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Using ICT in teaching literature

for Malaysian ESL classrooms:

Forwarding Benefits and
Dr. Hanita Hanim Ismail
Faculty of Education, UKM
• Foreword
• Scope of the lecture
Definitions of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT)
“a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit,
store, create, share or exchange information. These technological tools
and resources include computers, the Internet (websites, blogs and
emails), live broadcasting technologies (radio, television and
webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio
and video players, and storage devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile,
satellite, visio/video-conferencing, etc.).”
(UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2009)
… where producing and distributing knowledge is important
(European Round Table, 1997).
• A way to compete globally and maintain sanity against social
exclusion towards life-long learning (European Commission, 1995;
PCAST 1997).
• Conventional teaching delivery was assumed unable to provide
certainty at achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the
Education for All (EFA)
• Various changing skills with more emphasis on learning, instead of
The importance of using ICT to teach
• Technologies is expected to reform teaching styles, enhance the
quality of learning performance and sustain life-long learning
(UNESCO 2009).
• ICT enables students to better understand literature (Locke &
Andrews, 2004)
ICT Tools for teaching literature in ESL
• Digital texts and eBooks
• Online literary resources and databases
• Interactive multimedia tools

• Audio and video tools (reading)

Benefits of using ICT in teaching literature for
ESL classrooms
• Improved engagement and motivation
• Enhanced accessibility and flexibility
• Personalized learning experience
• Increased interactivity and collaboration
• Enhanced feedback and assessment
Before After
Challenges of using ICT in teaching literature
for ESL classrooms
• Technical issues
• Access and affordability
• Integrating with existing teaching methods
• Maintaining student motivation and engagement
Best practices for using ICT in teaching
literature for ESL classrooms
• Incorporating ICT tools into designing lesson plans
• Providing training and support for students and teachers
• Balancing technology with traditional teaching methods
• Using a variety of ICT tools to cater to different learning styles
• Encouraging collaboration and interaction among students
• The future of using ICT in teaching literature for ESL classrooms
• Final thoughts and recommendations
Thank you for listening!
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