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Position Paper

Committee: Special Session on Terrorism

Country: Syrian Arab Republic
Agenda: Terrorist recruitment in developing nations

“Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a
face.[1]” It has become evident that terrorism is a massive issue that requires the utmost attention
of the entire global community. Almost 140,000 individuals [2] have lost their lives due terrorist
attacks and associated harmful activities during the period between 1970 and 2018. Ever since
then, the risks associated with countering terrorism has only gradually increased due to expansion
in resources and manpower within such terrorist groups. Terrorist organizations such as the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Al-Qa’ida and so forth,
have systematically and secretively recruited several people across the globe for extremely radical
purposes and ideologies. This recruitment is mainly done in developing or underdeveloped country
owing to the large number of people living in sub-par conditions and possibly in poverty. These
groups are seen as most vulnerable to such recruiting, owing to financial, socio-economic or
cultural beliefs which can be manipulated for a harmful cause. Resolving this issue at the earliest
will prove to be pivotal as not doing so encourages further expansion of these groups further
promoting more violence. This precarious scenario will eventually escalate into a much larger
crisis if a solution is not implemented within a certain period. The Syrian Arab Republic does not
intend to promote terrorist groups mentioned above supra in any manner, and would like to call
for its disengagement. The Syrian Arab Republic recognizes the issues faced by such terrorist
organizations within a country as the nation’s ongoing internal conflict is fueled by such groups.
The nation believes that, a complete stop to such events can only take place if the very core of the
terrorist organizations is dismantled. This will not only create a saver haven nationally or locally
but also promotes international peace.
It is vital to assess that developing country holds the largest potential for terrorist recruitment, and
more specifically their youth are more vulnerable. In a nation with highly varying situations of
economic welfare, depending on the area, certain locations or communities could be prone to
outreach from terrorist organization as well. Hence, it is necessary to formulate and implement

plans and policies which could specifically target key age and socio-economic groups within
developing country. Another major factor to consider is the use of an online platform to spread
forementioned harmful ideologies. Terrorist groups have resorted to using dark web and social
media platforms to manipulate individuals within or outside their territory discretely. The highly
liberal forms of expression currently available on social platforms could prove as a huge threat to
national and international security. Asides from general outreach, certain gender-based approach
to women can also prove to be lethal. Throwing light on a terrorist organization working and based
on data collected so far, it is safe to deduce the importance of recruitment of women for grand
symbolic displays or cultist practices. Any such activity could prove to be mentally and physically
dangerous for more vulnerable communities, especially if there were recruited by force.
Analyzing the present scenario and certain issues to tackle, it is lucid that this issue is in dire need
of addressal. Keeping in mind the weakened societal structures caused by several attacks and
weakened economic state, the Syrian Arab Republic would like to make itself available to as much
aid as the nation can provide. The Syrian Arab Republic would hence like to propose;
• Thorough identification and data classification of citizens in developing nations to
effectively point out vulnerable communities.
• Reviewing existing anti-terrorism laws on an international and national level and making
necessary modifications for the accommodation of vulnerable communities.
• To counter the spread of misinformation; setting up of localized educational centers to
communicate and enlighten locals on how to recognize and mitigate possible terrorist
• National revision of educational policies and identification of radicalized education or any
other form of teaching promoting ideologies of terrorist organizations.
• In order to establish communal harmony and decency; organizing nationally approved
cultural programs specifically designed to mitigate existing strain between communities
and promote general sense of well-being.

Throughout history, humankind has faced many tribulations, none which have deterred the steady
progress and development as Citizens of the World. Taking this fact into account, The Syrian Arab
Republic optimistically look forward to operate with other countries and deliver a plausible
solution, that contributes to the perpetual development of humans.


[1] Quote by Jacques Chirac;

[2] Reference:
Data obtained from: Main Page; Source;


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