Self-Accelerated Corrosion of Nuclear Waste Forms at Material Interfaces

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Self-accelerated corrosion of nuclear waste

forms at material interfaces
Xiaolei Guo   1, Stephane Gin2, Penghui Lei3, Tiankai Yao3, Hongshen Liu   4, Daniel K. Schreiber   5,
Dien Ngo   4, Gopal Viswanathan1, Tianshu Li1, Seong H. Kim   4, John D. Vienna5, Joseph V. Ryan5,
Jincheng Du   6, Jie Lian   3 and Gerald S. Frankel   1*

The US plan for high-level nuclear waste includes the immobilization of long-lived radionuclides in glass or ceramic waste forms
in stainless-steel canisters for disposal in deep geological repositories. Here we report that, under simulated repository condi-
tions, corrosion could be significantly accelerated at the interfaces of different barrier materials, which has not been considered
in the current safety and performance assessment models. Severe localized corrosion was found at the interfaces between
stainless steel and a model nuclear waste glass and between stainless steel and a ceramic waste form. The accelerated corro-
sion can be attributed to changes of solution chemistry and local acidity/alkalinity within a confined space, which significantly
alter the corrosion of both the waste-form materials and the metallic canisters. The corrosion that is accelerated by the inter-
face interaction between dissimilar materials could profoundly impact the service life of the nuclear waste packages, which,
therefore, should be carefully considered when evaluating the performance of waste forms and their packages. Moreover, com-
patible barriers should be selected to further optimize the performance of the geological repository system.

uclear waste disposal is a complicated problem that requires These reactions create an extremely aggressive environment that is
the utilization of different classes of materials, includ- enriched in metal cations. These metal cations will hydrolyse and
ing metals, crystalline ceramics and glass. Nearly all that drastically increase the local acidity within the confined space4,
nations that reprocess irradiated nuclear fuels have adopted deep which alters the corrosion and degradation behaviour of both the
geological disposal to isolate the resulting high-level nuclear waste, waste form materials and the metal canister. The enhancement of
which will remain hazardous to humans and the environment for metal corrosion due to its own corrosion products can be considered
hundreds of thousands of years. In this plan, the high-level nuclear a self-acceleration effect. In addition, the oxygen reduction reac-
waste will primarily be melted together with other additives to form tion will strongly increase the pH near the cathodes, which could
borosilicate waste glass, and then cast into stainless-steel (SS) canis- have a substantial impact on the precipitation of secondary phases,
ters1. Wastes that contain problematic radionuclides, such as long- and thus influence the long-term durability of nuclear waste forms.
lived and semivolatile 129I and 99Tc, might be isolated in crystalline Owing to the inhomogeneous current distribution and resulting
ceramic waste forms and then also enclosed in metallic canisters. As ohmic potential drop, the corrosion attack is generally localized near
a result, there will inevitably be interfaces between the SS canister the crevice mouth area, which creates what will hereafter be referred
and the glass or ceramic waste forms. During a long-time exposure to as crevice corrosion characteristics. As such crevice damage is
in the repository, after a cooling period, an aqueous environment localized, it may cause an accelerated failure of the SS canister, and
could exist outside the waste packages2, and it is possible that the thus expose more glass or ceramic waste forms to the environment.
metallic canisters could be breached by pitting corrosion3, and so However, the current safety and performance evaluation models are
allow the corrosive electrolyte to reach the encapsulated glass or derived from data obtained from individual material groups, that
ceramic waste forms, which could eventually lead to their alteration is, the glass or ceramic waste forms or the metallic containers. Little
and the release of radionuclides. When the electrolyte penetrates attention has been paid to the potential interactions between differ-
the interfaces between metal and glass or ceramics, another local- ent materials when they are brought together as a repository system.
ized corrosion phenomenon, crevice corrosion, could be triggered4. In this report, we demonstrate that corrosion could be significantly
A schematic illustration of the potential metal crevice corrosion accelerated at the interfaces between the metal canister and waste
event after the canister is breached is shown in Fig. 1: when SS is forms due to the local chemistry changes.
partially shielded from the environment by glass or ceramics, a con- To investigate the impact of the interface interaction on the cor-
fined crevice space is created at the interface where initially both rosion of a waste package, dissimilar waste form materials were
anodic (metal dissolution) and cathodic (oxygen reduction reac- pressed against each other and corroded at 90 °C in 0.6 M NaCl
tion) reactions occur simultaneously. Owing to mass transport limi- solutions for up to 30 days, which simulates corrosion under reposi-
tations, oxygen is quickly depleted inside the crevice, after which tory conditions. More experimental details are included in the
the dominant reaction within the crevice will be metal dissolution. Supplementary Information. The Cl− anion concentration will be

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. 2CEA, DEN, DE2D, SEVT, Bagnols sur Cèze, France.
Department of Mechanical Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA. 4Department of Chemical Engineering
and Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 5Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA. 6Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA.

