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AKi1t«1f R~eoJtek ff<tuJ....,~·



Stockdogs, olso New Breeds o nd Rore Breeds of dogs.
New Breeds Cottle, Horses ond Brahma Hogs.

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Mr. Ben Means of Route l Walnut Grove, Mr. Jim Roy Baker o( Route I Fuland, Miss-
l\lissou.ri with his Border Collies Queen and ouri with his Border CoJJies Tammy and SaJJy.
Oeor Tom,
J im ond I woukf like lo thonk you for the greet time we hod at the Cattle trials in October. A specia l
thonM to Mr. Claude lively, He hod some really good cottle a nd o well managed ranch. We enjoyed
meeting everybody and talking dogs. We got a reol treat watching Mr. Bill Estes and h is dogs perform.
We hod never $ffn a Catahoula or Dingo etO.U dog work before. In bushy country his dogs would be hard
to beet. I think you ore on the right track now, having these cattle lrials initeod Sheep Dog Trials. In 13
years o f raising stock dog, I have never hod anyone call me wonting o dog to work sheep. Many thanks
for your hospitality.
Thanks Again,
Ben Meons, ARF Certified BrHder

ISSUE No. 40
Sl JMMER - J<"'ALL 1973
TOM D. STODGHILL, Genealogist of the
- Contents-
Ed1tors Page 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"Home p rogress p rogram II ...... . ............................ . .
"vacation at Animal Research Foundation" .••••••••••••••••••• 5
"ARF Clock -Wise Breeding Chart 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6
"Animal Research Foundation Clock- Wise Breeding" •.••.••••.•• 7
"ARF Sheepdog and Cowd og Trials- its Rules and Plans " •.•••••• 8
MI SCELLANEOUS BREEDS • ••.•••••••• • ••••••.•••••..•••.•••.••.• • 12

IE'I"'I'ERS TO EDITOR . ••••••••••• • ••••••••••••.••.••.••...•. . ... 111


"All About - English Shepherds" .................................................... 17
Border Collie News 11 • • • • • • • • •11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 0
"Catahoula. Leopard Stoc kd ogs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21
"Stock.dogs from Australia 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25
STOC!Q.iEN 'S COR.NER •• ••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• • • 28

CLASSIFIEDS . .•• . ...••...•••.... • .••.....•. • ...•......•. . .... 30

EDITOR AND GE~'EALOGIST: Tom D. Stodghill , Stodghill's Ranch

Quinlan, Texas 75&74 (PHONE: 214-356-2267)
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Mrs . Les lie Ewell (Linda) Greenville Printing
Co . , P . O. Box 1030, Greenville, Texas 75401

Continued from page 3 Collie Standard that a number of

better than any Standard eve r ARF Certified Border Collie Breed -
made on any breed . ers have read and believe i s is
Miss . Karen Lewis, 804- 2lst. O. K. After this edition Mrs .Emily
Street, Golden, Colorado 8o401, Klipstine will be Editor of the
is Editor Australian Shepherd ARF Border Collie Section and will
Section ARF Magazine . Miss Lewis have the ARF Border Col lie Attenat-
has also made a New Standard for ive standard Printed and every one
ARF Registered Australian Shepherdthat wants a vote of the ARF Border
and all ARP Certified Australian Collie Standard better be sure you·
Shepherd Breeders wi ll get a vote you are ARF Certified Border Collie
on the new ARF Standard . Personal • Breeder . We need 1, 000 New ARF
lly 1 feel like the new standard Certified Breeders .
wi ll be a great boost to the breed . Postage is going up again and
A good standard is the making postage alone cost as much now as
of any breed . it used to cost to print and mail
The ARP hopes to protect all the Stodghill ARP Magazine. As a
working breeds by dogs having to ARF Certified Breeder you will get
win in ARP Stockdog Trials, a l so ARF Record Book Pad 25 Pedigrees,
in ARP Conformation Shows to be Each New edition ARF Magazine,years
ARF Champion. Membership in ARF,Name , Phone number
There is a lot of opposition address in New Breed Listing,which
to Border Collie standard by the helps sell your AAF Reg . Animals,
leading Border Collie Breeders , Certified Breeder Membership $25.00
now we havent any choice,because Dues $10. 00 each yea r , this include
if the ARF dont make a Border Col - Breed Listing each year and each
lie Standard some one else will& New edition ARP Magazine , Also a
Mrs . Emily Klipstine has drawed u p vote on ARF Standard of your Breee,
a Attenative standard for Border A.RF CCMDOG TRIALS Sat . Oct . 26th . 1974

