Lana Jager

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I saw Lana for the first time on a sunny day while she was performing on
the streets of London.
I literally stopped and sat on a bench until she finished her performance.
She was amazing and I found her so special.
She was such an inspiration for me, and in that moment, I knew I would
like to write about street performance on my blog. If you ask me what
inspires me…is definitely people like Lana.
I took a photo with her name, which was sitting next to her box and I later
approached her to give me an interview.
1. You are a singer, guitarist and songwriter. How would you best
describe yourself?
The single word I would use to describe myself is Free. No need for further explanation,

2. You perform at concerts and festivals, but you choose to be a

busker as well? Why?
Busking is real and raw and allows you to open yourself up to all of the energies that
permeate our society. It often feels like a magical dream to me, creating little cosy pockets
of musical joy amidst the hustle and bustle of our hectic and insane world. Busking has
sparked so many perfect, spontaneous beautifully HUMAN moments in my life that
‘performing’ doesn’t lend itself to. It is so organic and fluid. I love that there’s no structure,
there’s no right or wrong, or setlist or time frame. It’s just you, your instrument, your
amplifier and the world. It’s so vulnerable but so liberating and truly, there’s nothing more
satisfying to my soul than knowing that the resonance and lyrics of my songs are able to
touch the hearts of random people on the streets. Make them FEEL something. Stir some
nostalgic memory or deep emotion or even create a container which allows them to cry.
Really, it’s an honour to play on the streets.

3. What inspires you every day?

The Universe. Or whatever Word you want to use to denote that monumental Life force
which permeates every facet of our existence...Spirit / God / Consciousness / Energy / Love
/ Light. The life force which comprises this entire incredible web of life we exist within, and
is also contained as a spark of light deep within our hearts. I connect to that feeling most
potently when I’m out in nature. My inspiration comes from the warmth of the sun on my
face, the song of the birds, the poetic sound of wind in the trees, the easy flow of the river,
the silence of the stars and the effortless ease of Mother Nature. She is our ultimate
teacher, our ultimate healer and her graceful magic is the antidote to our insane ego driven
society. If you are seeking answers, look to nature. She has them all. But first, you must get
quiet enough within yourself to hear them. So start meditating! And eating real food. And
walk on the earth barefoot...your soul will thank you.

4. How do you find people on streets while you perform?

I love the people, I find them all mystical and magical. The whole glorious human spectrum,
even the ones I’ve been somewhat harassed by. It’s all part of the joy, the spontaneity, the
realness of playing on the streets. I have met some of the wisest souls I have ever
encountered through busking, and have had many life affirming and even life changing
conversations with ‘strangers’. From Wise elders disguised as ‘homeless’ men and women
giving me priceless words of advice about my life trajectory, to inspiring conversations with
other creative young people who also want to help change the world for the better.

5. What is the most challenging part about performing on the streets?

I don’t find it particularly challenging, as the wonderful exchange of energy with the people
is a limitless source of momentum and joy. The only thing I can think of is when the
seasons change and it’s difficult to play with cold hands!
6. What do you believe is a key element in being a good performer?
SOUL. Soul is everything. I don’t want to perform so lots of people look at me and think I’m
great. That’s music from a place of ego. It’s empty. There’s no magic in that. I want people
to listen to my voice, my poetry and feel moved because it resonates with something inside
them too. I want people to see and hear themselves in my songs, and through that, feel a
sense of unity. A unity which comes from appreciating that we are all human. We are all the
same. We all have the same yearnings, hardships and are all riding this wave of life
together. So yes, let’s UNITE as One. We are all part of something inconceivably bigger
and are held together through Love.
Photos: courtesy Lana Jagger facebook/instagram

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