CIS For Males

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ey cis (MALE FORM) INSTRUCTIONS In this schedule you are asked to express your preferences for different occupations. These cecupation given in pairs and youare asked to check them to indicate your preferences. This is not atest of in special abilities, Youjusthaye to mark yourresponsesineach box, considering both the occupations of the income or status involved in it For cach pair of occupation, mark as follows: Draw a circle around | (Judge) O@)ynaee “This shows that th if you prefer the first in this pair circled 1 would r. of occupations judge than a mou Mountaineer = 2. Draw acircle around 2(Actor) if] 1. Missionary This shows that you prefer the second in this pair . circled 2 f of occupations. aetor than a mi Actor Draw circles around both | and This shows that 2 (Physician and Poet) if you circled | and 2 like both the occupations. 5 ‘oceupations eq Cross out both | and 2 Statistici This shows that (Statistician and Dramatist) if crossed 1 and 2, di you dislike both of them. theoccupations Ask now ifanything is not clear. DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO i ‘Copyright © 1993, by the PSY.COM SERVICES. Allrights reserved by the PSY-COM SERVICES, B-4, 80/2, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi ~ 110029 anon eT | ART. Nr VEN. Gr I Per. 1 Med. 1 ait flat fer pT 1 Gilekerer [Make-up | !Musician [1, Chemist 2 [ham \btiter |b Wtazer |? Officer Aalst eee, D| ‘actary $2. | Chairman2. Vice 2. Election eel Diploma 2.) fatery 2 | fife; 7] Stiowd™ | Chancettor| Officer [Dire Biolog iratane [ERT Toms Yt. Gontume [1 Chasieal [1 Biolog fig Diticer Player Bese |" Base ; Enporier2.| Fil 2. | Travel 2.[ Real Estate 2.] Publisher hion a Producer Agent Agent Model aici i Bal Wren] gen Wyner [i Dean ue bie ite Bier irtorce 2. [Commando 2] vec. 2.|_ Police 2.|Nawal “2 Siete * [femmiaie Difiee 7’ | commisioner [Otticer Manufacturer |i. Fire. Fighting V, Actor [I- Surgeon thee eater 2. | Swinmer2. | Baste 2 Archer 2.| Football 2 Avpalls Piayer Player aie Hockey | 1, Dramatis [1 Payne Eitain | Pinyer Sculptor 2. Tnyesiment T Athen ising [ 1. Fi Broker Classical 2 - | sitarist Orchestra 2 3) 5 Conductor Ty General [1 Building. T- Footbal | 1. Carooninn [1 Band Manager |" Contract Player Leader Physiolonist 2. . |aioorin 2] humacit 2.] chid,. 2] mysican 2 Thee, ; oo arortny 2. Mechanic 2 Foreman 2. Meche 2 Te Bletion [Oe Patiiner fy Pohse |i. Galler Sealpior | 1. Orchestra News 2] an 2] Matssine2 te ; Reader "| Citic Cakimnte Arild |Daraseacee 1. Vice Real Eswie [EWCC. [1 Badminton [1 Paine aba Chaneatior |!" Agent | Plager [as | ates fiecouns2. | Fiance 2. . JIscome Tax 2.| sues tax 2.) Data Manager Manager [Consultant Consultant Analyst 3 Cashier T Obsinmen [i Travel =e Bastestat [a.commerciai] 1 siarist, a atisca” |" ee oi Pisyer See) bee Commanite2. | Priet 2. Medcst_2.| School 2.