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02 2020

Module 7 - Materials
Handling Safety & Storage
Material handling, whether done manually or with mechanical equipment, can
be a major source of occupational injuries. It was estimated that 25% of all
occupational injuries are from manual handling of materials. Common injuries workers
suffer from include strains and sprains, fractures and bruises. These are caused primarily
by unsafe practices such as improper lifting, carrying heavy loads, incorrect gripping,
failing to observe proper foot or hand clearances and not using or wearing proper
equipment and/ or personal protective equipment and clothing.

Another cause of materials handling accidents can be caused by poor job

design. Ergonomics is sometimes described as “fitting the job to the person, rather than
the person to the job.” The ergonomic approach therefore looks at manual handling as
a whole, taking into account a range of relevant factors including the nature of the
task, the loads, the working environment and individual capability.

Many manual handling injuries are cumulative rather than being truly
attributable to any single handling incident.

Basic Handling Principles

 Needless handling costs but cannot add value to the

 Manual handling must be eliminated whenever possible
and mechanical means should be employed
 Handling should be correlated with operations,
inspections, storage and other handling that comes All
handling systems should be integrated
 Handling equipment should be replaced wherever
greater efficiency can be so obtained.




 Bulk – crated large machineries and parts, crated materials,

caustic blocks, soap blocks, etc.
 Powder – flours, phosphates, sugar, cement.
 Granules & Gravel size – copra meal pellets, silicates.

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 Odd size – copra.


 Light – solvents, oils, fuels.

 Viscous – molasses, asphalt, heavy oil, paints.
 Pastes – detergent paste, adhesives.


a) Flammables – easily set on fire & likely to burn rapidly.

b) Explosives
c) Toxic – poisonous.
d) Corrosive
e) Emits Hazardous Fumes or Gases
f) Fragile

 MATERIALS HANDLING – is the preparation, placing, and positioning of materials

to facilitate their movement or storage.

 There is now substantial international acceptance of both the scale of the

manual handling problem and methods of prevention.

 Modern medical and scientific knowledge stresses the importance of an

ergonomic approach in removing or reducing the risk of manual handling injury.

 ERGONOMICS – is sometimes described as “fitting the job to the person, rather

than the person to the job”.

 The ergonomic approach therefore looks at manual handling as a whole, taking

into account a range of relevant factors including the nature of risk, the load,
the working environment and individual capability.

 Many manual handling injuries are cumulative rather than being truly
attributable to any single handling incident. The result can be physical
impairment or even permanent disability.

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 Distance is particularly important where lifting is an integral part of the job.


 Considerable thought should be given to the planning and routing of



 Depends on cost and type of materials and free flow of materials



 Individual Capacity
 25 kg…female
 50 kg…male
 Accessories
 2 wheeled hand trucks
 4 wheeled hand trucks
 Crowbars
 Shovel

 Powered Hand Truck

 Crane
 Hoist
 Forklift
 Boom Truck
 Heavy - Duty Truck
 Tractors
 Railroad Cars
 Conveyors
 Pipelines
 Pallets
 Carton Clamps
 Wire Ropes
 Lifting Bars

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1) Can the job be engineered to possibly eliminate manual handling?

2) Can the material be conveyed or moved mechanically?

3) In what way do the materials being handled cause injury?

4) Can employees be given handling aids to make their job easier and safer?

5) Will protective clothing or equipment, help prevent injuries?


 Common injuries are strains, sprains, fractures & bruises. These are primarily
caused by unsafe practices:
 improper lifting,
 carrying too heavy load,
 incorrect gripping,
 failing to observe proper foot or hand clearance, and
 failing to use or wear proper equipment &/or personal protective
equipment & clothing.
 Property damage & serious injury/fatality caused by mechanical equipment!


 Inspect materials for slivers, jagged edges, and burrs, rough or slippery surfaces.

 Get a firm grip on the object.

 Keep fingers away from pinch points, especially when putting materials down.

 When handling lumber, pipe or other long objects, keep hands away from the
ends to prevent them from being pinched.

 Wipe off greasy, wet, slippery, or dirty objects before trying to handle them.

 Keep hands free of oil & grease.

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1) Size up the load

2) Obtain secure footing – place feet solidly and
well apart and close to the object as practical
3) Crouch close to the load and get a firm grip.
Keep back as straight as possible
4) Lift by straightening legs


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 Interestingly, while many people know the role cholesterol, diet and exercise
plays in preventing heart attack, few persons know how to prevent spine
problems, or a "back attack." While everyone understands that chest pain is a
signal from the body that something is wrong, random bouts of back pain are
largely ignored until the problem becomes more serious, and a disc is herniated.
 Some back injuries involve the “soft tissue” that is the muscle, ligament type
 A more serious injury occurs when the discs of the spine are involved.


• Never Bend, Lift, and Twist at the same time!

• Use mechanical aids or assistance when possible.

• Bend your knees and use your legs to lift!

Figure1: Bend knees to lift with legs.


Before attempting to lift or move something heavy,

it is important to step back and analyze what needs to be
accomplished. Think about how heavy the object is, how
far it has to be moved, where it is going to end up? What is
the shape of the object? Is it cumbersome, will it be easily
manipulated? Is it a two-person job? Is there anything in
the way that needs to be moved prior to lifting? Stand
directly in front of the load, with feet about shoulder width Figure 2: Plan the lift to
avoid injuries or accidents.
apart. One foot should be in front of the other for balance.


Get Help if Needed. If the load is too heavy, DON'T

TRY TO LIFT IT ALONE. Find someone who can help carry it,
or if possible, break the load into two smaller, more
manageable loads. Bend the knees and tighten the
stomach muscles. Using both hands, grasp the object firmly
and pull it as close as possible to your body. Figure 3: Use both hands for
a firm grip to be able to lift
the object easier

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Since leg muscles are stronger than back muscles, lift with the legs, until they are
straightened. Avoid jerky movements. Keep the natural curve in the spine; don't bend
at the waist. To turn, move the feet around by pivoting on the toes, not by twisting at
the stomach.

Figure 4: Lifting with the Legs.

When it is time to set the load down, it is very important that it is done correctly.
Reverse the procedures for lifting to minimize the strain on the back. If the load is going
to set on the floor, bend the knees and position the load in front of you.

Figure 5: Minimize the strain on the back by bending the

knees and positioning the load in front of you .

If the load is to go at table height, set it down and keep in contact with the load
until it is secure on the table.

There is one final important rule: "THINK BEFORE YOU LIFT". Remember, in lifting,
you are the major cause of your injuries; therefore, you have the major responsibility for
preventing them.

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Mechanized Material Handling Equipment:

 Solid materials:
o Conveyors- belts, screw, chain hook and
 Use only conveyors if you’re trained and
authorized to do so
 Go around not over or under, a
 Keep body parts and clothing away from
moving parts. Never wear loose clothing
or long hair.
 Watch out for materials that could fall
from belts or rollers.
 Know where emergency stop switches
are located.
 Never let anyone ride a conveyor.
o Elevators- bucket, cage
 Be sure the elevator is in place and level
before entering.

 Use controls, not blocks, wedges, or your body to hold doors

 Don’t overload beyond rated capacity.
o Rolling Stocks- forklifts, clamp lifts, dump- trucks, trucks
o Hoist
o Cable Systems
 Liquids and Gases
o Piping Systems
o Pumps
o Troughs or canal
o Helicoids conveyor
o Scoops
 Manpower equipment
o Push carts or haul carts
o Wheel barrow
o Drum lifters
o slings


1) Operated by authorized and qualified drivers.
2) Operated at speed consistent with road conditions outside and inside the plant
3) Properly secured coupling of truck trailer train.

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1) Operated by authorized and qualified drivers.
2) Should have substantial canopy guards.
3) Should not be used to transport personnel.
4) Loads should be stable.
5) Should travel with load as low as possible.
6) Loads should not be raised or lowered enroute.

1) Operated by authorized and qualified crane operator.
2) Operator should always have a helper.
3) Operated at the lowest possible speed.
4) The hook should be fixed to the lower end of the boom when traveling without


 Temporary & permanent storage should be secured, neat & orderly.

 Allow adequate ceiling clearance under the sprinklers (18 – 36 in).
 Keep all exits & aisles clear at all times.
 Use bins & racks to facilitate storage and reduce hazards.
 Segregation & isolation:
 Cartons…..Lumbers…..Bagged Materials…..Barrels…..Pipes…..Liquid
Containers…..Paints & Thinners…..Gasoline / Diesel…..Oxygen &
Acetylene Cylinders


 Make sure the chemical being used is the right one for the job.
 Determine the nature and degree of hazard of the chemical.
 Never use an unknown substance.
 Isolate the hazard.
 Match protection to the hazard.



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From the moment a spill occurs and throughout

the response effort, determine the risks that may affect
human health, the environment, and property.



If you are uncertain of the danger or the spilled material is unknown, assume the
worst and use the highest level of protection.


SPEED COUNTS! Stop the spread of liquid before it has a chance to contaminate
a water source.


After the spill is confined, stop the source of the spill.


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Once the spill is confined with socks or dikes and the

source has been stopped, it is time to reassess the incident
and develop a plan of action for implementing the spill


Decontaminate the site, personnel, and equipment

by removing or neutralizing the hazardous materials that
have accumulated during the spill.