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e– Acidic attack

H+ Feedback

SS canister

Secondary phases

High-level waste


Fig. 1 | Illustration of crevice corrosion for a SS canister and the potential impact on contained nuclear waste forms. High-level waste (purple particles)
is immobilized in glass and then cast into a SS canister. On cooling, a confined crevice space forms at the SS–glass interface. Anodic dissolution of the SS
(blue matrix) generates metal cations, which hydrolyse to form protons (red particles) and strongly increase the local acidity. This acidic environment
further corrodes the SS and glass, which leads to the release of radionuclides. Meanwhile, corrosion of the glass also releases various ions that could cause
a feedback effect on the SS corrosion. Oxygen molecules are reduced on the cathodic regions located outside the crevice to form hydroxide ions (glowing
blue particles) that increase the local alkalinity in the exterior. The increased pH environment may trigger the precipitation of secondary phases (yellow
crystals) that may be detrimental to nuclear glass durability. Dimensions are not to scale.

much lower for a repository exposed to ground water, probably sev- with SS, where localized corrosion was found in the crevice mouth
eral millimoles5. However, the Cl− ions will be enriched in the con- area, but the centre of the crevice was less altered (Fig. 2b). On dry-
fined material interfaces owing to crevice corrosion4. Meanwhile, ing of the ISG in air, cracking of the glass gel layer could only be
the leaching of glass is also likely to supply abundant alkali cations, observed in the crevice mouth area (Fig. 2c). X-ray photoelectron
such as Na+. Therefore, the 0.6 M NaCl solution used here is a rea- spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the glass surface (Fig. 2e) showed
sonable surrogate for the actual disposal conditions, which are not that the crevice mouth area was depleted in all glass components
known exactly at this point. Although many countries are consid- except for Si, which suggests a corrosion mechanism that is typi-
ering anoxic repository environments, this study was performed cal for glass in acidic solutions7. Meanwhile, a substantial amount
under oxic conditions, which is relevant to the US Yucca Mountain of Fe was detected in this area, which could only have originated
project6. SS316 with a primary composition of 17Cr–12Ni–2.5Mo– from corrosion of the SS. Scanning electron microscopy identified
balance Fe (wt%) was used as a representative canister material a heterogeneous alteration (gel) layer on the glass surface (Fig. 2d).
in this study. The glass used here is a simplified model nuclear The gel thickness was approximately 30 µm in the crevice mouth
waste glass called international simple glass (ISG)1, which contains area, and it decreased gradually along the crevice centre direction.
60.2SiO2–16.0B2O3–12.6Na2O–3.8Al2O3–5.7CaO–1.7ZrO2 (mol%). In comparison, a gel layer with a constant thickness also formed on
Dense ceramic pellets of Ba1.15(Cr/Al)2.3Ti5.7O16 in a hollandite struc- a control test sample made by contact with polytetrafluoroethylene
ture for potential Cs incorporation were used as the model system (PTFE), denoted as ISG(+PTFE), but the maximum thickness was
to study metal/ceramic interactions. We present below evidence only about 15 µm (Supplementary Fig. 1). This suggests that ISG
that both glass and crystalline ceramic corrosion could be strongly corrosion accelerated when in contact with SS. Time-of-flight sec-
affected by the metal crevice environment at the interface of dis- ondary ion mass spectrometry elemental mapping identified Fe and
similar materials. Cr in the gel layer, as well as in the outermost layer of the pristine
As shown in Fig. 2a, when SS was corroded in close proximity glass (Supplementary Fig. 2). The presence of Fe silicate species is
to ISG, severe localized corrosion occurred along the boundary of known to retard the formation of the passivation layer of borosilicate
the SS–ISG contact area. Crevice corrosion characteristics were also glass and thus enhance residual glass corrosion rate8,9. As Cr could
observed on the ISG surface that was corroded in direct contact substitute for Fe in clay-type minerals, it can be assumed that both

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NaTUre MaTerialS Articles
a c




