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Many ask whether ____ actors like Redmayne and Fanning should be playing trans
characters. (gender)

2. The murderer mixed her drink with ____ chemicals to make her sleep. (insomnia)

3. This group demands everyone be honest, and please don't ___ the pudding. (egg)

4. The troops were heavily ____ by hunger and disease. (debility)

5. Lisa sure have a pretty ____ voice, I can listen to her singing all day. (fluent)

6. ____ is sometimes considered an unsportsmanlike act, but it shows how skillful the
players are to bring themselves success while at an advantage. (time)

7. It would be wrong to ____ that all Californians are surfers, based only on a few
personal experiences. (pole)

8. I have never met such a(n) ____ person like Jim before, he's way more friendly than
my best friend. (genius)

9. The facility ______sea water to produce fresh water for drinking. (salt)

10. A ________ of child prodigies entered the competition and performed as if they had
been professionals. (star)

11. Our antecedents used to raise a lot of ______ animals to protect their yield. (insect)

12. He presented his latest collection at a(n) ___ show during Paris fashion week. (cat)

13. The sumos sure have ______ bodies right? (elephant)

14. Jason was really ______ about his restaurant's non-fresh food service. (pig)

15. I love ______ people like Lisa, she can always spot mistakes even if they are
virtually invisible, clearly my type though. (hawk)

16. They were obviously a bit ___ about the misunderstanding. (sheep)

17. You have to buy another phone with higher ____ to store that many images. (wide)

18. That student doesn't look like a(n) ___ at all, I can tell just by looking at those
stunning techniques. (foot/horn)

19. He was____ by the havoc he encountered on his return. (may)

20. The ____ approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at
particular individuals. (gun/shot)

21. Life is basically working to get money and avoid being ____ in paying for the living
until your last breath. (hand)

22. This new digital technology makes it possible for deaf and ______ patrons to enjoy
the movies without the need for assistive devices. (hear)

23. These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt _____. (dive)

24. He has given up his _____ lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter. (wheel)

25. He retorted with ______ of shallow criticism. (probation)

26. The _____ of the intention in offence of intention is blurring, so we should restrict
its scope of application. (script)

27. Everything then became a ______ array of sounds and feelings as they slipped over
the edge of control. (scope)

28. Why is the Secretary attempting to ____ the regulations to tempestuously gained
only a few years ago? (jet)

29. In the 2nd Newton's theory of motion, the ____ is usually replaced by the tools to
measure the weight and the force and calculate the acceleration because they are much
cheaper. (accelerate)

30. The computer market is ____ with software for every kind of computer. (wash)

31. The Aphmau team _____ our modern city life in Minecraft and made a masterpiece.

32. Marie Curie was on her ____, saying her last words to her sons and daughter, one
of which wrote every words of his mother down and read them every night after night
since passed away. (bed)

33. Photographs are usually _____ evidence provided it can be proved that they are
authentic. (admit)

34. Liverpool is sailing through Premier League ____. (defeat)

35. There is no agreed ___ of what a comprehensive school should be. (define)

36. The report is based entirely on _____. (suppose)

37. It is _____ to me whether he stays or goes. (material)

38. When reading a sentence that finishes ____, be sure to read the whole sentence
because missing a single word can cause horrible misapprehension. (leaf)

39. My girlfriend is such a ____, she desires for more in Valentines even after getting 4
bars from me. (chocolate)

40. ____ in both physical and mental work may lead to severe outcomes that influence
your life backward. (hand)

41. Getting rid of weapons reduces the risk of accidental, unauthorised, hair trigger or
____ use. (empty)

42. Butt ____ is a talent several people have that they are able to fart as if the sound
came from a different location. (vent)

43. The _____ on the child revealed that she had been poisoned. (mortal)

44. These people are _________ and they are not going to say anything on camera
that makes them look stupid. (media)

45. Right now Usain Bolt can still_______ professional athletes although he's
considerably aging. (pace)

46. Many scientists still don't believe ______ about their insisting on proving that they
had met aliens. (tact)

47. In front of the White House lies many guards that always have ______ expressions,
they have been trained to stay still for quite a long time so as to be taken on. (face)

48. The New Year 2020's ______ show involves almost every famous face of the
country. (star)

49. In most horror movies, there will be a _____ doing spiritual calls with the people
from the underworld and the ghosts haunting someone or somewhere. (clear)