• Always begin with socks or dikes to confine spill

• Overlap ends of socks / dikes by at least 15cm

• Stop the source before implementing cleanup

• Use mats and pillows to quickly soak up the spill

• Choose pillows when depth of liquid greater than 5mm

• Attack spill from outside in - avoid stepping in spilled liquid

• Use “buddy system” - avoid responding alone

• Thoroughly decontaminate ALL equipment after a spill

• Frequently train responders - hold mock spill response drills



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 Inspect the forklift daily and have any

problems fixed before you use it.
 Refuel or recharge only in designated areas
 Keep loads low and balance with the mast
tilted slightly back.
 Keep wide loads centered.
 Wear hard hat if required.
 Travel with the load uphill on inclines.
 Drive in reverse if the load blocks your vision
except on grades.
 Back out slowly after unloading, checking
over your shoulder.
 Others can be injured or killed if they walk
under the load, trip over the forks, or are hit
by forks or improperly loaded materials.


 Carry passengers or lift people.

 Load beyond rated capacity.
 Carry load so high that it can cause the forklift
to tip over.
 Raise or lower loads while you’re moving.
 Travel with forks raised when unloaded.

Follow common sense traffic and driving rules:

 Don’t speed.
 Stay on the lookout for pedestrian.
 Slow down for turns and on wet or slippery floor surfaces.
 Stop and blow your horn at crossings, blind corners or before

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 Choose the right truck for the job – a curved-bed truck for drums
for instance
 Place heavy objects on the bottom with load forward over axles
– but not so high that you can’t see over it.
 Secure any bulky, awkward, or delicate items.
 Get a firm grip. Keep buttocks out, back in its natural curve and
knees bent.
 Lean in the direction you’re going. Only walk backwards it’s
necessary to get into a tight place.
 Walk – don’t run.
 Keep the load ahead of you and under control when going downhill.

 Choose the right type and size for the job.
 Don’t straddle a crowbar; position it so it can’t pinch or crust you if it slips.
 Keep in good condition and shield sharp points when not it use.
Know what a particular rope can handle, and don’t overload it. To
keep a rope in good condition:

 Don’t let it kink or bend.

 Cover sharp corners with a pad.
 Replace if fibers are broken, look dry, or there’s not much give.
 Clean and dry before storing.

Points on Safety Storage of Materials

 Materials that can react with each other should be stored in separate areas (e.g.
acid and base)
 Storage areas should be well ventilated and lighted
 In storage areas of flammable materials, explosion proof lighting fixtures and
switches to be used
 Where flammable fumes are emitted by stored materials, battery operated
forklifts are to be used
 Only non- spark type tools are permitted to be used inside flammable storage
 Storage areas should be provided with fire extinguishers located at strategic
places and are accessible
 Provide at least four feet of space between the stockpile and the wall. This is to
protect the pile against heat if there is fire at the other side of the wall. This too
will afford ventilation and serves as access way for firefighters in the event of fire
 Use screw nails in making or repair of wooden pallets
 No welding or open flame cutting should be permitted in storage of flammable
materials. Hot work permit is mandatory should welding is extremely necessary.

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Summary Key Points:

 Material handling, whether done manually or with mechanical equipment, can
be a major source of occupational injuries.

 It was estimated that 25% of all occupational injuries

are from manual handling of materials.

 Many manual handling injuries are cumulative rather

than being truly attributable to any single handling

 According to reports, the largest number of injuries

occurs are on the fingers and hands.







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Module 8 - Electrical Safety and

Lock Out- Tag Out (LOTO)
Like any other forms of energy, it can be
completely safe provided it is treated and handled with
care and people know the basic principles in its use.
Electrical abuse and misuse, however, can result to
serious injuries, fire, damage to plant and equipment,
even death.

Every piece of equipment is a potential source of

electrical shock. Even an electrical shock small enough
not to cause an injury can trigger an involuntary reaction
that may result in physical harm.

Electric accidents are classified into: electric shock caused by contact with
charged or leaked parts of electric facilities; a burn cause by discharge arc, eye injury
caused by strong light from arc welding work; and fire or explosion ignited by overheat,
sparks, leakage current, static charges, and the like.An effective electrical safety policy
coupled with an employee training and hazard awareness program can further
prevent electrical shock. It is also recommended that an effective electrical inspection
program be implemented and conducted periodically as conditions warrant.

Myths and Misconceptions about electricity:

 Electricity takes the path of least resistance. This myth implies that current only
takes low resistance paths. Actually, current will take any path, high or low
resistance in order to return to the source that provides power.
 A person is led to believe that electricity wants to go to ground and simply
disappear. In reality, current uses the ground to get back to its grounded power
 When an electrical tool or appliance is into water, it does not short out. If the
switch is ON, the item will continue to operate. If it is switched OFF, it will do no
 AC reverse polarity is not hazardous. The switch is supposed to be on the “hot”
conductor supplying power to the item.
 It takes high voltage to kill; 120 volts AC is not dangerous. Current is. However, AC
voltage as low as 60 volts can kill. At higher voltage, the body can be severely
burned and yet the victim could live.
 Double- insulated power tools are doubly safe and can be used in wet and
damp locations.

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Basic Electrical Terms

Voltage- the difference in potentials between points (measured in volts)

Current- The movement or flow of electric charges (measured in amperes)

Resistance- The property of material that opposes the flow of electric current
(measured in ohms)

Ohm’s law- the current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and
inversely proportional to the resistance.

Conductor- permits electrons or electric current to flow through it Conductors have low
resistance to electricity and are used for wires, switches and electrical connections.

Insulator- Used to provide barrier around a conductor (to prevent accidental contact).
Insulators have a very high resistance to the flow of electricity and are used to cover
wiring and other electrical components

Semiconductors - can change their resistance to act as either a conductor or an

insulator. They are used to make computer microchips.

Electrical Circuit - Any combination of a conductor and a source of electricity

connected together to permit electrons to travel in a continuous stream. Electricity
may take multiple paths, flowing through all possible circuits. The greatest amount of
current will flow through the path of least resistance, or lowest resistance, or lowest

Any part of your body that accidentally bridges the gap between two different
voltage levels creates a new electrical circuit, and your body may provide the path of
least resistance to the ground. Equipment grounding connects all conductive materials
that enclose electrical lines. Bypassing grounds or careless handling of grounding
connections can result in electrical fires and fatal accidents

Circuit-Protection Devices (CPDs)

 Fuses
 Circuit breakers
 Ground fault circuit- interrupters (GFCIs)- A GFCI is a supersensitive
appliance, rapid action power switch which breaks a circuit when there is
more than 5 milliamps difference between the hot wire and the neutral or
grounded conductors.

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Rules for Circuit Protection

 Do not create an octopus connection
 Never bypass, bridge nor disable any circuit protection
device in an energized or live circuit
 Always make sure the power is safely off.
 Replace a fuse with the exact duplicate.
 Use fuse pliers for added protection
 Be sure the markings on the old and new fuses

Electrical Shock – is the most serious electrical hazard. This happens when you
touch a live wire, a tool or machine with poor insulation. You then become a
conductor. The danger of an electric shock is not directly related to the voltage, but
mainly determined by the following conditions: current value, type of power supply,
duration of electric shock, passage of current and human condition.

The minimum current at which a man feels an electric shock is about 1 mA at

60Hz; the limit current at which man can endure the pain of an electric shock is about 7
to 8 mA and the maximum current at which man can still move is about 10 to 15 mA.
The heart is particularly the susceptible to electric shock. The flow of the current disturbs
the hearts rhythm, upsetting the blood flow and affecting its vital functions. When the
current increases, the heart shivers and death results in few minutes.

Measures for Preventing Electric Shock Accidents

Accidents or deaths by an electric shock are
mostly caused by contact with power transmission lines,
followed by movable or portable electric machines and
equipment, switches, wiring, capacitors, and other power
To prevent such accidents, even death, it is necessary
to check the electric facilities and put them in order, and
to conduct training for handling electric equipment and
working method around electric facilities.

1. Maintenance and Inspection of electric facilities

 Check the wiring, movable wires, switches and all electric
machines and equipment if provided with complete insulation
cover and enclosures. If you found out that it is faulty, they must be
repaired immediately.

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 Before using the electric equipment, check the earth conductor is

connected and not damaged and see to it that the earth pole is
not floating.
 Before using the welding machines, check if the electrode holders,
safety devices and tools such as automatic voltage reducing
device for AC welding machines and leakage circuit breaking
equipment for preventing electric shocks are complete.

2. Electric shock prevention when handling live lines and working near
live lines
When handling hot lines, it is necessary to install an insulation protector, and
have workers wear safety garments such as insulation gloves and electric
safety helmet. For high- voltage live lines, it is preferable to use live line working
tools such as live sticks, live line working carts, and insulation bench. If working
near a high- voltage live lines, workers must approach within 30cm from
overhead live lines or within 60 cm from sideway or underneath live lines. The
workers must wear insulation protective garments or the live lines must be
provided with a safety device. Low- voltage live lines must be protected in the
same way.
 Electric safety Helmet. Or electric safety helmet is useful to
Figure 5: The use of prevent an electric shock and protect the head from flying
Rubber Gloves as a
and falling objects. The helmet consists of high- insulating
synthetic resin, such as polyethylene. Polyester and hard
 Electric Rubber gloves
o For high voltage. When handling high voltage live
lines, the gloves protect the hands and forearms.
o For low voltage
Raw and synthetic rubbers are used, of which the
latter has better wear resistance. The withstand
voltage is 2,000 V/min for raw rubber gloves and 1,
000 V/min for synthetic gloves.
 Electric Insulation garments. Is used to protect both shoulders
and back from an electric shock.
 Electric sleeve cover. Protects arms from electric shock
 Electric insulation tube.
 Electric insulation sheet
 Protective tube for construction field.