500 µm
SS 200 µm

Interface of SS/ISG

b Gel
2 mm

500 µm

Crevice mouth/edge Centre Crevice mouth/edge

e Pristine ISG f
Edge of contact side Na/Si
Centre of contact side 0.5
Back side reference

Fe/Si Ca/Si
Fe/Si Ca/Si
0.2 0.2
0.2 0.2

0 0

0.2 0.2
0.2 0.2
Al/Si Zr/Si
Al/Si Zr/Si

Fig. 2 | Characterizations of different materials after corrosion in close proximity. a, The bottom surface of SS in contact with ISG. Severe crevice
corrosion was observed on the SS along the boundary of the SS/ISG contact area. b, Crevice corrosion characteristics were also observed on the ISG along
the crevice boundary (top) and random corrosion was observed on the ISG that was pressed against PTFE (control group) (bottom). c, The top surface of
the ISG facing the SS. Cracks were observed only in the crevice mouth area. d, Cross-section of the SS/ISG interface. The dotted red circle shows a thick
glass gel layer formed in the crevice mouth area. Note that all the samples were corroded in a 0.6 M NaCl solution at 90 °C. e,f, Comparison of the surface
composition of the ISG after being corroded in close proximity to SS (e) and PTFE (f). The surface composition was quantified by XPS and normalized to
the concentration of Si. Data are also provided in Supplementary Table 3.

Fe and Cr could have an adverse effect on glass durability. Therefore, electron microscopy (STEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectros-
the affinity of Fe and Cr for Si could have an adverse effect on glass copy (EDS) (Fig. 3f) analysis on the cross-section of the film further
durability. In contrast, no localized crevice corrosion characteristics confirmed that the film consisted of Si, Al, Na, Ca and Zr, which
were identified on an ISG(+PTFE) surface (Fig. 2b (top)). Instead, originated from the ISG, and Fe, Ni and Cr from SS corrosion. Zr is
a random corrosion morphology was observed across the entire generally considered as an immobile element during glass corrosion
surface, which suggests that what was observed (Fig. 2b) could not owing to the low solubility of Zr hydrous oxides between pH 3 and
simply be attributed to the high surface-to-solution volume ratio 11 (refs. 10,11), so the presence of Zr in the precipitated film further
in the crevice. validates acidic glass corrosion within the crevice. As Zr has been
It is apparent that the presence of a SS crevice significantly known to reduce glass corrosion rates by immobilizing neighbour-
enhanced the ISG corrosion. Correspondingly, ISG influenced the ing atoms12, its release from the ISG also suggests that the gel on the
extent of the SS localized corrosion, in fact, reducing it. As shown ISG is not protective. In regions outside the crevice, a substantial
in Fig. 3a, multiple corrosion pits were observed on the SS when amount of secondary phase particles was identified (Fig. 4a). STEM
in contact with ISG, SS(+ISG). However, when SS was corroded in (Fig. 4b,c) and EDS (Fig. 4d,e) analyses revealed that the precipitated
close proximity to PTFE, more severe pitting damage was found on particles consisted of multiple crystalline phases, which included a
the SS surface, as shown in Fig. 3b. Scanning electron microscopy cuboidal Fe silicate phase (Fig. 4b, phase 1), a needle-shaped Si- and
revealed the existence of a deposited film across the entire surface Al-rich zeolite phase that is probably flörkeite (Fig. 4b, phase 2, and
of SS(+ISG) (Fig. 3c,d). XPS analysis suggested that the film was Supplementary Table 5), another Si- and Al-rich zeolite-like phase
primarily enriched in Fe and silica (Fig. 3e). Scanning transmission with a different composition and morphology (Fig. 4c, phase 3) and

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Articles NaTUre MaTerialS


SS contact side SS contact side

a b


600 µm 600 µm


c d



200 µm 1 µm

Outside crevice Inside crevice Outside crevice Film cross-section


Fe 2p1/2 Fe 2p3/2 Si 2p

Intensity (a.u.)

Intensity (a.u.)