Fe.rm management and how to

build fences and a number of small
pastures, to make it easy to han-
dle cattle 1s very important and
tt ts worth any mans time to vi sit
Claude Lively and yake a good look
at his ARF Approved Cattle Ranch .
When Claude Lively became
ager of this Ranch there was 400
big steers on t he ranch that the
men were 8 hours penning and they
told Claude how much trouble the y
had. Claude took all his men and
TOM D, STODGHILL built fences before he even tried
to pen a cow and when he did get
The Office work of the Animal ready to sell the 400 steers , he
Research Foundation has absolutely opened a gate from the big pasture
got so heavy, it takes al l my wife to a small pasture and blowed his
(Eunice) and my time to keep up horn on the pick-up and pitched
with the office work, in fact I out a few bales of hay and all the
can ' t keep up with my part but Eun- 400 steers came to the hay He
ice does get all the Registration closed the gate the next morning
papers fil led out every day . he opened a smaller pasture an~
I wish everyone would take a took in h is dogs and in 10 minutes
secind look at the Pedigrees be- he had all the 400 steers in the
fore they are mailed and see if y:lU corral ready to load . The po i nt I
can read your own writing, All want to make clear, good management
pedigrees should be typed or print- and good fences are Just as im-
ed in boxed capitol letters, try- portant as good stockdogs. Easier
ing hard to by printing in small the cattle ar~ handled the more
letters is sometimes harder to they will weigh when you sell them.
read than writing , i n fact hand- we had visitors from seven states
writing that is large enough is at the ARF Cowdog Trials including
to read but any kind of small wri- Mr. & Mrs . Buel Wise, 11701 Brown Rd .,
ting on pedigrees is almost im- take Odessa, Michigan 48849 , breeder
possible to read, especially in of the famous ARF Registered Brahma
small letters, especially print- Hogs and Australian Cattledogs
ing in small letters and also (Queensland Blue Heelers) they got
making them small . Also be sure here on Monday befo re the trials
and put your zip code number on on Saturday and they helped do
all addresses on pedigrees, no everything on the place and sure
add r ess is complete without zip came in handy to entertain the
numbe r s and we don 't have time to many extra visitors that got here
look up Zip Numbers , Everyone early for the Cowdog Trials .
please fill out addresses comple- we do hope to get the magazine
tely. out on time in the future as Mr.
The 1973 ARF Cowdog Trials Charles Hodges, 801 Enfield St .,
was a perfect success . It rained Bryan, Texas 778o1 will be the
all night before the trials and editor of Austral ian Cattledog
we had more people from out of (Queensland Blue Heelers) Section.
state than we had from Texas be - Mrs. Emily Klipsttne 11900 Colombet
cause everyone here thought it Ave,, Gilroy , California, 95020,
was t oo wet. We had the CowDog will be the editor of the Border
Trials on the 3,000 acre Bellmede Collie Section and will do all the
Ranch and Claude Lively was in extra work it will take to get a
charge of the ARF Cowdog Trials Border Collie Standard appr oved for
and the pasture had a heavy turn Border Collies and all the ARF
of grass in the east comer of the Certified Border Collie Breeders
trap where we drove the cattle will get a vote on the Bord er
through there was mud and the cows Collie standard and I hope everyone
went around it which proved very interested in Border Collies will
useful to make the dogs do m~re help make the Border Collie Stand -
work , ard (Continued on page 2}
Ho,.. P,og;u P,.._
Tc- D. S todf:M U people i n the area . And before it
"A Future in Tomorrow With our it was time to turn in, they de-
cided to sing some campfire songs
Young People of Today" to make the day complete . There
By Karen Lewis in the still of the night, all
that could be heard was their
People are wondering what is soft voices singing together; and
happening to our country with all as I looked into the campfire,
the crime and problems with the I could still see that look of
youngsters of today. I would like determination each one had ,:hile
to tell you about a group of young they were out there picking up
girls I met. They belong to a 4-H what other$ had left behind-
group called the Clod Nose Clan. and I felt proud! I was proud to
These girls range in age from 7 be~ part of this group- and I
to 13 years of age. They meet once was proud because I knew that
a week and ~rain their dogs in then we have a great America
Obedience and Show Handling. Also and great young people who will
they are responsible for the gen- make us proud of our country.
eral care of their ;.:..~imals . I honestly bel ie ve that you
This summer I had the pleasure 1<on 1 t find young adul ts l i ke these
of accompaning these gi r ls as a foung girls getting into t rouble
chaperon on what they called a or -t aking narcotics to cover up l
clean-up camping trip . Nan Boerup, for something they feel they
group leader, had arranged with haven ' t fpund in life- it ' s real !
the Forest Service for a large I was told they were going to I
camp area for us . I met the girls do the same this coming sum.mer,
at the Red Feather Lakes near Fort and I hope c.incerely that I am
Collins, Colorado. I was new at again asked to join in their •
this sort of thing, but I learned clean- up campaign. Hats off to
fast that there was going to be Cold Nose Clan 4-H group and lets
alot of work involved. I was sur- hope they are examples for other
prised when I found out that these young people in the country.
girls were going to take clean-up
bags and scout the lake shores, EDITORS NOTE : What have you done
picking up all the trash they to help your country?
could find that had been left be-
hind by careless campers and fish-
erman. HORSE AND CAT T Lt: T ll AlL~: 11 $
The next morning we cooked break- Of fOlt ANO CUAtANUfO H OU ANIMAl 1:Uf.AttH fOUHOAOO
fast over the campfire. We them
chose two groups; Nan taking one
and myself the other. We split up
after reaching the lake, each
group starting out around one side.
We met at ';Ji e opposite end and
where Nan had left her truck and
loaded up the trash which we took
to the ranger station . We worked
on 3 lakes that weekend and got 15
very large bags of trash . Need l ess
Goo~e Neclc T,oileu 1-,vilt 10
to say, I was very proud of these
girls . And the only reward they otde.r.
recieved was a few thanks from Combtnurlon horse ond cottle
some of the fishermen they met who troil~r. Con be equipped w ith
thought it was really wonderful sldo es.cope gates (11\d portitions
t~t they cared enough about this if desired.
beautiful country to want to keep
it beautiful. Animal Research
The girls worked very hard those Foundation
two days we were there . And the OUINlAN, TEX.AS 7547 4
evening before we left , we built !Phone; 356•22671
a big campfire and relaxed, talking
about the experiences we had en-
countered and t he nice comments
they had gotten from the other
I would like to share will all
of you a wonderful vacation trip
to Quinlan, Texas to visit the
Animal Resaerch Foundation . It
was truly a g reat experience . The
main object in the visit was to
work on a book I ' m writing with
the help of Mr , Tom D. Stodghill;
the book on all breeds of working
stockdogs registered by the Animal
Research Foundation .
My vacation did ' t turn out to be
all work , however . It was a real
pleasure learning about all the
I breeds of working stockdogs . Mr .
Stodghill is definately a genius
on t he subject.
Mr . Stodghill ' s foundation
stockdogs include Border Collies,
English Shepherds, Australian Miss . Karen Lewis of Golden, Co l o .
Shepherds , Catahoula Leopards and Breeder of English Shepherd pups
some very fine French Catahoulas, by Captain Shep. Pups ~◊w For S~le
a Dingo and some Dingo -Blue - - ·-------
Heelers . I got to see how Another visitor, from Florida, had
each of these breeds work stock purchased at one time some Cata-
in their own special way. I was houlas from Mr. Stodghill and show -
surprised when Mr. Stodghill said ed us a Pit Bull he had also been
my Captain Shep worked a little training to work with hogs .
Border Collie style . He wou ld During my stay, unfortuantely,
either circle the herd or go Mr. Stodghill ' s free time was very
t hrough the he rd to heel the head limited . So many regi strations came
cow - - the rest of the herd foll - in everyday it ke pt both him and
owing. his wife, Eunice busy filling in
Mr . Stodghill ' : French Catahou- papers and keeping files in order.
las are very large and beauti - Registrations came from all ove r
ful dogs , imported from France . the USA , I couldn ' t believe all
They are extremely intelligent the registration for the Austra l-
and Mr. Sto~ghill tells me he ian Shepherds . It gave me great
now has a breeding program to h9pe that maybe people are real -
breed all his Catahoulas like his iZing that the ARF is working to
very best French Catahoulas. They keep this breed and all other bre -
are indeed an amazing addition to eds of stockdogs the working breeds
our line of stockdogs in America . as they were crl.ginally i ntended .
My nephew, Micheal, from Rapid You don 't have to take the work-
City, S . Dakota, accompained Dad ing instinct from any of these
and I on our vacation trip to breeds to make them conformation
Quinlan. For his benefit and mine showdogs or companion dogs . But,
we visited several large ranches unforunatel y, this has been hap-
in the area and met some of the pening to some our great breeds of
J wonderful people . It appeared stockdogs . If people would realize
that many of t he ranches in that that the greater the instinct f or
area used the Catahoula Leopard working --the better companion dog
as their all round stockdog . we'll have because of their intel-
This was the first time I had seen igence and protective instincts .
so manyCathoulas and they are If we loose these- what do we have?
,auite a breed of stockdog. I ' ll let you anc,rcr that .
Also while I was there , the ARF After my visit to Texas, I am
had some very i nteresting visitors . no-,, more than ever , a firm believer
One roan from So . Carolina wa s in- in the Foundation and h~pe t o help
terested in f i nding some wi l d hogs . in any way I can to preserve ev-
He owns a game ranch and heard of erything the ARF is striving to
Mr . Stodghil l ' s Brahma. Hogs which perfect .
look mighty feroc ious to me . Karen Lewis
&abe Sally
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ARF round•tion
,. Hub Sire
"ANIMAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION of J udy, 25~ of and 5~ of
By Karen Lewis Third Generation
By taking the best Mle holding
The Animal Research Foundation 25~ of Lady and 25~ of Angel and 50
has established a breeding program~ of Captain Shep; and breeding him
called Clock-Wise Breeding. Mr. to the best female holding 25~ of
Tom D. Stodghill has proven that Judy , 25~ of Babe and 5~ of Captain
through the study of this program, Shep, we will get puppies holding
t hat by having selected a Founda- now 12 1/2~ of Lady, 12 1/2% of
tion Hub Sire, generations of Cl- Angel, 12 1/2 ~ Judy, 12 1/2 ~ of
ock- Wise b r eeding will give us and still 5~ Cap~ain Shep ,
dogs as good as the starti ng Hub the original Hub Sire .
Sire . This pr ogram has been set
up to help us keep the breed pur e Fourth Generation
and to retain the qualities we We'll now bring in the puppies
desired in the Hub Sire which we holding 12 1/2~ Sally, 12 1/2~
have selected to start t he breed•· Dolly, 12 1/2% Love , 12 1/~ Kelly ,
ing program. and 50% Captain Shep . We'll now
I would l ike to explain the Cl - take the best.male from this litter
ock-W ise Br eeding prog~am as it and the best female from 12 l /~
• wa s exp l ained to me by Mr. Stodg- Lady, 12 1/2~ Angel , 1 1/2% Judy,
hill. I have drawn up a breeding 12 1/2% Babe and 5o;I Captain Shep.
chart which I hope wil l explain it We'll now have a l itter holding
better the steps of the program 6 1/ 4 Sally, 6 1/4 Dolly, 6 1/4
which I will now give to you . Love, 6 1/4 Y.elly, 6 1/4 Lady , o
Fi rs t and most important is to 1/4 Angel, 6 1/4 Judy, 6 1/4 Babe ,
select a Foundation Hub Sire with and we'll still have 5~ Capta i n
all the qualities we want in a Shep.
good stackdog. This is important , By start ing wt t h 16 unrelated
as we will see later that through females, we can go one more genera-
all generations i n the Clock -Wise tion which would give us an even
breeding program, we'll hold 50% lesser percent (3 1/8 ) of each
of the Hub Sire . Next we ' ll want orginal female, but still holding
to select eight females unrelated 5~ of the o r iginal Hub Sire . In
to each other and unrelated to act , this 1 t he only system of
the Hub Sire, In my example we'll breeding which makes it possible
use my Captain Shep as the Founda- to go on and on forever and always
• tion Hub Sire and eight unrelated know how to breed and can study a
females which we will call Lady, Pedigree and know which way to go
Angel, Judy, Dolly, Sally, Babe, by the pedigree .
Love and Kelly , You are probably thinking that
this program would be difficult
First Generation since it involves so many dogs , I
By breeding the Hub Sire to each have found that explaining this
of the eight females , the first program to those who own fe~.ales ,
litter wil l hold 5~ of the female that they are willing to help me,
ans 5~ of the Hub Sire. especially if they like the male
to be used as the Foundation Hub
Second Generation Sire . Granted t hese dogs will be
Now we'll take the best male of spread out over the country, but
Lady's litte r, t he best female of with co - operation from other bree -
Angel 's litter (each holding 50% ders, it can be a very successful
of the female and 5~ of Captain breeding program .
Shep); and the best male from
Judy ' s litter and the best female
Babe ' s litter (each holding 5~ of BOOKS FROM ENGLAND
the female and 5~ of Captain Shep) Troinin9, lrMdin9, FMd~9 lord•r
~e will do the same with the li t - Colli•s •·-·············--•••··- $ 7.SO
ters from Sally, Love , Dolly and Cond.,,Md book: TroNting lord•
Kelly . By breeding pups from Lady ' s CoJU•s for Cowd09• -······➔·-····· $3..SO
and Angel ' s litter together and Iott, Books ··········~··· $ 10.00
the pups from Judy 's litter and WRJTE: A11im"1 H.est11r<h Fo1'11d1JJio11
Babe ' s litter, we' ll now have pups Quinlan, 7S474
holding 25% of Lady, 25~ of Angel
and 50% of Captain Shep; 25% of
"ARF Sheepdog and Cowdog Trials Bill Estes stopped h i s dogs to
dramatize the fact he had his dog8
Its Rules and Plans" under complete controll, as the
Mr. Les Bruhn cows went through the gate out
Box 356 of a 20 acre field into a 10 acre
Valley Ford,California 94972 trap, the cattle broke and ran and
those four dogs stopped those cat-
Dear Mr. Bruhn, tle and Bill went around the cattle
I am glad to know that you have on his horse and turned the cattle
your new home built on your new toward the pen at the barn as it
farm and I know you had alot of had rained all night and there waa a
of extra work to do to make the mud hole and the cattle would go
8 Sheepdog Trials and have a new around this pond of water and the
house and barn going all at the dogs had to bring the cows out of
same time . that corner and that was a good
I am pleased to know yov won Place to try the dogs and the cat- '
so many Trials this year . I will tle tried to get away again but
su~ agree that with you 10~ on the dogs stopped them and Bill
people getting all mixed up on Estes from Wildcat Ranch penned thea
judg i ng Sheepdog trials . I would wi th ease . People with Catahoulas
su,e like to see the movie you made that come to the T.rials another
of the 1972 Sheepdog Trials to year will have something to look
see if on one event the sheep went forward to if you think you can
past the panel. I know the flag beat Bill ~stes .
man said the sheep pass t:1e pannel Ben Means, ARF Certified Bor-
at least one sheep did but a lot der Colli e Breeder from Walnut
of' people didn ' t see it and a Grove, Missouri, 65770 and his
movie picture would show the dog good friend Jim Baker, worked 3
and the sheep . Border Collies together . Beli eve
After eight years experience it or not these two men form Miss-
with the ARF Sheepdog Trials I ouri were drivi ng their pick-up
am very posit;.ve that what causes and the three Border Colli es were
t he confussion i s the rules set driving s i x half Brahma he ifers
up for judging Sheepdog Trials . behind the pick-up. Everything .
We use the Texas Sheepdog Assoc i a- was perfect until went through the
tion Rules, in fact Texas Sheep- first gate , the cattle broke and
dog Association put on the ARF went to the north instead of East,
Sheepdog Trials, the ARF furnish- the men from Mo . followed the cows
ed the sheep and the location for about half way to the North side
having the trials, the ARF also of the pasture and the Border Col -
let the Texas Sheepdog Assoc iation lies brought the cattle out of the
use the ARF Sheep and help every corner and made the cows follow
way we know how. the pick-up to where it got so mud-
With only 56 points it is ab- dy the pick- up had to stop, the
solutely impossible for any man cows went around the mud hole in
to judge Sheepdog Trials by the the east corner of the field, they
rules thayuse and make everyone sent the Border Coll ies around the
happy and the j udge being ha9py cows and drove the half Brahma
with his own judging . cows to pen. J
ARF 1973 Cowdog Trials was a Then Ben Means worked the two
perfect sucess i n eve r y way . We Border Collies and this time he
had no r ules to go by except to had the Border Collies drivin~
pen the cows as near like they pen the cattle, it was interesting to
their cows at home as is possible see the dogs driving the cows fro~
and absolutely no rules for the the man that a few minute s be-
Judging of the Cowdog Trials, fore was making the cows follow
except the judges use their own the man . It was an i nterest ing
good judgement . show .
Bi ll Estes from Wi ld Cat Ranch, Miss . Alberta Bradford.,_ Box 554,
Kerens, Texas worked Two Catahoula Connerville, Oklahoma, 74ti36, a .
Leopards and ~wo Catahoula Dingo, leading Australian Shepherd Bre-
worked all four dogs togethe r. eder from Okla . worked two Austra- .
These four dogs was work i ng half lian Shepherds and she was working en
Brahw.a Heife rs, now t hese dogs .foot, everything was perfect un-
kept those Brahma cows from run- til the cows went into the East
ning and held the cows together . comer as the dogs brought the cows

