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THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 547 : 1178È1183, 2001 February 1

( 2001. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706
Received 2000 June 2 ; accepted 2000 September 21

We report laboratory measurements of the oscillator strengths for the Ti II vacuum ultraviolet reso-
nance transitions 3d24s a4F È3d4s4p(3Po) 4Fo at j \ 191.0938 nm and 3d24s a4F È3d4s4p(3Po)
3@2 3@2 vac 3@2
4Do at 191.0609 nm. Using the High Sensitivity Absorption Spectroscopy Experiment at the Synchro-
tron Radiation Center in Stoughton, Wisconsin, we determined the f-values for the Ti II 191.06 and
191.09 nm transitions relative to the well-known f-values of the Ti II resonance transitions 3d24s
a4F È3d24p z4Do at j \ 306.7245 nm and 3d24s a4F È3d24p z4Go at 338.4740 nm. The Ti II
3@2 3@2 vac 3@2 5@2
191.06 nm absorption f-value is 0.104 ^ 0.004. The Ti II 191.09 nm absorption f-value is 0.098 ^ 0.003.
The Ti II 191.06 and Ti II 191.09 nm transitions have been detected in ground-based observations of
high-redshift quasi-stellar object (QSO) absorption-line systems and in space-based observations. Use of
these reÐned f-values causes a minimal change in the Ti abundances reported for some QSO absorption-
line systems and for the Large Magellanic Cloud toward SN 1987A. The overabundance of Ti relative to
Fe in comparison to solar abundances for two QSO absorption-line systems is decreased by our results.
In general Ti abundances based on the 191 nm lines now can be put on an accurate absolute scale.
Subject headings : atomic data È ISM : abundances

1. INTRODUCTION Prochaska & Wolfe (1997, 1999) and Meyer, Lanzetta, &
Wolfe (1995). In these high-redshift spectra, the Ti II 338.47
Analyses of astronomical spectra rely on accurate oscil- nm line is shifted to a much less accessible infrared region of
lator strengths, or f-values, to determine elemental abun- the spectrum. The Ti II 191.09 and 191.06 nm absorption
dances and to quantify the physical processes that govern lines are the only titanium transitions observed in these
the distribution of matter in the interstellar medium (ISM) QSO absorption-line systems. The Ti II 191.09 and 191.06
of our Galaxy and in more distant clouds observed via nm transitions have also been observed by Welty et al.
quasi-stellar object (QSO) absorption-line systems. Only a (1999) in abundance studies on the Large Magellanic Cloud
few resonance lines of the dominant ionization stage for (LMC).
each element appear in many ISM absorption spectra and Because of uncertainty in the f-values for these tran-
in QSO absorption-line systems. Considerable e†ort is sitions, Prochaska & Wolfe (1999) have questioned the
being expended to measure accurate f-values for the key accuracy of the Ti abundance derived for high-redshift QSO
resonance lines of Si II, Fe II, Co II, Ni II, Cr II, Zn II, and absorption-line systems. There has been no previous
other elements. Here we report accurate f-values for two experimental measurement of the Ti II 191.06 and 191.09
important vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) resonance transitions nm f-values. Morton (1991) lists absorption f-values for
of Ti II, the 3d24s a4F È3d4s4p(3Po) 4Fo transition at these transitions as f (191.06 nm) \ 0.0975 and f (191.09
j \ 191.0938 nm and3@2
the 3d24s a4F È3d4s4p(3Po) 4Do nm) \ 0.0706 from the semiempirical calculation of Kurucz
vac 3@2 1@2
transition at 191.0609 nm. All wavelengths for Ti II are (1988).
taken from Huldt, Johansson, & Litzen (1982). Vacuum To facilitate the comparison of elemental abundances
wavelengths are used throughout this paper. from QSO absorption-line systems with that of the Galactic
Titanium is an important probe of the ISM and QSO ISM, we have measured the f-values of Ti II 191.06 and
absorption-line systems. The ionization potential of Ti` 191.09 nm relative to the well-known f-value of the Ti II
nearly matches that of H, and so very little titanium in 338.47 nm line. The use of the Ti II 338.47 nm transition to
higher ionization stages exists in H I regions of the ISM. It is establish an absolute scale for the 191.1 nm f-values in our
more severely depleted in di†use cold clouds than in warm work should largely eliminate problems from f-value uncer-
clouds (Jenkins, Savage, & Spitzer 1986). In dusty regions of tainties in comparisons of Galactic ISM Ti abundance,
the Galactic ISM Ti is more heavily depleted into dust based primarily on Ti II 338.47 nm data, with Ti abun-
grains than Fe (Jenkins 1987). Because the f-value is well dances from QSO absorption-line systems based on Ti II
known and the absorption line can be observed with 191.1 nm data. To verify the accuracy of small curve-of-
ground-based telescopes, the Ti II resonance transition growth corrections in our work, we also measure the Ti II
3d24s a4F È3d24p z4Go at 338.4740 nm is commonly 191.1 nm transitions, as well as the Ti II 338.47 nm tran-
3@2 5@2
used in abundance studies. sition, relative to the weaker Ti II resonance transition 3d24s
The Ti II 191.09 and Ti II 191.06 nm transitions have been a4F È3d24p z4Do at 306.7245 nm.
observed at high redshift with ground-based telescopes in 3@2 3@2
spectra of Ðve di†erent QSO absorption-line systems by 2. EXPERIMENT
The High Sensitivity Absorption Spectroscopy (HSAS)
1 lmwiese=facsta†
experiment was developed at the University of Wisconsin at
2 Madison to measure f-values of VUV resonance transitions
3 jelawler=facsta† of atoms and singly charged ions. The f-values of many

