Sahana Bajpaye

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I do not know how to call her to be fair. She is an amazing women,

artist, songwriter, student, teacher, mum, wife, daughter (you will
always be) and friend. She is a mix off all these and she definitely
cannot be one without the other. She does inspire me every single
day with her dedication to whatever she does. She is that kind of
person who does everything with love and passion, and I think that is
what makes her so special.

When I asked her if I can have a little interview with her and share it
on my blog, she answered YES without hesitation. This is what she
always does; she is there to help whenever you need her!

1. What is the word that best describes you and why?

Friendly because I generally tent to trust people and make them my
friends. in my opinion I think life is all about making meaningful

2. When it all started?

My parents were music lovers so since I was born our house had
music playing all the time and my earliest memory is my parents and I
listening to our gramophone. So it all started very early for me, being
in love with musing and trying to sing.

3. What inspires you every day?

With all the darkness that surrounds the world nowadays people still
laugh, talk to each other and try and make their lives better. People
like them inspire me.
4. What is you biggest achievement to date?
I am still learning.

5. What brings you the most joy in life?

Reading, spending time with my family and listening to the music.

6. What makes you laugh?

My daughter jokes.

7. How come you tackle so many responsibilities at the same time?

I would like to believe that if you love something enough you can
work towards it all at the same time, be it motherhood, performing on
stage, going to work every day , trying to write a PhD and still having
a social life.

8. What success means to you, and how one can be successful?

I think if one put his or her heart into something and work very hard
towards it now one can stop success coming to him or her.
9. Do you relate with the logo ‘Love Life Be Inspired’?
I absolutely do. Is perfect

10. Is there a message you wold like to pass on?

Do as much as good you can in a day even if is small gesture as
holding the doors for someone else.

Photos: courtesy sahana bajpaie facebook

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