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• Technology Oriented • Business Driven • Sustainable Development • Environmental Friendly

Biochemical techniques
Biomolecules can be isolated and purified by applying
different techniques (based on various chemical and
physical properties) such as:
i) Techniques based on size and weight of the
molecules are centrifugation, gel filtration and
osmotic pressure
ii) Techniques based on polarity and charge are ion
exchange chromatography, electrophoresis,
isoelectric focusing, hydrophobic interaction, normal
and reversed‐phase chromatography 2
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Biochemical techniques

iii)Techniques based on spectroscopy include

colorimetry, UV‐visible spectrophotometry,
fluorescence spectroscopy, refracAon index and
mass spectrometry
iv) Techniques based on solubility are the precipitation
of molecules with salts and organic solvents

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Techniques based on molecular weight & size

• Centrifugation; separating particles from a solution
according to their sedimentaAon rate (depends on factors
like size, shape, density, medium viscosity and centrifugal
force (speed)
• Analytical centrifugation; measuring the physical
properties of the sedimentation particles such as
sedimentation coefficient or molecular weight (analytical
• Preparative centrifugation; to isolate specific particles,
which can be reused (rate zonal, differential and isopycnic
centrifugation) 100
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Techniques based on molecular weight & size


Ultracentrifugation is carried out at

speed faster than 30,000 rpm. High‐
speed centrifugaAon is at speeds
between 10,000 and 30,000 rpm. Low‐
speed centrifugation is at speeds below
10,000 rpm 101
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Techniques based on molecular weight & size


Differential centrifugation 102

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Techniques based on molecular weight & size

Rate zonal centrifugation; the
sample is applied in a thin zone
at the top of the tube on a
density gradient. Under
centrifugation force, the protein
will begin sedimenting through
the gradient in separate zone
according to their size, shape,
and density or the
sendimentation coefficient
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Techniques based on molecular weight & size

Isopycnic centrifugation; the
density gradient column
encompasses the whole
range of density of the
sample particles (sample is
uniformly mixed). Under
centrifugation force,
particles can be separated
A.sample is evenly distributed throughout the into zones solely on the
centrifuge tube basis of their buoyant
B. after centrifugation protein migrate to their
isopycnic densities density differences. 104
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Techniques based on molecular weight & size

• Gel filtraAon chromatography; separaAon based on
• The staAonary phase consists of porous beads with a
well‐defined range of pore sizes
• Small proteins can fit inside all the pores in the beads
and are said to be included
• Proteins that are too large to fit inside any of the
pores are said to be excluded
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Techniques based on molecular weight & size


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Techniques based on molecular weight & size

(Osmotic pressure)

• Osmotic pressure; is the pressure which needs to

be applied to a solution to prevent the inward flow
of solvent molecule across a semipermeable
• OsmoAc pressure of a solution depends on the
concentration of a solute and the temperature of
the solution
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Techniques based on molecular weight & size

(Osmotic pressure)

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Techniques based on charge (Ion-exchange

• Ion‐exchange chromatography; separaAng of almost any
type of charged molecule, from large proteins to small
nucleotides and amino acids
• Anion‐exchange chromatography; separating negatively
charged proteins (anions). Stationary phase has positively
charged groups , which bind negative sites on the protein
• Cation‐exchange chromatography; separating positively
charged proteins (caAons). Stationary phase has negatively
charged groups , which bind positive sites on the protein
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Techniques based on charge (Ion-exchange


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based on charge

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Techniques based on charge (Electrophoresis)

• Electrophoresis; migraton of charged molecules such as
proteins in an electrical field is based on size, shape and
• Most use a supporting media such as starch, paper,
polyacrylamide or agarose

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Techniques based on charge (Electrophoresis)

Preparation of SDS-PAGE (sodium

dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel Picture of an SDS-PAGE. The
electrophoresis molecular marker is in the left 113
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Techniques based on charge (Isoelectric focusing)

• Isoelectric focusing; separating proteins according to their

isoelectric pH by carrying out electrophoresis in a gel
containing a pH gradient
• Upon application of a current, the protein will move toward
either the anode or cathode (depending on its charge) until
it encounters that part of the gel, which corresponds to its
isoelectric point at which point it will have no net charge
and will, therefore, stop migrating

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Techniques based on charge (Isoelectric focusing)

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Techniques based on charge (Isoelectric focusing)

