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BCA II Semester
Subject: Database Management System
Unit-V Assignment
Date of Release: 24-05-2023
Last Date of Submission: 30-05-2023
Part-A 20X1=20
Q.1 (CO5) What is AWS?
a) A web browser
b) An e-commerce platform
c) A cloud computing platform
d) A social media network
Q.2 (CO5) Which of the following services is NOT provided by AWS?
a) Amazon S3
b) Amazon EC2
c) Amazon RDS
d) Amazon DNS
Q.3 (CO5) What does EC2 stand for in AWS?
a) Elastic Compute Cloud
b) Elastic Container Cloud
c) Elastic Cache Cloud
d) Elastic Content Cloud

Q.4 (CO5) What does EC2 stand for in AWS?

a) Elastic Compute Cloud
b) Elastic Container Cloud
c) Elastic Cache Cloud
d) Elastic Content Cloud

Q.5 (CO5) Which AWS service provides a managed relational database service?
a) Amazon S3
b) Amazon RDS
c) Amazon EC2
d) Amazon Lambda
Q.6 (CO5) What does S3 stand for in Amazon S3?
a) Simple Storage Service
b) Secure Storage Service
c) Scalable Storage Service
d) Service Storage System

Q.7 (CO5) What is the pricing model for Amazon EC2 instances?
a) Pay-per-usage
b) Flat monthly fee
c) Free for the first year
d) Free with limited features

Q.8 (CO5) Which AWS service can be used to automatically scale resources based on demand?
a) Amazon EC2
b) Amazon RDS
c) Amazon S3
d) Amazon Auto Scaling

Q.9 (CO5) What is the AWS service that allows you to deploy serverless applications?
a) Amazon EC2
b) Amazon S3
c) Amazon Lambda
d) Amazon Route 53

Q.10 (CO5) What does IAM stand for in AWS?

a) Intelligent Access Management
b) Integrated Authentication Module
c) Identity and Access Management
d) Instant Authorization Mechanism

Q.11 (CO5) Which of the following are the advantages of AWS?

a) Flexibility
b) Cost-effectiveness
c) Scalability
d) All of the above

Q.12 (CO5) Amazon Relational Database Service is a variant of the _____________ 5.1 database system.

a) Oracle
b) MySQL
c) SQL Server
d) All of the mentioned

Q.13 (CO5) Which of the following is a cloud computing service provided by AWS?
a) S3
b) SSD
c) FTP

Q.14 (CO5) What does EC2 stand for in AWS?

a) Elastic Container Service
b) Elastic Cloud Computing
c) Elastic Compute Cloud
d) Elastic Cache

Q.15 (CO5) Which AWS service provides a fully managed database solution?
a) RDS
b) EC2
c) S3
d) EBS

Q.16 (CO5) Which AWS service can be used to deploy and manage applications?
a) Elastic Beanstalk
b) Route 53
c) Lambda
d) DynamoDB

Q.17 (CO5) Which AWS service can be used for content delivery and acceleration?
a) CloudFront
b) CloudWatch
c) CloudFormation
d) CloudTrail

Q.18 (CO5) What does S3 stand for in AWS?

a) Simple Server Storage
b) Simple Storage Service
c) Secure Storage System
d) Secure Server Storage

Q.19 (CO5) Which AWS service is used to store and retrieve data in a scalable and durable manner?
a) S3
b) Glacier
c) DynamoDB
d) Redshift
Q.20 (CO5) Which AWS service provides a virtual private cloud (VPC) for networking resources?
a) VPC
b) VPN
c) VPS
d) VPD

Part-B 5X2=10
Q.1 (CO5) Explain Amazon Relational Database.
Ans Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a fully managed database service provided by AWS. It
allows you to easily set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.

Q.2 (CO5) Explain various key benefits of Amazon web Services.

Ans Key benefits of Amazon Web Services (AWS) include:

1. Scalability: AWS allows you to easily scale your resources up or down based on demand, ensuring that you
have the right amount of computing power, storage, and networking capacity at any given time.