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3. Electric shock prevention when handling power failure

It is caused by misrecognition of hot lines, touching residual electric
charges, and error of power transmission and this accident is greater at power
failure than at normal operation.

First Aid Procedures

Mild Shock
 Have the worker sit down
 Be sure muscle movement is normal
 Check for loss of feeling in any part of the body
 Check the pulse rate and breathing
 If there is no severe pain, the worker can return
to work.
Continuous Shock
 Remove the contact of the worker from
energized source using wooden chair,
broom handle, plastic pipe or rope.
 When you have freed the victim from the
power source, assess if the victim’s
condition. Check the airway, breathing
and pulse. Always bring the victim to the
doctor for medical attention after first aid.

Lockout - is blocking the flow of energy from the power source

to the equipment- and keeping it blocked out.
Lockout/ tag out protects you from the unexpected start-up of
machines or release of stored energy during service or

Lockout- tag out procedure

 Place a lock on a disconnection switch, circuit breaker,
valve handle to make sure it cannot be moved from
the OFF or closed position.
 Attach a written tag at the place where the equipment
would be energized, such as the ON switch or on a
valve that opens a supply line.
 NEVER use you LOTO for blocking personal or
unauthorized items
 NEVER lend or borrow a lock or tag
 NEVER remove someone else’s lock or tag

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6 steps to lockout/ tag out

1. Preparation- know the equipment, its energy source before working on it
2. Shutdown- turn off the equipment
3. Isolation- find and isolate every form of energy that the machine uses. This includes
pulling fuses, throwing disconnects and capping any secondary sources of energy.
4. Application- anything that might restore the flow of energy to the work area must be
locked out. In situations where multiple pieces of equipment are being locked, an
authorized employee places all keys in a lock box to which each employee
attaches his or her personal lock.
5. Control- even after the equipment is locked out, you must control the stored energy.
a. Relieve, disconnect or restrain any residual hazardous energy that could be
b. Check that all moving parts have been stopped.
c. Relieve trapped pressure
d. Install ground wires to discharge electrical capacitors.
e. Block or support elevated equipment
f. Check continuously if energy build- up is possible
6. Verify
a. Energy source is shut down. Blocked off, controlled and locked out
b. Warn everyone in the lockout area and be sure they are moved to a safe place
c. Activate controls that might restore power to the machine you are working on
d. If equipment does not start, restore all controls to the OFF position and begin to

3 steps to removal and Re- Energizing a System

1. Restore Work Area
a. Remove all tools
b. Double check all equipment components
c. Replace all safety features, such as machine
d. Close access panels that were opened to perform
service on equipment

2. Notify Personnel. Notify all employees that LOTO devices

are being removed. Remove employees from the area or
make sure they are at a safe distance from the equipment.

3. Remove LOTO Devices. The person who placed each device must be the one to
remove it. Someone who placed a LOTO device is not present, notify your supervisor who
will follow specific procedures. Never remove it yourself.
After all devices are removed, tell involved employees that LOTO is ended and that
the equipment is being re-energized.

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Summary Key Points:

 Electricity is a form of energy.
 Electric accidents are classified into: electric shock caused by contact with
charged or leaked parts of electric facilities; a burn cause
by discharge arc, eye injury caused by strong light from
arc welding work; and fire or explosion ignited by
overheat, sparks, leakage current, static charges, and
the like.
 Electrical shock is the most serious electrical hazard.
 The heart is particularly the susceptible to electric shock.
 Lockout is blocking the flow of energy from the power
source to the equipment- and keeping it blocked out.

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Module 9 – Machine & Equipment

Guarding, or machine guarding, is often thought
of as being concerned only with points of operation or
with the means of power transmission. Although guarding
against these hazards is required, this step can also
prevent injuries from other causes both on and around
machines and from equipment and damaged materials.
Poor machine guarding practices are one of the greatest
contributors to workplace injuries.

Guarding or barriers may prevent injuries from the

following sources:

 Direct contact with exposed moving parts of the machine.

 Work process, pieces of wood that kick back from a power ripsaw or
metal chips that fly from tools or from abrasive wheels.
 Machine failure usually results from lack of preventive maintenance,
overloading, metal fatigue or abuse.
 Electrical failure, which may cause malfunctioning of the machine or
electrical shocks or burns
 Operator error or human failure caused by lack of knowledge or skill,
emotional distraction, misunderstandings, laziness, unsafe operation,
illness, fatigue and so on.
 Excessive noise is more than just annoyance; excessive noise can be a
real hazard because it can cause permanent hearing damage.

Principles of Safeguarding

 Safeguarding hazards before accidents. Guarding the

hazard is a fundamental principle of accident prevention
and is not limited to machinery.
 Benefits of Safeguarding. The primary benefits of proper
safeguarding in a supervisor’s eyes are that it reduces the
possibility of injury and it may improve production.
 Types of Safeguards. The type of machine guard depends
on the machine it will guard.

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Where Mechanical Hazards Occur

 Point of Operation- the point in the machine where

work is performed on the material
o Cutting, Shaping, Boring or Forming Stock
 Power Transmission- All components of the mechanical
system which transmit energy to the part of the
machine performing the work.
o Flywheels, Pulleys, Belts, Couplings, Gears

 Other Moving Parts- All parts of the machine which

moves while the machine is working
o Reciprocating, Rotating, and transverse moving parts

Hazardous Mechanical Motion

 Rotating- smooth, slowly rotating shafts can grip clothing. Skin contact can
force an arm or hand into the dangerous position
 Reciprocating Motion- Back and forth motion or up and down motion.
Worker can be struck by or caught between a moving and a stationary
 Transverse Motion- movement in a straight continuous line Worker can be
struck by or caught in a pitch or shear points.

Requirements for Safeguards

 Prevent contact - prevent worker’s body or clothing from contacting hazardous

moving parts

 Secure - firmly secured to machine and not easily removed

 Protect from falling objects - ensure that no objects can fall into moving parts

 Create no new hazards - must not have shear points, jagged edges or unfinished

 Create no interference - must not prevent worker from performing the job quickly
and comfortably

 Allow safe lubrication - if possible, be able to lubricate the machine without

removing the safeguards

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Safeguard Design Should Include the Following:

 Conform or exceeded the requirements of OSHS (Rule 1200)

 It should be considered a permanent part of the machine or equipment
 Should be on the highest level of protection not only for the operator and
those who are performing lubrication, but also for those who pass by the
equipment/ machine.
 It should be convenient. Guards must not interfere with efficient operation
with the machine, causes discomfort to the operator, complicate light
maintenance and/ or cleaning the area around the machine.
 It should be designed for the specific job and specific machine.
 It should not in any way weaken the structure of the machine.
 Fire resistant and non- corrosive and is easy to repair.
 Should be strong enough to resist normal wear and durable enough to be
used for a long period of time with minimum maintenance.
 The safeguard should not be a source of another or additional hazard.
 Safeguards covering rotating parts should be interlocked with the
machine itself so that the machine cannot be operated unless the
safeguard is in place.
 Should not interfere with machine oiling, inspection, adjustment and repair
 Well constructed and practical
 It should give protection against operational contingencies and not
merely against normally expected hazards.


 Guards  Location/Distance
 Feeding & Ejecting Method

 Devices  Miscellaneous Aids

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Fixed Guard

Provides a barrier - a permanent part of

the machine, preferable to all other types of

Figure 6: Types Of Fix Guards

Interlocked Guard

When this type of guard is opened or

removed, the tripping mechanism and/or power
automatically shuts off or disengages, and the
machine cannot cycle or be started until the
guard is back in place.

Figure 7: Interlocked guard on revolving drum

Adjustable Guard

Provides a barrier which may be adjusted to

facilitate a variety of production operations.

Figure 8: Bandsaw blade adjustable


Self-Adjusting Guard

Provides a barrier which moves according to the size

of the stock entering the danger area.

Figure 8: Circular table saw self-

adjusting guard

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Pullback Device

1. Utilizes a series of cables attached to the operator’s hands, wrists, and/or


2. Primarily used on machines with stroking action

3. Allows access to the point of operation when the slide/ram is up

4. Withdraws hands when the slide/ram begins to descend

5. Hands in die, feeding

6. Point of operation exposed

7. Pullback device attached and properly adjusted

8. Die closed

9. Hands withdrawn from point of operation by pullback device

Figure 9: Left: Steps 1- 4 , Figure 10: Center: 5- 7 Figure 11: Right: 8 -9

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Restraint Device

• Uses cables or straps attached to the operator’s

hands and a fixed point

• Must be adjusted to let the operator’s hands travel

within a predetermined safe area

• Hand-feeding tools are often necessary if the

operation involves placing material into the danger Figure 12: Restraining Deviced is
attached to the worker’s hands
area. for safety purposes.

Safety Tripwire Cables

• Device located around the perimeter of or near the

danger area
• Operator must be able to reach the cable to stop the

Two-Hand Control
• Requires constant, concurrent pressure to activate the
• The operator’s hands are required to be at a safe location
Figure 13: Two-Hand
Control device (on control buttons) and at a safe distance from the
danger area while the machine completes its closing cycle

Presence Sensing
 Uses systems of light.
 Principle of operation: When the light beam
is broken, machine will not start to cycle or
stopping mechanism will be activated.

