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Week 7


1) Liz manages a large floor refinishing company. She spends a lot of time communicating with a
variety of people and participating in activities that do not seem to have much to do with goals of
her company but are crucial for getting the job done. What is this called?

A socializing

B unprofessional behavior

C networking

D procrastinating

E conflict of interest

2) The process of building relationships and sharing information with colleagues who can help a
manager achieve the items on his or her agenda is referred to as ______.

A controlling.

B directing.

C benchmarking.

D networking.

E scheduling.

3) Chrissy wants to develop a list of possible courses of action to draw more customers to her shop,
so she calls a meeting of her sales staff. Together, they discuss the issue and suggest ideas to solve
the problem. This is called _______.

A groupthink.

B brainstorming.

C analyzing options.

D moderated discussion.

E crowdsourcing.
4) When analyzing options in the decision-making process, managers must consider the
appropriateness and ________ of each option.

A novelty

B practicality

C creativity

D universality

E reversibility

5) The managers at Hydro Inc. have recognized declining sales on their water purifiers and must
decide what to do to improve it. What should be their first step?

A defining the situation

B developing options

C analyzing options

D selecting the best option

E implementing the decision

6) Which is the first step in decision making?

A recognizing and defining the decision situation

B developing options to resolve a complicated situation

C analyzing the options available to resolve a situation

D monitoring the consequences of a decision

E implementing a decision

7) Pierre is a manager at a women's clothing store. He is very particular about how things are done,
right down to how the shirts are folded and the positioning of the mannequins. He uses his authority
and economic rewards to get his employees to comply with his directions. What type of manager is

A authentic

B democratic

C free-rein

D autocratic

E participative
8) Which trait would be part of a person's human relations skills?

A the ability to think in abstract terms

B the ability to understand the relationship between relevant issues

C the ability to perceive the underlying cause of an issue

D the ability to think creatively

E the ability to understand the needs of others

9) Sean is interviewing for a position at a law firm. In the interview, he is asked: "How would you
resolve the issue of successfully arguing a case in which you disagree with our client's position?"
Answering this question requires Sean to use _______.

A technical skills.

B analytical skills.

C cognitive skills.

D social skills.

E human relations skills.

10) Daniel is a first-line manager at a heating and cooling company. Because Daniel has worked in
the field for over 20 years, he is able to train employees, answer questions, provide guidance, and
solve problems. These abilities most closely describe his _______.

A technical expertise.

B human relations skills.

C leadership.

D analytical skills.

E conceptual skills.

11) Lloyd is the manager of the marketing department for a large firm. His department was given 3
new computer systems. Lloyd must determine which of his employees should get the new
equipment. By doing so, Lloyd is acting as a _________.

A disseminator.

B liaison.

C resource allocator.

D disturbance handler.

E negotiator.
12) Wayne is a manager of a large pharmaceutical firm. He often meets with consumer groups to
discuss the safety of the company's new drugs. When he does this, he is acting as a ______.

A negotiator.

B monitor.

C resource allocator.

D liaison.

E spokesperson.

13) Tracy is a manager at a law firm. Part of her role is conducting performance reviews for the
paralegals in the office. By doing so, she is fulfilling the managerial role of a

A disseminator.

B negotiator.

C resource allocator.

D leader.

E figurehead.

14) Norah was less educationally qualified and experienced than her colleagues when she joined
Micro Systems Inc. However, due to her ability to negotiate effectively with clients, convince her
team members to work harder, and understand their needs, she is a senior-level manager today.
Which skills can be most attributed to Norah's success in this scenario?

A technical skills

B cognitive skills

C human relations skills

D critical thinking skills

E organizational skills

Essay Questions

1) How are managers classified on the basis of their leadership styles?

2) What are some of the skills needed by managers?

3. You are a manager of a firm that manufactures conventional ovens. Over the past several
years, sales of many of your products have declined; this year your losses may be quite large. Using
the steps of the decision-making process, briefly describe how you arrive at a strategy for correcting
the situation.

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