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The learners should be able to...

 Participate in decision-making on where to build structures based on knowledge of

the location of active faults in the community
 Make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school


A. General Objective:

 To demonstrate the key concepts by using models or illustrations, explain how

movements along faults generate earthquakes
B. Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

 Identify the different ways that reduce risks and be ready before, during, and
after an Earthquake.
 Apply and share what they have learned about Disaster Readiness Risk
Reduction with the community.


A. Topic: The relationship between faults and earthquakes

Subtopic: Disaster Readiness Risk Reduction
B. References:

 Philippine Association of Physics and Science Instructors Module 2022
 YouTube and TikTok clips, Google images
C. Materials:
 Laptop (Online Set-up)
 Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint Presentation
 Pdf Modules (for students’ reference)
 Cardboard, Construction paper, pen, tape (visual aids)
D. Values Integration:

 Understanding, Sensitivity, and Awareness

 Collaborative learning
 Discipline



A. Routinary Activities

“May we all kindly turn on our cameras and

mute our microphone class, as we now start

with our prayer.”

(Students turn on their cameras and mute
our microphone class)

“ kindly unmute your microphone and

lead the prayer.”


“Good morning class!”

“Good morning, Sir!”
“Okay, you may now take your seats.”
(Students will sit down)

Checking of Attendance

“Is anyone absent today?”

“No one Sir!”

“Very Good! Class!”

“How are you feeling today? Can you

please send me your emoji of the day or

kindly type it in the chat box?”

(Students send their emojis and use the chat

box to express their feeling for the day)
“Good to see those emojis!”

“Now Class, are you all excited to learn

new things today?”

“Yes, Sir!”
“Very Good class!”

“Before we start kindly view what I shared

on-screen about our rules and

responsibilities during online classes.”

B. Review
“Now let’s watch and listen carefully to this

video to review what we already discussed

the last time. Then, we’ll be using again to type in your ideas about

the video that you remember in our last


(Teachers’ own video/ remake)

“Excellent! Your responses tell that you’ve

learned very much during our last discussion.

Any more questions regarding that?”

“None, Sir!”

C. Motivation

“After knowing and understanding the different

concepts about faults and earthquakes, let us

now answer this question shared on your


“Kindly, share your answers by using the raise

hand button then as I call your name, unmute

your microphone and share it with the class. Or

you may type your answers in the chat box.

Again, class, all answers will be accepted and


(A student taps the raise hand button)

“Yes you may now unmute your

microphone.” “Sir, our house is near the high way and we

didn’t yet experience flash floods and
serious damage from an earthquake.”

“Very Good! thank you for sharing!”

(Another student taps the raise hand button)

“Another, yes kindly share with us

how safe is your location?” “Sir, we are located at the city surrounded
by buildings, lack of space.”
“Very Good! thank you for sharing! .

And now let me pic a comment in the chat box



“Sir, we are located near the river and our

house is made of light materials and there are

times that we experience floods and destruction

of our house”

“That is Interesting, very good! I know

now that most of you have ideas about your

location and this day, we’ll discover more

about how we can be more prepared for every

disaster that may happen.”

D. Lesson Proper

“Before we continue, may I ask someone to

read our objectives for today?”

“Kindly, unmute your microphone and read the

following objective loud and clear.”

(Students read the objectives)

“Thank you, class!”

“I would like to introduce you to this website”

Hazzard Hunter PH
“By typing your current location, from your

barangay, municipality, province, and country.

Wait for few seconds to detect your location

and you will find results on the possible risk,

faults, and earthquake spots near you.”

“Kindly take a screenshot or write the result of

your search on a clean sheet of paper and later

before we end the day you will be sharing in

the class; do you understand class? Are you

still with me?”

“Yes Sir! Noted.”

“Now that you have already discovered the

possible risk that your location is very prone.

How should we prepare to lessen this risk? Any


(A student taps the raise hand button)

“Yes you’re raising your hand? Kindly

unmute your microphone to answer.”

“Sir, know the safe spots in each room:

under sturdy tables, desks, or against inside

walls. Know the danger spots: windows,

mirrors, hanging objects, fireplaces and

tall, unsecured furniture. Conduct practice

drills. Physically place yourself in safe


“Stocks of things that will be needed in the

first days of an emergency such as water,

food, first-aid supplies, safety

equipment, illumination, shelter,

insulation, navigation and

communication tools. It should be

assumed that technologies such as mobile

phone services may not be available in a


“Excellent! Very good! thank you

for sharing!”

“What about during an earthquake, in particular,

what should we do?”

(A student taps the raise hand button)

“Yes you’re raising your hand? Kindly

unmute your microphone to answer.”

“Sir, the safest action in most situations is

to Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Stay in

place during earthquake shaking! If

outside, stay outside! If inside, stay


“Correct! Very Good! .”

“Now the question is do you know how to

properly Drop, Cover and Hold on?”

Next slide (Alarm)

“Is that how you do it?”

“Okay, I teach you how with this video.”

“Now it’s your turn class, kindly secure a place

now near a table because we’ll be doing it

together. At the count of 3.”

“1… 2… 3... (Alarm)”

(Students will do the Drop, Cover, and Hold

on Simultaneously.)

“Very Good Class! Thank you so much for

your Active Participation!”

“We can now say that we are prepared for

before and during an earthquake but what

should we do after?” Remain where you are until shaking

stops. Think out your plan of action first,

then move. Know exit routes if in a

commercial building. Take cover and don't

move until the shaking stops.

“Very Good! Thank you! .”

“Also, we need to be aware of your family

plan. Where to meet your family after the

disaster and where to ask for help.”

“We can conclude now that all of us are ready

and safe when that disaster happens.”

“Any more questions and concerns class?”

“None, Sir.”

“Excellent Class!”

IV. Application:
The teacher will flash a short clip on the screen from TikTok for the students to watch and


 Students will be working in groups (existing science groupings)

 They will be given 5 mins to collaborate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on what

they have seen in the video answering the question will you do the same?

 After, they will choose a representative to share their collaborative work with the class.

(This will show the student’s understanding of the lesson, cooperation with their

classmates, and core values.)

V. Evaluation
 It is time for the students to share their search results earlier about the risk and

disaster possibilities at their location.

 For 10 minutes.

 In addition, students will be completing this statement,

 After answering students should submit their answers to the assigned activity in the

Microsoft teams or they can send them to the teacher in messenger.

 They can use any medium like Microsoft word, PowerPoint, paper and pen, etc…

 Then, at the next meeting, they will be asked to will recite by sharing their answers with the


VI. Assignment:
The students will create a short video of themselves discussing with their family, friends, or

neighbors their understanding of what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.

 1-2 minutes duration

 Wearing proper uniform

 Use English in speaking is much appreciated

(Last part: Teacher-Student Conversation)

“We start the class with a prayer and we’ll be ending it with prayer also again kindly

lead our closing prayer.”

(A student will lead the closing prayer)

“Thank you! ”

That’s all for today’s lesson!

Everyone! Keep safe and Healthy, God bless us all!”

“Thank you so much, Sir! Excited to learn again in our next class! Keep safe and God bless us


“Class Dismissed!”

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