Outside crevice
Inside crevice
735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 108 106 104 102 100 98 96
BE (eV) BE (eV) 60 nm

Fig. 3 | Surface analysis of SS after corrosion in close proximity to ISG or PTFE. a,b, Pitting corrosion observed on SS (a) pressed against ISG and SS
pressed against PTFE (b). c,d, A surface film observed on the SS across the entire surface, which is more evident near the boundary of the contact area.
A large number of secondary phase particles are visible outside the crevice. e, XPS spectra obtained from the SS surface corroded in close proximity to the
ISG. The areas inside and outside the crevice are compared. The fitted spectra are also provided in Supplementary Fig. 4. f, STEM HAADF image (top) and
EDS elemental mapping for the cross-section of the film observed in c and d. a.u., arbitrary units; BE, binding energy.

a titanium oxide phase that originated from SS corrosion (Fig. 4c, bulk solution with a pH of 8.3. This is probably due to the oxygen
phase 4). These crystalline phases were embedded in a large amor- reduction reaction at the cathodic area of the SS, which generated
phous matrix enriched in Si. The nucleation and growth of these OH− ions and increased the local alkalinity. The formation of such
Si-rich minerals, along with the precipitation of a continuous film phases at a much lower bulk pH value than previously thought pos-
observed in Fig. 3c–f, will consume silicates from the solution, and sible suggests that SS corrosion could have a profound impact on
so promote further glass dissolution, and ultimately accelerating the long-term durability of nuclear glass by triggering the acceler-
overall glass corrosion similarly to stage III behavior of glass cor- ated stage III.
rosion13. The precipitation of zeolite-type minerals has not been Various ceramic waste forms have been proposed to immobilize
observed in glass corrosion studies under conditions with pH < 10 semivolatile and/or long-lived radionuclides. However, the criteria
(ref. 14). However, in this study, such particles were observed in a for selecting such materials have not included the potential impact

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a b 10.0 nm–1 c 5.00 nm–1
1 3

2 4

5 µm 200 nm 100 nm

d e
O Na Al
C Cl Ca Fe Cu 4
Intensity (a.u.)

Si Al Na
200 nm
0 2 4 6 8 Mg
Fe O Ti
Energy (kev)

Fig. 4 | Precipitation of secondary phases on SS corroded near ISG. a, Morphology of one typical particle precipitated on the surface of SS that was
corroded in close proximity to the ISG. b,c, TEM images of a cross-section of the particle observed in a. Four crystalline phases are highlighted: 1,
a cuboidal Fe silicate phase; 2, a needle-shaped Al- and Si- rich zeolite phase; 3, another zeolite-like phase; 4, titanium oxide phase that originated from
SS corrosion. The diffraction patterns of phases 2 and 4 are inserted in b and c, respectively. d, The EDS spectra of phases 1–3. e, HAADF image (top left)
and EDS elemental mapping for the area that contains phases 3 and 4.