• Movable barrier device which protects the
operator at the point of operation before
the machine cycle can be started

Figure 14: Movable Barriers are also called as


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• If the gate does not fully close, machine will not function

Safeguarding by Location/Distance
• Locate the machine or its dangerous moving parts so
that they are not accessible or do not present a hazard
to a worker during normal operation
• Maintain a safe distance from the danger area

Figure 15: Dangerous parts are

hidden maintaining a safe distance
from the worker.

• Machines that load and unload stock,
assemble parts, transfer objects, or perform
other tasks
• Best used in high-production processes
requiring repeated routines where they Figure 16: Automatic Feed(shown on power
prevent other hazards to employees press)

Protective Shields
These do not give complete protection from machine hazards, but do
provide some protection from flying particles, splashing cutting oils, or coolants.

Holding Tools
• Used to place and remove stock in the danger area
• Not to be used instead of other machine safeguards, but as a supplement

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Figure 17: Different types of Holding Tools

Machine Safety Responsibilities

• Management
• ensure all machinery is properly guarded
• Supervisors
• train employees on specific guard rules in their areas
• ensure machine guards remain in place and are functional
• immediately correct machine guard deficiencies
• Employees
• do not remove guards unless machine is locked and tagged
• report machine guard problems to supervisors immediately
• do not operate equipment unless guards are in place

Operators should receive training on the following:
• Hazards associated with particular machines
• How the safeguards provide protection and the hazards for which they are
• How and why to use the safeguards
• How and when safeguards can be removed and by whom
• What to do if a safeguard is damaged, missing, or unable to provide adequate

A good rule to remember is: Any machine part,

function, or process which may cause injury must
be safeguarded

Types of Guarding
 Enclosure (cover) - these are barriers
between person and moving parts of a
machine. This step is the first priority of
machine guarding
Figure 18: Example of
Safeguarding Mechanism

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 Fencing (railing) - This prevents somebody from trespassing and coming to

restricted area.

Safeguarding Mechanisms
Rotating Mechanism. It is dangerous unless it is safeguarded. Mechanical power
transmission apparatus represents the large percentage of this type of hazardous
mechanism. Transmission should be safeguarded as effectively as possible.

Cutting or Shearing Mechanism. The hazards of cutting or shearing

mechanisms lies at the point where the work is being done and where the
movable parts of the machine approach or cross the fixed parts of the piece of

In running Nip Points. Whenever two or more parallel shafts

that are close together rotate in opposite directions, an in
running nip point is formed. Objects or parts of the body may
be drawn into this nip
point and be crushed
or mangled.

Screw or Worm
Mechanisms. The
hazards involved in this
operation are the
shearing action set up
between the moving
screw and the fixed
parts of the housing. Screw or worm mechanisms are
generally used for conveying, mixing, or grinding materials. Food mixers, meat grinders,
screw conveyors, dry material mixers and grinders are some examples of screw or worm

Forming or Bending Mechanisms (Power Press). Hand and finger injuries on these
presses are common and result in permanent partial disability. Factors that make the
problem difficult are variations in operations and operating conditions- in the size,
speed, and types of press.

Matching the Machine or equipment to the Operator

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 Workplace. Machines and equipments should be arranged so that the operator

does a minimum amount of lifting and traveling.
 The work height. The workstation should be of optimal height in relation to stand-
up or sit down methods of operation.
 Controls. Machine speed and ON and OFF controls should be readily accessible.
 Materials Handling Aids. These aids should be provided to minimize manual
handling of raw materials and in- process or finished parts, both to and from
 Operator Fatigue. Workers become fatigued at a machine station usually as a
result of combined physical and mental activities, not simply from expending
 Adequate lighting and other environmental consideration
 Excessive noise. It is more than just annoyance; excessive noise can be real
hazardous because it can cause permanent hearing damage.

Lock out Tag out Procedures

If a lock out tag out is to be set, the equipment must have a built- in locking devices. It
must be designed for the insertion of padlocks or have attachments on which locks can
be placed.

The lock out tag out can only be effective if the supervisor trains employees to
follow it and then watches constantly for deviations. The lock out tag out procedure is
very important when dealing with machines. Its simple tag can save lives.

Summary Key Points:

 Guarding, or machine guarding, is often thought of as being concerned only with
points of operation or with the means of power transmission.
 Poor machine guarding practices are one of the greatest contributors to workplace
 Rotating mechanisms, cutting or shearing mechanism, in-running nip point, screw or
worm mechanisms, power press are examples of safeguards mechanisms.
 Types of guarding are enclosure (cover) and
fencing (railing).

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Module 10 - Fire Safety

Fire is the result of the chemical combination of a combustible material (fuel)
with oxygen in the presence of enough heat. If any one of the three is missing, a fire will
not start. The relationship is called fire triangle. It is important that every worker, not only
supervisor, knows the main causes of fire, how fire spreads, how to fight fire, and how to
prevent fire.

Basic Chemistry of Fire

 Fuel. Or combustible materials. This includes

many substances such as natural gas
(methane), plastics, wood, natural and
artificial fibers, paper, coal and other living
matter. Inorganic substances are also
combustible, substances like hydrogen,
ammonium nitrate magnesium, phosphorus,
sodium and sulfur.
 Oxygen. Fire normally draws its fire through
the air, which is a mixture of 21 percent
oxygen and 78 percent nitrogen. 16% of
oxygen is needed to sustain fire.
 Heat. Sufficient heat to raise the temperature
of the fuel surface to a point where
chemical union of the fuel and oxygen
occurs. The temperature at which the
substance gives off these vapors or gases in
sufficient quantity to be ignited is called the
“flash point” of the substance.
 Chemical Reaction. Vapors of gases, which
are distilled during burning process of a material, are carried into the

Three methods of Heat Transfer

 Conduction. Is the transfer of thermal energy between neighboring

molecules in a substance due to a temperature gradient. It takes place in
solids, such as metals, timber, concrete and glass. Some solids, such as
metals, are better conductor of heat than woods, for example.

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 Convection. Is one of the major modes of heat transfer and mass transfer.
It takes place in fluids and gases cause by the convection currents.
 Radiation. Is electromagnetic radiation emitted from a material which is
due to the heat of the material, the characteristics of which depend on its
temperature. It is the process of heat transmission through air and gases. If
you are sitting close to a bonfire, he will feel the heat of the fire, even
though the surrounding is cold, this is an example of heat radiation.

Sources of Ignition

 Electrical equipment. Hot surfaces produced by defective electrical equipment

are a common source of ignition.
 Spontaneous Ignition. If some liquids are heated or sprayed to a very hot
surface, it may ignite spontaneously without a present ignition source.
 Spontaneous Combustion. Is a type of combustion which occurs without an
external ignition source. Combustion begins if a sufficiently strong oxidizer, such
as oxygen, is present.
 Smoking. In many workplaces, employees smoking, or other persons smoking in a
certain area, can be a source of fire.
 Friction. Sparks can be created by friction, for instance where the moving part of
a machine comes to contact with a fixed part, or two moving surfaces rub each
other or slide together during machine operation.
 Engines, Vehicle Emissions and Hot Surfaces. In vehicle maintenance, and
parking areas, diesel-petrol engine, vehicle emissions and hot surfaces like
exhaust systems can be a source of ignition.
 Open Flame Sources. Open flame in the workplace such as boilers, furnaces,
portable heating appliances, etc can be also a source of ignition.
 Lighting. In limited cases, lighting can be a source of ignition.

Products of Combustion
 Fire Gases. Are the vaporized products of combustion.
 Flame. Is the visible luminous body of a burning gas, which becomes hotter and
less luminous when it is mixed with increased amounts of oxygen.
 Heat. Is the process of energy transfer from one body or system due to thermal
 Smoke. The Visible product of incomplete combustion.

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Phases of Burning

 Incipient Phase or Beginning Phase

 Flame Producing or Free-Burning Phase
 Smoldering phase

INCIPIENT PHASE – or beginning of fire

• oxygen is plentiful
• Temp has not built to high peak
• Breathing not difficult
• Direct water application
• Ventilation: not a problem
• Little steam production

FREE BURNING PHASE – fire begins to deplete the room’s oxygen supply and
temperature greatly increased.
• Fire has involved more fuels
• Oxygen supply is being depleted
• Heat accumulates at ceiling
• SCBA is a must
• Ventilation: not a definite need
• Good steam production

SMOLDERING PHASE – after oxygen content of the air falls below 15%, the fire enters a
smoldering phase where flame may cease but dense smoke and heat completely fill
the room.
• Oxygen supply is below 15%
• Temp is very high
• Normal breathing not possible
• Backdraft hazard
• Fire extinguishment: indirect method
• Ventilation is a must


Fire Spread Control

 Starvation or Fuel Removal. There are three ways to achieve starvation:

 Take the fuel away from the fire
 Take the fire away from the fuel

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 Reduce the quantity or bulk of the fuel.

 Smothering or oxygen removal. Smothering can be achieved by:
 Allowing the fire to consume the oxygen while preventing the inward flow
of more oxygen
 Adding an inert gas to the burning mixture.

Oxygen levels can be reduced below the minimum (16%) percentage needed for
combustion by purging and rendering the atmosphere inert in closed containers or
processing systems.

