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My gift, the Holy Spirit

A Children’s book

Robert Kayanja
Illustrations: Stella & Kevin Musungu
My Gift, the Holy Spirit - A Children’s Book

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1st Edition printed, 2019

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The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to us. He knows all things in the past, the
present and the future. He is all powerful and no one can stop His
plans. The Holy Spirit and God are the same, just like ice and water are
the same (God is a Spirit and He is Holy). This makes God a Holy Spirit.
When we talk about the Holy Spirit we are talking about God. For us to
know the Holy Spirit, we have to invite Him into our lives. For example,
we can invite Him every morning by saying to Him, "Good morning
Holy Spirit. You are welcome in my life."

We receive the Holy Spirit when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord
and our Saviour. When we allow Jesus to come into our hearts, He
fills us with His Holy Spirit. We can hear His voice when we praise and
worship Him. He also speaks to us through the word of God, when we
read our bibles. His voice is still and calm. He speaks to us in a gentle
whisper. We can get closer to Him when we turn away from sin, do
what is right and obey the word of God. This book will tell you about
what the Holy Spirit does and how He spoke to many people.

Who is the H oly Spirit to us?
The Holy Spirit was given to us as a Helper. Before Jesus went
to heaven, He told us that He would send the Holy Spirit to us.
When someone is a helper, they are also your friend. This means
that you welcome them in your life. If the Holy Spirit is not your
Friend and He is not welcomed, He will not do the things you
want Him to do in your life. But if the Holy Spirit is our Friend, we
must appreciate Him so that we tell Him what we want Him to
do. When we learn to love the Holy Spirit and get to know Him
well, He does great things in our lives.

For us to do the things that God wants us to do, we must have

the Holy Spirit in us. When Jesus was raised from the dead, He
breathed upon His disciples, who were His friends and said to
them “receive the Holy Spirit”.

We too can receive the Holy Spirit.

3 John 16:7 John 20:22

The Holy Spirit knew you .
The Holy Spirit knew who you were, before He made you in
your mummy’s tummy. The word of God tells us that God
knew us before He formed us in the womb. Since God gives
life, He created you as a baby and made your mummy strong
enough to carry you in her tummy until she gave birth to you
as a little baby.

The Bible also tells us that God sent an angel called Gabriel to
tell a woman called Mary that the Spirit of God was to come
upon her and a Holy Baby would be made inside her tummy.
This Baby would be great. He would be the Child of the Most
High God. This meant that this Child would become a Friend
of many people and help them turn away from doing wrong
things. The Baby would be given the name Jesus. Before Jesus
was born, the Holy Spirit knew who He was. The bible tells us
that it is the Holy Spirit who made us. We need the Spirit of God
in order to have life. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot live.

Jeremiah 1:4 Luke 1:30-32 Mathew 18:21 Job 33:4 4

The Holy Spirit brings back to life.
When Jesus was nailed to the cross, some people were sad that He
had died. They had no hope that He would get His life back. His body
was carried, then taken and placed in a tomb by a man called Joseph.
A huge stone was placed at the tomb's entrance and Joseph walked
away. Jesus' family, who were so upset, were sitting next to the tomb.
Three days after He died, an angel of God, came from heaven, went
to the tomb and rolled back the stone, then he sat on it. He looked like
lightening and his clothes were as white as snow. The angel then told the
women who came looking for Jesus at the tomb, that He was no longer
there. The angel called the women to see the empty tomb. Jesus had
risen. The Holy Spirit breathed into Jesus’ body and He came back to
life. The Holy Spirit has the power to bring every dead thing back to life.

Mathew 27:59-6

Mathew 28:2-7

The Holy Spirit softens our hearts.
Once upon a time there was a nasty man called Saul. He tortured
many people. He killed some people and sent many to prison. Saul
laughed about the death of a man called Stephen. He also disliked
anyone who was a friend and follower of Jesus. One day, Saul
was going to a city called Damascus, when a sharp glorious light
appeared to him. A voice came from the light and Saul fell to the
ground. The voice asked Saul why he was torturing God’s people.
This was the voice of Jesus.