of the interaction between the ceramic and metallic canister corro- concentration of cations reaches a critical value, the protective pas-
sion. We demonstrate below that the interactions between ceramics sive film on the SS surface breaks down, which triggers the onset of
and metals could lead to severe localized corrosion of both materi- a rapid localized corrosion17. This process is usually assisted by the
als. Two titanate-based ceramic waste forms, Ba1.15Cr2.3Ti5.7O16 hol- attack of Cl– ions. When Cr-Hol is present near SS, it could serve as
landite and Ba1.15Al2.3Ti5.7O16 hollandite15, hereafter referred to as another source of Cr3+ ions. Therefore, the leaching of Cr3+ from the
Cr-Hol and Al-Hol, respectively, are used as examples. Deep pits hollandite could shorten the incubation time required to accumu-
were observed on the SS after only 28 days of corrosion in close late sufficient Cr3+ ions within the crevice, and thus accelerate the
proximity to Cr-Hol (Fig. 5a–c). Small pits were found in the crev- SS crevice corrosion. As shown in Fig. 5d, STEM high-angle annu-
ice mouth area and large pits were present in the crevice centre. In lar dark-field imaging (HAADF) and EDS elemental mapping of
contrast, when a similar experiment was conducted by pressing SS the corroded hollandite cross-section reveals that Cr was depleted
against Al-Hol, in which Cr was replaced by Al, no localized dam- from the surface to leave behind a Ti-enriched matrix. The surface
age was found on the SS surface (Supplementary Fig. 3). The crev- was also covered by a Mo-rich film that originated from SS corro-
ice corrosion susceptibility of metals is typically studied by pressing sion. Secondary phase particles enriched in Fe, Ni and Cr oxide,
them against a ceramic or polymer (for example, PTFE) crevice for- which are also derived from SS corrosion, are present on top of the
mer16, as these materials are considered chemically ‘inert’. However, Mo-rich film. The distribution of these different phases suggests
as demonstrated in this study, the corrosion of SS could be strongly that Cr3+ leached from hollandite prior to the severe corrosion of
affected by contact with certain ceramic waste forms. SS, which further supports the notion that it was the cause and not
In a typical crevice corrosion experiment in which SS was an effect. In comparison, although the leaching rate of Al3+ from
pressed against PTFE, the SS was the only source of dissolved cat- the hollandite is higher than that of Cr3+ (Supplementary Fig. 4),
ions, which included Fe2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and Mo3+. Under anodic con- its hydrolysis constant is much lower compared to that of Cr3+
trol, the rate of cations released from SS is determined by the metal (Ref. 4), which explains the drastically different corrosion morpho­
passive current density, which is often smaller than 1 µA cm–2. In logies between SS/Cr-Hol and SS/Al-Hol.
other words, although the cations can be gradually released into The leaching rate of Cr3+ from Cr-Hol decreases over time
the crevice during corrosion, the rate is initially quite low. Owing (Supplementary Fig. 4), but the release of Cr3+ due to SS crevice cor-
to the mass transport limitations inside the crevice, the cations can rosion is self-accelerating in nature, owing to the separation of the
accumulate within the crevice over time and hydrolyse to increase anode and cathode. Therefore, SS crevice corrosion could have a
the local acidity. Additionally, the accumulation of cations increases significant impact on hollandite corrosion by increasing the local
the local concentration of aggressive anions, such as Cl–, by electro- acidity. As shown in Fig. 5e,f, the crevice corrosion characteristics
migration to maintain the charge neutrality of the crevice solution. were also observed on Cr-Hol after corroding in close proximity to
Among the cations generated by SS corrosion, Cr3+ has the largest the SS, where the crevice mouth area was more severely attacked.
hydrolysis constant, and the solubility of its hydroxide is the lowest However, corrosion was also observed in the central areas of Cr-Hol
(insoluble even in acidic conditions)4. As a result, the rate of pH that were in direct contact with the large pits in the SS, which was
drop and the accumulation of aggressive anions within the crev- apparently influenced by the aggressive environment created by the
ice strongly depend on the local concentration of Cr3+. When the severe pitting corrosion nearby (detailed mechanisms are described

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a b c
0 µm


1 µm
2 mm –157 µm 20 µm
200 µm

d Fe

SS l
I Pt
Flip Cr

Cr-Hol matrix
5 µm

e f g


5 µm 5 µm 2 µm

Fig. 5 | Surface characterizations of SS and Cr-Hol after corrosion. a, Localized corrosion on SS corroded in close proximity to Cr-Hol in a 0.6 M NaCl
solution. The yellow dashed lines indicate the boundary of the SS/Cr-Hol contact area. b, Three-dimensional topography of one large pit observed in
the near centre region of the crevice. c, The crystallographic pit morphology indicates that the pitting corrosion was under activation control. d, STEM-
HAADF image and EDS elemental mapping for a Cr-Hol cross-section after being corroded with SS for 28 days. The spot selected was near the centre of
the contact area, which was in contact with the large corrosion pit observed in b. The light-and-dark contrast in the Cr-Hol matrix was caused by different
thicknesses of the foil processed by the focused ion beam (FIB). e, Severe corrosion occurred in the crevice mouth area of Cr-Hol after only 7 days. f, Less
corrosion was observed in the area between the crevice mouth and centre after 7 days. g, Morphology of Cr-Hol corroded in HCl solution for 14 days.

