Chem311 Pkjun16

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Benodigdhede vir hierdie vraestei/Requirements for this paper: Hulpmiddels/Resources
Answer scripts: D Multikeusekaarte (A5)1
Multi-choice cards (A5):

Nie programeerbare sakrekenaai'S!
Non program mabie· calculators

Presensiestrokies (lnvulvraestel)/
AttendaneG·slips (Fill-in paper): 0 MultlKeusekaarte (A4}1
Multi-choice cards (A4):

Scrap paper: D Grafiekpapier/
--Graph paper:
Tipe Assessering/ Eksamen 1e geleentheid Kwalifikasie/ BSc
Type of Assessment: Exam 1st opportunity Qualification:
Vraestei/Paper 1
Mod1:1lekode/ CHEM 311 Tydsduur/ 3 uur/ure
Module code: Duration: hour(s)
Module beskrywing/ Analitiese Chemie -Ul Maks/ 100
Module description: Analytical Chemistry-Ill Max:
Eksaminator(e)/ DR JHLJORDAAN Datum/ 0-2/06l201S
Examiner(s): Date:
ME.AFALCH Tyd/ 09:00
Moderator(s): PROF HCM VOSLOO

Naam van ·student: Universiteitsnommer: .............................. .

1. SttJdente mag nie selfone in die eksal!lenlokaal hanteer nie en selfoontoebehore wat insluit maar nie tot oorfone
beperk is nie, is nie toelaatbaar nie.
2. Studente bring sakke na lokaal op eie risiko, en moet dit voor in die lokaal neersit.
3. Studente mag nie pette I hoede I musse in die eksamenlokaal dra nie.
4. Studente stel hulle aan dissiplinere optrede bloot indien hulle:
4.1 enige boeke of notas by hulle sou· he (behalwe by oopboek-eksamens);
4.2 'n ander student probeer help of probeer om hulp te kry.
5. Studente mag in eerste halfuur van sessie tot lokaal toegelaat word, maar geen ekstra tyd word toegestaan nie.
6. Geen student word toegelaat om die eksamenlokaal te verlaat binne die eerste halfuur van 'n eksamensessie nie.
7. Geen verversings word in 'n eksamenlokaal toegelaat nie.
8. Geen bladsye mag uit die antwoordskrif verwyder word nie.
9. Voordat studente die_ eksamenlokaal verlaat, moet die antwoordskrifte' aan die toesighouers oorhandig word.
10. Die presensiestrokie op die agterblad wat ook as onderneming geld, moet voltooi word.
11. Studente .moet slegs met swart of blou penne skryf. -
. .
Examination Instructions
1. Students are not allowed to handle cell phones in the examination room and cell phone accessories including but
not limited to earpieces, are not allowed.
2. Students bring bags to the venue at own risk, and must put them in front of the room.
3. Students may not wear caps I hats I beanies in the examination venue.
4. - Students are subject to disciplinary procedures should they:
4.1 have books or notes in their possession (except during open book examinations);
4.2 attempt to assist another student, or attempt to obtain assistance.
5. Students are allowed into venue in the first half hour of session, but no extra time is granted.
6. No student is allowed to leave the examination venue before half_an hour of the examination session has elapsed.
7. No refreshments are allowed in the examination venue.
8. No pages may be removed from the answer scripts.
9. Before students leave the examination venue, answer scripts must be handed to the invigilators.
10. The attendance slip on the back coverthat also serves as an under-taking, must be completed.
11. All examination answers must be written in black or f1i1.

CHEM 311 1/22

Vraag 1 Question 1
Gee die faktore wat die keuse van oplosmiddel Give the factors that can influence the choice of
vir UV-analises kan bei"nvloed. solvent for UV analyses. [5]

Vraag 2 Question 2
Neem die beperkings van Beer se Wet vir UV- Name the limitations of Beer's Law for UV-
spektrometrie. spectrometry.. [2]

CHEM 311 2/22
Vraag 3 Question 3

'n 6.23 dpm KMn04-oplossing het 'n UV A 6.23 ppm KMn0 4 solution has a UV
transmittansie van 0.195 in 'n 1.00 em sel by transmittance of 0.195 in a 1.00 em cell at
520- nm. Bereken die mo!E~re absorbeervermoe 520 nm. CalCulate the molar absorbtivity of
van KMn04. KMn0 4. [3]

Vraag 4 Question4

Skets met byskrifte 'n dubbelstraal l:JV- Sketch with captions a double beam UV-
spektrofotometer. spectrophotometer. [5.]