out of the corner and Alberta was Cowdog Trials and Mr. Richard
on foot . She couldn't head the Davis, Rt . #1 Box 114 , Cortez, Colo.
cows and the cows got away . As you was Time Keeper. Fourteen minutes
are a Border Collie Breeder I was the longest anyone worked.
would like to explain heel dogs Just think what we asked the
train cows and bn home farm cows judge to do, we had four different
been worked with Heel dogs will breeds of dogs with each breed a
go straight to toe pen. J can see different style, working from one
at ARF Cowdog trials if working dog to four dogs together . The
heel dogs need to be wo~king on a judge gi ve first place to Jim
hors e . Baker from Ferland, Mo., working
Powell B. Woods, 1621 Lynch• 3 Border Collies . Second Place went
wood , Benton, Arkansas, 75025, to Ben Means from Walnut Grove, Mo.
this is the man the ARF wants to Buck Shepherd and a Border Collie
thank for being the first man to named Red and a horse named Joe
enter dogs i n the 1973 ARF Cowdog won 3rd . Bill Estes from Wildcat
Trials. He had a pair of 10 month Ranch, Kerens, Texas won 4th
old Black-Tan English Shepherds place with 2 Catahoulas and two 5~
pups that could pen his 125 Here- Dingoes .
ford at home day or night, rain, This makes the worlds first
or snine, Mr. Woods could pen his successful ARF Cowd og Trials and
own cows, he did perfect until the it was the happiest bunch od exhib -
cows went to the mudd:V corner. His i tors I has ever had any dealings
dogs brought the cows out of the with and I have recieved a letter
corner okay, but Mr. Woods was on from everyone that worked dogs
foot and in the mud he could not i n the trials,also got a letter
head the cows . Another year I want from the judge and we had visitor~
to close that middle gate to dem- from 7 states.
onstrate to every one how heel We hope to set up rules for
dogs can train cows to hunt the judging ARF Cowdog Trials another
pen if they do go to the back Side year. We want at least 50 points for
of the pasture first they will penning all cows, if working 5
soon begin to hunt a pen to keep cows it would be 10 points for each
out of the way of the dogs . At cow if working 10 cows 5 points for
Cowdog Trials and with heel dogs each, penning 25 cows 2 points for
you need a horse . each cow penned . Every time a cow
Buck Shepherd, Route #4, Ter - brakes and the dog bring the cow
rell, Texas was riding a Regis- back the dog should get at least
tered Apaloosa Stud and working a 5 points, the and the more
red Borde r Collie female using trouble the czyds gi ve the more points
his bull whip. Buck's shepherd the dog could win and I want the ARF
dramatized the fact that a good Trails to be like a football game ,
bullwhip took the place of extra for dogs to get credit for ~very
dog . The cows would brake but the thing they do and absolutely can 't
re d Border Collie could bring have any limits on how many points
the cows back and the bullwhip a dog <•<>.n win and too the men in
could turn the cows toward the t he Trials can do just like they
pen. The cows went to the East do at home and help t he dogs all
corner behind the mud hole. The they can because the ARF Trials
red dog brought the cows out, are educational and to help people
Buck Shepherd headed the cows with understand how one man with good
the bull whip, one cow tried to dogs can manage the cattle .
get away, but the red turned her One thing for sure , we want
back. Rules to be flexible enough not to
Jim Baker, Rtl.#1, was the last get a judge in a tight because he
man that worked . He used two Bor• gives one man too many pointa and
der Collies, he knew the ~ows another man comes along and does
would try to go to the north cor- better after it looks like the
ner. He used his his pick-up and first man can 't be beat. Only 56
stayed close to the dogs so he points are used to judge Sheepdog
could turn the cows before they Trials . This is where I believe the
got in the east corne r behind the friction has caused all hard feelings
mud hole . The cows went to the and caused alot of people to quit
pen out have to give Mr. Bater having Sheepdog Trials.
credit f<r knowing how a cow thimks We plam 2 days of ARF Trial s
and had the dogs crowding the cows another year, the Cowdog Tri als
all the way . "'he first day and the Sheepdog
!<Ir . Roy Thompson,236 SW Ave . D •Aas amrz
Hamlin, Texas, judged the ARF
.. Tr i a ls the second day. back with t he other 4 sheep and it
So many Border Collies are going the dog hadn't have struck the sh
to the city and winni ng Obedience sheeps nose good and strong t he
Trials i n AJ<C Shovs the ARF i s get - dog couldn't have ever put the
ting so amn,y request for a Border sheep back with the other sheep.
Collie Standard the ARF is work in~ The outlaw s heep stayed in middle
on one to protect the worlct.-ng breed of the other 5 sheep and put all
all breeds will have to win at 5 through the pannels on the left
least 50 points i n the ARF Cowdog side of the field then through the
or Sheepdog Trials to be an ARF pannels on the right side of the
Champion . Even if the AKC uses ARF field then penned all 5 sheep .
Standard for conformation shows it By Texas Sheepdog Associati on
will not mean much to the Border Rules and by rules from Scotland
Collie unless he also wins 50 pts. England, Australia and absolutely
i n the stockdog trials. What the all Sheepdog Trial rules t hat dog
ARF is trying to do is to protect lost points instead of making points
all working breeds of stockdogs . my honest opi nion is rules like
Mr . Bruhn, I want to thank you that and too having a limit as
and Mrs . Maryland Little, P. O. Box to how many points a dog can win
2404, Rive rs ide , Calif, 95206, for makes Sheepdog Trials hard to
'!laking the movie of the 1972 ARF judge, it seems to me as it is
Sheeodog Trials . for all the out of history of all Sheepdog Trials
state peop le for getting to the is men get mad and have hard feel-
trials early, especially Arthur in~s over t he way trials are judged.
Allen for helping pick out a place We ve hau Sheepdog trials~ years
f or the trials as it had rai ned a11now, the ARF furnished the sheep
night and the field where we had and did all we could to make the
been having the tr ials was so muddy t rials a success, Texas Sheepdog
had to have the trials accross the Assoc . had c6mplete controll but
highway on a high hill where a t hey got mad because an out of state
heavy grass sod made it possible man won tne ARF Trials in 1972 and
to have t he trials, we had a number the Texas Sheepdog Associat ion had
of places to look at, time has prove thier trials the same day the ARF
we made a wise choice as the dogs had their trials and it made 9 years
were out of sight of the sheep as the ARF Trials had been the last
the dogs crossed the ravine but the Saturday in October but time has
people were standing where they proved it was the greatest thing
cou ld see the sheep and dogs all that has ever happened to the ARF
the time also to the Texas Sheepdog Associa-
You remember the Border Collie tion as well as to everyone that are
that made a perfect run and brought i nterested in Sheepdog Tri als as
the sheep to the man in the ring well as Cowdog Trials .
and the sheep were going straight The ARF has over 400 ARF Cert-
to the pannels, when one outlaw i fied Breeders and we do hope to
sheep broke and ran to the pasture get over 1,000 new membe rs this
fence where there was seven buck year . We are i n the cattle business
sheep over the fence, the Border and we are having Sheepdog tri als
Collie brought the sheep back again because we hadn ' t worked out a sys-
to the fence where the buck sheep tem to have Cowd og Trialsand if it
where and the only way a dog could hadn't have been for all the help
have stopped that sheep would have of the Texas Sheepdog Ass . it is very
been to have caught the sheep but doubtful i f the ARF would have held
a dog isn ' t allowed to catch asheepon for very long to make the ARP
and tha t dog brought that sheep Cowdogs such a g reat success. Now
back and that out law sheep broke the ARF knows how to have Cowdog
and run back to the fence three Trials and we are setting up ARF
times then the man give the dog the nu1es for ARF Sheepdog Trials which
command to come back but the dog we hope will make friends out of
was so determined to put that out pe ople instead of enimes .
law sheep back with the othe r 4 Attenat1ve Standards for ARP
sheep 1 don't believe the dog heardSheepdog Trials and more than likely
the man anyway the sheep ran back "e will use the same rules for Cowd og
to the fence the fourth time and Trials as we use for Sheepdog Trials.
the dog went after the sheep again By ARF Rules the sheep leaves
and this time the dop: struck the the herd and brakes and runs and the
sheep good and strong on the nose dog makes an extra point for brtng1r:,g
but the dog didn't catch and hold the sheep back and an outlaw sheep
did strike the sheeps nose good that brakes and runs the second ti'llt
and heavy put that outlaw sheep the dog makes two points, three
points the third and four points
the fourth time, that is the way
PAGE TEW people work at home i f a sheep gets
away, the man and his dog puts only use the center ga te . By
t he sheep in the pen with the ARF Rules their is absolutely
sheep regardless of how much time no limit as to how many points a
it takes. Every ARF Certified dog can make at ARF Sheepdog Trials
Breeder will get a vote on this and the same thing holds true for
rule and I believe everyone wi ll Cowdog Trials . They should be
vote for this New Rule for ARF Judged alike , counti ng scores as
Sheepdog Trials . basketball, or baseball o r f oot -
A13 all ARF Shows are educational ball. Every time Babe Ruth knocked
to dramat i ze how one man and good a home run it counted and when a
dogs can manage their own stock , cow or sheep leaves the herd, the
instead of having a ring for the dog should get cred it for putti ng
man to stand in that is working the animal back with the herd. That
his dog in the trial , we want a is what the animal was bred to do
pen that i s 20 ft . long and 12 ft. and what any good stockdog will do
wide and the man has the dog bring if let to work as the dogs instinct
the sheep to him and the man stands wants to let him do.
in the back side of the pen as the Beginning in the next issue , Mrs.
dog drives the sheep in the pen the Emily Klipstime , 11900 Colombet ,
man stops the the dog at the gate Gilroy, Calif, 95020, will be the
and holds the sheep i n t he pen, if ARF Editor of Border Collie sec-
the dog puts all five sheep in the tion of magazine; Prof. Charles
pen he earns 50 pts. , if the dog Hodges, 801 Enfield, a teacher at
put the sheep through the pannels Texas A&M and working with the
on the left the dog earn 5 pts. for Texas A&M Cowdog Program, is editor
each sheep that goes through, in- of the Australian Cattledog (Queens-
stead of having the dog driving the land Blue Heeler) section; Miss .
sheep from you on the right pannel Karen Lewis 804- 2lst, St., G, ld-
have the dog drive the sheep toward en, Colo. 80401 , will be editor of
the handler , then to the man and Australia~ Shepherd section also
in the same pen where the handler head of ARF Shows, infact we are
has been staying while he worked working on a book and the !ll88azine ;
his dogs i n the trials, this last Lee Preston, Box 789, TSC Stt phen-
time the man will hold the gate ville, Tex. 76401, is a licenced
and have the dogs pen the sheep anc ARF Jud ge and has his PHI> from
c lose the gate . Tarlton Col lege . Mike Shepherd , PO
Now to make ARF Trials more in - Box 83, Susanville, Calif. 96103,
teresting also make i t easier to is a licensed ARF Judge Stockdog
train dogs for ARF Trials will Trials and Confrontation Shows and
have a thi rd set of pannels j ust a leading Breede r of cowdogs . He
like the f i rst sets but the third has 2 Austral ian Shepherds, he works
set will be in the cente r and as cows with one in front as lead dog
dog drives the sheep to the '!Ian and other as drive dog . I want to
the first time the dog is to brins ad that Lee Preston has trai ned
the sheep through the center pan,- war do~s for the Armv 4 vears now
nels. The idea for t he center pan- he raises and trai ms Austral1an
nels is to train the dog to bring Cattledogs , Dingo and Horses as he
the sheep straight to the handler. will teach school he will have alot
The idea for having the dog to of time to .iudp;e ARF Shows
drive the sheep through the pannels The AR.F Registry i s set up help
on one side and back toward the everyone and all ARF Shows and Cow -
handler on the other side is to dog and Sheepdog Trials everyone
make it possible to build a fence ts we1come regardless of where
across a mans h ome field where he you live .
trains his dog with three gates , Mr . Bruhn, you and Foy Evans in
one i n the center and one one each Ark . are th e only 2 ~en I can get
side and on young dogs that are t o compete with A1·thur All en~ but
being trained can have the dog driv~ Foy Evans exact words were 'Preston
clrive the s heep through one gate Robinson would be the logical <!'an "
and back through the other and the th e no . 2 man in the nation could
the fence will make it easier to represent Texas anywhere,Arthur Allen
keep the sheep or cattle under said match trials draw the largest
controll then when a dog is under crowds and will compete if he knows
comple te'c ontroll, can open the far enough ahead to ~lan the trials.
center gate and start using the I would like to see the,n work sheep
drop pannels to teach the dog to 3 times , 2 out of 3 best wi n .
driver to the man . On younger dogs ARF Cowdog Trials will be the last
can close both outside gates and Saturday i n Oct . 1974 , on. a 3,000

QUDU..IN. TE%AS - PALL & W1lfTSB 1t1,.N

"The Working Bird Dog" pup sold ARF Regicte r ed and the
Dear Mr . Stodghill, ARF will return the Registration
I have recieved the in - Papers to you and you make a copy
formation from the sample maga- of the ARF Registration number
zines you sent me several months in your record book, then in the
ago and I am very much interested future if a customer looses their
in either Border Collies or Aus- ARF Registra tion papers they can
tralian Shepherds for their fine write you and you can send them
qualities . I presently breed both their ARF No . , then your cuztOl'ler
Irish Setters (Bird Dogs) and Gol d can send the ARF no . and breed of
en Retreivers,all with working dog to the ARF and get a Dupli-
qualities in tact . The American cate set of Registration papers
Kennel Club with its policies o~ for $2 . 00.
of Show Champion being the ulti- The ARF is working on a book that
mate goal is disturbing to me as will have all leading breeds of ARF
I feel the working abilities may Stockdogs and as your breeds are
be lost in many breeds shortly. working dogs it would be wise to
My dogs are all presently regis - have pictures and a statement from
t ered with the A.KC but I would like you, to make it very clear that
like to have them duel registered you are registering with the ARF
with the second registry being of because yours are working BirdDogs
the type you represent . Will my and that it is the DESIRE of the
dogs be eligible to register with ARF to help each and everyone with
the foundation? Upon termination the working breed .
of my Air Force duty I am return- This will make 9 years the ARF
ing to Ohio where I shall reside has had Stockdog Trails and the ARF
and breed and train dogs as a is setting up rules for conforma-
hobby . I would like to have my tion Shows, but no dog will be
foundation stock registered with ARF Champion unless Stockdogs win
the ARF prior to my return . Keep in Stockdog Trails and Birdogs win
up the valuable work , you are an in Bird Dog f1.eld trials .
alternative to the AKC or as in To register you AKC dogs with
my case. Yours for more and better the ARF fill in the names of your
working dogs, God will it, dogs and the AKC no . on the ARF
Joesph Micheal Godwin Pedigrees . 1'he ARF will give each
25332 Fairchild dog ARF numbers but will use the
Kirtland AFB East, AKC numbers on the sire and dam
New Mexico as well as the Grand Sires and dams
Dear Mr. Godwin, and on the ARF where it says vol-
As you interested in pre- ume put AKC to show the numbers
serving r.nJ increasing the work- used came from the AKC so the
ing ability of your Irish Setter pedigree can be traced from the
and Colden Retrievers the ARF will ARF to the AKC .
be very much pleased to regis ter Lots of people loose their Reg .
any breed of dogs or farm ani mals papers on regi ,.tered animals and
which will add DIGNITY and RESPECT the ARF wi"ll regis ter them if they
to all ARF Registered Animols. are pure bred and pass in~pection.
As an ARF Certified Breeder you 'lime has proved this is a great help
will get an ARF Record Book, a pad help to" alot of people and makes
of 25 ARF Pedigree s , each new ad - it possible to keep the registry
dition of the ARF Magazine publis- true and c orrect . The Sire of t he
hed by me ,a years membership in first English Setter the ARF ever
the ARF and your name in the 1973 registered sold fnr $500. 00 but
·ARF Breeders Listing and this will the owner had passed away and the
all cost you $25. 00 and dues each contractors wife couldn ' t f i nd "he
year will be $10. dogs registration papers and the
Each ARF Certified Breeder keeps female had 10 choice pups and
his own litter ~ecords in t h eir these pups were s old to the people
own personal record book and each who knew this choice male and all
and every pup Will have his own 11 ved here close to the A.t\F hol!le
ind i vidual pediaree and vou as office and there were 3 of the ,oen
an ARP Cert . Breeder will have ea ch in my office tha~ bought these
English Setter .pups were in my
office and thanking the ARF f or
having a system to register these
above average Eng lish Setter Bird
Dog pups .
Kindest i>ersonal regards and we
wi ll be much pleased to have you
as an ARF Certified Breede r of
Irish Setters and Golden Retriev-
ers, I am Very Sincere ly yours,
Tom Stodghill
Genealogist of the ARF

"American Shaggy Sheepdog"

Dear Mr. Stodghill,
Do you per chance have a
I female American Shaggy Sheepdog
that I could breed with my all - ~ C!JITIFIED BREEDER
white American Shaggy Sheepdog CATAIIOOLA Ll!XlPARD STOCKDOGS
male (Sir Malcolm) . Please let me
know if you do . I have had two
inquiries about pups in the last
couple of weeks .
I am listed as a Certified Jll! llOTT
Breeder in the Breeder Listing Ann.l Ranch
of American Shaggy Sh~epdogs .5654 N. Bachn.cll
(which I am) and I would like to llradtffd, Obie 45)08
accomodate these people who are
very interesteC in them. Please
let me know if I owe my 1973 dues
and bring me up to date on what
I do owe as I want to continue
to be a Br eeder of t he American
Shaggy Sheepdog. Yours Truly,
Robert Breaud
16 Ce.roly Court
Aribi, La .