in Supplementary Information). The region between the crevice acceleration of glass corrosion and eventually lead to a higher release
mouth and centre was generally less corroded, probably because of radionuclides. However, ISG corrosion seems to reduce the local-
they were not in direct contact with pits on the SS. The morphol- ized corrosion of SS by the precipitation of a silicate-rich surface film.
ogy of the crevice mouth was similar to that of Cr-Hol corroded in However, this film did not completely suppress the corrosion of SS,
HCl (pH = 2) solutions (Fig. 5g). However, no visible corrosion was which was sufficient to cause the enhanced corrosion of ISG. The
identified on Cr-Hol corroded in neutral 0.6 M NaCl solutions after fact that SS accelerates ISG corrosion and ISG suppresses SS corro-
28 days, which suggests that the local environment in the crevice sion suggests that the dominant corroding species at the SS and ISG
mouth regime was acidic. In addition, leaching data showed that interface are metal cations that were generated from metal dissolution.
the Cr release rate increased as the proton concentration increased However, this does not necessarily mean that SS corrosion products
(Supplementary Fig. 5). Therefore, in a confined crevice space, the were formed prior to the ISG corrosion products. Owing to the self-
corrosion rate of Cr-Hol should be significantly enhanced due to acceleration effect of metal crevice corrosion, once the metal cations
the high local acidity created by SS crevice corrosion. In practical are generated, the accumulation rate is probably much higher than
applications, this could lead to an enhanced release of radionuclides that of the ISG corrosion products, which results in the crevice dam-
from this ceramic waste form. age observed on the SS and the localized corrosion on ISG. Unlike the
In summary, when different materials are brought in direct contact interactions between SS and ISG, the contact of SS and the Cr-Hol
in an aqueous environment, their corrosion products may create feed- ceramic waste form enhanced the corrosion of both materials at the
back effects that could further influence their corrosion behaviours. interface. This could be attributed to the leaching of Cr3+ ions from
The crevice corrosion of SS creates a highly acidic environment that both materials, which more quickly exceeds a threshold for SS passive
significantly increases the localized corrosion rate of ISG placed in film breakdown. Therefore, in general, the interfaces of metal–glass
close proximity. Additionally, the cathodic reaction of SS increases the or metal–ceramics are prone to an enhanced corrosion, primarily due
local alkalinity, which assists the formation of minerals that increase to mass transport limitations, which could cause enhanced radio-
the glass corrosion rate at a much lower bulk pH value than previ- nuclide releases from a nuclear waste disposal system. Although the
ously thought possible. More importantly, the cross-talk between SS reported experiments are for a 30-day immersion, the fundamental
and ISG corrosion results in the formation of a continuous film at the mechanisms that are identified can be included in predictive models
interface, which drastically consumes Si and other gel formers, such to test the effects of time and other parameters. Such models exist
as Al and Zr, and thus promotes the dissolution of ISG and causes the in the literature (for example, the GRAAL model18) and have been
loss of gel protectiveness. This phenomenon could induce a sudden tested over long timescales with archaeological analogues19. It is thus