| Psychatogat 2| Weitae worker Aitndom | Coumcentac | “706 21 Berta 2 T-Frebation [I> Bite sinner Officer se Producer 5 gi Rae School 2. | Economics 2. |Marhematice: Principal | ‘Teacher | “Teacher > Highschool [Tester 1. Exporter [I Avforce Trenker Otheer Farmer 2.| Florist 2. T Xk Hreenaician Botanist 2 | ‘Secu Mu Sean Mouiaineer [1 ' TE ‘Accounts 2. Gien [bet a= Soc. NAT. CL. 1 [iw Jean T at i LAecountant [1 Guidance 1. Professor 1. Zoologia | Summ. [am. gineer Counsellor in [Sees [Rams 2 feral 2, istrict 2.| dade 2 Judge Hotel 2, [esccuive 2 ation 2. ager Magisirate. Manage Manager Officer z lechanical [TJournalist [1 Bank Secs) |. Lectarsr _[1, Apricatiail my | Ent pincer Manager |" Worker ohn t| de oes ead Ming 2-J Investment 2.| Stock 2. | Manufacturer 2] Poliicisn 2. Airplane 2.| sates 2 iuractor | "Broker Broker Pits Misoger 1.Cont Mistry |i Farmer [1 Offce [Der 2 Analyst ‘Teacher ‘lek [Conn Gund2. [Fie Fighing 2] potice 2. Jens. 2 2 Officer ‘Oltieer Officer Officer THisiorian [iBanker — [t.Red cross [to cotlepe |, Foie Sp. 2 Worker Prinelpat eAiniote 2} Hockey 2.] Borer 2. | wrestler 2. [tennis — 2.| cricketer Player Player TAwdor of [1-Saes Tax [i chuceh |i Prysics [1 Foren Tis ox [era Consul |" Worker Tekener cet Keeper Layout 2.) Dress 2. | Song 2. [Costume 2.| makeup 2| Arist Designer | Writer Designer Aas Statistician (1. Missionary [I_ High Schoot |. 6 Teton [Per 2 Teacher Famer Dramavist 2.] Actor 2. | Ptayback2. ‘Assistant Classical 2.] Musician 2 ies ee eee |e aces pos em aes alps Ee Aanncn alfeetiiee ae Garde | ‘Keeper ie Sieve ecra) | es.) | ee, i 2) Con 2. 2. [Statistician 2] Accoun- 2°) fa tie = sears [Fa eae relics ti ionar Red Cross 2. Social 2, | Guidance 2. Beene cs tle Gl peers Tr jagazine y> Vocational yerence T. Veterinarian] 1- Accounts |Edn. rome ES ae Ss es Tne Pies, 2] Seeckes * Lecturer 2. 2.] Professor 2 z Trance Teena "Bile Manager Sone ry 2. | Veterinarian. 21} towiea. 2. 2] pouty 2. | escrinaniana to TReserea [CL 2 ton Clk Data Bruty 2, | steno. 2. “ graph Chis Name:, Age:, Sex: Date. Raw Scores Interest Area | Adm. | Ent Edn. | Nat. | Cl. Cr. | Per. [| Med. | Tech. | Exp. | Comp. | Hum. For 1 For 2 Sten Score | Interest Areas] INFLUFNTIAL | VENTUROUS | ARTISTIC | SCIENTIFIC | ANALYTICAL | SOCIAL Nature | Clerical i Sten Score] Adm. | Ent. [Def. | Sp. | Cr. | Pers | Med. | Tech. | Exp. [Comp.|Hum. | Ean. | Nat | Ch 5 > | + ol oun Sean esa emnne z ; =illtkenalies cles 5 enteric oo | . 5 |e; ome é Seat * |, 0 | seen ASS ee + ofs| Sne * * 2 - 5 aes 2 alae ile ea ‘i avelr =| oe en es = 3 4 Pahoa | ois . Salas elie alee . ; 2 acs| fee |e || otey aca | come . | aero (oe . . 1 ey (0237 [ae | Sami tenn) am aes . 2 0\ ee onl . . Sten Score |Aam. | Ent. [Det. | Sp. | Cr. | Per. | Med. | Tech. | Exp. Nat. | Cl Sten Score 1-3 = Low Interest, Sten Score 4-7 = Average Interest, Sten Score 8-10 = High Interest

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