The voice told Saul that it was Jesus whom Saul was torturing. Saul was
so afraid that it was Jesus speaking. Soon after that, Saul became
blind so his friends led him to Damascus, where he met a man who
had been sent by Jesus to command him to see again and be
filled with the Holy Spirit. Saul began teaching about Jesus. He was
no longer a bad man who killed people. His heart was changed
into that of a good person. The Holy Spirit has the power to turn bad
people into good people. The Bible tells us that God will give us a
new heart and put a new spirit in us; and He will
take the hard heart out of us and give us a
soft heart. When someone’s heart is
hard, nothing can make it soft. The Holy
Spirit can replace it with a new one.

(Acts 9:3:5) Ezekiel 11:19 6

words of a book. The Holy Spirit

inspires us to learn and to write.

David was taught by the Holy Spirit how to write

The Holy Spirit is our T eacher.

The Bible talks about a man of God called David. This
man was taught by the Holy Spirit how to write many
songs. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit spoke to
David and He put words in his mouth. The Holy Spirit
caused his tongue to speak words that formed songs.
His mind was also filled with knowledge of words. The
Holy Spirit inspires us to learn and to write. If you do
not understand anything that you are taught, ask the
Holy Spirit to make you wiser so that you can know
more. He also taught David how to fght so that he
won a victory over the Philistine giant, Goliath.

Jesus tells us in the Bible that the Holy Spirit will teach
us all things and remind us everything that Jesus said
to us. He will teach you anything that you ask of Him
because He is the all-knowing God. It is also the Holy
Spirit who helps us understand the word of God.

1 Corinthians 2:12-13)
7 (Samuel 23:2) John 14:26) Job 32:8)
The Holy Spirit is our P rovider.
One day, Jesus was sailing on a boat when He saw a large
crowd of people. These people had no food to eat. His
friends told Him to send the people away since there was
no food for them. But Jesus refused. He did not send the
people away because He wanted to give them food. There
were only five loaves of bread and two fish left. He asked all
the people around Him to sit down. He looked up to heaven
and gave thanks, then broke the bread. By the power of
the Holy Spirit, the bread and fish were increased and there
was enough food for everybody. The people ate as much
as they wanted. This was a big miracle because as many as
five thousand people were fed and there were still twelve
baskets of food left over. Jesus provides for us by the power
of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand that the Holy Spirit
can give us anything we need. We just have to ask Him.

(John: 6:11) (Mathew 14:20)

The Holy Spirit is our H ealer.
One day Jesus and His friends came down from the mountains.
They met a man in the crowd who begged Jesus to deliver his
son from an evil spirit. This evil spirit often arrested then threw
him on the ground and the boy suddenly screamed. The evil
spirit tormented the little boy and caused foam to come out
of his mouth. The evil spirit was destroying the boy. The boy’s
father asked Jesus’ friends to drive it out but they could not.
After listening to the problem, Jesus rebuked the evil spirit
and commanded it to leave the boy. He then gave the boy
back to his father. The boy was set free. All the people around
were amazed at the healing miracle that God had
performed. Jesus, by the power of the
Holy Spirit cast out the evil spirit and
the people were amazed at the
greatness of God. The Holy Spirit
is all powerful. He can heal
any disease and set you
free from any situation.

(Luke 9:37-43)
The Holy Spirit is our M ighty W arrior.
The Holy Spirit is able to protect you from any kind of situation that
you are not able to save yourself from. In the Bible, the book of
Daniel talks about a terrible king called Nebu-chad-nezzar. This
bad king threatened to throw three friends in a pit of fire, if they
did not worship his statue of gold that he built. The three friends
were; Meshach, Abednego and Shadrach. The Holy Spirit
gave them courage to refuse the king’s orders. They said to
the king that they would not bow down to his statue and
the God they serve would deliver them from the blazing
fire. The king was so furious and ordered his soldiers to
throw the friends in the fire. When they fell into the fire,
they were not harmed. The Holy Spirit protected them
from being burnt by the fire. The king was shocked to
see that they were not burnt and he quickly asked
them to come out. The king praised the God
who rescued Meshach, Abednego and
Shadrach from the burning fire. When the
three friends were in trouble, the Holy Spirit
was their Mighty Warrior. He also helps us
to be brave when we are scared.