50. Vietnam's football history were atrocious for a long time before hitting a _____
bounce in 2008, ten years later we finally have got to witness a soar of our national
team. (cat)

51. I can't stand seeing _____ wandering on the street while others are enjoying the
New Year's Eve. (muffin)

52. The group has promised a ______ in 2020 after a downward year. (break)
53. Just because she's read some ____ paperback she thinks she's some kind of expert
on the modus-operandi. (trash)

54. The grin is the ___ of what Fonda describes as the most fulfilling job in his
professional life, playing Ulee Jackson. (glow)

55. He was _____ boyish and attractive. (guile)

56. Moving house is a major ____ to everyone. (heave)

57. Some simulations, such as flight, are largely ____, but some have a high verbal
content. (verb)

58. The night elves dispatched a number of scouts ____ and the scouts returned with
frightening stories of the orcs' past atrocities during the First and Second Wars. (hasty)

59. The hot sun ____ her to the point of collapse. (nerve)

60. Put simply, a ___ is an identical copy without an original. (simulate)

61. Although she was from a ___ family and could have led a very comfortable life,
Judith had chosen otherwise. (do)

62. After fit, the next day before dawn turns not easily wake, and constant companion
has _____. (insomnia)

63. In 1824 they removed to a more _____place at Lower Hareston and let Hareston
Manor to a succession of tenant farmers. (mode)

64. But the impact of a conflict over a _____and otherwise unremarkable stretch of
water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-
reaching. (storm)

65. ______ temperatures and months of severe drought have fuelled a series of
massive bushfires across Australia. (record)

66. The president cannot be ____ from responsibility for this problem. (onus)

67. I can’t understand why her resignation is still such a ___ subject. (touch)

68. They need to remain ____ so that they can continue to be enriched by other
repertoires, tales and songs. (nomad)

69. The bikes were, technically, ______ , but the border guards turned a blind eye.
70. The final exercise pitted a ______ squad against an escaping vehicle of balaclava -
clad men

who holed up in a concrete building. (terrorist)

71. The _____ aims to ease the sufferings of the dying. (hospital)

72. His name had been leaked ______in a press interview which I had given and some
one had

traced his whereabouts. (advert)

73. He had sidled up to it ____ but to his surprise Tory Central Office had welcomed
him. (crab)

74. He also insists that it won't be a ______ operation, that his commitment to the
community is lasting and genuine. (night)

75. Several countries have suffered soccer ____ scandals. (fix)

76. As a result, industry was _____ and pen-pushers were everywhere. (man)

77. They were caught ____ by the attack. (foot)

78. I gradually ___ to the realization that our marriage was over. (wake)

79. There's a sense of _____in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.

80. With only a few hundred dollars on hand, travelling around the world is a ______.

81. Famous people and their private lives are the _____ of the popular newspapers.

82. Local libraries store lots of ____ audio tapes on almost every subject that you can
imagine, with no cutting short or left-behind data. (bridge)

83. Watch a ____ man in a wheelchair completing the London Marathon and we cry, or
at least I do. (leg)

84. He doesn't conform to the usual _____of the businessman with a dark suit and
briefcase. (type)
85. A moose hide collar and ____ laces add a distinctive touch to this unique footwear.

86. It looks as if the election is going to be a ____. (hang)

87. Securities Market seems to be a mysterious and ______ changeable place ,

especially in China , and there is full of magic power. (wild)

88. He's a real _____ who's never had a proper job. (beat)

89. A young man may suffer from the ____ monster if his girlfriend begins going out
with someone else. (eye)

90. A ____ parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today. (devil)

91. We credibly promise an ____ monetary policy that will persist for years into the
future. (expand)

92. Right from the ___, they were aggressive in acting to disincentivize smoking. (go)

93. The ceremony was disrupted by _____heckling and slogan-chanting. (precede)

94. She was buried in the cathedral, as ___ someone of her position. (fit)

95. Logic an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the
propositions ____from the axioms contradict one another. (deduce)

96. I got the ___to skin the fish which helped save on the preparation time. (fish)

97. He thought his ____ were amusing but found her response too extravagant. (wit)

98. It would be ___ to shovel coal with a teaspoon. (poster)

99. Recipes accepted as great and _____ are not always compatible with sense.

100.She went to the seaside to ____ after her stay in hospital. (valerian)

101.Thereby, one-dimensional or ____attribute of call events is displayed

simultaneously through the invention. (dimension)

102.The two rivals were nevertheless united by the ____ of the acting profession.

