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Date Lecture Topic Chapter Problem set

25.01 1 commodities, consumption bundles, budget constraint, convexity 1-2 PS1 due 03.02
27.01 2 ordinal preferences, indifference curves, well-behaved preferences, MRS 3
1.02 3 utility, monotonic transformations, marginal utility 4
3.02 4 utility maximization, graphical and analytical approach to consumer choice, demand 5 PS2 due
8.02 5 corner solutions, comparative statics of demand 6
10.02 6 examples of demand derivation, consumer surplas with quasilinear utility, compensating and equivalent variations
15.02 7 review
17.02 8 quiz 1 (50 min, covers all the material before the quiz), solutions to quiz
22.02 9 technology, production function and its properties, isoquants, marginal products, returns to scale 19
24.02 10 profit maximization, isoprofits 20
1.03 11 cost minimization, using cost function to derive supply 21
3.03 12 profits and producer surplas, industry supply and number of firms 22-24
8.03 13 review of producer theory
10.03 14 midterm (75 min, covers all the material before the midterm)
15.03 15 monopoly, price discrimination 24-25
17.03 16 price discrimination 25
29.03 17 oligopoly, Stackelberg model 28
31.03 18 Cournot model, Bertrand model 28
5.04 19 quiz 2 (50 min, covers all the material before the quiz), solutions to quiz
7.04 20 game theory, Braess's paradox, strategic games 29
12.04 21 iterated elimination, Nash equilibrium, dynamic games 30
14.04 22 assymetric information, adverse selection 38
19.04 23 review
21.04 24 review
exam period final (120 min, covers all the material in the course)
The Calendar is tentative and subjetc to change.
The chapters correspond to the 9th edition of Varian H. "Intermidiate Microeconomics"

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