"Word of Praise 11 This is our "lady"

ARF Re-gistered Austrolion Cottledog
•up:,. ,na113bl(' mu ()( lhlS bNlUhful l;O(>d '"°'kin
Mr . Powell Woods of 1621 Lyn- tog. ru1>s wh rll)t'd 1,29,0J
wood, Benton, Arkansas entered
3 English Shepherds in the ARF CASSIE YO UNG ER
u. I Bux ,Uit Azle. Ti"<AS '
Cowdog Trials to pen cows . All +

i Pho ne-· $1. • .J-.J.q.~,a)

,---..:. __ _ ___:_____.::==========,
did very well. Congradulations !


Sandra Ransom
Rt 5, Box 48E
Martinez, Ga. 30907
Area 404 - 736-0893
Stud Service available

ounu.iu,, T£ZAS - FALL PACE fiiUtil.U

''A SPECIAL THANK YOU" ings onthe nose . There are no silver
Dear Mr . Stodghill, colored ones. I will have a some of
Thank You very much for your let - t hese for sale, as well as Texas
ter supporting the airlines hand - Longhorn yearlings . I also have a
ling of pets . I hope the San Fran- few Buffalo in the pasture with the
cisco new spaper will print it to cows, but the Buffalo don ' t seem
let the pet owners know that air interested in the cattle . I haven ' t
shipping is not really that bad . seen any cross breeding yet .
As you know we try hard to handle Let me know when the date of the
and care for pets in a humane man- nex t stockdog trials . I would li ke
ner , going beyond the call of duty to enter a dog . Hpoe to hear from
t o take care of the pet ' s needs you soon. Sincere ly, '
and comfor t . Your experience speaks Marvin Lee Smith
for itself. Thanks agaim for your Route 1
support . Very truly yours , Grady , New Mexico
E. A. Luce
Manager , Freight Sales "People ARF He l ped "
American Airlines Dear Mr. Stodghill,
Enclosed is a clipping of a short
" A Puppy to Grow W ith" article I did for my paper using the
Dear Mr . Stodghill, information you supplied . This is
The Providence Sunday Journal just a shortie and a spin - off from
Leisure Weekly of June 10, printed a longer article I wrote for DOGS
an article about your English Shep- MAGAZINE which is primarily about
herd . My husband and I are inter• Bor der Collies .
ested in knowing if it is possible Thanks again for your he lp and
to get more information about them . information. Sincerely,
We are looking for a dog for our Jane Poulton
one year old son; one he could Brooksf~eld Farms
grow up with him . Please tell us Blacksburg, Virginia
where we could pur chase just t he
right dog for our son. We are eag- "Future Breeder"
er to decide upon a dog as soon as Dear Mr. Stodghill,
possible . Thank You, I am in the Air Force and due
Mrs . Judith Stadnicki for discharge in 1974 when I plan
l Shore Dri ve to return to New England and obtain
W. Barrington, R. I. a job with the Fish and Game Dept .
then as a hobby I want to raise
"Old Member, New I nterest" Springer Spaniels, then eventually
Dear Mr . Stodghill, make dog raising a vocation. I
Please send me all the old edi - have been con~lderi ng other breeds
tions you have of the ARF. We are and your English Sherherd seems to
most interested in the Australian fit my needs . ~leas e for~ard me as
Cattle Dog which we own and love much information as you can and th
the work he does; but we are also a list of breeders in the Oklahoma
interested in other working breeds City, W!.chita Falls area . Si ncerel y,
for cows . Thank You , Robert F. Annese
Mrs . James Wigal 1214 E. Popular
Rt . l Box 97 Altus, Okla .
Elizabeth, W. Va .
"ARF For Continued I nformation"
"Cameroon Pigmy Goats " Dear Mr. Stodghill,
Dear Mr . Stodghill , Thank: You for the fasc i na t ing
I noticed that you have set up l etter about you and for all the
registration on African or Camer- information concerning English
oon Pigmy Goats and I would like Shepherds . I am sorry to be so slow
to register my entire heard . I in returning your areed er manual
bought 24 head of the pigiey goats which is enclosed but I am holding
from the Okla . City Zoo, 18 femal:s on to 3 magaz i nes which describe
and 6 males. They are mostly pure your assot·t ment of dogs . When my
black but a f'ew have white mark- arti cle appears I ~~ - ' 1 send you a
••ac ,01111T1>X1< STODGKU I "I AN'lY '"' w·
copy. As I am onl y allowed a small been i nspected and approved by the
space the 'meat' from you material ARP.
had to be condensed to the "bon e ~
The illustation is of Holly who "Goat Raiser Wants to Join ARP"
looks more l ike a Border Coll ie to Dear Mr . Stodghil l ,
me . She is beaut l fu l . I do apprec - For t he past 3 year s I have been
iate you and your endeavors - and I rai s i ng Reg. Saanen Mi lk Goats ,
wish I were i n Quinlan to meet a and I have been quite impressed
man with such agr,,at heart. with t he i ntroduction to you gi v-
I cannot take advantage of your en me by Mr . W.A . Ctmn ingham of
ARF Advertising as I have Cairn Belton , Texas. It is my wish to
Terrie rs which are well known . In become more acquainted with you
my showing career I have made 43 for di s cussion and learning. Pre-
champions. Cairns are very hard to haps my wife and I could drive to
train i n retr i ving a dumbell on Quinlan t o v isit you. I am quite
command , they are not nearly as enthusias tic where breeding live-
much 1'un as going to earth after stock i e concerned . Thank You,
a rat! E. Earl Morehead
Congradulations are in order wi th 2103 Ftrglen Dr. 1/64
wi t h best wishes for continued suc- Arl ington, Texas
cess . Sincerely,
Mrs . Cameron Winslow "Libraries Carry ARP Mag,&z ine"
Camenat Cai rns Dear Mr, Stodghill ,
Newport, R. I . Whi le we have been greatly help-
~ by the inforr:r.ation you ~.ave given
"Right Hand Man" us conc o? rntng the origln of the
Dear ~tr . Stodghill , Catahoula Leopard, I thought l
We a re looking for on e and poss- might be able to obtain a ttitional
i bly t wo English Shepherds t o re• i nformation from the library, so
place our 2 elderly stockdogs . We I put,in a s pecial request to the
would also consi de r Bocder Collies . Main Library. After wai ting ove r a
We are interested i n pups from mon t h wha t did I rec1 eve today?
proven stock as our comme rical ca~Ten copies of the ARP Maaaz1ne .
tle operation places a high value That J ust pr oves you are the best
on our dogs as they take the place source of the 1nforoi.at1on on t he
of a man . Would you be able to sup.breed . Thanks- Catahoulas are be -
ply us with i nformation that may comi ng very popular out here . and
aid us i n ob tai n ing t hese dogs? we are proud to ha ve sotte good ones.
Any help wi ll be greatly appreci - Mrs. B. L. Pulley
ated . Si ncerely, A Bar V Ranch
BarbaraB. Cowan Skull Vall ey, Ari zona
Cowan and Son ca:ttle
Box Elder, Montana "A New Canad i an ARP Breeder"
Dear Mr. Stodghill,
"Double Registered Tennessee Walk- I bought Fancy Kiowa from Mr .
i ng Horses in the ARF" John Oeortzen and bred her to a
Dear Mr. Stodghill, male from Kamloaop . The ll'. ale i s a
I have enclosed an application hunting dog mostly cougar or bear.
for the r egistration of 2 new Tem- Our f emale has 11 pups, one albino
essee Walkers I purchased this !lill the o ther have at least 3 or 4 good
which I plan to breed . One is a color s, two t he five tones . I have
thre e year o ld mare , broke as a filled out f or your pac kage deal.
two year old for a couple of mon- Let me know what else you need .
ths , but not r i dden until t his J ean Short
fall she has a real smooth r un- R. R. l Chase
ning walk even barefoot. I am very British Columbia., Canada
happy with them and want to regi s -
ter them wi th you . Sincerely, "History Found i n Old Editions
Elizabeth Boyd of the ARF"
Fr eeport, Maine Dear Mr , Stodghill,
EDITORS NOTE : I t makes me ve ry I r ea lize you are a busy man but
happy to know that you a ppr ec iate I would l ike 20 old editions of the
t he ARF enough to d oubl e register ARF Mag. on t he hi story od t he cat-
your fine Tennessee Walking llorses .a houla Leopard . I aut very lnte1·ested
I hope to carry on t he ARP Reg i n the type of work you arc doi ng and
in such a way t hat al l Regi stry and when I get back t o the states
wi ll reinstate a ant-nal that has an d out of t he Navy t h i s l
Qmln.Alr, T&ZJIS - rAU. & wurTSll lffl.74 PAQll rtntU
want to see your ARP. Thank You "Bussiness!l'.an Needs Good
for your time and consideration. Working English Shepherd"
Roger B. O Neal Dear Mr. Stodghill,
Va. 147 A. O. Shop Two days ago I lost a very
F. P . O. San Francisco, Ca. vauable dog that had h elped us
with our business for years .
"Smoky Scores High" Today I managed to get a hold
Dear Mr . Stodghill, of a farm magazine(! had to go t o
Enclosed is a copy of my score Phoenix to get one) that had your
for Smoky Topaz AP.F#Vol.4 Reg . 465 advertisement in it . Years ago
at graduation from obedience tra- in Ohio, we raised these English
i ning school . All but 3 were AKC Shepherds and I remembered they
registered , mine was not but he were excellent watchdogs, natural
took top score in the class . We born "heelers 11 , very versi tile ,
are proud of him and as we do not and easy to train. I don ' t want
have cattle, sheep and only the breed of dog i j ust lost,
horse we cannot work him with (one can never replace a goOd
stock . I am planning to enter him dog) but 1 am sure a really ex-
in an open trial in April. Wish ceptional English Shepherd would
me Luck r Anothe r item. my 13 fit nicely with our ranch and
year old Blue Queen gave bith to town business.
a small litter of pups . All are I am not too particular about
doing well and it was a surprise sex, b11t would like a well marked
to everyone . The ve t said it was young dog about 8 to lo months
darn near impossible. Had to old, ready to train. Please give
wean them a little earl y or take me any information you have as to
a chance on loosing Blue Queen. prices, shipping arangements or
the pups are eating fine and are I might could possibly come get
healthy. Sincerely, t he dog myself. Thank You,
Miss Rose Martin Mary Allard
2111 Gates Ave . 208 N. Marina Prescott,Az.
Redondo Beach . California

Last Eve I walked a certain
street- and met such Gloomy Folk
I made haste to pass them by:
and neither stopped nor spoke;
The giant Elms dropped suddenly
the very sun was dim- I met a
friend, and said "I hope I I ve
seen the last of h im"
Loyd Hank i ns of Wickenburg, Az.
Today I walked the self- same with Johnny, Rusty and Brown ARF
street, a "Loved the folks I registered Catahoulas .
met"; if business had not made "New ARP Certified Breeders"
me leave I would have been Dear Mr. Stodghill,
there yet : Of course I have We are expecting a litte r of pups
solved the mystery : ' Tis pups out of Rusty and our cane.dian
very plain to see ! The day I female, Jewel . Can haroly wait to
met t he Gloomy Folks, the see how many and what colors we
gloom was inside of me ! get . This will be our first litter.
Author Unknown I always look for training tips
on Catahoulas i n your magazine .
Catahoulas work so different from
"Will the ARF Register Poodles" other dogs . Our 3 males are train-
Dear Mr . Stodghill, ed to come when we shoot a gun,
I have a problem . I want to This is all open range and tn thi s
reo;ister my poodle very badly. He rough bushy country the dogs are
is 7 inches high anrl weighs 4 lb . often too far to get to so we shoot
I cannot get ahold of his grand - the gun . We have a biR pasture to
mothers and fathe ?"s owners to get train them . Do you know how t o?
their papers . I cannot deny my Sincerely, Loyd and Audrey Hankt ns
beautiful poodle registration. Box 993
Mrs. Bernice Hall Wickensburg , Ar-lzona
15 02 W.We1r Phoenix, Az •
... GS SIXTS&W noDCm , ,. ,umvu. ua£Alt(;II MAQAZQIII