103.Although Mitterrand escaped personally ____, his party paid a heavy price.
104.The scandalous remarks in the newspaper ____ the reputations of every member
of the society. (smirch)

105.That does not suggest the outrage that a _____ of Hansard might beguile readers
into expecting. (use)

106.Those involved had performed acts ____ of university students. (become)

107. It is rather like warfare, the _____ of offensive and defensive, of tank armour and
the high-velocity penetrating bullet. (see)

108. Instead of a single meeting place, we have ____, interactive telecommunications

networks that extend for thousands of miles. (fling)

109. Neurotransmission can be affected in several ways by ____ drugs and poisons.

110. The war between these two countries has been ____ and episodic. (draw)

111. It was____ whether we would get to the airport in time. (touch)

112. We can ____ our timescale of the circulation by looking at the changes in density
surface of the salinity minimum. (robust)

113. Another worry is that nuclear material from ____nuclear power plants and
dismantled nuclear weapons might end up in the wrong hands. (function)

114. Its smoky, herbal flavors from sauvignon blanc grapes ______ neatly with the
apple nuances and fuller body of the chardonnay. (twine)

115. But with them he could be violent, abusive, _____, a Lothario of the highest order.

116. Readers whose stomachs are turned will not_____ of any food for thought. (take)

117. He ____ herbal remedies at first. (pooh)

118. They were silent; they were _____; and most of them were reading texts with
titles like Operating Systems. (spectacle)

119. The contradictions in the Clinton policy were _____ described in a recent article by
Robert Kagan, a former Reagan administration official. (trench)

120. Wilson said that ____ stress disorder sufferers who have been terrorized typically
fear imminent death. (trauma)
121.The school's _____ purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of
their children. (except)

122. His library displayed ____of mementos from different parts of the world, a lifetime
of traveling. (cell)

123. Jermaine Jackson slammed such reports as misleading and "_____". (sense)

124. Positive effects of being a ___ child include independence and self-reliance. (key)

125. He stood staring at the ghost, ___ with terror. (fix)

126. Well, for one thing, a lot of journalists are ____ and a lot don't know much about
history. (number)

127.The defendant is a ____ individual gripped by the dangerous delusion that his
opinion matters. (rancor)

128. She picked up the strange telephone receiver ____ , and dialled the number of the
card. (believe)

129. My hand was lacerated, deformed, and ____with pus. (bulb)

130.The Japanese JLPT test is a ____ event happening on July and December every
year. (annual)

131.Chef Tony Rea said a popular ____ is ostrich pepper steak in a wine sauce for
$22.95. (enter)

132. He remained in____control of the business for another ten years. (name)

133.Kasparov's recent performance had been ____ and many experts were predicting
that Karpov was about to regain the world title. (Source:BBC) (luster)

134.Tough a liyyle strange those questions are no difficulty for the genuine ____.

135.Tokyo is Not a city for the_____ or faint-hearted. (liver)

136.It was an _____ failure - the plane left the runway then crashed into a ball of
flames. (name)

137.The _____ workers feel forlorn, if not outright hostile. (race)

138.You can _____ the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.

139.It hurtles through two hours of _____ dialogue. It makes an untellable story clear
and fascinating. (bind)

140.Can we just _____a little bit and look at your primary and secondary education?

141. I skipped through the neighborhood, singing ____ songs. (key)

142. Beauty is in the eye of the ____. (hold)

143. Since then, he has worked_____ for the good of the game, in Manchester,
England and much further afield, earning him recognition around the globe as a true
ambassador of football. (stint)

144.She's trying to build up a ___ of work to show during job interviews. (foliage)

145.The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia saw its ____ and division into more than 300
individual and sovereign states and principalities. (member)

146.Cinematic scenes sometimes appear a _____ who looks exactly like one another,
but with a more tainted mind craving for eroding the other's life. (double)

(Borrowed from German)

147.____ is a medical condition in which one cannot remember familiar things' names.

148.I can never understand why people become ____ and sentimental about the past.