(Daniel 3:16) )

(2 Timothy 1:7)
The Holy Spirit speaks to us.
The Holy Spirit talks to us if He is invited into our lives. He whispers calmly
and gently to us when He has something to say. One day a man called
Moses was out in the mountains taking care of his sheep and goats.
While he was there, an angel of God came to him in the form of a
burning bush. He heard the voice of the Holy Spirit coming from the
burning bush. Moses was afraid. The Holy Spirit said to Moses that so
many people were suffering in Egypt so he needed to lead them out
of Egypt and take them to a good land full of milk and honey. A land
where they would be happy. The Holy Spirit spoke to Moses and chose
him to lead His people out of Egypt and take them to a better land,
where there was no suffering. When we read and hear more
of God’s word, the Holy Spirit begins to talk to us and
help us understand what God wants us to do. For us to
hear the Holy Spirit, we must read our Bibles, love, and
worship and praise Him more. This means that we
sing songs that are about Him. Songs that celebrate
Him and songs that lift up His name above other
names. And when He speaks to us, we must listen
and do what He asks us to do.

Moses 3:1-7 )
The Holy Spirit inspires us.
The Holy Spirit is able to lead us to create amazing things that
have not been done before. He motivates us and shows us very
clearly how things should be done. For example, He guided a
man called Noah. He showed him how to build a huge boat in
which to carry his family, his belongings and all kinds of animals
when the floods came. The Holy Spirit told Noah what material
to use, the colour and type of paint to use and how to paint
the boat. He also told him how long and wide the massive boat
should be. The Holy Spirit also told him how many decks to put
in the boat and what type of animals to carry. When the floods
came, Noah and his family and all the animals were kept safe
in the boat because no water passed through. The huge boat
did not sink or break, yet the whole wide world was covered in
water and every living thing died out. If you need the Holy Spirit
to guide you, you need to ask Him to teach you the things you
need to know and He will do exactly what you ask of Him.

Genesis 6:14 ) Genesis 6:15-21) 12

The Holy Spirit

gives us boldness.
There was a man of God filled with the Holy Spirit. His
name was Ezekiel. One day, he had a vision that the Holy
Spirit had taken him down to a valley full of dry bones. The
Holy Spirit asked Ezekiel if the dry bones could live and
Ezekiel said to the Holy Spirit that He knew best. Then the
Holy Spirit asked Ezekiel to hear the word of God and say
to the dry bones “God will breathe into you and you will
live, have flesh and be covered with skin.” Ezekiel listened
to God and spoke to the dry bones as God had asked
him to. After Ezekiel spoke, there was a loud noise and
the bones were covered in skin and flesh. The bones lived
and stood up on their feet as bodies and formed a great
army. When the Holy Spirit touches you, He can give you
the boldness to speak to any situation and command it
to happen, just like He commanded Ezekiel to speak to
the dry bones and they became bodies which lived.

Ezekiel 37:1-9 Ezekiel 37:1-2

The Holy Spirit is our D efender.
After Moses led the people of Israel to cross the Red Sea, a soldier
called Joshua was chosen by God to lead the people to the land
that God promised. The Holy Spirit spoke to Joshua and asked Him to
get the people ready to cross the Jordan River, into the Promised
Land. The Holy Spirit also encouraged Joshua and told him that he
would be with Joshua and keep him and the people safe.
The Holy Spirit made Joshua the leader and
commanded him to be strong and fear nobody.
He told Joshua not to be afraid because He
would be with him everywhere he went. When
Joshua spoke to the people to get ready to
cross the Jordan River, the people listened to him
and followed him. The Holy Spirit made Joshua
confident. When you need to do something
that gives God the glory and someone stands
in your way, the Holy Spirit will protect you from
the enemy and cause the stumbling blocks
to disappear. No one will attack you and win
when the Holy Spirit is with you.