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Articles NaTUre MaTerialS

Methods Prior to the test, the hollandite samples were abraded to a 1 μm surface finish and
Materials. ISG samples were provided by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory then cleaned with abundant deionized water. The samples were placed in PTFE
and Savannah River National Laboratory. The nominal composition of ISG is listed containers filled with deionized water or 0.01 M HCl solution, with a sample
in Supplementary Table 11,21. SS316 (UNS S31600) was purchased from McMaster- surface area to volume ratio of 5 m–1. The PTFE containers were kept in an oven
Carr with the nominal composition shown in Supplementary Table 2. All the with temperature adjusted to 90 °C. The leachant was replaced at preset time
water used in this study was deionized water with a minimum electrical resistivity intervals. The collected solutions were subjected to cation analysis by inductively
of 18 MΩ cm (ASTM Type I water). Perfluoroalkoxyalkane (PFA) vessels and coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
Teflon coupons or tapes were pretreated with NaOH and deionized water to
remove the fluoride ions before use22. NaCl (crystalline/certified ACS, catalogue XPS analysis. The corroded ISG and SS samples were subjected to XPS
no. S27150) was purchased from Fisher Scientific and used without further analysis. A PHI VersaProbe II spectrometer (Chanhassen) equipped with a
modification or purification. monochromatic Al Kα (1,486.6 eV) X-ray source was used to analyse the glass
samples. To acquire the elemental composition of the samples, survey scans and
Synthesis of hollandite ceramic samples. Hollandite ceramic waste forms of high-resolution narrow scans of the O 1s, Na KLL, Ca 2p, B 1s, Zr 3d, C 1s, Si 2p
compositions Ba1.15M3+2.3Ti5.7O16, (M, Al or Cr) were synthesized via solid-state and Al 2p peaks were conducted at 187 and 117 eV pass energies, respectively,
reactions. Ba(NO3)2, Cr2O3 and Al2O3 were used as the precursors, which were at three random locations for each sample. The SS samples were characterized
mixed in stoichiometric ratios and homogenized in a high-energy ball-mill system. using a Kratos XPS system using monochromatic Al Kα X-ray excitation source
Approximately 10 g of starting materials were ground using 1 mm Zr balls in (12 kV, 10 mA). All the spectra were referenced to the adventitious alkyl (C–C)
ethanol at 500 r.p.m. for ten cycles. Each cycle consisted of 15 min of grinding time peak with a binding energy of 285.0 eV. High-resolution C 1s core level spectra
and 5 min of cooling time. The resultant mixture was dried and calcinated at 600 °C were collected at a 29 eV pass energy for peak deconvolution into alkyl (C–H),
for 4 h to decompose the nitrates. The calcinated powders were compressed into alcoholic (C–OH), carbonyl (C=O), carboxyl (O–C=O) and carbonate (CO32−)
pellets of diameter 10 mm before sintering. The sintering of Cr-Hol was performed components. Fitting of the C 1s peak was accomplished by using the Voigt
at 1,100 °C for 6 h, whereas Al-Hol was sintered at 1,200 °C for 24 h. After sintering, function (65% Gaussian, 35% Lorentzian). The glass composition was calculated
the pellets were ground by hand and consolidated using a spark-plasma sintering after accounting for the adventitious hydrocarbon contamination layer on the
approach (Dr. Sinter SPS-211 Lx system) under a constant flow of Ar gas. The glass surface23.
system was heated rapidly to 600 °C under an initial pressure of 10 MPa. Then
the temperature and pressure were further increased at a rate of 50 °C min–1 and Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis. The cross-section of
5 MPa min–1, respectively, until a peak temperature of 1,300 °C and a peak pressure epoxy mounted SS–ISG samples was characterized by time-of-flight secondary
of 40 MPa were reached. After maintaining the peak temperature and pressure for ion mass spectrometry. A positive-mode surface mapping was performed after
an additional 10 min, the pressure was released and the samples were cooled down oxygen-ion cleaning (O2 2 keV, 600 nA, 50 × 500 μm, 30 s). The chemical maps were
to room temperature in an Ar atmosphere. acquired by using 25 keV Bi3+ primary ions in the burst mode. The analysed area
was 300 × 300 μm (256 × 256 pixels). Neutralization of the surface was conducted
Corrosion of ISG/SS. An ISG block was cut into coupons of dimensions by a pulsed flow of electrons at low energy (<20 eV).
25 × 13 × 3 mm and abraded to 1,200 grit using SiC paper. A SS sheet was cut into
25 × 25 × 3 mm coupons and abraded to 600 grit with SiC paper for further usage. STEM-HAADF and EDS elemental mapping. A foil with a thickness less than
After extensive rinsing in ethanol and then deionized water, the SS was placed on 200 nm was prepared from an SS(+ISG) sample by a FIB system (Thermo Fisher
top of the ISG to form a crevice space between them. Both the SS and ISG specimens Scientific Helios NanoLab 600 DualBeam, Thermo Fisher Scientific). The SS was
were wetted with a 0.6 M NaCl solution before they were placed in contact with each corroded in close proximity to the ISG in a 0.6 M NaCl solution at 90 °C for 30 days.
other. The gap between the two materials was only determined by the roughness of The FIB removal was performed at a location where a secondary phase particle and
the two surfaces in contact. The assembly was wrapped with Teflon tape and then a surface film were precipitated on the SS surface and located outside the crevice
placed in a PFA vessel prefilled with a 0.6 M NaCl solution at 90 °C. Each PFA vessel region. The lift-out site was chosen to sample both the particle and film. STEM/
had two open holes on the lid to enable the ingress of oxygen from the ambient air, EDS characterization was performed at 300 kV on a Thermo Fisher Scientific
which is critical for the cathodic reactions on SS. The vessels were placed in a 90 °C Image-Corrected Titan3 G2 60–300 S/TEM with a Super-X detector that utilized
water bath for the entire corrosion period. Every 2–3 days, deionized water was the Bruker Esprit software. The Super-X EDX detection system uses four silicon