 Cooling or heat source control. The most common means of fire. Water is the most
effective and cheapest medium for fighting a fire.

Classifications of Fire and Extinguishing Methods

 Class A or combustible materials such as solid materials, wood, cloth, paper,

and natural fibers. Water is used in cooling to reduce the temperature of
the burning material below its ignition temperature. It is the most effective
way of extinguishing the Class A fire.
 Class B fires involve Flammable liquids, greases and gases. Foam,
vaporizing liquids, carbon dioxide and dry powder can be used on Class B
fires. There may be some restrictions on the type of foam which can be
used because some foam breaks down on contact with alcohols.
 Class C fires involve energized electrical equipment. This class of fire can
be controlled by the use of non-conducting extinguishing agents. The
safest procedure is to always de-energize high voltage circuits and treat as
Class A or Class B fire depending on the fuel.
 Class D fires involve combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium,
zirconium, sodium and potassium. Water and other common extinguishing
agents are ineffective on this kind of fire because of its extremely high
temperature. There is no agent available that will effectively control fires in
all combustible metals. Special extinguishing agents are available for
control of fire in each of the metals and are marked specifically for that
 Class K fire or kitchen fire. Fires that involve
cooking oils or fats are designated "Class K" under
the US system, and "Class F" under the
European/Australasian systems. Though such fires
are technically a subclass of the flammable

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liquid/gas class, the special characteristics of these types of fires are considered
important enough to recognize separately.

Fire Extinguishers - Is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or

control small fires, often in emergency situations. This is the first line of defense. Fire
extinguishers are further divided into handheld and cart-mounted, also called wheeled
extinguishers. Handheld extinguishers weigh from 0.5 to 14 kilograms (1 to 30 pounds),
and are hence, easily portable by hand. Cart-mounted units typically weigh 23+
kilograms (50+ pounds). These wheeled models are most commonly found at
construction sites, airport runways, heliports, as well as docks and marinas.

Portable Fire-Fighting
These are appliances designed to ba carried and operated by hand. These contains
extinguishing medium which can be expelled by action of internal pressure and
directed on to a fire. The maximum mass of a portable extinguisher in working order is

 Water. These operate on the basis of cooling and reducing the

temperature within a fire, slowing down the rate of combustion
and preventing reignition from taking place. Water is the most
efficient form of extinguisher for use on Class A fires.
 Foam. Foam applied to a fire has a smothering effect, preventing
further air from reaching the combustion area or seat of the fire.
 Carbon dioxide. It produces a snow that is converted to gas in the
fire. This has the effect of slowing down the rate of combustion,
reducing the available oxygen through the smothering effect
 Dry Chemical. These incorporate a specific powder mixture that
interferes with the combustion process, reducing the combustion rate
until no further ignition and reignition of the fuel can take place. They
are designed for Class A and B fires.

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Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers

The Parts of the Fire Extinguisher

Summary Key Points:

 Fire is the result of the chemical combination of a combustible material
(fuel) with oxygen in the presence of enough heat.
 Fuel, Oxygen, Heat and chemical reaction
are the basic chemistry of fire.
 Classifications of fire are Class A or
combustible materials, Class B or Flammable
Liquids, Class C or energized electrical
equipments, Class D or combustible metals
and Class K or kitchen fire
 Fire Extinguishers are an active fire protection
device used to extinguish or control small fires,
often in emergency situations. This is the first
line of defense.
 P.A.S.S= Pull the pin, Aim at the fire, Squeeze
the handle, Sway the nozzle side by side.
 The purpose of fire alarm is to give an early
warning of fire in vicinity.

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Module 11 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

If a hazard is identified in a workplace, every effort
should be made to eliminate it so that all employees are
not harmed in anyway. One way of reducing or controlling
hazard is to isolate the process, which is engineering
control. The second is to control the hazard by
administrative control, like increased breaks, shifting, so on.
If the two controls of hazards cannot be done, the use of
Personal Protective Equipment or PPE is necessary.

PPE usage is considered the last resort. PPE can

provide added protection to the employee but will not
eliminate the hazard.

Limitations of PPE

 Only protects the person wearing the

equipment not others nearby
 Relies on people wearing the equipment at all
 Must be used properly
 Must be replaced when it no longer offers the
correct level of protection. This is required
when respiratory protection is used.
Benefits of PPE

 It gives immediate protection to allow a job to continue while engineering

controls are put in place
 In an emergency it can be the only practicable way of effecting rescue
or shutting down plant in hazardous atmospheres
 It can be used to carry out work in confined spaces where alternatives
are impracticable. But it should never be used to allow people to work in
dangerous atmospheres, which are, for example, enriched with oxygen or

Options for Control needs

 Risk Evaluation Role of Management
 Hazards Identification  Development of PPE program
 Choice of control options  Implementation
 Determination of control

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 Evaluation based on  Revision, refinement

guidelines, standards
Risk Evaluation  Standards
 Accurate measurement
 What particular job  Variations in concentration of
 Nature and degree of exposure contaminant
 Magnitude of exposure  Overall level of risk to the worker
 Increased level of exposure
 Length of exposure Management of PPE programs
 Frequency of exposure occurrence
 Related circumstances  Ultimate responsibility of a PPE
 Result of exposure Program rests at Management level
 Local or systemic effect  It should be supported by a written
 Short or long term effect procedure and controlled by a
 Reversibility or otherwise
responsible person.
 Acceptable level of exposure

Hazard Identification
 Agent
 Physical Characteristic
 Route of Entry
 Effect from exposure

Control Options selected should:

 Reduce individual exposure to an acceptable level

 Be acceptable to the potentially exposed workforce
 Be practicable in terms of engineering concepts

PPE Program is composed of the following elements:

1. Selection
 To be done by a suitably trained person with
adequate information of the task, hazards, personnel,
materials, etc.

2. Fitting
 When first issued, the user should also be trained to
check the fit whenever the equipment is used.
 Ensure an adequate fit under supervision

3. Health Aspects

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 Use of PPE can have an impact on an employee’s health (e.g. skin irritation,
heat stress)
 A number of medical conditions may make it difficult to use certain

4. Compatibility
 If more than one type of PPE is required to be worn simultaneously, then
the harmony of the individual items needs to be evaluated.
 The PPE also needs to be compatible with the task involved

5. Issue
 Provision should be made to control the issue of PPE to employees,
remembering that several types of equipment may be available.
 PPE should be issued on a personal basis to individual employees. Apart
from hygiene considerations, employees are then more willing to
accept responsibility for the care and maintenance of the equipment.
 A system requiring employees to sign for certain types of equipment is
recommended and can provide another check on the use of correct

6. Proper Use
 PPE is effective if worn properly for the appropriate task
 Use of PPE by Supervisor encourages employees & enforces PPE
program equipment that can provide complete protection, but which is
not properly used, may provide no protection at all
 Employees should be prevented from taking used PPE for domestic

7. Maintenance (Cleaning and Storage)

 Depending on type of equipment used, procedures need to be
established for its cleaning and maintenance when necessary
 Exempted here are single use (disposable) items
 Occasionally, during use, PPE may become contaminated with toxic
materials. Provision should be made to prevent contamination with
other areas of the workplace or employees engaged in cleaning or
maintenance activities.
 Respirators can be placed in suitably labeled containers until sent for

8. Disposal
 Used PPE can be contaminated with toxic agents and disposal
procedures need careful consideration. Depending on the
circumstances, equipment may need to be treated as toxic

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9. Information and Training

 Employees have to be given sufficient information and proper training
about the hazards associated with their jobs to enable them to work
safely with minimal risk to health.
 Employees who are fully aware of the hazards and the need for protection
will be more ready to accept such difficulties and use the equipment
 Supervisors should be alert to any changes in the requirements of the job and
any limitations placed on the employee by the. PPE, ensuring that
appropriate feedback is given to the Safety Advisers, Occupational Health
Personnel or Hygienist

10. Supervision
 A PPE program is unlikely to be successful unless the first line supervisory personnel
are knowledgeable and held accountable for effective use of PPE
 Supervisors must set an example by wearing PPE as appropriate and ensure its
use by others as required

11. Reviews
 Periodic evaluation to confirm that the agreed procedures
are appropriate and being followed:
 Formal audit carried out by a third party with specialist

12. Checklist
 to ensure use of properly fitted, effective PPE for specific
 It must be remembered that PPE is the last line of defense,
hence, its effectiveness may be crucial to the health of the


Controlling Hazards
To develop an effective PPE program, the supervisor should:

 Be familiar with required standards and requirements of

government regulations
 Be able to identify hazards
 Be familiar with the safety equipment on the market to
protect specific hazards
 Know the company procedures for maintaining the
 Develop an effective method for convincing
employees to dress safety and wear the proper

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protective equipment
 Review all material safety data sheets (MSDS) that require personal protective
equipment for protection against hazardous chemicals and materials
 Consider establishing an industrial hygiene evaluation procedure to determine
whether PPE is needed to meet MSDS requirement.