Numbers 27:12-23)
Joshua 1:1-9)
The Holy Spirit wipes our tears.
There lived a man of God called Jeremiah. The Holy Spirit asked
him to go and preach to the people of Israel because they no
longer believed God. They were stubborn and did not listen to
God’s word. Their hearts were hardened. God asked Jeremiah
to tell them to turn away from their sins. This annoyed them more.
They despised Jeremiah’s message. They laughed at what he
said. Jeremiah was discouraged. He felt unworthy and upset that
the people refused to obey God. Jeremiah felt hopeless that his
words did not mean anything to the people. He cried for forty
years, trying to tell the people to turn back to God. He became
so lonely and sad. His family and friends disliked him for speaking
God’s word. He lost his faith in God. During this tough time the
Holy Spirit spoke to Jeremiah and promised to protect him. He
said to Jeremiah that the people would fight him but they would
not win. The Holy Spirit cheered up Jeremiah. When you have
gone through a hard time and cried a lot, invite the Holy Spirit. He
will encourage you and wipe your tears away.

Jeremiah 15; 18) Jeremiah 15:20-21)

The Holy Spirit is Peace and Joy.
In the Kingdom of God, there is peace, Joy and right-eous-ness
in the Holy Spirit. This means that when we are filled with the
Holy Spirit, when we listen to and do what He says, we start
doing what is right. When we obey God and share the
good news of His word with others, the Holy Spirit takes care of
all our needs. We also get peace then our sadness disappears
because God lives in us. We become happy and receive joy in
our hearts. We then start to laugh and cheer up. Our misery
ends because we receive everything that our heart desires.
We cannot live without the Holy Spirit. He gives us everything
we need in our lives.

Mathew 6:33) 16
The Holy Spirit is a Promise Keeper
Once upon a time in a town called Jerusalem, there lived a man called
Simeon. He was a good and honest man. He loved God alot and the Holy
Spirit was with him. The Holy Spirit promised Simeon that he would not die
without seeing Baby Jesus. Then one day, the Holy Spirit led him to the
temple. While Simeon was at the temple, the father and mother of Baby
Jesus came with him. When Jesus arrived at the temple, Simeon took Him
in his arms and praised the Lord. Simeon was happy that the Holy Spirit
kept His promise. On that day, he confirmed that he had seen Jesus the
Savior, then he went away in peace. The Holy Spirit is a Promise Keeper.
He makes His promises happen in our lives. We can trust Him knowing that
He will not let us down.

17 Luke 2: 25-35)
The Holy Spirit Gives Us Wisdom.
When Jesus was a little Boy, He went to Jerusalem with His parents to visit the
temple. After their visit on their way back home, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem.
His parents did not know that He had stayed behind. They travelled on for a day
thinking that He was among the people returning. Upon realising that He was
missing, they looked for Him amongst other children. They feared that they had
lost Him. They went back to Jerusalem to look for Him and after three days, they
found Him. When they found Him, He was sitting amongst great teachers and
lawyers in the temple, listening to them and asking them wise questions. He also
answered their questions correctly and truthfully. His parents were amazed at His
understanding. We should also do our very best to give correct and truthful answers
to anyone we speak to. It is only the Holy Spirit who can give us the wisdom to do so.

As a child, Jesus’ Heavenly Father trusted Him to His earthly parents, Joseph and
Mary. The Bible tells us that He listened to them and obeyed,
even though, He already knew that He was supposed to
fulfill the work that His Father had given Him
to do on earth. Jesus humbled Himself
under their care until the right time for
Him to do His work came.
We need to learn from Jesus to obey
our parents if we are to be blessed
by God. The Bible tells children to
obey their parents so that it may
be well with us and that our days
may be many and good on earth.