ALL English Shepherds
A&OUT • • •
The Black- Tan English Shephe rd The Eng lish Shepherd 1s much sup-
as a Watchdog " eri or t o the modern Airdale with
the narrow head, the broad headed
Dear Mr. Stodghill, Airdale of 50 or 6 0 years ago w~s
I am in need of a watch dog, about the same as the Eng lish Shep-
and I saw your ad in the Old Fash- herd, the pet shows have ruined
ion English Shepherd . Could you the F'aithful Old Airdale of years
send me more information on them ago .
and could you furnish me with any The ARF has had stockdog trials
training instructions? On Watch fo~ many years and we are beginning
dogs that is . Do you think English to have Conformation Shows but a
Shepherds are as good as Aire- dog will have to win 50 points in
dales? How old are they when you Stockdog Trials and win 50 points
ship one i f I should order? Would in Conformation Shows to be an ARF
a spayed or castrated dog be as Champi on. ARF Standards will be
good a watchdog? like the very best working dogs .
Sir I ordered training instruct- A castr,\sted mal e and a spayed
ion s from you several years ago female are just as good a watchdog
on Border Col lie Stockdogs and in fact they are more apt to bite
raised the best trained dog that and stay close to home . I would
I ever hope to own , thanks to you . hate to see anyone spay or castrate
Yours Truly, one of my good English Shepherds
Dewitt Bryan because the demand is so great for
Rt . 3 Box 84 these dogs . About 20 years ago a
Bryan, Texas customer wanted to trade me a maJ -~
Dear Mr . Bryan, Eng lish Shepherd because the male
I a m pl eased to hear from you was so romanti c he wouldn ' t stay
again and to know that my trai ning home . I told him I would be glad to
instructions worked out for you . trade with hi~ but as his children
Al l breeds of stockdogs are good liked Shep th,, 1·e wasn't any use i n
watchdogs . I like the good judge - getting rid of him, just castrate
ment of the old fashi on Black- Tan him and he would stay home . He was
Engli sh Shepherd, as they meet all pl eased with the idea and I castrat ed
visi tors at the gate . If you speak Shep and he lived to be about 17
friendly to the visi tor your years old . Shep was such a good do~
English Shepherd wi l l relax but if the mans son who was small at the
you show any fear in your voice time and bought an English Shepherd
the dog is ready for any acti on pup when hi s son was about 2 months
or what I like about the English old and I got a letter from the
Shepherd, if the occass i on requir- young mans mother tell ing me how
es it the English Shepherd wi ll glad she was that I still had an
heel an intruder away r;om h i s English Shepherdpup for her first
masters home and they can move a g randson but the truth was that her
man j ust as easy as they can move son wanted the pup for hi mself.
a cow . wt.enyou are gone the good It i s a proven fact that a Castra-
Fashi oned English Shepherd will ted Eng lish Shepherd or a Castrated
one out of our home .


red for Quality, r .. I " • •. . •• •
~orki n g Ability and Rural Route 6
'i sposition . • .~

Rushvill e, Ind iana
, Area Code- 317
ps at all times 565-6493
nrelated Pairs ,
- ,
Send for our Pl ctur
Phampl e t

Stockdog of any good working ki ll animals much larger than
breed is still a good dog . themselves .
I ship by REA Air Express from The farmer or rancher who used
Dallas , Texas i n we lded wi re era· to whip his hog or cow aqd brusing
tes which saves on ,xpress and his flesh ~hus lowering t he price
dogs never get too h ot in these for t he animal finds the gentle
crates and safe deli very is gua r- nip of the dog and his barking
anteed and for any reas on a oup wi ll have ill effect on the animals
don ' t please you I will replace but they accomplish the same effect,
it absol utl y free to you . Mrs. Snitker has been in t he
The English Shepherd don 't need business long enough to know she
any special training to be good and the people who buy f r om her will
watchdogs , t he more you love and get the benefits they expect.
pet a pup the more posess1ve they
get , all the training they need
is to DOWN when you holler DOWN "The Family Dog"
so you can stop them. All dogs Dear Mr , Stodghill,
that are going to be used for only I am very interested in learning
watch and guard dogs should be the h istory of the English Shepherd
Obedience Trained to make it easy and the breeding method using your
to control them . To go and pro- clock- wise method . I would appre -
t ect the masters family is bred ciate any help you can give me .
in the English Shepherd . I am, My two little boys have learned
Very Sincerely yours to love our English SHepherd and
Tom Stodghill she loves them too . I don ' t think
I could ask for a better "family"
"Cattl e Herding May Be Going dog .
To The Dogs" Sincerely,
Mrs . Rozelle Snitker of Pol lock, Delmar B. Ihle, Jr .
Texas may have one of the answers 2428 Norton Dr.
cattlemen are ~eeking to combat Augusta, Georgia
the rising cost of farm and ranch
labor , Dog Power, Mrs . Snitke r is
a breeder of the English Shepherd
dog that she says can pen cattle
herd them and put them into
barns at night.
The dogs can hold and catch hogs
usher livestock into loading pens
and herd sheep from the pasture .
If t hat is not enough the English
Shepherd is a good watchdog as
well as pet for children and wives .
Mrs . Snitker has financial rea -
sons for for wanting to stir an
i nterest in the English Shepherd
she sells them and will have a !KIWl!('S 0020
nice litte r about Christmas . Nf Ii,, 6&-31£6, \la.. 31
The English Shepherd is some -
times confused with the Border E, E. CAVA.""-Di
Collie but t hey are two different RT • •{ I
COOP£R, !El<AS 7"/52
breeds. The Border Col lie drives
everything to you wh ile the
English Shepherd drives everything
away from you, The English Shep- REGISTOO 00.ISH SHrnfRD
herd has intelligence in heeling A.WIES
and driving . They take to train-
ing very rapidly, they are willing
wor kers and will develope into STUD SERVI CE $5(), 00
good workers . They are a medium OR PAIR~ f>U>S
size but strongly active dog and
are extremely faithful and affec - !'RS, J)fi BMtES
ionate . They are not esily excited
and have the stamina and courage WAR,,, SPRINGS, GEOOGIA 31830
t o pen the wildest bull , They PlmE: 4ai-655-3roz
are a l so used f or hunting and can

" IS IT REAL.LY AN You s a i d you had illust rated 157
ENGLISH SHEPHERDr ' breeds but di d you know t here are
400 breeds no t AKC registered. The
Dear Mr. Stodghill , AKC has pushed back so many breeds
The AKC stands a good chance
I am a featur e writer on dogs of being left ou t .
for the Sunday Providence-Jour- The AKC ts obselete and if they
nal which I illustrate from life. don ' t change thei r policy the ARF
So far, I have covered 157 breeds will get most of thei r busines s.
soon, ther e wi ll not be a canine The English Shepherd Club was set
in ex i stence left to write about. up becaus e we we re lead to belie•,e
A friend. Mrs . Freder'lch the AKC would register the English
Har tmann, 22 Circle Drive, New- She pherd if we had 100 with 5 gen-
port, R. I . has one of your era tion Pedigr ee, after we got
breed . "Holl y"- Reddish Is Leon 2,000 we got a letter from the
Lenora - a black and tan bitch - presiden t of the AKC to never tell
whose certificate, with your anyone the AKC would ever register
name and address - has been lent them . That was when I set up the
to me - looks more like a Border ARF to register all dogs and fann
Collie to me, than anything else . animals . We specialize in helping
Mrs . Hartmann says she is an new breeds get started and ARF Dog
English Shepherd, which is ve r y Shows are open to all breeds . It
interesting to me and an equally ~s a .;reed that Julius Cesar car r -
interesting subj ect to write a - ied into England when he invaded
bout for our 250,000 readers . a combination of sheepdog and ca·:-
I cannot find out anythingof ledog (Rotweilder) used i n those
the breed although my librar y is days to herd cattle and sheep .
complete. Prehaps, if you would These dogs were brought to America
be so kind a s to e l uci a te- either on the Mayflower. When my mothers
by mai ling me a phamplet or any fathe~~Geo. Dromgoole came to Texas
material you may have , I shall be in 18~ he brought a pair of Eng-
abl e to write a story which might lish Shepherds wi th him.
result in sales for you. Sincerely,
I should need i nformation as Tom Sto<!ghi ll
to- when the breed was s tarted
and from what sou r ce : how many
there are in the U.S .- how many
membe r s i n the English Shepherd
Club and why are they not recog-
nized by t he AKC, nor allowed to
be s hown in mi scellaneous class-
es? What is thei r purposes othe r
than sheep guarding tr driving
cattle? Where else can they be
found than i n your area? What
they used for in Texas? Are they
recoginizes abroad and 1s a club
es tablished for the breed in
England ? Anyth ing you ser.d to me
will be greatl y apprecia ted .
Very Sincerely Yours,
Mr s . Cameron McRae Wins low
My Dearest Mrs . Winslow, TUFFY- one of the best trai ned
Engl ish Shepherds, taken at rest .
Your most interesting letter He is packi ng out a badger along
rec i eved, I get · so many letters with his bedroll, jug, frying
as yours from all over the world pan- he is a dignifi ed Whelper
from people wanting i n formation , and the only dog that ha s ever
books, I can't an swer all as quick danced at the I nd i an Pow- Wows .
as I should . The ARP is working Tuffy i s owned by Timbe r Jack
on a book t hat will be a great Joe, the l a s t of t he Mountain
help to all these people a nd I Men, Top of the Rockies - Bear
hope to get the book to the lib- Hole 621, Cowboy Carrell, Debois,
rar ie s of many l eading colleges . Wyoming
QUDILAN. TEXAS - FALL & WllfT&ll lffl•H Pllc.& llllfrns■
Border Collie Y/ f IC S
"ARF Breeder Listing liste~ in your breeders book . I
Is The Answer" would also appreciate any sourses
Dear Mr. Stodghill or books on the training of my
I saw you ad in ~Dog World and Border Collie .
would like to have the offical Sincereiy,
magazine smap l e . I am very inter- Charles Grimsley
ested in Border Collies. I found P. O. Box 69
a dog about six years ago and the Fayette, Alabama
vet told me at the time it was a
Border Collie . From the few arti••
cles I have read and from the "Brahmas in Engl and Too"
pictures I have seen I believe
that thsj: is what my dog is . She The Rare Breed Survi val Cente r
has such a wonderful disposition in Glos, England published an art-
and is so obedient and sucha nice icle about crossing a wild boar with
companion that this is the only a Tamsworth sow to produce piglets
breed of dog that I want if I of Iron Age domestic pigs . These
should decide to get another one . long, lean stripped pigs are res-
I would like to be able to get i a tant to cholera and make excellent
the names of breeders in my area bacon, consequently are very much
or if you could te ll me some namesin demand . I quickly i nformed the
I would greately appreciate it. Survival Center that you Mr. Stod -
Sincerely, ghill broujsht back this 1'Iron Age"
Nancy Schrenipp swi ne back into existence twenty
65 Legion Place years ago . With the price of por k
Hillsdale, New Jersery we will be hearing more of these pigs
Will Allen Jameson
EDITORS NOTE: We sent Mrs. Schre- Publisher
nipp the 1972 ARF Breeder Listing, Plainview Daily Hera ld
with over 300 Certified breeders Plainview, Texas
Anytime anyone can't find what
they want , the ARF can always
fill their order. Distance does
not make much difference with
jet air express .
"New Member of tne ARF"
Dear Mr . Stodghill,
Enclosed is $1 . 00 for the tran- j'

sfer of r,apers of the ownership
of "Fifi', Reg . # • I purchased
this dog from Mr . Sam Smitherman
of Vance, Alabama .
This is the first ARF Registered
Border Collie that I ahve ever
bought and I would appreciate
inf~rmation on becoming a member
of your o r ganiza tion and being

ARF No, 435, Vol . 4
Route i 3, Box 72
Border Colli e owned by Mrs . Abilene, Texas 79605
·ai-a !fuite of Sheridan, Oregon 915 · 698-2106
"A Special Dog While we l ived i n the country, she

For Any Purpose" treed a opo~sum one night and would -
Dear Mr. Stodghill, n't stop barking t ill I brought
I am f orever grateful to you f or h~r i n . I know she would make a
referl..ngme to Mr. Charles Ryals good hunting dog . She won ' t let
of Joiner, Ark to get nry bitch anyone except family come in the
bread. She was bread to a la r ge yard after dark, Sinc e we moved to
white spotted mal e he got from Hemphi s Black1e has been the !!!as te r
you . I think he was some of Ol d of t he back yard , where she ' s fenced .
Lomesome . She we lped 1nFebruary Our youngest child , 2 1/2 yrs .,
and we got 2 females and 4 mal es . likes to pl ay 1n t he yard with
It was a pl easure to meet Mr. Blacki e, We have noticed several
Ryals - he 1s a f i ne person and 1s times when he gets close to our
very i n te r ested i n the Catahoul a . fence and t he neighbors dog, Bl ackte
I f you could see h i s ope ra tion in ge ts between to pro tect . We are
the ca t tle business , you would 1lDll1ng bac k to the country s oon
understand why he needs dogs . and Blac kie wil l be free again .
I want my female r egistered with I would advise anyone 1f they
the ARF, pups also, and will gi ve want a good Cow- ~ , Watch- Dog,
you her hi story and qualities . Hun ti n~ Dog or ily pet to get
I got her at 6 weeks from Mr. Bill a Cata oula. I a,n very int erested
Johnson, Asst . Count y Agen t , Hous - in promoting this breed of dogs as
ton, Mi ss ., who is alco i n the Guard Digs - would welcome any
cattle bus i ne ss and says he would - suggest ons from the ARF. I a!ll ,
n't know what to do withou t his Howard Ca rna than
dogs .He has Brahw.a blood in all 3057 Crom-.,ell
his cows , a nd a f te r running a cow Memphi s , Tenn .
for awhile they get t i red a ~d
f i nd a thicket to hold up in . I f
you get off your horse to run them
out , the cow will r un you out .
He tel ls me this i s whe r e the dogs
take ove r . He told me how the dogs
would work and bunch cattle for an
hours at a time . Later I read in
your old copies of the ARF that
all Cat ahoulas do t hat . I am go -
i ng to send Mr. Johns~n a few cop-
ies of the magazine to try and get
him to join .
We moved to Memphis Te~n . last
Aug . and our ca tahoula 11 Blac kie "
grew up i n the country with a pas-
t ure o f cattle . The only train i ng
Blackie got she got on her own . I
saw he r hol d a Black Angu s agains t
a fence fo r thirty minutes . She
works cattle t ru ly by t h e Catahou -
la s tyle , by d r iving or leading .

