Copia de Journaling

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Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior

Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Journaling. Introspection Journal

The Introspection Diary consists of 3 exercises that you will do at different times of
the first partial. It consists of 3 written reflections that have triggering questions and
dynamics. You can use the format that you like best:
● physical notebook
● voice notes
● Video
● creative presentation
● Short Essay
The questions are designed to generate a self-criticism about your performance
as a student, in such a way that you can identify your strengths, areas of
opportunity, positive and negative habits that keep you from your personal goal in
your final stage of high school.
In essence, you will be applying the reflection-innovation-implementation cycle in the
most important project of high school: you.
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

General instructions for the delivery of the partial

Make your daily insight into the format that you indicated your teacher (BB,
Presentation, notepad, videoblog).
1. Each entry includes a series of guiding questions that you must answer.
Include an answer to all the questions, you can organize your work as a
question-answer, or prepare an essay that considers all the questions in the
order that you require. If you use this option, integrate question keywords to
help the evaluator identify the question you are addressing.
2. Delivery date of the partial: February 23

Exercise 1. Self Knowledge

This entry is designed for you to reflect on your successes and achievements in your
performance as a student during your stay in high school.

● Why did I choose to enter the UdeM High School?

Because of the installations.
● What values ​do I share with the mission and vision of Prepa UdeM?
The closeness with God is very important for me.
● Who am I as a student?
An average student.
● Who am I as a person?
A mature, occupied boy with close friends in my circle.
● What aspirations do I have in life?
Be the most successful person I can get to be by my 30’s.
● Will that be reflected when I'm a professional?
● Is this perception that I have of me (student) reflected in my grades, in my
work, in my choices of co-curricular activities, in my dealings with teachers
and peers?
Yes it may be reflected because grades are not the most important thing for me, but
working for my future outside of school is.
● How do others perceive me (teachers, peers, friends, family, etc.)?
Equally as I see myself.
● How do I relate to others?
I tend to not get close with many people because I don't want to get in confidence
with them.
● How could this perception impact my future as a professional?
I don't know.
● Do I do things with quality on my own initiative?
● If you had a motto or phrase that defines you as a student, what would it be?
Not everything is school related.
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Form Content/background
Identify three areas of opportunity you have Identify three areas of opportunity that you have
about your presentation at school. Criticisms about your presentation at school: active
about the form can include: order and participation in class, study with the objective of
cleanliness in your work, personal hygiene, learning, equitable work in teams, willingness to
dealing with colleagues and teachers, and so on. learn, and so on.

Exercise 2. Innovation
This post is designed for them to propose concrete actions to seek a change in
areas for improvement that you identified in the previous post.

Form & content Innovation Final choice and

Choose an opportunity area Write 4 concrete and specific Choose 1 specific suggestion
that you identified in actions that you can do to to improve your area of
the form category in the improve in this area. Find out ​opportunity and justify your
previous post. what other colleagues, choice.
companies, or people you
admire have done to address
this area of ​opportunity.

Choose an opportunity area Write 4 concrete and specific Choose 1 specific suggestion
that you identified in actions that you can do to to improve your area of
the content category in the improve in this area. Find out ​opportunity and justify your
previous post. what other colleagues, choice.
companies, or people you
admire have done to address
this area of ​opportunity.

1. Will the concrete actions you just defined help you get closer to your goal as a
As a student my goals are simple.
2. Is it important to innovate in your way of being a student? Why?
Yes, to innovate for me is a very important thing to do. Changing the way I study to fit
my personal plans.
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Exercise 3. Implementation
This post is designed for you to analyze the effects of the specific actions that you
considered effective in changing your areas of opportunity: did they work? why?

● Take the concrete suggestions that you established to improve your area of
​opportunity and implement them in your life during 2 weeks of class (10
school days).
Concrete Implementa What effects did it have on your How did
suggestion tion time environment? (teammates-teachers you feel?
-school environment)

1. What makes a project successful? Think about internal factors (personal

disposition, planning, vision) and external factors (climate, participants,
resources, macroeconomic ...)
The team surrounding the project and hours of quality time dedicated to it will be the
most vital parts of the project.
2. Does the same solution fit all scenarios? I mean, did your suggestion work with
all the classes, teachers, and classmates?
Yes, it does fit in other scenarios.
3. Were the actions you proposed really innovative or have you tried them before?

4. How are changes implemented in my life as a student or as a person?

5. How could I implement a strategy or change of bad habits to benefit my future as
a professional?
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

  Evaluation Criteria
CATEGORIES Excellent Good Basic Insufficient
Attitude: Clarity Correct and 7-6 Correct 5-4 Some 3-2 Spelling 1-0
and Language careful use of use of spelling mistake  
grammar and grammar and s and
spelling. and grammar limited
spelling. mistakes vocabul
. ary.
Knowledge: Des   7-6 Use some 5-4 Use at 3-2 Answer 1-0
cription and Uses the concepts least one most or
Content concepts seen seen in concept some of
in class class. Cle seen in the
Clearly arly class. Cl question
answer all the answer early s
suggested most of answer suggest
reflection the some of ed for
questions in a suggested the reflectio
journal. reflection suggeste n as a
questions d question
in a question -
journal. s for answer 
in the
Skill: Reflection Several 7-6 Some 5-4 Several 3-2 Some, 1-0
Questions questions questions observati or none,
arise from arise from on question
observation observatio question s arise
with a deep n with a s arise with a
level of deep level with a superfici
reflection. of superfici al level
reflection. al level of
of observa
observati tion.
Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Skill: He shows a 7-6 Not only 5-4 Incorpor 3-2 It does 1-0
Critical thinking great capacity does he ate some not
and interpretation to go deeper, delve into personal incorpor
skills trying to reflections reflection ate
identify the , he also s on a persona
meaning in his tries to superfici l
observations, find the al and reflectio
identifying meaning descripti ns of
cause and of ve level. any
effect in the feelings, kind.
different thoughts
questions.  and

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