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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Identify direct and indirect speech in a conversation.
2. Change direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa.
3. Create direct and indirect speech in a sentence or conversation.


Subject: English 7
Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech
Reference: XSEED Content Book, Teacher’s Manual, and Workbook,
Materials: Television, Computer, Marker, Whiteboard, Strips of paper with sentences ( Myckaila said, “I am joining the dance club
after class”. , Julia said that her parents let her celebrate her birthday party in school., Raffy asks, “ Who will join me later during
the game?”, Jhana asked how much does a brand new laptop cost?, Alli told her brother that their mom will be taking them to
Singapore. Sitti said, “ I am on my way to work right now.”)



Review about the different kinds of point of view “first person, second person, and third person.”
c. 5 E’s
1. Engage
The teacher will show the students a short clip and they will identify what the characters in the comic strip said.

2. Explore
Divide the class by pairs, they will be given 2-3 minutes to prepare for the talk show. One student will be the
one who will be conducting the interview and the other student will be the one being interviewed. While the interview in on going
the other students will be writing down what the two students said. Afterwards, all group will write down at least 3 things that the
other groups said.

3. Elaborate
Direct Speech
repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing, we place the words
spoken between quotation marks (" ") and there is no change in these words. We may be reporting
something that's being said NOW (for example a telephone conversation), or telling someone later about a
previous conversation.

She said, "What time will you be home?"
"There's a fly in my soup!" screamed Simone.
John said, "There's an elephant outside the window."

Indirect or Reported Speech

is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken. We use
reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word 'that' to introduce the reported words. Inverted
commas are not used.

She asked what time will you be home?
Simone said that there’s a fly in her soup.
John said that there's an elephant outside the window.

When changing a direct speech into an indirect speech you must remove first the quotation marks and
comma then change the first person pronoun into third person.

For example:
Randy said, “I will be going to the party tomorrow”

Questions after discussion

1. What is the difference between direct and indirect speech?

2. What are the things to be considered when changing a direct speech to an indirect speech and vice versa.
3. Apart from the word said, what are other reporting verbs that we can use in indirect speech?
4. Extend
Each student will be given one strip of paper with speeches written on it. For 5 mins. They will identify what kind of
speech it is and they will change it into a different type of speech afterwards they will show their work.

5. Evaluation


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