2. Cost-effectiveness: With a pay-as-you-go pricing model, AWS enables you to only pay for the resources you
actually use, eliminating the need for upfront investments. This flexibility helps optimize costs and avoid

Q.3 (CO5) Explain Cloud Computing with example.

Ans Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, databases, networking,
software, and analytics, over the internet. Users can access these resources on-demand, without the need for
physical infrastructure or direct management. For example, using cloud computing, a company can store and
access its data and applications remotely on a cloud platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS) instead of
maintaining its own physical servers and infrastructure.
Q.4 (CO5) Explain PAAS with example.
Ans Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing service model that provides a platform for developing,
testing, and deploying applications. PaaS offers a complete development environment that includes
infrastructure, runtime, middleware, and development tools, eliminating the need for organizations to manage
and maintain the underlying infrastructure. For example, Heroku is a PaaS provider that allows developers to
build, deploy, and scale web applications without worrying about server configuration, networking, or operating
system maintenance.
Q5 (CO5) Explain S3 with example.
Ans S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It
allows users to store and retrieve large amounts of data, such as files, images, videos, and documents, in a
scalable and durable manner over the internet. For example, a company can use S3 to store and serve static
website content, host media files for streaming services, or store backups and archives of their data securely in
the cloud.

Part-C 5X6=30
Q.1 (CO5) Explain various uses and characteristics of AWS Database Management System.

Ans AWS offers a range of database management systems (DBMS) with different use cases and

1. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): A managed service for popular relational databases like
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB. It simplifies database administration tasks, offers
automated backups, and enables scalability.
2. Amazon Aurora: A highly scalable and performant relational database compatible with MySQL and
PostgreSQL. It provides a fast and reliable database engine with automatic scaling, fault tolerance, and low

3. Amazon DynamoDB: A fully managed NoSQL database service that offers fast and predictable performance
at any scale. It is suitable for use cases requiring low-latency read and write operations, such as gaming, mobile
apps, and IoT.

4. Amazon Redshift: A fully managed data warehousing service designed for large-scale analytics. It offers
high-performance query execution, columnar storage, and scalability to handle petabytes of data.

These DBMS services in AWS provide flexibility, scalability, and manageability, allowing businesses to focus
on their applications rather than infrastructure management.

Q.2 (CO5) Explain various Load Balancers in AWS.

Ans AWS offers various load balancer services to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple resources
for improved availability and scalability. Here are the key load balancer services in AWS:

1. Classic Load Balancer (CLB): The original load balancer provided by AWS. It operates at the transport layer
(Layer 4) and can distribute traffic across EC2 instances.

2. Application Load Balancer (ALB): Operates at the application layer (Layer 7) and provides advanced
routing features. It can intelligently distribute traffic based on URL, hostname, or path and supports content-
based routing and SSL/TLS termination.

3. Network Load Balancer (NLB): Operates at the transport layer (Layer 4) and is designed to handle high
volumes of traffic. It offers ultra-low latency, static IP addresses, and supports TCP, UDP, and TLS/SSL

Q.3 (CO5) Explain various storage options in AWS with example.

Ans AWS provides various storage options to meet different data storage and access requirements. Here are
some key storage options in AWS:

1. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): An object storage service that offers scalable, durable, and secure
storage for various types of data. Example: Storing and serving static website content, backups, and archival

2. Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store): Provides persistent block-level storage volumes for EC2 instances.
Example: Storing data for databases, applications, and operating systems.

3. Amazon EFS (Elastic File System): Offers scalable and shared file storage for EC2 instances. Example:
Shared storage for multiple EC2 instances, file-based workloads, and content management systems.

4. Amazon Glacier: A low-cost storage service for long-term archival and backup data. Example: Storing data
for compliance, regulatory requirements, or long-term backup retention.