BIG BOY and SISSIE- A.RF No . 1781

Vol . 17. They are owne d by David
Traxler, Rt . 5, Box 149, Monroe ,
Rl t!GO- A Catahoula Le p Cur t r eeing Loui sana, a Breede:· of Ce.tahoula
a squ1 rrel . Ringo 1 s owned by Ken- Leopa r d Curs . Pupp i es are now
neth Kirby , 1577 Bi rch Ave ., Buena a vailable off thi s pair ,
Vi sta, Vl rgtn t a
PAG.I TWltln"l'·O•I
.. " Ca tahoulas Make Good In Canada" me a copy? Are your dogs register-
ed and with what? Thank You ,
Dear Mr. Stodghil l, Jo Fountain
I thought I would mention we Box554 Bangs, Texas
Just visited the Hoppers at Burns Dear Mrs . Fountain,
Lake, B. C., and I was ve ry impress- The Austral i an Cattledog is all
ed wi th the quality of their dogs together a diffe rent dog than the
and horses , now that they are ra ·• catahoula Leopard stockdog. The
sing horses too . Catahoulas and Australian cattledog is a heeler
Appaloasa horses seem to go very while the Ca tahoula is a herder
well together . and a lead dog and can also stop
I purchased a l eopard Appaloosa wild cattle, but both dog s ares
mare, so now I have a pair, both similar in color but the color pat -
3 years old and one Kana.ta pony tern is different . The Australian
which I purchased from them also . Cattledog orginated in Australia
We are still active breeders of and is a combination of the Dingo
the Texas Lonesome line and the and the working breeds of Austral ia
West Virginia Jake line of leopard and they just natural ly blended i n
dogs . We enjoy the magazine and the Australian Cattl ed og . We have
hope to see come out more often. a compl ete his t ory in the 20 Old
Sincerely, Editi ons of the ARF Magazine for te Brownscombe $10 and I will send you an ARP
Hixon , B.C . Canada Package deal for $25, and you name
will appear in the Breeder Listing
if you get it in in t ime .Will be
"T"le Difference Be t ween the pleased to have you as an ARF Bree-
Gatahoul a and the Austral ian der. I am , S1ncerely,Tom Stodghil l
Catt ledog"
Dear Mr. Stodghill, IN LOVING MEMORY
Could you please ·help me with Sir Blackrnoor I
some questi on about Australian Jan. 11, 1970 - Aug . 14 . 1972
Cattledogs - what do they look Tina
like and how do they differ from March 25, 1962 - March 5 , 1973
the Catahoula? I am familar with OUR FOUNDATION STOCK
the typi cal working Leopard dog ·od Bl es s you both for all t he
but I have never seen an Austra- pplness you brought to those
lian Cattledog . Since they are who loved you.
in the AKC misc e l l aneous c l ass , lackmoor Austral ian Shepherd Ran.
I assume they have a wri tten J erry& Bette Ha tcher (213 ) 941-7780
breed standard . Could you send 11514 Al c l ad Ave . Whi tt i e r, Ca L

"? ,,.,..:--:,,•
f;...;;.:;....ailll,iW-'·....~ - - . ..
Please no t ice pict'Jra 0 C'3ta nc1UJ3 Lec9a rd s: 1::; ·rea:n out in front
with the l ead deg Lones ome No . l ket' ping t he l i ne t ight . Br uc e
Brcwnc ombe on t he sled . The re was 17 teams i n the race . Catahoult
Leo pard f rom Texa s are lead i P.g the Sled Race . Proves Catahoulas
always take t he lead ca n clo eve r.vt hi ni,;. ARF Reg ouos Fo r Sale
Bruce brownscombe Box 39 Hixon B. C. Ca nada Ph : 998 - 4380 o r
C. Ho e r Box 44 Burns Lake B C. canada Ph : 602 - ~40

This picture is of a young wi l d
boar hangi ng off the rear of a
t ruck owned by Ga ry Tull os o f
Haughton, La . Pictur ed with t he
hog is Gary ' s father- i n - law and
a fri end . In the capture the hog
managed t o cut up , one of Gary 's
dogs. Gary says he does • t keep a t' Jner Wood L•p fT Old Lon••o . . I.el>
dog for looks - if he doesn ' t wo r k h•• OO•Jb le IHut., Jl; y e a ,Loneeoao hu
hogs or cows , he does •t s tay in Bro i.n £)•e a . Not.ic• hi Ch t\anlc 11L
his pen. He says " I won' t br eed Tho• • doc• c a.a aovo and a tay, breed
an i nferio r female for anyone or fo r t h i • ty~.Vi• 1tora .,.lco-e t.o
aee t.heae d oc• work . S~odchi ll Rafteh
any price :'
TOM D. S'rolXiRill
Quin1an, Taxaa 7!'fa?4
Phone: El. 6-2267

- ·- · ... . . It
This hog is a young s ow that Gary
Tullos and hi s wi fe killed with 11.0TI IS
t he help of two of his dogs . The t o a11,
young female was 13 months at t h e
time a nd the other dog has been 1966 A.ft1Ml. a..M.Nlb toww:laUoa Stock
tloc tn&l ko'rl.• ... 200 toot ft!l(91,v 8-
wor king hogs s i nce he wa s 10 mon- color ru.- llhovtJIIC a n .. ot S\odib.Ul '•
ths . Tullos ls always proud to u Obecilonc. Da.onat.ra Uon ..S
Bot'd_. Colli .. b NMp hodlac ~
show his dogs . Gary Tullos of 139 UUoa. TM.• ao"1.• aho, ahows a ....U
Lawr ence Dr , Haught on , Loulsana, •ec--t or th• CatU• Doc t"rial• th.t.
i s a Certi fied Breeder of Ca tahou - 7Mr. R•'--1 r.. - $6 .oo.
l as . He has trained dogs a nd pups 1967 Aa1a&l a;.,...,.cb to-.dat.lo..
for sale llorkbc Do« O-Onatrat.1on Mo'f1.• &1,o at
St.octcb.111 1 • lanch . tb1• la • l}O foot.
lts Shr a.. tu.a 1a eolor. ~
Bo.rdw Col U • , Cat..t,o\Ll&a, an .&.u t.r'&liu
Cat.U• Dog ud othw ~ MOl"k:1.tlc
v&rlou t.ypM ol UHa t.oe.k. Th.h , 1v.. •
c ood• of ho• -.<lb br...:I VOl"k• tb•
e t.ode for ~1ch i t. had b... br«I ud bow
it hMdlM othv U v.. t.oclr u wlJ..
A•t.&l C• - $.4 .00.
• • •
?1169• t1la1 ar• Ualt.d to a ~
ad a pr(lllpt ~ vovld b. .,.,,., • •
a,ppr.cdat«l 111 Ol'dw to oth•• •
th• wJ.ttac l11t a ehu,ca . 1r bte«t,
Frank, a Catahoula Leopard , owned p1.... ulc•• ~ •\ll• t.oJ C&rol L-M
by C. R. Garne r, R. R. 4 , Stanford . RiakliDbairs, ).)0 Maple Lua, B&t.aw1 a.,
Kentucky, t reeing a rattlesnake Ill.1ao1a 60510.
in his back yard . So far Frank
has trceded and Garner has killed
• .
seven rattlers
QUDtlAR. TEXAS - PALL & Wift l Ell 1'73-7t •ACE TWElfTJ,THUE
• ''The American Leopard Cur" and the 100~ French catahoula male.
These pups work like true Cata-
Dear Mr . Stodghill, houla Le6pard style .
I have a few questions for you. As the original American Leopard
What is the difference between the Cur came out of Texas out of ARP
Catahoula Leopard and the American Registered stock we would register
Cur? I have a chance to get one your American Cur as a catahoula
of the American Leopard Curs, whi- Leopard Stockdog. They wil l all
ch is regi stered under the Ameri- make good hunting dogs .
cam Cu-. If I get one and sent the When the ARF first started reg-
papers to you to register in the istering these dogs we found them
ARF, what would you register it by a dozen different names such as
under? If their is a difference Louisana Hawg Dawgs, Louisana Brush
between these dogs what is the dogs, Tennessee Mountain Curs, Cal -
American Leopard Cur used for? Cutter Curs, Texas Leopard cowdogs,
I have a Black Mouth Cur . It is East Texas Cowdogs, in fact the
the best cowdog I ever saw. I want ARF registered the first dogs as
very much to have this male regis - Leopard Cowdogs and Paul Coco made
tered with the ARP. He looks, is a trip to Texas to see me and brou-
built and works cattle just like ght me a female, which I bred to
~ registerd Leopard . This is the my old Gem to prove that they were
second one of these dogs I have all the same breed and it was Paul
Coco that approved .t he idea of reg-
had and I can ' t say that I had a?\¥
better. Thank You, istering the breed as Catahoula
George Spears Leopard Stockdogs , as they were
Rt . 5 Box 211 all Catahoulas and leopard was just
Live oak, Fla . a color but we used the double name
Dear Mr . Spears, to clearify the name and to estab -
I am much pleased to answer your lish the fact that the Catahoula
questions about the American Leo- and the Leopard Cowdogs were all
pard Cur . On January 10, 1964, I the same . They are still Catahoula
sold Reverand J . Richard McDuffy, Leopard with French Catahoul a bl-
ended into them .
P. O. Box 361, Lamae, S,C. , a number
of Catahoula Leopard pups and he As to what the Cur is good for,
also bought a number of pups from it all depends on what they a re be-
Orval Bates, a pioneer breeder of ing trained for, as pups you can
Catahoula stockdogs, then Orval start on anything. If you are going
went with Rev, McDuffy to other to use them ior coon, star.t them
old established Catahoula breed~rs on coon, for cows on cattl e .
and together their were about 41 When Rev . McGuffy visited the ARP I
or42 pups. I helped to vacinate he was a Baptist minister and I
the pups and he got an unusual expalained to him how we bred to
good looking group of Catahoula get quality and good color and
Leopard Pups . He only wanted thF he left here being a genealogist.
pedigree on the pups as he said he He changed the name of his breed
was starting a registry himself and started his ~.m regist ry. It I
and was training his dogs espec - makes me feel good to know I was I
iallt for coon dogs . After seeing such a great he l p . Kindest personal
the ARP Registered Catahouls Leo- regards, I am Sincerely yours,
pard Stockdogs, McDuffy changed Tom D. Stodghill 1
the name from Treeing Curs to
the American Leopard Curs and he
also printed part of our history
on the breed . At tbat time we
imagined the original dogs came
from Spain, but Mr. Paul Coco of
Marksvill, La , said as far back
as he could trace his family h~
could trace theOltahoula Ho g Dogs
and he could trace his family
back 400 years. Paul Coco speaks
French and English. We are positive
the Catahoula came from France as
we have three males from France
and we a,re getting from 8o to 100~ PINEY WOOD LEP ' S SPECK- owned by
Blue Leopard Spotted Pups out of Charles Waters, RR 3 Box 2 , Yuko~
Louisana Catahoula Leopard f emales Oklahoma.

