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Writing task 2: Some people believe that current environmental issues are

global problems and should therefore be dealt with by the government while
others believe that these problems can only be tackled by individuals. Discuss
both sides and give your opinions.
It is often argued that pressing environmental problems in the world are the
responsibility of governments, while others believe that merely individuals can
solve theses issues. In my opinion, neither governments nor humans ( they are both
human) can put an end to urgent environmental issues without each other’s support.
First of all, it is evident that governments have huge impact on preventing
environmental degradation.(first of all, some people think that….) One key benefit
(reason) is ( what benefit ??) that they are powerful and gain great trust from the
residents. Therefore, they can enact laws for protecting environment and impose
stricter punishments on those who against the rules. For example, governments
should ( “can”) , carry out regular inspections of the industrial factories to examine
the proper waste disposal systems, intensive farming… Another advantage
provided by governments (word choice ) is that they have large budgets for
investment in research or development of green fuels, which significantly
contribute to the protecting environment progress.
On the other hand, the public action is also a crucial factor in conserving the
environment.(other people argue that ….) One important issue (???) is that if each
person can make great deal of effort to reduce the carbon emissions, a lot of
problems can be tackled. They can do that by taking public transports, reducing
energy consumption, recycling and reusing old goods. Moreover, there is (are) also
a huge number of environmental protection programmes held annually by local
residents( the governments can also hold these programs so it’s not a good point)
which raises the public awareness of preserving their natural surroundings.
In conclusion, environmental problems require the efforts and cooperation of
politicians and residents , while the former can impose laws and punishments, the
latter can help in various ways to reduce the waste and pollution.

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