PPE and their Classifications

 Head Protection
 Face Protection
o Helmets
o Shields and Goggles
o Hoods

 Eye Protection
o Contact Lenses
o Goggles

 Ear Protection
o Earplug
o Muff Devices

 Respiratory Protection
o Air Purifying Device
o Mechanical Filter Respirator
o Chemical Cartridge Respirators
o Gas Masks
o Hose Masks
o Air Supplied Respirators
o Abrasive Blasting Helmets
o Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

 Arms, Hands, Fingers

o Heat Resistant Gloves- used to protect against burns and
discomfort when the hands are exposed to sustained
conductive heat.
o Metal Mesh Gloves- used by those who work constantly
with knives to protect against cuts and blows from sharp pr
rough object.
o Rubber Gloves- Worn by electricians
o Rubber, Neoprene and Vinyl Gloves- are used when
handling chemicals and corrosive.
o Leather Gloves- are able to resist sparks, moderate heat,
chips and rough objects.
o Chrome Tamed Cowhide Leather Gloves- used in foundries
and steel mills.
o Cotton Fabric Gloves- are suitable for protection against
dirt, silvers, chafing or abrasion.

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o Heated Gloves- are designed for use in cold environments such as deep
freezers and can be part of a heated-clothing system

 Feet, Legs
o Metal Free shoes, boots and other footwear- are available
for use where there are specific electrical hazards or fire
explosion hazards
o Congress or gaiter-type shoes- are used to protect people
from splashes of molten metal or from welding sparks.
o Reinforced or inner soles of flexible metal- are built into
shoes worn in areas where there are hazards from
protruding nails and when the likelihood of contact with
energized electrical equipment is remote, as in the
construction industry
o For wet work- leather shoes with wood soles or wood soled
sandals are effective
o Safety Shoes with Metatarsal Guards
o Leg Protection- Encircle the leg from ankle to knee and
have a flap at the bottom to protect the instep and the
entire leg.

2 Types of Head Protection

Hard hat

Provides protection from impact and penetration caused by objects

hitting the head, and from limited electrical shock or burns.

Bump Cap

Provides protection from minor bumps, bruises and lacerations in work

settings where hard hat protection is not required.

How Hard Hat Protect You

Shell - resists and deflects blows to the head

Suspension - acts as a shock absorber

Non-Conducting Material - serve as an insulator

against electrical shocks

Major parts of a HARD HAT

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- provides a barrier between the head and the blow


- a strap assembly that acts as a shock absorber against the force of a blow (normally
one inch)


- protects the face from blows, splashes, spills, dirt, rain or the sun

Hard Hat Shell

1. Class E (Electrical)
-tested at 20,000 volts
2. Class G (General)
-tested at 2,200 volts
3. Class C (Conductive)
-no protection from electrical conductors

Hard Hat Suspension

4-point suspension 6-point suspension

Types of Eye & Face Protection

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 Intended to shield the wearer’s eyes from a variety of hazards.


 Intended to fit the face immediately surrounding the

 Aside from impact/flying particles, it also protects the
worker from liquid droplets, gases & vapors.


 Face shield is used when the entire face area

needs protection. Worn over goggles for extra

Types of Hearing Protectors:

1. Earplugs

a. Foam Type (Disposable)

b. Formable (Reusable)

c. Semi-Aural

Figure 18: The proper and improper

use of hearing protectors

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2. Earmuffs

a. Head Band

b. Neck band

c. Hard Hat Mounted


Two Types of Respirators

For Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere

Supplied Air Respirator (SAR) - Provides fresh air from a remote source to the breathing

For Contaminated Air

Air Purifying Respirator (APR) - Removes contaminates before reaching breathing zone,
either trap particulates or neutralize or absorb gases and vapors

I. Disposable Type

A. Foam Type

B. Polypropylene

II. Cartridge Type

A. Quarter Mask



B. Half Mask

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C. Full Face Mask

Summary Key Points:

 PPE usage is considered the last resort.

 PPE can provide added protection to the

employee but will not eliminate the hazard.

 Limitations of PPE: Only protects the person

wearing the equipment not others nearby. Relies
on people wearing the equipment at all times.
Must be used properly. Must be replaced when it
no longer offers the correct level of protection. This
is required when respiratory protection is used.

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Module 12 - Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

Job hazard analysis is one of the safety management tools that can be used
to define and control the hazards associated with a certain process, job or procedure.
Job Hazard Analysis is a term used interchangeably with Job Safety Analysis and Risk
Assessment. The purpose of a JHA is to ensure that the risk of each step of a task is
reduced to ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable).

Some type of risk analysis should be performed before

every job. Some tasks are routine and the hazards and
controls well understood. For routine tasks consider using
a Standard Operating Procedure, a set of standing orders
that control the known hazards. For tasks that are
complex, unusual, difficult, require the interaction of
many people or systems or involve new tools or methods,
a JHA should be performed.

JHA should be created by the work group performing the

task. Sometimes it is expedient to review a JHA that has
been prepared when the same task has been performed
before but the work group must take special care to
review all of the steps thoroughly to ensure that they are controlling all of the hazards
for this job this time. The JHA is usually completed on a form.

Uses of JHA:
 Create/ Improve SOP’s
 Guide in observing employee performance
 Accident investigation
 Safety inspection
Establishing priorities are based on the following criteria:
 High frequency of accidents or near- misses
 History of serious accidents or fatalities
 Potential for serious harm
 New jobs
 Changes in procedures and standards
Selecting a JHA team:
 Involving others in the process reduces the possibility or overlooking an individual
job step or potential hazard

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 It increases the likelihood of identifying the most appropriate measures of

eliminating or controlling the hazards.

An effective JHA team usually includes:

o The supervisor
o The employee most familiar with how the job is done and its related
o Other employees who perform the job
o Experts or specialist when necessary, such as safety officer, maintenance
personnel, occupational hygienist, ergonomists, or design engineers.

Sample of JHA:

Step Hazard Control

(1) Prepare Surface Hand Arm Wear thick gloves
Using Electric Wire Vibration
Brush Syndrome Use vibrating tool no more than 20
minutes at a time and for no more than 2
hours a shift
Paint dust possibly Wear a P3 organic vapor mask when
containing lead disturbing old paint. Wear disposable
coveralls. Wash hands thoroughly before
eating or smoking. Thorough housekeeping.
Slips trips and falls Route all electrical cables sensibly to keep
walkways and stairs free of hazards.
Sunburn Wear broad brim and SPF 40+ sun block.
(2) Paint Handrails Damage to Use drop sheets
adjacent surfaces
from thinners and
Exposure to fumes If poorly ventilated, use P3 organic vapor
from thinners mask
Paint in eyes Wear safety goggles when working above
shoulder height, safety glasses at other
Fire Keep containers of thinners and flammable
solvents closed properly and stored in a
cool place away from sources of sparks
(3) Housekeeping Slip and trip Remove waste to bin, tools to store, ensure
hazards barriers and signs are in place to denote
wet paint.

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Accidents can occur when:

 Work is  Workers use  Work Under

performed hazardous materials hazardous
incorrectly conditions

JHA Procedure

 List/ enumerate basic job steps necessary to perform the job from start to
 Identify every existing or potential hazards associated with each job step.
 Develop recommendations for ways to eliminate, or control each hazard
Note: it is best to complete JHA forms one column at a time.

1. Identifying Basic Job Steps

The purpose of JHA is to identify hazards associated with a job and to

make recommendations for ways to eliminate or control these hazards.
Describing job steps in terms of what they are supposed to accomplish provides
maximum opportunity to explore alternative ways of performing the job in a
safer, healthier manner.

Most common errors:

 Describing the job in too much detail

 Describing the job in too little detail


 List as steps only those tasks that would be described to someone

being trained to perform the job.

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2. Determine the Hazards

Identify all of the existing or potential actions or conditions that

could lead to an injury or illness, or harm to the environment. To make sure
that each step is examined thoroughly, consider the following:

 Hazard guide:
o The physical actions required for that specific step
o The materials used
o The equipments used
o The conditions under which the step is normally performed.
 Physical action: o Position (distance)
o Force (weight)  Materials
o Frequency o Chemicals
(repetition) o Corrosive
o Posture o Flammable
(Prolonged) o Volatile
 Equipment
o Mechanical hazard
o Electrical hazard
 Conditions
o Noisy environment
o Temperatures extremes
o Vibration present
o Poor or high Illumination
o Pressure (atmospheric force)
o Prolonged hours

3. Recommending Corrective Measures:

 Should be developed at the job site whenever possible
 Should be developed in sequence, beginning with the first hazard
 Must be specific
Correcting the hazards

 Administrative control
 Engineering control

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 Physical action
o Modifying/Rearranging/Combining actions
o Change the process
o Training
o Use of PPE
 Material
o Substitution of materials
o Machine guarding or Safe guarding
o Limit employee exposure
o Use of PPE
 Equipment
o Installation of machine
o Use of automatic safeguard devices
o Replacement of a particular piece of equipment
o Training, experience, skills
o Use of PPE should also be considered
 Work Area Condition
o Relocation (isolation by place)
o Rescheduling (isolation by time)
o Redesign of the work area

Uses of a Job Hazard Analysis

1. Develop / improve SOP’s - To constantly improve / develop written procedures to perform

the job in the safest & healthiest way possible.

2. Employee Training
 Ensuring that each job step is performed safely & efficiently
 To point out particular job steps / hazards that requires special precautions.
 Refresher training (infrequent jobs)
 Increase awareness on hazards

3. Employee Observations
 Guide in employee performance observations
 Allows supervisors to focus on especially hazardous steps
 Ensures employee is performing steps according to SOP

4. Inspections - When developing inspection checklists, supervisors can use JHA’s to help
identify hazardous conditions that may need to be included.

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5. Accident Investigations
 To determine if the job was being performed incorrectly
 To tell if a hazard was overlooked in the initial analysis.