White White, as long as you breed
him to females wt th brown eyes you
wil l not have any trouble i n anyway .
"A SNOW-WHITE AUSSIE " The Australian Shepherd and the
Louisana Catahoula Le~pard also
Dear Mr . Stodghill , have the blue eye s and the glass
I was so grateful on your quick eyes, these dogs breed very much
reply on my Aussie .As I told you l ike the Auss ie, what I am trying
he has 2 blue eyes and is snow- to say is the same system of breed -
wh ite with only pale grey or blue ing hold true i n both Auss ies and
merle markings . We th i nk he is so Catahoulas . I would liek to see a
beautifu l and the smartest. He is picture you your Aussi e , it is
a natural bobtail . I would li ke a possible he willbreed like ~.y
complete history on the breed Piney Wood Lep, he is one of the
and explain about the pedigree s.
Thank You,
Mrs . Paul Carson
1o6 Qak Lawn Apt . #10
Brockton, Mass .
Dear Mrs . Carson,
I am much pleased to send you
the 21 old editions of t hr ARF
magizine in hopes you will under -
stand the and read the section on
the Aussie History better.
The f orm you filled out was for
rrzy ARF Certif i ed Breeders Member-
ship . You get the ARF Record Book, FOR SALE
a pad of pedigrees,a one year Doubled Reg istered Australian
membershi p i n the ARF, eac h new Shepherds . Pups & Grown Dogs
edition of the magazine and your Blues a nd Tris . Pups guarant-
name and address i n the Breeder ed to work . Stud Service .
Listing, which we are publishing J&D KENNELS
in the near future . Dues are $10 Box 188
a year and if things keep going up Perkins , Okla . 74059
we will keep in tune wi th the times Ph :405- 547- 2591
Be sure to read the Christmas
issue 1965 which explains how
Aussies originated, at the time
we were not absolute l y positive but
time has proved my guess was cor-
rect . Look at the picture on page
17 of the summer edition of 1966
of the Smithfield Natural Bob and
the Blue Merl Shepherd that blend -
ed together to make the Aus tralian
on the right side of the page in
the picture, shows what a true
Australian Shepherd female should
look like .
In regard to your Aussie male
being a natural Bob with light blue
eyes and pale merl on a white back - FOR SALE
ground , I will have to ag1·ee with Doubled Reg . Austral ian Cattle•
you , a dog like that is t he most Dogs (Queensland Blue Heel ers)
beautiful of all Aussies . I am Red Heeler & Blue Heeler Pups
wondering if your Aussie is an f r om Impo rted Reg . stock. Pups
Albino white or t he white white guaranteed to work . Stud Serv.
which is so attractive with a black on both imported reds and bl ue
nose and a black rim aroud each eye Pree Brochure . Also Breeding
If your dog is Albino , if you stock f o r· sa le .
mate him with a fe'!lal e like him , J&D KENNELS
cnore than likely you will get one o Box 188
two e eaf pups i n the litter or a Perkins , Okla . 74059
pup with poo r eyesight so it can't Ph : 405 - 547-2 Ol
see good . Now if your Aussie is the 1....._..:.:.:...:......:.:e::..."'-''-l-=='--- - - - ~
• most advanced Catahoula stud dogs ftnding a Blue Heeler male like r
I have ever seen. I can breed him wanted and already trained with a
to a double glassed eyed female high flank and a good blue color.
and get all good pups. r bred a The dam and sire came from Austra- -
Catahouls female blue with darker lia. Looking forward to reg1str 1ng
blue and black spots, one blue eye all you dogs, I am Tom Stodghill
and one brown, got 9 double blue
eyed l eopard spotted pups and one •
with brown eyes and one with one
bro~.,, and one bl ue eye and every
pup made good . You can do the same •
with your Aussie as he will breed
like Piney Wood Leps. I know the
Catahoula Leopard that breeds li ke
Piney Woods is very few but there
should also be an Australi an Shep-
herd that will s i re entire litters
of pups with blue eyes .
Here at the ARF we have proved ,
that fancy colored dogs with good
type work as good o r better than
other dogs and that if show dogs
don't work alright there is some.-
t h ing wron with the standard be
cause a standard on any br$8d of BLUE
• ..:;~ ....:J::.:;.;.:.:.r.·
HEELER) at St ud
dogs should be l i ke the very best Ranch, Phone 214- 358-2267, Quin -
working ijog of that breed, that lan , Texa~ 75474, This photo was
is the way all ARF Standards are . made by Robert Hopper, a Metall -
I am, Very Si ncerel y Yours, urgical Consultant, 5731 1/2
Tom D. Stodghill Goodwin, Dallas Texas 75209
Phone : 214- TA 4
-6187. Mr.
Hoppe r wil l photograph any and
"The Working Aussie" all animals . Please con tact
him for more i nformation .
Dear Mr. S'>odghill,
When I wrote you last, I think
you misunderstood my letter per-
tai ning to our dogs . These dogs .•
are called Australian Cattledogs,
but are commonly called Queensland
Blue Heelers . T.\e ques t ton I had
in -:nind was do you recogn-ize these
dogs in your records. Our dogs are
registered with t he National Stock
Dog Registry 1.n Butler, Ind . I was
wonderin(£ how we could register
with you. Thank You,
Charlotte Peterson
RR.#2 Imperial, Nebraska
Dear Mrs. Peterson,
The Alli> wtll be most pleased to
register you dogs . All you have t o
do t o re gister you pups is to fi ll "LEE BLUE HEELER" at St ud
out the ARP Pedigree and at the to ARF #259 Australian cattledog,
of t h e pejigree f ill out the name Queensland Blue Heel ers, Dingo
of the breed, as the old dogs are Blue Heelers . Unre la ted pai rs
registered with the NSDR all you nd pups f or sale . Stud Servi c
have t o do i s fi l l i n the pedigree For more infor~.ation call o r
and use the numbers off t he NSDR wri t e Lee Prest on, a licensed
pape1·s and on the AR.F pedigree F Stockdog Judge and a f our
where it says volume write NSDg ea r traine r o f Army dogs.
so we wil l kn~• where the number
came f rom . The demand f o r the Blue Le e Preston
Heeler got s o g reat we now have a Box 789 TSC
choice Blue Heele r at t he. ARF and Stephenville , Tex . 76402
get s o many people w~nting i nfor - PH: 817-965-6111
mation on the breed. I was 2 yea r s
•&OE TWUITY,lllt STODGM!'I.J.'S AJllJIAL ~ MAaanw•.
Cub for this breed . Si ncerely,
307 Highview
Dear Mr. Stodghill, Pgh. Pa. 15234
Much has been said about the Dear Miss Duregan ,
Australian Cattle Dog (Queensland The Stodghill Animal Research
Blue Heeler) in r egard to their Foundati on is the off ical publica-
ability as a heel dog . In this tion for Australian Cattledogs .
they can hardly be surpassed . They I am mailing you a Certified
can also, because of intellengence Breeders Listing which includes
and some inherited characteristics a list of all breeders of Austra-
be taught to herd cattle . lian Cattledogs i n the USA .
One thing I t h ink t hat has been Austral ian Cattledogs are also
overlooked to a certain extent is known as the Queensland Blue Heele rs
the general attitude of these dogs . and the Red Heele r s because the
They want to please ! My Blue Breed was originated in Queens -
Heeler is just 10 months old. Two land Australia bui are registered
wweks ago I decided to teach him as Australian Cattledogs . They
the fundamentals of obedience we igh from about 35 to 40 lbs .
such as down, hee l , and stay. In They are usually strong built and
a we ek and a half he would work and very active , heel cattle and
these commands on a loose leash . horses low and very seldom get
Now a week later he works them kicked , willing workers and very
on no leash at all. I am a student easy to train, they do not rush
plus I have two other part time the stock but keep them movtng
jobs s o it is obivious that I do and their natural instincts is to
not have the much t ime to spend always heel the back cow .
with the dog . Frankly, I could Under nonnal conditions they
not be more pleased with this will live from 12 to 16 years
little Blue Heeler and I think he and wi ll eat any kind of dog feed.
is fairly typical of the breed . I feed mine Gaines and I feed it
I do not plan to do anything dry and let them eat all they
furthur with my tlog as far as want and I always keep fresh water
obed ience is concerned because I and feed them fresh meat once a
intend to work cattle with him . week.
Should I go furthur I could creue The Australian Cattledog has
problems in that he paid more heavy straight hair and can
attention to me than to his work. stand slot of heat as well as cold
But if one wants simply a Blue weather and have proved a great
Heeler as a pet and wanted to success in Canada where it gets
train him furthue in obedience really cold and have been known
I think the potential is definately to follow a horse 30 miles ina
the re. dayafter cattle and seems to thrive
Here at Texas A&M we do hope on hard work . He is a combination
to do some research with stockdogs of wild dog in Australia and the
We hope to evaluate t he ir potential l eading work dog there , so many
and limitations as they a r e used ~rosses were, too the wi lo
in working cattle. We are not Dingo is a dog not a wolf and is
limited to Blue Hee lers in our friendly with the domiscated dogs
research. If anyone should have dogs and so many crosses were
any questions or suggestions, made with the wi l d Dingo that nc
please feel free to write me as I one knew anyhting about but the,
am anxious to hear from others . do know they have a wonderful '
Sincerely, cattledog, and in reality i t
Charles Hodges doesn ' t amke any diff erence
Depa~tment of Animal just how they were all blended
Science together, we know the Australiar.
Texas A & M Uni versity Cattledog is w wonderful dog .
College Station The A.RF Has a 1oo:r; Dingo anJ
Texas 77843 a 50 :r; Dingo and 5e>:r; Kelpie
imported form Aus tra lia and t h e
ARF finds the Dingo when raise
w= is an Australian Cattledog? " with people and handled alot are
Dear Mr. Stodghill, the friendliest of dogs and do
Woul d you give me some informa- not bite and are no t wile or shy
tion a bout the Aust~alian ·cattle and any Australian Ca tt l ed og
dog and i f there i s a National conti nued on Page 31
OVU,uur. TEXAS - FALL PAC:& Tftl•fl:,.:tlNrfl"f•&SV'S•
S toe k ,,u·n••
Corne ,
I s ol d a lady in Missouri two boars
"The Deve lopement of the Brahma" for her older son to breed 26 sows .
The feeder pigs were s o vigorous
Dear Mr. Stooghill , she is coming bac k to buy t hree
I am interested more in the registe red Brahma sows a nd a boar
breeds used to de ve lop the Brahma for her younge r son to raise breed -
Hog Breen . I am in the market for ing stoc k . Feed convers ion 1s 2 3/4
two weaning Longhorn he ifers . Anypound to a pound of gai n, on full
recomemdations would be appreciat- feed of balanced feed .
erl plus availability or IA Breed- In regard t o the Longhorn Heifers
ing from your white Longhorn bull . I be lieve I can get them f or you
Yours Truly, but I have the one pair of Long- ◄
Donald Oyler horns artifical breedi ng , the one
3045 Collingswood Rd . bull is all I wil l ever need a s
Pensacola, Fla . I want the controlling gene from
Dear Mr . Oyler, one great bull in all the improved
In regard to Brahma Hogs, I fl!stbreed of vigorous cattle . I hope to
used the wi ld Russian Boar type do the same thing with cattle t hat
wild sows and a registered Duroc I ' ve done wi th the Brahma hogs. I
Boar . I was trying to hold the want to blend all breeds of cattle
vigo r of the wild hog and the meatinto one great breed and use a con -
of the Duroc , as I was getting trolling gene from this one white
stripes running the long way of Longhorn bu ll . I n order to de velop
the body I could tell which pigs a breed all very much alike you
car r ied the strongest controlling have t o ha ve the blood of this one
genes from the wild hog . I got g reat animal in all the cattle .
87 1/2% of the Duroc and only I will develop foundation hub bulls
12 1/2% of the wild hog and still from this one Longhorn bull, at
got 100% stripped pigs , but hogs the most will only need about 1/4
still too short and too fat . longhorn and it i s doubtful wil l
Then I kept my best Boar anrl need more than 12 1/2%. More breeds
started over with Registered Sows blended together , the less of the
including a large black from Can- longhorn wi l l have to have and the
ada , I didn ' t have any troub1e8)tr
longhorn is ve ry important as it
ing stripes . I had a Yorkshire sowwill do away with the double mus -
Essex, Poland sow, Birkshire sow , cled Char la and the too doublemus -
chester white and blended all th'e cleS inclined to show up in all
breeds together then kept a boar
with 6 1/4% of the wild hog . Then
I bred a Pure Bred Tamsworth Sow
to this boar a nd got all striped ,
pigs with the right length and the
tremendous vigor of the wild boar .
I kept 4 boars out of the Tamswor -
th sow and bred these back t o the
Tamsworth and the mode rn Brahma
has all the goOd flavor and length
of the Tamsw orth and most of the
pigs have the attravtive Brahma
color, pigs with fancy s t ri pes ,
(the baby pigs will SC-Oletimes hide
in the grass like quail) . By using
the Tamsworth sows and these boars • •
out of the Tamswor];h sows , the
Animal Research Foundation has
something special i n a long meat
type hog that grows cut fast and
by us ing a Brahma boa r and breeding , '
him back to his own daughters o r •• '
another Brahma boar can breed the
Brahma vigor into any b reed of hogs.
We are much pleased with t he
Brahma pigs and we are keeping TEXAS LONGHORN BULL- This photo
them as pu r e as possible , as we was made by Mr. Robert Hopper, a
can get $1.00 each for a ll t he Bra- Metallurgical Consultant and pho-
ham sow pigs at 6- 8 weeks cf a ge , tographer of all animals . He lives
and can sell most of the boar pigs . a t 57 31 1/2 Goodwin , Dallas, Tex.
the leading bre eds of beef cattle , one year of age . I am breeding some
I want to breed all breeds of of hi s daughters to a Sugarland
cat t l e t oge ther wi th not over Rex Manso, a full blooded Brahma
25~ Charla go heavy on Angus and bull that has been dead s i n ce 1960.
Herefor d . He was a Grand Champion at the
As to what Semen wil l cost de- National Brahma Show at Ft . Wor~h .
pends alot on the breed i ng pro- I have 2 heife rs out of him that
gram you have in mind. If you are the bes t . I am breeding 12 cows
plan to wo rk with the ARF to de- t o hi m AI at $25 a head . It ha s been
velop a new b reed of ARF Reg . a hard winte r and hay at $2.50 a
cattle and will keep a c omplete bail, yes I would like to i nfuse a
r ecord of all cows bred so t hat small amout o f Longho rn into my
they can be used i n the ARF Breed- Bra-Char breedi ng . They are a tough
i ng pr ogram will make you a better breed t hat can live t hrough cold
deal than if are not working whe re other breeds will not survt ve.
toward a ne w breed of Reg . cattle I li ke the idea . How would you get
taht all will be very much a li ke . t he m into a head gate? I am send ing
As the Texas Longhorn eat tougher in some cattl e to registe r in the
g rasses and weeds than o ther cat- ARF . I am getting out of the AI CA .
tle will eat, a controlling gene I am just t rying to breed cattle
from the Longhorn wil l be a g reat that I can put on the range and don 't
boost to the new breed of Ameri- have to pamper. I can't do it with th
can Beef cattle with perpetual hy- the P.B . Charolai s. I am really going
bred vigor . Also they calf easy going to push the ARF. Your friend,
and with a system of breeding so Al vin Pott s
e ve ryone can blend the cattle Box 85
they have now into t h i s famous Sasakwa, Oklahoma
New Breed of ca t tle with a con-
trolling gene from the Texas Lo-
nghorn . The Longhorn pulled t he "Interested Breeder of Brahma Hogs•
pl ow to f eed the pioneers now the
Longhorn has the extra vigor it Dear Sir,
takes to produce the meat to feed I was told that y1>u he ve started
the world . I am , Very Sincerely, a breed of hogs called Brahma.
Tom D. Stodghil l Could you please s end me some in-
formation on them. I breed and
rai se wild boar hogs , mulefoot hogs
"POTTS BRA-CHAR THE BEST" and herefo r d hogs . Thank You ,
Paul Seabold
Dear Fr iend, R#l Keokuk, Iowa
So glad to hear from you . I have
2 Potts Bra-Cha r bulls for sale,
they a re weaning age . Their s i re
is the famous imported Des s auny
8612, full French bull . One of his
bull calves we t hed 16851bs . at

Frosty11 and 8 day old "Tillle11 ,

11 RAHMA HOGS - ARF Registered owed
African Pig,QY goata owned by Ruth y Tom Stodghill, Quinlan , Tex s
Enriquez, 11092 Tlu<ford Streot,
Sun Valley, California. Twonty-
tour have already been registered
in the AniJltal Research .Fowxlat.ion.