visible and near-UV resonance transition have been accu- After passing through the HCD, the synchrotron beam
rately measured using a combination of laser-induced Ñuo- is reshaped by two cylindrical MgF coated aluminum
rescence (LIF) to determine the lifetime of the upper level mirrors, M1 and M2 as shown in Figure 1, to match the
and emission spectroscopy to determine the branching frac- etendue of the synchrotron beam with the etendue of our
tion of the upper level to lower levels. However, this spectrometer. The spectrometer/detector system is a 3 m
approach is less useful in the VUV due to limited per- focal length, vacuum-compatible spectrometer equipped
formance of tunable lasers in the VUV, difficulties in resolv- with a 300 l mm~1 echelle grating blazed at 63¡. A 0.2 m
ing decay times of short-lived levels, and difficulties in focal length Seya monochromator acts as an order sorter
radiometric calibrations in the VUV. For these reasons, we and reduces the amount of scattered light in the 3 m
measure the VUV resonance transition f-values using spectrometer. Our detector, mounted at the exit of the 3 m
absorption spectroscopy relative to a well-known f-value of spectrometer, is an uncoated, boron-doped, thinned, back-
a visible or near-UV resonance transition. This approach illuminated SITe CCD array with 512 ] 512 pixels,
establishes accurate, absolute f-values for the VUV reso- mounted in a Princeton Instruments camera head. By
nance transitions. binning vertical pixels together, we record CCD spectra in
The HSAS experiment has been described in detail else- one-dimensional spectroscopic mode. The 3 m spectro-
where (Lawler et al. 1999), but the key features are sum- meter, equipped with CCD array and order sorter, has a
marized here. Figure 1 shows the experiment layout. The practical resolving power of 350,000.
HSAS experiment consists of three key components : a Absorption data for both the VUV lines and the near-UV
continuum light source, an atom/ion source, and a reference lines are measured using a digital subtraction
spectrometer/detector system. technique described by Wamsley, Mitsuhashi, & Lawler
Continuum radiation from the visible to the VUV and (1993). To remove the contribution of the HCD line emis-
beyond is produced by a 2.083 m radius bending magnet sion from the absorption spectra, we use the CCD to record
at the White Light beamline on the Aladdin storage ring at a line-emission spectrum from the HCD with the synchro-
the Synchrotron Radiation Center, located in Stoughton, tron beam blocked, then subtract it pixel by pixel from an
Wisconsin. This ring is typically operated with 250 mA of absorption spectrum recorded with the synchrotron beam
electron current at 800 MeV, which provides a bright, unblocked. The absorption spectrum, with line emission
stable, and spectrally smooth continuum across the UV and removed, is normalized (divided) pixel by pixel to a dark-
VUV. The White Light beamline consists of vacuum coup- signalÈcorrected continuum spectrum recorded with the
lings and a gold-coated grazing-incidence concave mirror HCD turned o†. The digital subtraction and normalization
that reimages the synchrotron radiation. We have added a of spectra corrects for the pixel-to-pixel variations in the
sacriÐcial optic in the form of a fused silica or magnesium CCD sensitivity and dark signal. A typical absorption spec-
Ñuoride (MgF ) window after the gold mirror to stop trum is shown in Figure 2.
2 from damaging fragile optics in the HSAS
harder radiation To ensure that discharge conditions are identical for both
experiment. This sacriÐcial optic must be routinely replaced the reference line and the VUV line of interest, absorption
as the X-rays and hard UV radiation burn the optic over and line-emission spectra are recorded for both the VUV
time. line and the reference line by retuning the spectrometer
A gas-phase sample of Ti atoms and ions is produced while the HCD is on. Continuum and dark-signal spectra
with a hollow-cathode discharge (HCD) sputtering source.
The cathode is a water-cooled Cu cylinder, 20 cm in length
with a center bore of 1 cm diameter. The center bore is lined
with Ti, but in this versatile source the cathode may be lined
with a variety of other materials to produce gas-phase
samples of other elements. Copper anodes, also with a 1 cm
diameter center bore, are mounted 4 cm from either end of
the cathode. The discharge is operated with 1.0 torr of Ar
as bu†er gas and is isolated from the ultrahigh vacuum
of the Aladdin storage ring and the high vacuum of the
spectrometer/detector by hard sealed, wedged MgF
windows. The discharge is mounted at the focus of the syn-2
chrotron radiation beam produced by the gold-coated
grazing-incidence mirror and is aligned with the synchro-
tron beam passing down its center.

