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lesson 4 – Potato Signal and Market Liberator

Welcome to lesson number four!

This one is all about the Potato Signal and the Market Liberator indicator.

The Potato Signal

It simply shows you a „buy“ or a „sell“ signal in every timeframe. It is used as another confluence to
the wolfpack indicator. If for example the wolfpack indicator crosses the middle line ( the 0-line ) and
closes a candle in green or in red, you have got a confirmation to buy or sell. The „buy“ or „sell“
signal from the Potato Indicator will be your second confirmation to buy or sell.

How can I add the Potato Signal to my chart?

You have to download a script, copy it, add it to the pine editor in TradingView, save it and add it to
your chart.

The script: Can be found in this #education channel in the next document.

Copy the whole script and add it to the Pine Editor. So just click on the Pine Editor, delete everything
in it and then paste the script into it. In the upper right corner in the pine editor you can find „Save“
and „add to your chart“. DO IT. Then you will see the Potato Signal in your chart.
The Market Liberator

There can be found another indicator on the market called „Market Cypher“ or something like that. It
costs some thousand bucks. „The Market Liberator“ is basically like Market Cypher sht but does not
cost a lot. To get access you need to donate any amount to the Market Liberator himself. It does not
matter if it is 1$, 10$ or 100$. He will accept every amount.

But step by step: First you need to enter the „Market Liberator“ server. Use the following link: and click on „Join Server“.

After that you have to click on the „verification“ arrow to simply verify yourself for the server.

Now go into the channel „start-here“ and read „indicator access“. If you click on the link in „fill out
this form“ you will see a webpage and there you can find his donation addresses on the right side.

So donate any amount to one of his addresses on the right and fill out the form. Afterwards click on
„send“. You will receive access within 48 hours.

Then you can find the indicator in your TradingView account. Click on the „indicators“ tab and then
you will find the „Market Liberator B“ indicator. You will also find „Market Liberator A“ and „Market
Liberator S/R“ but we are just using „Market Liberator B“.

In my opinion many things in this indicator are not neccessary. If you click on settings of this

You can change the settings in the following:

Then your indicator will look like mine:
end of lesson 4 – Sincerely, Chris Goldstein

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