added to the solution to compensate for evaporation. As control experiments, PTFE drift detectors located radially around the objective pole piece and specimen stage
coupons were pressed against ISG or SS to form assemblies similar to that of SS/ISG, for an improved collection performance. The electron diffraction patterns were
and were corroded under the same testing conditions. After 30 days of exposure, collected at 300 kV on a Thermo Fisher Scientific TECNAI G2 30 TEM. Limited
the SS/ISG, SS/PTFE and ISG/PTFE assemblies were removed from the solutions sets of diffraction patterns were obtained from the needle-shaped phase shown in
at the same time. The harvested samples were divided into two groups. For the first Fig. 4b (phase 2) by tilting the TEM sample holder at multiple α and β angles. The
group, each coupon was separated from the assembly and rinsed extensively with d spacing values were extracted and are listed in Supplementary Table 5 along with
deionized water, air dried and stored at room temperature in a desiccator for further the corresponding Miller indices. A small amount of Mg was observed (Fig. 4e)
analysis. For the other group, the whole assemblies were cleaned with deionized during the EDS analysis, which was probably from the impurity of the ISG sample.
water and then rapidly immersed into epoxy without being separated to preserve For Cr-Hol, the lift-out lamella sample of thickness around 100 nm was
the original features of the material interfaces. The epoxy-mounted samples were prepared by a FIB system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Quanta 3D FEG, Thermo
allowed to dry at room temperature overnight, and then cut in the middle to expose Fisher Scientific) at a site on the corroded Cr-Hol surface that corresponded to a
cross-sections of the material interfaces. The cross-sections of epoxy-mounted SS/ pitting location at which the corrosion of SS316 was significantly accelerated. At
ISG samples were abraded to 1,200 grit using SiC papers and rinsed with abundant this site, the Cr-Hol surface was flat and covered by a continuous film with particles.
deionized water and ethanol to remove the potential contaminants from the The lift-out site was chosen to sample both the film and the particle. STEM
abrasion. The resultant samples were dried and stored at room temperature in a characterization was carried out using a Thermo Fisher Scientific Titan 80–300
desiccator for further analysis. A complete list of experimental groups is summarized monochromated S/TEM. The S/TEM operated at an accelerated voltage of 300 kV.
in Supplementary Table 4. A beam current of 0.5 nA with a dwell time of 15 µs on each pixel was maintained
during the elementary analysis using a Super-X EDS tool inside the Titan.
Corrosion of SS/hollandite. Cr-Hol and Al-Hol pellets of diameters 10 mm were
abraded to 1,200 grit using SiC papers. Similar to SS/ISG corrosion, the hollandite Data availability
samples were pressed against SS coupons (25 × 25 × 3 mm) and wrapped with The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
Teflon tape, and then placed in a PFA vessel prefilled with a 0.6 M NaCl solution at corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
90 °C. Both SS and hollandite specimens were wetted with a 0.6 M NaCl solution
before they were placed in contact with each other. Every 2–3 days, deionized
water was added to the solution to compensate for the evaporation. After 28 days
of exposure, the hollandite/SS assemblies were removed from the solutions. Each
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material was separated from the assembly and rinsed extensively with deionized
conditions: a mechanistic and kinetic study with the international simple
water, air dried and stored at room temperature in a desiccator for further analysis.
glass. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 151, 68–85 (2015).
22. Jantzen, C. M. & Bibler, N. E. in Environmental Issues and Waste Management
Optical profilometry measurement. Optical profilometry (Bruker) was Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries XI: Proceedings of the
used to characterize the topography of as-abraded SS and ISG, as well as the 107th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, Maryland,
SS(+Cr-HolNaCl) after 30 days of corrosion. The data were analysed using USA 2005, Ceramic Transactions (eds Herman, C. C., Marra, S, Spearing, D.
Vision64 Software. R., Vance, L. & Vienna, J. D.) 139–151 (Wiley–American Ceramic Society).
23. Smith, G. C. Evaluation of a simple correction for the hydrocarbon
Leaching test for hollandite. Leaching experiments were performed to evaluate contamination layer in quantitative surface analysis by XPS. J. Electron
the chemical durability of Cr-Hol and Al-Hol under neutral and acidic conditions. Spectrosc. 148, 21–28 (2005).

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NaTUre MaTerialS Articles
Acknowledgements D.N. and S.H.K. analysed the data. All the authors contributed to the editing of the paper
This work was supported as part of the Center for Performance and Design of Nuclear and the approval of the content in its current form.
Waste Forms and Containers, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US
Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under Award no. Competing interests
DESC0016584. The authors thank C. Crawford for supplying the ISG. The authors The authors declare no competing interests.
are grateful to S. Boona and E. L. Alexander from Ohio State University and L. Dupuy
from TESCAN Analytics, as well as M. J. Olszta and N. Overman from PNNL for the
technical support. Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Author contributions Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.S.F.
X.G., S.G., J.L., S.H.K., J.D.V., J.V.R., J.D. and G.S.F designed the research. X.G., P.L., T.Y.,
H.L., D.K.S. D.N. and G.V. performed the research. X.G., S.G., P.L., T.Y., H.L., D.K.S., Reprints and permissions information is available at

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