FIG. 2.ÈTypical absorption spectrum of the resonance VUV tran-

sitions Ti II 191.0609 and 191.0938 nm. An unidentiÐed absorption line
FIG. 1.ÈSchematic of the HSAS experiment appears at 191.088 nm.

are recorded for one line before the HCD is turned on and assumed to be linearly dependent on the power P dissipated
for the other line after the HCD is turned o†. in the HCD, T \ mP ] 293 K. The zero-power temper-
Absorption spectra must be corrected for scattered or ature of 293 K is the temperature of the HCD-cooling
stray light that reaches the CCD detector. The absorption water. The slope m is adjusted until the curve-of-growth
proÐle of a highly saturated or optically very thick tran- corrected ratios are constant as a function of HCD power.
sition is Ñat at line center, and the Ñux at line center is a A slope of 3.5 K W~1 yields a constant value for the ratio
direct measure of the scattered light. Using the xenon 147 f (Ti II 306.72 nm)/f (Ti II 338.47 nm). In our recent work
nm resonance line, the mercury resonance lines at 185 and with Ni II (Fedchak, Wiese, & Lawler 2000), using an identi-
254 nm, the Schumann-Runge bands of O at 190 nm, and cal HCD design, we also found that a slope of 3.5 K W~1
the sodium resonance lines at 590 nm, we have constructed best characterized the relationship between HCD power
a scattered-light curve for our system over the range and gas temperature.
147 \ j \ 590 nm. Scattered-light levels are 6.0% ^ 0.5% We also include in our absorption-line proÐle the nor-
at 338 nm, 6.5% ^ 0.5% at 307 nm, and 13% ^ 1% at 191 mal mass shifts for each isotope of Ti : 46Ti (8.25%), 47Ti
nm. Uncertainties in the scattered-light levels contribute to (7.44%), 48Ti (73.72%), 49Ti (5.41%), and 50Ti (5.18%). We
the uncertainties in our Ðnal result. neglect the hyperÐne structure of the low-abundance 47Ti
If the equivalent widths of both the reference line and and 49Ti isotopes. While the speciÐc mass shifts for the Ti II
VUV line are on the linear part of the curve of growth, or 338.47 nm transition are unknown, Gianfrani et al. (1991)
optically thin, then the ratio of their equivalent widths is have measured the total isotope shift for the a4F Èz4G
independent of column density and equal to the ratio of 9@2 11@2
transition. They Ðnd the speciÐc mass shift plus Ðeld shift to
their f-values. As the density of ground-state Ti` increases, be about half the size of the normal mass shift for the 46È48
the stronger of the two transitions will begin to saturate at and 46È50 isotope pairs. (The Ðeld shift is likely much
line center and its equivalent width will increase more smaller than the speciÐc mass shift.) Since the Ti II 338.47
slowly with increasing Ti` density, causing the ratio of nm transition (a4F Èz4Go ) is from the same multiplet,
equivalent widths to increase if the strong line is in the we expect it to have3@2similar5@2
total isotope shifts. Because the
denominator (ratio of equivalent widths \1) or decrease if Ti II 306.72 nm transition is roughly 7 times weaker than the
it is in the numerator (ratio of equivalent widths [1). Ti II 338.47 nm, it has smaller curve-of-growth corrections.
Because the ground-state Ti` density is approximately pro- Therefore, its isotopic structure is unimportant in our
portional to the power dissipated in the HCD, we can deter- experiment. To ascertain the e†ect of isotopic structure on
mine the range of operating currents for which the HCD our curve of growth, we calculated curves of growth using
produces an optically thin, or near optically thin, sample of twice the normal mass shifts as an upper limit for the total
Ti` by measuring the ratio of equivalent widths of a strong isotope shifts and zero isotope shifts as a lower limit for the