Summary Key Points:

 Job hazard analysis (JHA) is one of the safety management tools that can be used to
define and control the hazards associated with a certain process, job or procedure.
 Should be created by the work group performing the task. Sometimes it is expedient to
review a JHA that has been prepared when the same task has been performed before
but the work group must take special care to review all of the steps thoroughly to
ensure that they are controlling all of the hazards for this job this time.
 JHA increases the likelihood of identifying the most appropriate measures of eliminating
or controlling the hazards.
 To make sure that each step is examined
thoroughly, consider the following: Physical actions,
materials and equipments used, and the working
 Uses of a Job Hazard Analysis: Develop/ Implement
SOP’s, Employee Training, Employee Observations,
Inspections, and Accident Investigations

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Module 13 - Emergency Preparedness

The potential for emergencies and disasters to happen at all plant facilities, even
at home can be devastating in terms of casualties, business interruptions, loss of capital
investments, etc. These events cannot be avoided but the management can reduce
their frequency of occurrence and severity of damage when effective preparation and
planning is done. No matter how committed an industrial company may be in terms of
occupational safety and health program implementation, the probability of an
emergency may arise at the least expected times. This module will help employees to
make decisions and take appropriate actions to keep a victim alive, keep injuries
becoming worse and how prepare in case of an emergency.

Emergency is a sudden, unexpected event demanding an immediate action.

However, a disaster is an extremely serious state of emergency where the possibility of
loss of life, severe injury or extensive damage to property exists. A disaster may or may
not be preceded by a state of emergency. Emergency planning involves the
development of a specific plan that details action/s to be taken by trained personnel
during an emergency in an effort to efficiently control it and minimize its negative


Sudden, calamitous event bringing wide spread damage or suffering, loss or

destruction and great misfortune, often arriving without forewarning.

Design plans

Will provide established procedures and guidelines for the management and staff to
follow in the event of disaster.

 Communications
 General Emergencies
 Evacuation Procedures
 Natural Emergencies
 Man-made Emergencies
 Consideration for Emergencies
 Disaster Recovery

Response Plan Provide Guidelines

 Protect lives and properties
 Improve preparedness in the event of an emergency or disaster

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 Provide for orderly and efficient transition from normal to emergency operation
 Reduce losses associated with emergencies through improved enterprise resources
 Assign emergency authority
 Assign emergency responsibility
 Improve safety awareness, emergency and disaster readiness

Application of this plan

Man Made Emergencies

 Hazardous material
 Transportation accident
 Terrorism
 Sabotage
 Kidnapping
 Fire

Natural Emergencies

 Typhoons
 Flood
 Earthquake

A. Communication

External Internal

- Telephone - two way radio - personal contact

- Cellphones - warning system - megaphone

B. General Emergency Plan

1. Warning from Outside Agencies

Warning of a severe weather, typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions or other
emergencies which can be foretold by gov’t.

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2. Warning from Within

It is the responsibility of the Building Captain, head of Communications &
Security in the ERT organization to notify all personnel and visitors when it is
necessary to evacuate the facility/building or go directly to PAP.

3. PAP (Personnel/Pre-designated Assembly Point)

Personnel and visitors will immediately proceed to this area.

4. Education and Training

A. Personal and Personnel Survival.
B. Drills
Fire drills shall be held at least annually or more often if
deemed necessary.
Familiarity with evacuation routes/plans
Drills shall be held at both opportune and inopportune times
to cover almost any situation.
5.Special Duties
 Each head of department shall take notice of their personnel’s
attendance when each drill is conducted.
 Upon arrival at the pre- designated assembly point, the
department head shall count their personnel to assure that all are
 The evacuation plan provides for checking of restrooms, vacant
rooms, specialty rooms and elevator to ensure that all persons are
aware and are heeding the warning.
 Each employee is assigned during his/her shift certain task to
conduct closing doors, windows, and turning off lights in a disaster.
 ERT member from maintenance personnel shall shut off electricity
in an emergency and report for further assignment.
6. Employees

 Don’t take time to get belongings when the alarm is sounded.

 Certain employees will be designated by Area Marshall to be
responsible for closing windows, doors, turning off the lights and
equipment and
other duties.

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 Employees will proceed to the nearest exit and evacuate the

building in an orderly fashion to the designated area.

1. Employee seated near windows shall secure that the windows are close.
2. Any employee next to a restroom or vacant room shall check that room and, if
anyone is there, instruct that person(s) to proceed to the PAP.
3. Employees are not to take anything with them unless ordered by the Area
Marshall for important documents or in case of fire.
4. Employee closest to the doors/stairways will leave first; then the last person out of
the room will close the door.
5. Employees should move quickly and safely as possible without creating more
hazards than already encountered.
6. Keep calm and listen for information or instructions.
7. If primary exits are blocked, for any reason, then go to an alternative exit.
8. Department heads should account for all his/her personnel.
9. If a fire is in the corridor just outside the room or close enough to the exit route,
then close the door block all gaps around the door until a move can be

Delegation of Duties.
1. Floor warden
2. Building Captain
3. Head-count and reporting
4. Exit guards
5. Fire Extinguisher Squad
6. Hose and Nozzle Team
7. First Aiders
8. Search & Rescue Team

D. Considerations for Emergency Operations

I. Direction and Control.
Use of Emergency Response Team for emergency operation. To facilitate
policy making, coordination and control of operating force in a large
scale situation.

 Indicate in-charge of each emergency

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 Determine when to issue order to evacuate the facility

 Identify individual responsibility for issuing evacuation orders and how it
will be announced.
 Chain of command to assure continuous leadership, authority and
responsibility in key positions.
 Assignment of operational and administrative support for emergency

II. Emergency Information

-defining responsibility of the department and describing activation
-assignment of responsibility to assure employees understands the warning
signals, receive instruction, know and what to do in case of emergency
-include emergency response activities on the agenda of regular supervisors
-designation of information office as official point of contact during an
-timely forecast of all hazards that require emergency preparedness or response

III. Facility Shutdown

-defines and assigns responsibilities for the protection of company property and
classified material before employee leave work stations.

 Indicate under what conditions shutdown must
 occurred to be considered
 Identify authority to shutdown
 Complete checklist for shutdown
 Diagrams to show where to turn everything off

IV. Communication.
-Establishing, using, maintaining and providing back up for all channels of
communications needed for emergency response and recovery.

o Primary and back up communication with generator or extra batteries.

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o Two way response radio communication between Bldg. Captain and

Group Leader of emergency response forces.
o Key telephone numbers for industry emergency assistance organization.

V. Emergency Services.
-plot plan of utility shut off, water hydrant mains, and building plan.
-traffic and security control.
-fire equipment storage
-damage assessment reports
-obtaining emergency medical support during emergency
-adequate water supply for drinking, firefighting and sanitation
A well-organized emergency procedure takes account of four stages:

 Preliminary action- the most important part of the emergency procedure

o The preparation of a plan tailored to meet the specific requirements of
the site, products and surroundings
o Briefing of employees on details of the plan, including the position of
essential equipment
o The training of personnel involved and appointment of competent
persons for certain actions.
o The implementation of a program of inspections of potentially hazardous
areas, testing of warning systems and specification of evacuation
o Specifying the date at which the plan will be re-examined and updated.
 Action when emergency is imminent- when there is evidence that an
emergency is imminent, this stage will feature procedures for assembly of key
personnel, advance warning to external authorities and testing of systems
connected with the emergency scheme.
 Action during the emergency-there may however, be unexpected variations in
a predicted emergency. Decision- making personnel, selected beforehand for
this purpose, will need to make precise and rapid judgments to ensure that
appropriate action follows the decisions made.
 Ending Emergency- there must be a procedure for declaring plant, systems and
specific areas safe, together with the reoccupation of premises where possible.

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The emergency plan should possess the following provisions:

1. The purpose of the emergency plan is to provide guidance on the following:

a. A site emergency response organization’s structure and responsibilities
b. Develop a sample emergency scenarios and their consequences
c. Establish emergency control resources (human, equipment, training,

2. Make sure that the emergency plan is up-to-date

3. The emergency telephone numbers must be provided, including the senior

personnel or people that must be notified in case of emergency

EMERGENCY is a sudden, unexpected event demanding an immediate action.

General Procedures In Response To Different Types Of Emergencies.

FIRST AID – is the immediate care given to a victim who has been injured or
suddenly taken ill.


1. Serves as the bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician.
2. He is not to compete with nor take the place of the physician.
3. He will assist the physician when he arrives.


1. To alleviate suffering of the victim.

2. To prevent added injury to the victim and to prevent further harm.
3. To prolong the life of the victim.


1. Survey the scene.

2. Do the primary survey of the victim.
3. Activate medical assistance or transfer facility.
4. Do the secondary survey of the victim

SHOCK is a depressed condition of many body functions due to failure of enough blood
to circulate throughout the body following a serious injury.

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1. To improve circulation of the blood.

2. To ensure adequate supply of oxygen.
3. To maintain normal body temperature.

WOUND is a break in the continuity in the body either internal or external.

FIRST AID for closed wounds:

I – Ice application provided to the affected portion of the body.
C – Compression over the affected portion.
E – Elevate affected portion above the heart to reduce swelling.
S – Split or immobilize

FIRST AID for open wounds:

C – Control bleeding
C – Cover wound with dressing
C – Care for shock
C – Consult or refer to physician

EARTHQUAKE - What to do:

 Act quickly! Protect your body from falling debris by getting under a sturdy desk,
table or doorway

 Keep away from glass windows and free standing furniture.