Isoelectric focusing employs a pH

gradient extending the length of an
electrophoresis gel. A protein stops
migrating when it enters the zone
in which the surrounding pH equals
its isoelectric point, pI. At any other
point in the gradient, the protein
acquires a charge which causes it
to migrate toward its pI (green and
blue arrows)
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Techniques based on polarity (Hydrophobic-

interaction chromatography)

• HIC; molecules are separated according to their

hydrophobic interaction between the stationary phase and
mobile phase
• Protein and peptides differ from one another in their
hydrophobic properties and this difference forms the basis
of a HIC separation
• Salt solutions are ol en used to mediate the binding of
sample molecules to a hydrophilic matrix substituted with a
hydrophobic ligand
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Techniques based on polarity (Hydrophobic-

interaction chromatography)

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Techniques based on polarity (Normal-phase


• Normal‐phase chromatography; the staAonary phase

is polar and the mobile phase is nonpolar (based on
adsorpAon to a staAonary surface chemistry and by
• AdsorpAon strengths increase with increased analyte
polarity, and the interacAon between the polar analyte
and the polar staAonary phase (relaAve to the mobile
phase) increases the eluAon Ame.
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Techniques based on polarity (Normal-phase


• Normal‐phase chromatography; the staAonary phase

is polar and the mobile phase is nonpolar (based on
adsorpAon to a staAonary surface chemistry and by
• AdsorpAon strengths increase with increased analyte
polarity, and the interacAon between the polar analyte
and the polar staAonary phase (relaAve to the mobile
phase) increases the eluAon Ame.
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Techniques based on polarity (Reversed-phase


• Normal‐phase chromatography; the staAonary phase

is nonpolar and the mobile phase is polar
• The retenAon Ame can be increased by adding more
water to the mobile phase; thereby making the affinity of
the hydrophobic analyte for the hydrophobic staAonary
phase stronger relaAve to the now more hydrophilic
mobile phase

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Techniques based on polarity

Stationary Phase Particle

Stationary Phases
Silica CN C8 C18 (ODS) Chromatographic
Polarity Spectrum

Mobile Phase
Mobile Phases
Water Alcohol Acetonitrile THF Hexane
Polarity Spectrum

Salt Alcohols Ether Aromatic Fluorinate Compound/Analyte

Sample Analytes Chromatographic
Acids Ketones Halogenated Aliphatic
Polarity Spectrum
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Techniques based on polarity

Normal-Phase Chromatography

Reversed-Phase Chromatography
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Techniques based on spectroscopy

• Spectroscopy; the use of absorpAon, emission or

scarering of electromagneAc radiaAon by marer to
qualitaAvely or quanAtaAvely study (atoms, molecules,
atomic or molecular ions or solids)
• AdsorpVon; molecules absorb a parAcular
electromagneAc radiaAon of the spectrum which is
followed by a transiAon of electrons from a lower
energy level to a higher level with transfer of energy
from the radiaAon to the absorber, atom, molecule or
solid 124
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Techniques based on spectroscopy

• Emission; Atoms or molecules absorbing electromagneAc

radiaAon are excited to high energy levels and can decay to
lower levels by emisng radiaAon (emission) in the form of
heat or light. If no radiaAon is emired, the transiAon from
higher to lower energy levels is called nonradiaVve decay.
• Scaeering; RedirecAon of light due to its interacAon with
marer. Scarering may or may not occur with a transfer of
energy (i.e., the scarered radiaAon might or might not have
a slightly different wavelength compared to the light
incident on the sample)
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Techniques based on spectroscopy

• Technique of spectrophometry is generally used for the

qualitaAve and quanAtaAve esAmaAon of biomolecules
such as proteins, sugars, carbohydrates, amino acids, nucleic
acids, vitamins and etc.

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Techniques based on spectroscopy

(Electromagnetic radiation)
• ElectromagneAc radiaAon; transverse energy wave that is
composed of an oscillaAng electric field component, E, and
an oscillaAng magneAc field component, M
• The electric and magneAc fields are orthogonal to each
other, and orthogonal to the direcAon of propagaAon of the
• A wave is described by wavelength, λ, which is the physical
length of one complete oscillaAon, and the frequency, ν,
which is the number of oscillaAons per second.
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Techniques based on spectroscopy

(Electromagnetic radiation)

Schematic representation of an electromagnetic wave

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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Visible


• The visible region of the electromagneAc radiaAon is

approximately 400 to 750 nm.
• The short wavelength cutoff is due to absorpAon by
the lens of the eye and the long wavelength cutoff is
due to the decrease in sensiAvity of the
photoreceptors in the reAna for longer wavelengths