and weak resonance line over a range of HCD currents. The total isotope shifts. Using a curve-of-growth correction with
Ti II 338.47 nm transition is stronger and the Ti II 306.72 nm zero isotope shifts decreases the ratio f (Ti II 306.72 nm)/f (Ti
transition weaker than either of the Ti II 191.1 nm tran- II 338.47 nm) by 1% from that determined with twice the
sitions. normal mass shifts.
We measured the ratio of the equivalent width of the Incomplete knowledge of the isotopic structure of Ti and
resonance transition at 306.72 nm to that of 338.47 nm for ambiguity in the choice of slope relating HCD power to gas
HCD currents ranging from 0.15 to 1.30 A, corresponding temperature have a minimal, though systematic, e†ect on
to 22È228 W dissipated in the HCD. Above 0.5 A, the ratio our curve-of-growth analysis of the ratio f (Ti II 306.72 nm)/
gradually increases with increasing HCD current, as is f (Ti II 338.47 nm). Curve-of-growth corrections to the ratios
expected if the stronger transition Ti II 338.47 nm is saturat- f (Ti II 191.06 nm)/f (Ti II 306.72 nm) and f (Ti II 191.09 nm)/
ing. Below 0.5 A, the ratio is constant to within statistical f (Ti II 306.72 nm) contribute even smaller systematic errors
error. Because the stronger Ti II 338.47 nm transition will be because the lines are weaker and have more closely matched
the more saturated line as the Ti` density increases, we curves of growth. Total systematic uncertainties are listed in
measured the Ti II 191.09 and 191.06 nm transitions relative Table 1 and represent a linear combination of contributions
to the Ti II 338.47 nm transition at low HCD currents of from curve-of-growth and scattered-light corrections. Sta-
0.30, 0.50, and 0.70 A (47, 83, and 119 W). These HCD tistical uncertainties (2 p) are added in quadrature, while
currents yield absorption spectra with good signal-to-noise systematic uncertainties are included linearly after all
ratios and with a need for minimal curve-of-growth correc- averaging of measurements is complete.
tions. We measured the equivalent widths of the Ti II 191.09 Although our curve-of-growth corrections are small, it is
and Ti II 191.06 nm transitions relative to the equivalent desirable to verify their reliability. We determine the ratio
width of the Ti II 306.72 nm transition at slightly higher f (Ti II 306.72 nm)/f (Ti II 338.47 nm), after curve-of-growth
HCD currents of 0.50, 0.70, and 0.90 A (83, 119, and 156 W) adjustment, which includes normal mass shifts, to be
to increase the equivalent width of the weaker Ti II 306.72 0.144 ^ 0.005. For comparison, Bizzarri et al. (1993) found
nm line, yielding signal-to-noise ratios similar to the Ti II 0.140 ^ 0.010 using LIF and branching-fraction measure-
338.47 nm absorption spectra. A summary of the ratio mea- ments. The excellent agreement of our result with Bizzarri et
surements is presented in Table 1. al. provides substantial conÐdence that we have understood
The curve of growth is calculated using a Voigt proÐle and controlled systematic errors in the HSAS experiment.
with Lorentz width corresponding to natural or radiative We use a combination of measurements by Blackwell,
broadening and Gaussian width corresponding to Doppler Menon, & Petford (1982) and by Bizzarri et al. (1993) to
broadening. Lifetimes for the upper level of Ti II 306.72 nm determine the absolute f-values of the reference lines Ti II
(z4Do ), and Ti II 338.47 nm (z4Go ) are 4.0 ^ 0.2 and 306.72 and Ti II 338.47 nm. Blackwell et al. used the Oxford
3@20.3 ns, respectively (Bizzarri 5@2
5.7 ^ et al. 1993). For the furnace technique to measure highly accurate (0.5%) rela-
Gaussian width, the temperature of the gas in the HCD is tive oscillator strengths for 18 lines of Ti II including the


