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Waste Carrier Licence – Fact Sheet

A waste carrier's license is a legal requirement in the UK for individuals or businesses involved in
transporting waste. It ensures that waste is handled and transported responsibly, minimizing its
impact on the environment and public health.

Do You Need a License?

You need a waste carrier's license if your business or activities involve transporting waste, including
collecting, moving, or disposing of it. If you're unsure whether you need a license, it's recommended
to contact the appropriate regulatory authority in your country (e.g., Environment Agency, SEPA,
NRW, DAERA) for guidance.

Requirements of a Waste Carrier's License:

1. Legal Obligation: Anyone who transports waste as part of their business activities needs a waste
carrier's license. This includes collecting, transporting, or disposing of waste on behalf of others.

2. Application Process: To obtain a waste carrier's license, you need to apply to the appropriate
environmental regulatory authority based on your location. In England, this is the Environment
Agency; in Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA); in Wales, the Natural
Resources Body for Wales (NRW); and in Northern Ireland, the Department of Agriculture,
Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

3. Application Form: The application form requires details about your business, the type of waste
you intend to transport, and information about how you will handle and dispose of the waste.

4. Registered Address: You'll need to provide a registered address for your business, and if you
operate multiple vehicles, each vehicle's details will need to be included.

5. Fit and Proper Person: The regulatory authority will assess whether you are a "fit and proper
person" to hold a waste carrier's license, taking into account factors such as criminal convictions and
compliance history.

6. Cost: The cost of a waste carrier's license varies depending on the type of license you need (see
below) and the regulatory authority in your country. Costs can range from around £200 to over

Types of Waste Carrier's Licenses:

1. Upper Tier License: This is required for businesses that transport waste that they collect from
other businesses or individuals, as well as their own waste.

2. Lower Tier License: This is for businesses that only transport their own waste and don't collect
waste from other parties.

3. Broker License: For businesses that arrange for the collection, disposal, or recycling of waste
without physically handling it themselves.

Penalties for Not Having a License:

Transporting waste without a valid waste carrier's license is illegal and can result in significant
penalties, including fines. The fines can vary depending on the severity of the offense, and they can
range from hundreds to thousands of pounds. Additionally, operating without a license can harm
your business's reputation and lead to legal and environmental consequences.

Paul Ingram 2023 – Waste Carrier License Fact Sheet

It's essential to ensure that your waste transportation activities are compliant with regulations and
that you hold the appropriate waste carrier's license if required. Always stay updated with relevant
legislation and consult the appropriate regulatory authority for accurate information specific to your

Further information: (England) (Scotland) (Ireland)
carrier-broker-or-dealer/?lang=en (Wales)

Paul Ingram 2023 – Waste Carrier License Fact Sheet

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