Luke 2: 49-51) Ephesians 6: 1-3)

Bible Verses For You To Learn:
1 Timothy 4:12 (NKJV)
Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in
word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Therefore, you should never let anyone despise you because of your
youth. Like Apostle Paul told Timothy, a young servant of God, be an
example to the people of God in all the areas of your life.

The Holy Spirit wants to fill and use you in these last days to do His work
wherever He places you. He promised to fill young people and use
them mightily especially in these last days.

Joel 2:28 (NKJV)

“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.

Deuteronomy 28:13 (NKJV)

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be
above only, and not be beneath…

I am the head and not the tail, I shall be above only and not beneath
all the days of my life.

Isaiah 8:18 (NKJV)
Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me!
We are for signs and wonders in Israel From the Lord of hosts,
Who dwells in Mount Zion.

I was created for signs and wonders

Isaiah 49:25 (NKJV)

But thus says the Lord: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be
taken away, And the prey of the terrible be delivered;
For I will contend with him who contends with you,
And I will save your children.

Jesus is my Savior; no harm shall come near me. Amen.

Isaiah 54:13 (NKJV)

All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall
be the peace of your children.

I shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be my peace and
undisturbed composure.

Learning Bible Verses Is
Very Important.
As young people, it is important to give the Word of God first place
in your life. Make it a point to learn the word of God and use it to
guide and direct your life. Do not just cram the bible verses in your
head. Learn and remember them because there is a blessing in
memorizing and understanding that is not in just cramming.

Here is a list of God’s word

for you to learn and understand

1. The Word of God will keep you pure.

Psalms 119:9 (NLT)
How can a young person stay pure?
By obeying your word.

2. The Word of God will keep you from sin.

Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
I have hidden your word in my heart, that I
might not sin against you.

3. We are to study the Word of God.
Psalms 119:15 (NLT)
I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways.

4. We should never forget the Word of God.

Psalms 119:16 (NLT)
I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.

5. The Word of God is full of wonderful truths. The

Holy Spirit will show them to us if we ask Him.
Psalms 119:18 (NLT)
Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.

6. All the advice we need is in the Word of God.

Psalms 119:24 (NLT)
Your laws please me; they give me wise advice.

7. There is life in the Word of God.

Psalms 119:37 (NLT)
Turn my eyes from worthless things,
and give me life through your word.

8. We should never let the Word of God
be snatched from us.
Psalms 119:43 (NLT)
Do not snatch your word of truth from me,
for your regulations are my only hope.

9. We should obey the Word of God without delay.

Psalms 119:60 (NLT)
I will hurry, without delay,
to obey your commands.

10. God’s Word is more valuable

than money and riches.
Psalms 119:72 (NLT)
Your instructions are more valuable to me than
millions in gold and silver.

11.Make it a habit to think about the

Word of God all day.
Psalms 119:97 (NLT)
Oh, how I love your instructions!
I think about them all day long.

12. The Word of12.
Word of you
make Godsmarter
will make you smarter
than your enemies.
than your enemies.
Psalms 119:98 (NLT)
Psalms 119:98 (NLT)
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies,
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies,
for they are my constant guide.
for they are my constant guide.

13. The Word of13.

Word of you
make Godsmarter
will make you smarter
than your teachers.
than your teachers.
Psalms 119:99 (NLT)
Psalms 119:99 (NLT)
Yes, I have more insight than my teachers,
Yes, I have more insight than my teachers,
for I am always thinking of your laws.
for I am always thinking of your laws.

14. The Word of14.

Word of you
make Godwiser
will make you wiser
than older and than older a
more experienced more experienced people.
Psalms 119:100 (NLT)
Psalms 119:100 (NLT)
I am even wiser than my elders,
I am even wiser than my elders,
for I have kept your commandments.
for I have kept your commandments.


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