(j/j ) (A) MEASUREMENTS (%) (%) (%) RATIOb (%) f-VALUE RATIO (%) f-VALUE RATIO
191.06/306.72 . . . . . . 0.5 19 5.3 10.4 7.0 2.168 3.0 2.181^0.067 1.5 2.058^0.059
191.06/306.72 . . . . . . 0.7 15 3.8 6.7 4.8 2.098 2.3 2.114^0.049 1.5 2.058^0.059
191.06/306.72 . . . . . . 0.9 10 2.4 3.7 3.2 1.966 1.9 1.983^0.039 1.5 2.058^0.059
191.09/306.72 . . . . . . 0.5 19 4.8 10.9 6.7 2.084 2.9 2.096^0.062 1.5 1.973^0.055
191.09/306.72 . . . . . . 0.7 15 3.6 6.1 4.6 2.005 2.3 2.018^0.046 1.5 1.973^0.055
191.09/306.72 . . . . . . 0.9 10 2.1 4.4 3.1 1.894 1.8 1.907^0.035 1.5 1.973^0.055
191.06/338.47 . . . . . . 0.3 24 8.0 14.4 10.7 0.338 4.2 0.318^0.013 2.5 0.305^0.012
191.06/338.47 . . . . . . 0.5 19 4.5 7.0 5.7 0.345 2.5 0.310^0.008 2.5 0.305^0.012
191.06/338.47 . . . . . . 0.7 11 3.0 4.8 3.8 0.346 2.2 0.298^0.007 2.5 0.305^0.012
191.09/338.47 . . . . . . 0.3 24 6.7 19.2 10.7 0.332 4.1 0.312^0.013 2.5 0.287^0.011
191.09/338.47 . . . . . . 0.5 19 4.4 7.6 5.6 0.326 2.5 0.293^0.007 2.5 0.287^0.011
191.09/338.47 . . . . . . 0.7 11 3.0 4.8 3.7 0.323 2.1 0.277^0.006 2.5 0.287^0.011
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 0.15 20 7.2 17.3 11.8 0.173 5.0 0.167^0.008 3.0 0.144^0.005
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 0.3 17 4.4 10.6 7.3 0.167 3.3 0.157^0.005 3.0 0.144^0.005
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 0.5 17 3.4 6.4 4.3 0.163 2.0 0.147^0.003 3.0 0.144^0.005
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 0.7 14 2.8 3.4 3.0 0.170 1.6 0.145^0.002 3.0 0.144^0.005
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 0.9 13 2.3 3.1 2.6 0.177 1.5 0.143^0.002 3.0 0.144^0.005
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 1.1 12 2.3 2.7 2.4 0.181 1.4 0.140^0.002 3.0 0.144^0.005
306.72/338.47 . . . . . . 1.3 10 2.2 2.3 2.3 0.189 1.4 0.141^0.002 3.0 0.144^0.005