These storage options in AWS offer flexibility, scalability, and durability to meet a wide range of storage
needs, whether it's storing files, databases, backups, or archival data.
Q.4 (CO5) Discuss the concepts of Virtual Private Cloud.
Ans A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a logically isolated virtual network within the AWS cloud. It allows you
to define and control a virtual networking environment, including IP addressing, subnets, routing tables,
security settings, and network gateways. Here are key concepts related to VPC:

1. Subnets: Subnets are subdivisions of a VPC's IP address range. They allow you to segment resources and
control network traffic flow. Each subnet can be associated with an availability zone to enhance fault tolerance
and high availability.

2. Routing: VPC provides routing tables to control how traffic is directed within the VPC and to external
networks. You can configure routes to send traffic to specific destinations, such as internet gateways or virtual
private gateways for connecting to on-premises networks.

3. Security: VPC offers security groups and network access control lists (ACLs) to control inbound and
outbound traffic. Security groups act as virtual firewalls for EC2 instances, while ACLs provide network-level
access control.

4. Connectivity: VPC allows you to connect your VPC to the internet via an internet gateway. It also enables
you to establish secure connections to on-premises networks using VPN (Virtual Private Network) or AWS
Direct Connect.

5. Peering: VPC peering allows you to connect multiple VPCs together within the same AWS region, enabling
secure communication between resources in different VPCs.

Q5 (CO5) Distinguish between Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Aurora with example
Ans Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that excels in handling high-scale, low-
latency applications with flexible data models. For example, a real-time gaming application that requires rapid
read and write operations.

Amazon Aurora, on the other hand, is a fully managed relational database service compatible with MySQL and
PostgreSQL. It offers the scalability and durability of modern cloud databases, making it suitable for
applications with complex relational data, such as e-commerce platforms or content management systems that
require advanced querying and transactional capabilities.
Part-D 2X10=20
Q.1 (CO5) What do you know about the Amazon Database? Explain comparative study of traditional DBMS
Ans Amazon offers various database services as part of its AWS platform. These services include Amazon
RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Aurora, among others. These database services
provide scalability, reliability, and ease of management, making them popular choices for different types of
Comparative Study of Traditional DBMS and AWS DBMS:
1. Scalability: Traditional DBMS typically requires manual effort and infrastructure scaling to handle
increasing workloads. In contrast, AWS DBMS services are designed for scalability and can automatically scale
resources based on demand, allowing applications to handle varying traffic loads without manual intervention.

2. Availability and Reliability: AWS DBMS services offer high availability and reliability with built-in features
such as automatic backups, multi-zone deployments, and replication. Traditional DBMS may require complex
setup and configuration to achieve similar levels of availability and reliability.

3. Management and Administration: Traditional DBMS often require extensive manual management, including
installation, configuration, and patching. AWS DBMS services handle many administrative tasks, such as
infrastructure provisioning, backup management, and software updates, freeing up time and resources for
other business-critical tasks.

4. Cost: Traditional DBMS often involve upfront costs for hardware, software licenses, and ongoing
maintenance. AWS DBMS services operate on a pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to pay only for
the resources they consume, resulting in potential cost savings and cost predictability.

5. Flexibility and Choice: AWS offers a range of DBMS options, including relational, NoSQL, and data
warehousing databases, providing flexibility to choose the most suitable database for specific use cases.
Traditional DBMS may have limited options and may require additional investments to support different
types of databases.

Q.2 (CO5) Explain various Amazon Web Services along with suitable examples.
Ans There are a few Amazon Web Services (AWS) :

1. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Offers scalable and durable object storage. Example: Storing and
serving static website content.

2. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Provides virtual servers in the cloud. Example: Hosting web
applications or running data processing tasks.

3. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): Manages relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and
Oracle. Example: Running a customer database for an e-commerce platform.
4. Amazon DynamoDB: A fully managed NoSQL database service. Example: Storing and querying real-time
user data for a gaming application.

5. Amazon Lambda: Runs code in response to events without the need to provision or manage servers.
Example: Automating image resizing upon file upload.

6. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service): A message queuing service for decoupling distributed systems.
Example: Managing communication between microservices.

7. Amazon CloudFront: A content delivery network (CDN) for fast and secure delivery of web content.
Example: Accelerating the distribution of static and dynamic website content.

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