-- --- ----------------··
AUSTRALIAN CATTLEDOGS QUEENt;LANO "Old Bozo" t he sire of f amous
BLUE HEELERS, DINGO BLUE HEELERS . "Old Bhodark" . Tom Stodghill,
Pups & Pai rs. Write or Call f o r Quinlan , Texas 75474
more information and pr ic es . Lee MISC . BREEDS
Preston , Rt. 3 Box 133 , Stephen- BEAGLE BOUND pupp i es AKC Re~ •. and
ville , Texa s, 76401 , Ph . 817- ARF l'ng11sh Shepherd pups, one tri -
965 - 6111 colored male a t stud. Mrs. John
BLUE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD doga: Barnes, Ph.: 4◊4 -655 -3802 , W'J.rm
ARF Reg . Top bloodlines in th,s SQrin~ Ge orgia 31830
country. Some blue eyes and some CHi l!UAHuA pups !\RF Reg . $50.00
hazel contrast. Mrs. J oesph T. ~ERMAN SHEPHERD ouos ARF Re~ .
Seiwald A 2903 Tttan Rd . Littleton, $75 .00 1'none :Ol7-939- 2400 or write
Colori...-00120,._Ph.303 - 794 - 1992 Lena Grey, Rt. l Box 249AA, Belton,
AUSTAAJ.,I AN SHEPHERDS- I nowh ave Texas 76513
three , one female and two males . :,H.:;A.;I:;:R;;LE~s~s.<;:;cfl""t""f"'IE""s'"E""
· ""C"'RE"""S"'T"'E"b.--:p::- uc::p:.s,..,ARP:1!!'1!1
As far as I know I am the only Quality Reg . unrelated pairs , rare
breeder of these dogs in t he sta~e colors . From $50 . 00 V. Lee , 1405-
of West Virginia . If anyone else 10th s t . , Santa Monica, Cal ifornia
has them I would like to know . 90401 Phon~ : 213-394 - 6040 evenings
KB.china Aus~ralian Shepherds , Rt .
#2 , Box 69 , s·e. Albans , W.VA. . LIVESTOCK
Stud service and puppies . Blue service Boars , Doug Pr ichett, Rt .
Merle's , Triple Registered , 50~ #2 Quinlan , Tex . 75474
Bobtails and Blue eyes . Patricia B ~ PIGS ARF Reg . , unrelated
A. Jansser, , Rt . #3, Box 535, Snoh- pairs Johnny Hooten , '.ltt . #1 , Box
omish~Washi ngt on, 98209. Phone- 182 tone Oak Texas 75453
206-5 - 6380 BRATiMA PI GS-
BORDER COLLI£ pups ARF Reg. Sire type . Mr . Robin B. Oxie, Rt . #3 ,
Reg . Exibition
from imported stock. H.B. White , Box 450 Jericho Rd ., Aurora,
Ph . 205- 924- 3081. Carbon Hill , Ala Illinoi~ 60504
ENGLISH SHEPHERDS- Reg . Pups, Rare ;:.B;:.RAID~~.!A;;.o.;P"'I"G"'s-'-,.ARF"""~R"'ec-:g=-.--r.ur.:r"'s-. - R"'o"'y77Ad"'-
Color s , unrelated pairs . Rocking Rams , Rt . #2 , Box 115, Ph. : LakeView
Kennels, Rt . #5 Box 48E , Martinez. , 783;-2827 , Fairm6nt N. C. 28340
Georgie. , 30907~ Ph. - 404 - 736 - 0893 BRAHwi PI GS- ARF Reg . Mrs . Garn~r
ENGLISH S9EPHERbg- Have 7 puppies Owens Rt .#3k Waxachie ~ Tex . 75lo5
by clockwise Bozo. Bruce Alverson JIBAi&j; PIGS- AKF Reg., R. B. We st-
12◊4 Buena Vista, Dothan, Alabama brook Box 84 Milano , Tex . 76556
36301 Ph . -794 - 7855 ,-Manager of the BIWn4 PIGS- AR'F Reg., Bred Sows ,
Terminix Service . Servive Boars . F .E. Compton , Fh .
CATAHOULA LBOPAlU> STOCKDOGS, ARF 318-753-2320 1 Roanoak , La. 70581
Reg . , Famous Strain, Proven Work - BRAIIMA PIGS- ARF Reg . Commercial
ers , all Livestock , Blues Pre- Type , Pick up Load Brahma boars ,
dominate . Excellent Conformation, Larry Pos ton, Ph. 314- 564- 7982 ,
Hillc r est Farmsi Burns Lake , BC, Montgomery Ci% Missouri 63361
Canada PH.-6o4'°Q92 - 1403 BRARJ,lll PIGS- llRF Reg . also btAcK-
trained guard do~s , also cowdogs . J .0 . Eaves, Brahma Hog Ranch, Ph .
Austin Si zemore (Vete rinary Hosp . ) 214;937-3615~ axachieA Te x.75165
7112 Ma. J>leParkJ t . Worth , Texas BRAHwi HOGS-Afil· Reg., Monroe Chee1<
CATAHOIJIA LEOPARD- Stockdogs ARF Sr ., Rt.#2, Phone : 501- 594- 5363 ,
Reg., unrelated pairs . Bill Phi l - Benton, Arkansas
11 p_s Rt . 1 Ackerly , Tex. 79313 .::B;.RA=Hl;;4A ;:.z..P,.;I;;G;;S;;:_"'-'TARF..-..,-R,..,e...g,...-.H..-....w'".--..Y"'
art"' es=--,
ENGtiSH" S®PHERDS- pups, Sire : 5822 carry St ., Dallas , Tex . 75227
Bhodark's Bozo Shep. ARF Reg. Ph , 214 - 629- 7123 , Farm Rt#l , Como ,
George Simpson 1816 Selby Circle, Texas Ph . 214-381 -656f
gNGu§h simgMims~ 8
8 80
J . B. Shielda, Rt . l Box 112, Marble~lichigan 9884L
A;~~ ~~-~i~~3W-J~~; la~ ~~:~e.,
Nor th Carolina • · ••B~rornRJl:;..;""=;;P.,.I:,,GS,;;;.-.;.ARF"",,...,R"'e"'g::-.-,R.,,-,,tr,-,Rain=;:;s;:e~y ,
BLACK-TAN ENGLISH SHEPHERDS- Old RT . 1 , Box 91 1 O<lessa, Texas 7 9760
Fashioned pups , pairs bred clock- BRAID-IA PIGS - ARF Reg . Edward~re ,
wise so all my pups wi ll be like 1300 Nutter Rd ., Picayune, Miss .

. PACE. 'iaDit n'ODQJID.L'S AJfINAL a 1.....-AltCB MAC:AZJJI'&

Classified Ads Continued
ARF Registered English Shepherds
Alvin Potts, Originator ARF Reg .
Bra- Char Cattle , Box 85, Sasakwa,
Oklahoma 8486t
MULE FOOTED P os-ARFReg . Sows ,
Jim Jordan, Rt 3, Jasper, Texas
1 9a1
we COURTS - by night,
week, month, lights, water, sewer
for trailers, shade trees, play - AUSTRALI AN QUEENSLAND BLUE
grounds, maid service, Opal HEELERS ARF . Reg . For Sale Pup
bred-fe~.ales s tarted & trai ned
Johnson, Rt . 2 Ph . 874 - 9211, Cor -
sicana, Texas 75110 pups also Reg . Male Heelers at
Stud . For more information cal
BY Rt. 1 Box 244
ANIMAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION Coffeyville , Kansas 67337
•--~P=h~:_ 3~1=6~-~2...5.:l_-7~3...,2~7---_ _ ___
BORDER COLLIE-Black-Whi te Trim
Im¥orted from Scotland continued from page 27
CAAHOutA LEOPARDs tockdog Import- that shoud be wild or shy or want
ed from France, will sire 80 to to bite it absolutely is not
100~ Blue Spot ted pups never a because of the Dingo blood, • tis
deaf . Sired B 100 French Male the domesticated dog the Dingo i s
G at stu , I mpor ed d r- crossed with and anyone that has
ect from Australia . a dog like that can breed more
BLUE MERLE NATURAL BOB AUSTRALfAN Dingo into him and get a ¢almer
SHEPHERD at stud . Stodghi ll's Ranch dog with good Judgement and calm
SMITHFIELD NATURAL BOB Black-white too . I t is the policy of the ARF
Rin' Nee k not to breed ahy shy or timid
Aus MLIAN CATTLEDOG {QUEENSLAND dogs or any dog that doesn·• t have
BLUE HEELER) working exhibition good judgement , because there are
t~pe, the very best there is in j ust too many good dogs calm dogs
Blue- Heelers wi t h good judgement and this is
OLD FASHI ON BLACK- TAN ENGLISH especailly true with the Australian
SHEPHERD at st~d , the kind my Cattledog
grand father had in 1897 The ARF • has more information on
Continued from Page U a ll breeds of stockdogs than anyone
acre ranch near my pjuce . Could else in the world and this big book
have Sheepdog Trials next day ,ny of information is available to
place . It will take most of two anyone and we wi ll have will be out
days to have the ARF Cowdog sometime in 1974 as i t is a big_Job
Trials but we could take time to get together . The ARF would be
for a match Sheep Dog Trial . pleased to have you as an ARF
I am, Certified Breede r . I am, very
Tom D. Stodghill Si ncerely yours, Tom Stodghi l l

Black- Tan Blacr.-Wh1te
Black -Tan -Whi te Puppies
Sired by Cloc k- wise Bred "Bozo "
Stud Se rvice Available

Double (RR) Kennel

Owne-rs • Rozem• and Hu,rr Snitker
Route I, Box 229-Pollok. Texas 7;,969
Piton, (7/JJ 867-4528

"Sni t ker ' s Bozo and Sugar"


"A 100% French Catahoula" their shots and are eating good ,
they are truly beautiful animal s
Dear Mr . Stodghill, and will be registered in the ARF.
The f i rst time I came to your It was nice visiting with you when
rnach to talk about Catahoula dogs I stopped in August.
you were tel l ing me about the Fren- Sincerely,
ch Catahoula and suggested that Frank Dyal
since my wife was French that Geuda Springs , Kansas
prehaps I might get one to cross
with the Catahoula that I bought
in Louisana, from my good friend
Mr . M.A. Bernard .
We recieved our 10~ French
Catahuola dog in September of
1972, he was six months old at
the time . He is a three colored
dog , being black predominately
with tan markings on his legs
and face with just a few white
hairs on his chest in a little
bunch. I n France they trim the
ears, however I don ' t think I
would have, I like the long ears .
This dog is registered in France,
his grand sire was National Champ-
ion there of his breed . Vai l lant
i s a very alert animal and a very
conscientious dog easy to train .
He works very equally well with
cows or hogs, we use him to lead
our hogs to market . As long as
the hogs keep going up the shout
everything is alright , but just
let one stop or turn around then
the dog goe s toaction, but not
ruff if you keep talking to him,
This dog is the firs.t one I ever
had that could turn a Black Augus The Thi 100%
s is Vai l lant
French Catahoula
cow around and put her where she that I imported wit h one of
belongs . his pups. Note- his ears have
On July 27, 1973 we had our been trimmed . We have stud
first litter of puppies (14), we se rvi ce and pups for sa l e .
saved them all , nine males and
five females . I have sold two and Frank Dyal
will ship them this week, they Oueda Spr i ngs, Kan 67051
are eight weeks old and have had Ph : 116- 442- 4578

-·~-------·-·-------~--- -·-·- -·- ·- ·-------~-------------

Stodghill's Anin1al Rescach Magazine
Torr, D. Stodghill, Genealogist U. S. POSTAGI
Quinlan , Texas 75474 Petmit No. 5
Ouinlon. Texas
Relurn Post ag-(' \,u~1r:1nt~Nt

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