149.The basic idea is this: use _____ after a noun to show that one thing owns, or
possesses, another. (strophe)

150.Be certain that you are not _____ against catastrophic illness. (insurance)

151.The leader wants blameless be an official, sureness works, must first ____be an
upright. (board)

152.This article take the sulfur dye waste water as the processing object, has
conducted the applied research to the ____ ore waste residue decolorants performance.
153.____ is used because of a desire to protect others from hate speech and
intimidation, nevertheless it also poses a threat to free speech. (platform)

154.A ____ is a man who enjoys putting on woman's clothes. (vest)

155.Burgess' illegal use of alcohol ran ___of the code, a point the righteous Karnaugh
was quite eager to make. (foul)

156.Mr Johnes is an old ____, you'll never persuade him to change at all. (mud)

157.Attempts to ___ his playing simply because of his popularity are misplaced but
regrettably widespread. (nigger)

158.He was a self-opinionated, ____ tyrant, and he was the last man she should want
to tangle with. (bear)

159.The instruction manual includes a section on _____ to help you with any simple
problems you might have with the television. (shoot)

160.The book presents the ______ of a dull middle-aged woman remembering the
riveting thoughts she once had. (drama)

161.Barbara looked increasingly ____ as defeat loomed. (cast)

162.He ____ that man for snobbishness and was unwilling to talk to him. (dainty)

163.Lots of young couples do not use _____ on their first time, and many do not use it
at all. (conception)

164.The rest of the dinner, I was ____on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine,
have dessert and say bad words, things he never seemed to allow himself to do. (bend)

165.The captain ____ his men for falling asleep. (braid)

166.Friday was a ____ day for me. I got a lot of birthday presents from my friends.

167.It was a misery ____ of a woman escaped from North Korea to which everyone
expressed their sorrow and sympathy. (memory)

168.Seeing a(n) _____ book means that its owner have read it numerous times, or he
must be a careless moron who hates reading and disrespects his books (ear)

169.For some ____ reasons they built the toilet next to the kitchen. (fathom)
170.He was _____ in defeat and praised his opponent's skill. (animus)

171.I am not much of an ____ type but as a child, I did do my share of camping,
fishing and hiking. (door)

172.He was _____ by the press as a monster of perversity. (vile)

173.Prices of iPhone 8 have hit ____ since people scarcely pay attention to it anymore.

174.Please dance with me, it's Valentine, don't be such a ____. (puss)

175. Miku's heart made a complete ___ when Ichika pushes Futaro near her (assault).

(Source: Quintessential Quintuplets)

176.I can give this ___ promise that I will never betray you my cute honey. (diamond)

177.Though he's strictly ___, his girlfriend tried to make him drink by knocking off the
glass and kiss him ardently. (total)

178.You know, ___ love, more ____ love, and a bit of rampant lust to be getting on
with.(Source:____ love) (quite)

179. It was _____ seeing Joshua confessing his heart out before she commit suicide.

180. Though Yuki didn't want to come in with her, Yuno looked ____ right in the
wedding dress which made him blushed. (possess)

181.She was once a pretty young lady, but turned into a scarred witch after continuous
_____. (figure)

182. The movie is a moral tale about a _____ who dies and is reborn as a beautiful
woman, for that he hates women so much. (gynecology)

183.Today when cleaning out the attic, I found my ice skates, slightly _____but the
blades in perfect condition. (moth)

184.Harry Potter possesses great skill at ______. (erg)

185. It is good to take this_____ anxiety and anchor it by planning positive moves for
the future. (float)
186. Incidents of ______ on Facebook and Instagram have been reported in the
mainstream press. (bully)

187.An old industrial plant is always ____ with a rapidly developing international
metropolis city, and then it is not long before its gradual disappearance. (harmony)

188.The works are beguilingly small, and in clean acrylic colours on canvas, have
a_______kaleidoscopic effect, which is dizzying in its intensity. (fantasy)

189.The land is under the _____ of the people who use it. (guard)

190.The accident was the result of a _____failure to consider the risks involved.

191.So the classroom has to get ____ and transcend to the life world so as to give the
classroom vitality and energy. (vivace)

192.Aircraft production continued to plod along at an ____ slow pace. (agony)

193.There can be no ______ endings following sexual trafficking. (tale)

194.Trejo received 55 years for murder and 10 years, to be served consecutively,

for_________. (fetus)

195.Consider an experiment on_________in which a person attempts to influence the

fall of a coin using mental telepathy. (kinetic)

196.From all the available statistics, the politician _____ only those that backed up his
ideas. (pick)

197.During the day she would experience frequent ______ of the accident which
caused her to panic. (flash)

198.In the _________ world of European agriculture, farmers are paid more to grow
more even when nobody wants to buy what they produce. (land)

199.This business is frequently performed by a ______, a sum being paid him for any
litter of cubs or fox found on his beat. (game)

200.There was an ______ of hard currency, leaving the colonists with no medium of
exchange. (flow)

201.Formerly close friends, they had been _____ from each other for many years.
202.They stigmatized Vietnamese immigrants as a(n) ______ horde of criminals, slum
dwellers, lunatics, and drunkards. (similar)

203.The popular image of ______ is that it is a difficulty with reading - something to do

with the misperception of printed words. (lexicon)

204.There's a list of ______ at the beginning of the book for reader to manually fix.