NOTE.ÈUncertainties quoted are 2 p.

aI is the HCD current.
b EW is equivalent width.
1182 WIESE, FEDCHAK, & LAWLER Vol. 547

338.47 nm resonance line. However, they had to rely on the Ðnd 1.973 ^ 0.055. Normalizing to the reference f-values and
lifetimes measured to 25% accuracy by Roberts, Anderson, combining the two results in a weighted average, we Ðnd the
& Sorensen (1973) for an absolute scale. Bizzarri et al. used Ti II 191.09 nm absorption f-value to be 0.098 ^ 0.003.
radiative lifetimes from LIF measurements and branching The Ti II 191.1 nm resonance transitions have been
fractions from emission measurements to determine 100 ab- observed in Ðve QSO absorption-line systems (Meyer et al.
solute transition probabilities for lines of Ti II. Because 1995 ; Prochaska and Wolfe 1997, 1999) and in absorption-
Bizzarri et al. determined transition probabilities for eight line spectra of the LMC toward SN 1987A (Welty et al.
Ti II lines studied by Blackwell et al., their results provide a 1999). These previous studies, with an exception discussed
more accurate absolute scale for the highly accurate relative below, used f (Ti II 191.06 nm) \ 0.0975 and f (Ti II 191.09
measurements of Blackwell et al. The use of all eight lines nm) \ 0.0706 from Morton (1991) and Kurucz (1988).
from Ðve upper levels yields an absolute scale with a smaller Because our measured f-values for Ti II 191.06 and Ti II
uncertainty than the 5% uncertainty on individual lifetime 191.09 nm are only 6% and 28% larger than KuruczÏs
measurements by Bizzarri et al. Table 2 shows a compar- (1988), the Ti abundance results previously derived from
ison of the results of Blackwell et al. and Bizzarri et al. these lines are only slightly overestimated in most cases.
and the derived scale factor. Using this scale factor of The corrections are even smaller for Ti abundance from
1.241^0.027, the absolute f-value found by Blackwell et al. observations of the LMC SN 1987A (Welty et al. 1999),
for Ti II 338.47 nm is 0.350 ^ 0.008. The small uncertainty which were derived from the Ti II 191.1 nm lines, as well as
of the 338.47 nm reference line results in it being weighted the resonance Ti II 307.39 and 306.72 nm lines. A few obser-
more heavily than the 306.73 nm reference line, for which vations, speciÐcally those on Q2230]02 and Q2231[00
we use an absolute f-value of 0.0490 ^ 0.0024 (Bizzarri et al. by Prochaska & Wolfe (1999), need larger corrections
1993). (J. X. Prochaska 2000, private communication). The Ti II
191.06 and 191.09 nm lines were unresolved in these obser-
3. RESULTS vations and Prochaska & Wolfe (1999) used a ““ reduced ÏÏ
f * \ 0.0862. If we use the sum of our f-values for the 191 nm
Our relative f-value measurements are summarized in lines f * \ 0.202, then abundances from the Q2230]02 and
Table 1. Absolute VUV absorption f-values for the Ti II Q2231[00 observations are reduced by a factor of 2.34 or
191.1 nm lines are summarized in Table 3. We determine 0.37 dex. This change brings the abundance ratio Ti/Fe into
the ratio f (Ti II 191.06 nm)/f (Ti II 338.47 nm) to be agreement with solar abundances for Q2230]02 and closer
0.305 ^ 0.012. For f (Ti II 191.06 nm)/f (Ti II 306.72 nm), we to solar for Q2231[00.
Ðnd 2.058 ^ 0.059. Normalizing to the reference f-values
and combining the two results in a weighted average, we 4. CONCLUSIONS
Ðnd the Ti II 191.06 nm absorption f-value to be
0.104 ^ 0.004. Similarly, for the Ti II 191.09 nm transition, We have measured absolute f-values for the VUV reso-
we Ðnd the ratio f (Ti II 191.09 nm)/f (Ti II 338.47 nm) to be nance transitions Ti II 191.06 and Ti II 191.09 nm. These
0.287 ^ 0.011. For f (Ti II 191.09 nm)/f (Ti II 306.72 nm), we transitions have been observed in ground-based spectra of