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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Visible


The visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation 130

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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Colorimetry)

• Colorimetry; the interacAon of light with colored

soluAons (as light passes through a colored soluAon,
some of the wavelengths of light will be absorbed by
the soluAon)
• The amount of light absorbed by the soluAon will be
directly proporAonal to the concentraAon of the light‐
absorbing molecules present in the soluAon
• The technique is based on the Beer‐Lawbert law
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Colorimetry)

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Techniques based on spectroscopy (UV-visible

• UV‐visible spectrophotometer; to measure the
amount of light that a sample absorbs (measuring the
intensity of light reaching a detector)
• The beam of light consists of a stream of photons,
when a photon encounters an analyte molecule, there
is a chance the analyte will absorb the photon
• The technique is based on the Beer‐Lawbert law
• It is possible to provide the absorpAon spectra of the
compound 133
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (UV-visible


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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Beer-Lambert

• Beer‐Lambert law is the linear relaAonship between
absorbance and concentraAon of an absorbing
• The absorbance of a soluAon at a given wavelength is
directly proporAonal to the path length or the
thickness of the absorbing medium and the
concentraAon of the absorbing species of the
molecules in the soluAon
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Beer-Lambert

A = lc
I 
A = log  o 
 I1 

Absorption of light by a sample

Beer-Lambert law is applicable in all
spectroscopic techniques, which involve the
adsorption and emission of electromagnetic
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Fluorescence


• Fluorescence spectroscopy; type of electromagneAc

spectroscopy which analyzes fluorescence from a sample
(it involves using a beam of light, usually ulraviolet light,
that excites the electrons in molecules of certain
compounds and causes them to emit light of a lower
• The emission intensity of an emisng substance is linearly
proporAonal to low analyte concentraAon, and useful for
quanAtaAng the emisng species of molecule 41
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Fluorescence


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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Refractive-

• RI; medium is the raAo of the velocity of light through
a vacuum to the velocity of light through the medium
• As light moves from a medium water or glass into
soluAon containing biomolecule, it may change its
propagaAon direcAon in proporAon to the change in
refracAve index

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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Refractive-


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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Mass

• MS; an analyAcal technique that measures the mass to charge
raAo of charged biomolecules
• A substance is bombarded with an electron beam having
sufficient energy to fragment the molecule
• The posiAve fragments, which are produced (caAons and radical
caAons) are accelerated in a vacuum through a magneAc field
and are sorted on the basis of mass‐to‐charge raAo
• Since the bulk of the ions produced in the mass spectrometer
carry a unit posiAve charge, the value m/e is equivalent to the
molecular weight of the fragment
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Mass


Schematic representation of a
mass spectrometer Mass spectrum of toluene
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Techniques based on spectroscopy (Other


• AAS (Atomic absorpAon

• AES (Atomic emission spectroscopy)
• Spectroradiometry
• NMR (Nuclear magneAc resonance)
• X‐ray crystallography
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Combination techniques
High performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC)

MS detector

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Combination techniques
Gas chromatography (GC)

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Techniques based on solubility (Salt precipitation)

• This is a very simple and widely used technique to isolate
proteins and enzymes from other macromolecules such as
carbohydrates and nucleic acids
• The solubility of protein in an aqueous medium is
dependent on i. ionic strength, ii. pH of the soluAon, iii.
nature of the solvent, iv. other dissolved compounds (i.e.,
urea) and v. temperature
• A change in one (or all) of these factors can cause a
protein to “drop out” of soluAon (denaturing)
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Techniques based on solubility (Salt precipitation)

• It dissolves to give ions that become hydrated by
hydrogen bonding and it disturbs the interacAon of water
molecules with the protein molecules (expose the
hydrophobic patches of protein and results in the
hydrophobic interacAons between protein molecules)
• It leads to the aggregaAon of protein molecules and their
• The salt‐precipitated proteins (denatured) can be
redissolved in a buffer and the acAvity can be restored
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Techniques based on solubility (Precipitation with

organic solvent)
• In the presence of organic solvents, the dielectric
constant of the soluAon is lowered and that causes the
increased arracAon between the oppositely charged
amino acid residues present on the surfaces of the
protein molecules
• This results in the coagulaAon and formaAon protein
aggregates ensuing in the precipitaAon (depend on ionic
strength of the soluAon, organic solvent used, and the
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Techniques based on solubility (Precipitation with

organic solvent)
• Examples of organic solvent; acetone and PEG (polymer
polyethylene glycol)

The end….
Thank you


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