping and field Propulsion Laboratory, for their assis-
observation the decorrelated image ap- tance and guidance throughout these re-
pears to delineate a variety of surface search projects.
units. Mesozoic granitic formations on the
west side of the valley were distinguish-
able from Permian marine sediments
found in the same area. Alluvial fans on Anderson, J. R., Hardy, E. E., Roach, J. T.,
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