j Wavenumber A a A b Scale Factorc

vac BMP Bizzari
(nm) (cm~1) (108 s~1) (108 s~1) (A /A )
Bizzarri BMP
338.47 . . . . . . 29544.35 1.0938 1.36^0.07 1.243
333.61 . . . . . . 29974.90 0.2928 0.392^0.024 1.339
332.39 . . . . . . 30085.34 0.3961 0.491^0.044 1.239
323.99 . . . . . . 30864.76 0.9861 1.21^0.06 1.227
323.54 . . . . . . 30907.70 1.3813 1.70^0.10 1.231
321.80 . . . . . . 31075.45 0.1686 0.204^0.020 1.210
308.89 . . . . . . 32373.80 1.2515 1.51^0.11 1.207
307.61 . . . . . . 32508.57 1.1248 1.37^0.07 1.218

a Blackwell et al. 1982. All measurements have ^0.5% uncertainty.

b Bizzarri et al. 1993.
c Weighted average scale factor is 1.241^0.027.



j E E
(nm) Level (cm~1) Level (cm~1) This Work Kurucz 1988

191.0609 . . . . . . 4F 0.00 4Do 52339.34 0.104^0.004 0.0975

3@2 1@2
191.0938 . . . . . . 4F 0.00 4Fo 52330.33 0.098^0.003 0.0706
3@2 3@2
This work is supported by NASA under grant NAG
QSO absorption-line systems, as well as spectra of the
5-6833 and by NSF under grant DMR 95-31009 to the
LMC toward SN 1987A. We Ðnd the Ti II 191.06 nm f-value
Synchrotron Radiation Center. We are grateful to S. R.
to be 0.104 ^ 0.004. For Ti II 191.09 nm, we Ðnd an f-value
Federman for suggesting measurements on the Ti II 191 nm
of 0.098 ^ 0.003. Adjusting Ti abundance measurements to
lines using the HSAS experiment. We are grateful to M. E.
reÑect these reÐned f-values does not appreciably change
Wickli†e for his help with Fourier transform spectra from
the reported Ti column densities in most cases. However, Ti
the National Solar Observatory, which were used to verify
abundances based on the 191 nm lines can now be put on
Ti II line identiÐcations.
an accurate, absolute scale.

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