CHEM 311 3/22
Vraag 5 Question 5

Watter faktore sal die energie van 'n vibrasie- Which factors will influence the energy of a

koppeling in IR-spektrometrie be"invloed? vibration coupling in IR spectrometry? [6]

Vraag 6 · Question 6

Wat is die VO.O[dele van 'n FTIR-spektrometer What are the advantages of an FTIR
as dit met 'n. dispersiewe instrument vergelyk spectrometer if it is compared to a dispersive
word? instrument? [5] .

CHEM 311 4/22
Vraag 7 Question 7

Bereken die kragkonstante vir 'n HCI-molekule Calculate the force constant for a HCI molecule
met 'n IR-absorpsieband by 2890 cm- 1. with an IR absorption band at 2890 cm-
. [4]

Vraag 8 ·QuestionS

Skets met byskrifte 'n elektronimpakbron van Sketch with captions a·n electron impact-source
'n massaspektrometer. of a mass spectrometer. [6]

CHEM 311 5/22
Vraag 9 Question 9

10.1 Gee die verskil tussen 'n gasagtige- en 10. 1 Give the difference between a gaseous
desorpsie-ionisasie MS-bron. and desorption ionization MS source. [2]
10.2 Wat-is-die voordele van elk? 10.2 What are the advantages of e-ach? [2]

Vraag 10 · Question 10

Bereken die versne!!ings spanning wat nodig Calculate the acceleration voltage that-is-required
sal wees om 'n enkelgelaaide wate!molekuul to-dir-ect a .singly charged water molecule through
deur die uitlaatspleet van 'n MS te laat beweeg, the exit. slit of a MS. if the magnet has a field
indien die magneet 'n veld van 0.240 T en 'n strength of 0. 240 T and a radius of _curvature of
buigingsradius van 12.7 em het. 12.7 em. [3]

CHEM 311 6/22
Vraag 11 Question 11

In watter 8-waardegebied sal u verwag om die In which 8-value region will you expect to observe
KMR-resonanssein van 'n aldehiedproton waar the NMR resonance signal of an aldehyde proton?
te neem? Verduidelik u antwoord. Explain your answer. -[4]

Vraag 12 Question 12

Verduidelik wat u onder die term sluiting van Explain what you understand under the term
die magneetveld van 'n KMR verstaan. locking of the magnetic field of a NMR. [4]

CHEM 311 7/22
Vraag 13 Question 13

Wat is die voor en nade/e van 'n FT-KMR ten ,What are advantages and disadvantages of an
opsigte van 'n CW-KMR? FT-NMR with regards to a CW-NMR? [5]

Vraag 14 Question 14

Hoe sal u te werk gaan om 'n KMR-buis skoon How will you go about cleaning a NMR tube?
te maak? [3]

CHEM 311 8/22
Vraag 15 Question 15

Lei die struktuur van die verbinding met Deduce the structure of the compound with
molekulere formule C4 H80 2 van die gegewe molecular formula C4H8 0 2 from the given spectra.
spektra af. Toon aile afleidings en toekennings Show all deductions and assignments that you
wat u maak. make. [11]

CHEM 311 9/22
Vraag 16 Question 16

Verduidelik die werking van 'n tipiese UV Z- Explain the operation of a typical UV Z-shape
vormige deurvloeisel wat as detektor vir 'n flow-through cell which is used as a detector in a
HPLC-instrument gebruik word. (Toon. aile HPLC instrument. (Show all drawings.) [8]

CHEM 311 11/22
Vraag 17 Question 17

Definieer die volgende chromatgrafiese Define the following chromatographic terms:

terme: [4]
19.1 lsokratiese eluerirrg 19.1 /socratic elution

19.2 Gradienteluering 19.2 -GrarHent elution

19.3 Omgekeerdefase pakking 19.3 ReveFsed-phasapacking

19.4 Growwe-eienskapdetektor 19.4 Bulk property detector

Vraag 18 Question 18

Beskryf die werking van 'n HPLC- Describe the ~orking of a HPLC displacement pump.
. ' [5]

CHEM 311 12/22
Vraag 19 Question 19

Skets met byskrifte 'n hittevloed DSC Sketch with captions a heat-flux DSC
instrument. [5]

Vraag 20 Question 20

Verduidelik hoe u· te werk sal gaan om 'n Explain how you will go about calibrating a DSC
instrument. [8]
DSC-instrument te kalibreer.

CHEM 311 13/22

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