205._______and self-distrust are grievous errors. (damage)

206.A(n) ________ is an angel at the highest rank. (angel)

207.Bella always has a reddish, healthy cheeks and skin, no wonder she's called the
_______ angel. (ruddy)

208.He claimed the finance manager had _______company funds. (proper)

209. Dilberitos can lay claim to the title of the first ______ that granted benefits
regarding it's nutritional content. (nutrient)

210.The lid of the _________ could be wrenched off or tightly sat upon by strict control
over labor market, otherwise problems after problems will start to transpire. (box)

211.______ and the threat of deeper world recession has left marks upon the
consciousness of the workers. (inflate)

212.Motel is a ________ word that is made when combining "motor" and "hotel"

213.Their passion was _______ by a romantic trip to Venice. (ignite)

214.She concealed the problem with remarkable ______. (plumb)

215.This year sees the _____ of Handel's birth since 1720. (three)

216.With sharp mind and witty words, the _______diplomat skillfully coped with the
tough questions from the press. (tongue)

217.He was born in a(n) ________ family, and with a silver spoon in his mouth. (blood)

218.Observing all this from the great beyond, Susie gradually figures out that she's not
alone in her _____ (victim).
219.Broad-shouldered and ________, with thinning hair, he is dressed as usual in a
shirt and tie. (chest)

220.He has a(n) _____attitude towards her, suspicious and questionable. (valid)

221.Peptic ________ may cause chronic gastrointestinal blood loss as well as an acute
bleed. (ulcer)

222.The emphasis is on _________massage which is one of the finest techniques

available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress using natural oils to brush on the
skin or smell. (therapy)

223. A sibyl is a woman ________.(tell)

224. In this way _____ had ravaged their feelings, so do not want to feel the fear
experienced once. (flagellum)

225.A heavy lorry has ______ on the motorway, causing long delays. (knife)

226.Hence, the commander had to beg, cajole, and _____authorities of three nations to
get what he needed. (beat)

227.Staff felt as if they had been _______ when they discovered the new
management’s plans. (wink)

228.It will be very adjuvant for you to _____ the meeting so you have time to play golf.
(short / tail)

229.My old friends stopped by and we had a real ____. (gab)

230.She was known to all and _______ as Bella.(dry)

231.The inflation lead poor people into consumerist ____. (sand)

232.The city is notorious for its _____ district and strip clubs. (light)

233.One week after the accident she still looked pretty ____. (bang)

234.Samoan culture is very localized, and centered on_______extended families,

whereas Western societies tend to be highly individualistic and homophobic. (knit)

235.Londoners have long been _____ proud of a health service that does not serve
them well. (verse)
236.If you encounter negative mood, try to _______ it into something good. This time,
I used a little alchemy, turning the sensation into lung capacity.(channel)

237.After why liking her, what dare often do, but after the thing goes, do not feel how
______ again however? (credit)

238. AXJ's growth will likely slow meaningfully, possibly even ________ our own

239.It's_____ to expect a person of her experience to work for so little income. (grotty)

240.What they added was a sense of _____- they took blues licks and put them on an
epic scale. (grand)

241.Definitely it was his stuff of ______ jokes, cheap one-liners and stereotyping slurs.

242.He is not one of your_______ criminals, he is a serial killer we have to beware.


243.In principle, ________ acts are paramount in fighting back the Coronavirus.

244.The school concert is _____ and is intended to help students relax after exhausting
lessons. (felicity)

245.A _____ is a recurring music piece typical of a person or an idea, often used as
background backup for people to deepen their thoughts. (motive)

246.The company is about to give you the _____, so you'd better start looking for
another job. (kiss)

247.Plans to build a new mall were ______ after protests from local residents. (six)

248. Their breakup was the ______ way to ensure each other's dream pursuits. (fire)

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