 When outside, stay away from tall buildings, move to an open field.
 At the end of initial shock, evacuate building when given clearance by the Chief
 Go to the assembly area assigned near your position.

FIRE EMERGENCY – If you discover a fire:

 Activate fire alarm (break glass)
 Call for help, dial your hot line number
 Try to extinguish fire if knowledgeable to do so.
 Do not take any personal risks.
 Follow instructions of evacuation team guide.

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 Proceed to the assembly area.

 On hearing the alarm signal, gather vital personal effects and go for the nearest
exit near you.
 Go to the assembly area at the open field assigned near your present location
 If you are away from normal work floor, obey instructions from that floor.
 Do not attempt to return to your own floor
 Security will take any other action.

 If a bomb or suspicious object is discovered – do not touch it, clear the area
 Notify security office
 Prevent other personnel from going into the area
 Security will take any other action required


 Attract the attention of another staff member to ring your local hotline
 Record details of threat as per procedure given: do not hang up your phone
 Try to record exact words; keep the caller TALKING (try to obtain as much
information as possible)
 Security will take further action required

 When is the bomb going to explode?
 Where is it right now?
 What does it look like?
 What kind of bomb is it?
 What will cause the bomb to explode?
 Who place the bomb?
 Why?
 Where are you?
 What is your name?

 Most Senior Security Officer on-duty shall respond when an emergency arising
from fire, earthquake and explosions occurs upon notice given by the Chief
 The compound shall be cordoned to prevent unauthorized person’s entry
 Security Officers shall supervise crowd control to prevent employees and looters
around the affected area.
 Follow the safe and orderly evacuations of employees to the assembly area.

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Module 14 - Safety Inspection

An inspection is, most generally, an organized
examination or formal evaluation exercise. It involves
the measurements, tests, and gauges applied to certain
characteristics in regard to an object or activity. A
safety inspection is defined as a monitoring function
conducted to locate existing and potential hazards that
may cause accidents in the workplace.

Safety inspection should be part of every phase of production and a regular

element of the standard operating procedure. When a safety inspection has become
part of a supervisor’s routine, the safety responsibilities of each department will then be
integrated to improve the whole company.

It is recommended that formal inspection must be done at least once a month,

using a checklist. However, in some areas, frequent safety inspections should be done.

Objectives and Purposes

 To maintain a safe work environment through

hazards recognition and removal
 To ensure that people are following proper safety
procedures while working
 To determine which operations meet or exceed
acceptable safety and government standards
 To maintain product quality and operational

A safety Inspection Program should answer the following


 What items need to be inspected?

 What aspects of each item need to be examined?
 What conditions need to be inspected?
 How often must items be inspected?
 Who will conduct the inspection?

Types of inspections

 Continuous or On- Going Inspections

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oThis process is done by supervisors, employees and maintenance

personnel as part of their job responsibilities. This sometimes called informal
because it does not have a schedule, plan or a checklist.
 Planned inspection at intervals
o These inspections can be the foundation of a strong loss control program.
This process is what most people call as “real” safety and health
inspection. It is deliberate, thorough and systematic by design.

Three Types of Planned Inspection Intervals

 Periodic inspection- includes those inspections scheduled at

regular intervals. It can be made weekly, monthly, semi- annually or
at other intervals.
 Intermittent Inspection- is those made at regular intervals and they
are performed unannounced.
 General Inspections- are planned and covers places not inspected


A checklist is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for
potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consistency and
completeness in carrying out a task. A basic example is the "to do list." A more
advanced checklist would be a schedule, which lays out tasks to be done according
to time of day or other factors.

How to create checklists

1. Enumerate every potential hazard within the category that you know exists in our
work area
2. Check the written source you have available to add any hazards that you did
not think of.
3. Examine the work area itself to see if you overlooked any conditions that needed
to be checked, and note the specific location of the hazards already listed.
4. Have your employees review your list to make sure you have included all the
hazards and indentified the locations of each one.

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Checklists should have the following items:

 Hazardous locations, work processes, and machineries

 Grounds
 Loading and Shipping Platforms
 Outside Structures
 Floors
 Stairways
 Housekeeping
 Others- fire hazards, poor electrical installations,
damaged chains, etc.

Samples of written records:

 Previous inspection reports

 Maintenance of records
 Accident investigation reports
 Work environment monitoring

Tips for Scheduling Inspection

 Determine how much time is required for each type of inspection

 Inspect as often as possible
 Make sure each inspection is thorough so it will not be a waste of time
 If no hazardous conditions are found, do not decrease the frequency of
 Stick to the schedule

Safety Observation Plan

There are several factors necessary for effective

safety observation. These are:

 Know what to look for.

 Practice observing.
 Keep an open mind.

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 Do not be satisfied with general impressions

 Guard against habit and familiarity
 Record observations systematically
 Prepare a checklist.

Communicating the results

It is important to discuss the result of the inspections

with the employees. If poor work practices and bad habits
have developed, employees must be advised of the
observations immediately and explain the correct ways on
how the work is to be done. Many supervisors forget to
mention the positive actions and practices that take place in
their department. It is important to encourage people to
follow good work practices.

Summary Key Points:

 A safety inspection is defined as a monitoring function conducted to locate
existing and potential hazards that may cause accidents in the workplace.

 Safety inspection should be part of every phase of production and a regular

element of the standard operating procedure.

 A checklist is a type of informational job aid used to

reduce failure by compensating for potential limits
of human memory and attention.

 It is important to encourage people to follow good

work practices.

 It is important to discuss the result of the inspections

with the employees

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Module 15 - Accident Investigation

Accident investigation is a necessary and effective technique for preventing recurring
or future accidents. Thorough accident investigation can point out the problem areas
within the organization. Investigations are conducted to prevent recurrence, comply
with policies and regulatory requirements, improve supervisor’s management
approach, and maintain employee awareness-HSE. Accident investigation must be
fact-finding not faultfinding. This means that investigation itself should be concerned
only with facts. All accidents are incidents and should be investigated. The supervisor is
the person who most often investigates accident and makes out reports. Supervisors are
more familiar with the people involved; they have better understanding of the
operations and equipment, and have personal interest in investigations. LTI, NON-LTI,
Property Damage, Near Misses that did not happened and could happen need to be

Accident Investigations are done to…

 prevent recurrence
 comply with policies and regulatory requirements
 improve supervisor’s management approach
 maintain employee awareness

Accident Investigations should immediately be investigated because…

 Operations are disrupted

 Memories fade
 Employees are at risk
 May be considered in the supervisor’s
performance review
 Required by the law in some cases
 Upper management uses them to judge the
quality of the investigation work
 They are often used in the system for
managing the follow-up of the remedial

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Method of Investigation

Secure the Accident Site. It is essential to secure the accident site

for the duration of the investigation. In some cases, it may be necessary
to barricade or isolate the accident area to warn people about the
accident. Nothing should be removed from the site to preserve the
evidence and not contaminate other passersby.

Step One: Gathering Information (Preliminary Facts)

Sources of information:

 Witnesses

 Physical Evidences

 Existing records

Collect facts/ Data Gathering. Start the investigation as soon as the accident has
taken place to preserve evidences like chemicals that are easy to evaporate and to
prevent physical and chemical changes. Time is of the essence during investigation.

Look for…

 Nature, Place, Date, Time

 Personnel involved

 Property damages

 Environmental harm

Existing Records

 Employee records

 Equipment records

 Job or task records

 Previous accident investigation reports.

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a. Collect physical evidence and store them. Preserving this evidence in

the accident scene makes the investigative process much less

b. Take photographs to record the actual condition of the accident site.

The camera is a useful tool for studying the accident site to prevent

c. Make sketches and drawings. Objects involved in the accident must

be identified and measured to show the proper perspective.
Measurements are vital to accident investigations.

Identify the Witnesses. Witnesses are important source of information. Ask

them to identify and document the names of the persons involved, the time
of accident so that all information are recorded.

Witnesses should be interviewed one at a time and ASAP. For their

memories fade and minimize the possibility for the witness to
subconsciously adjust, edit, or alter the story.

Whenever possible, interviews should be conducted inside the accident

site. If there is more than one witness, they should be interviewed one at a
time and away from other witnesses to imitate the thoughts of other

Some witnesses could be the…

 Victim
 Onlookers
 Those who heard what happened
 Saw the area prior to the accident
 Others with info about involved
individuals, equipment or

Step Two: Analyze the Facts

After the evidences have been collected, witnesses have been interviewed,
photographs have been taking, and it is now time to analyze the facts that have been

 Why-Why Analysis

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 Cause and Effect Diagram

 Fault Tree. Make a fault tree diagram to show where the accident taken
place, the persons involved, the kind of accident that happened and the
persons in charge of that place.

Step Three: Recommending Corrective Actions

 Engineering Control. Note what engineering control should be done to
prevent the recurrence of possible similar accidents.
 Administrative Control. If the employee did some unsafe acts or did the
job wrong, make sure to have reorientation to check his knowledge about
the job his doing.
 PPE. If PPE is needed, the employer should provide a PPE to protect
people from hazards.

Kinds of Reports and Records Used

Accident reports are essential to an efficient and successful safety programs. It

has necessary information to control the conditions and acts that contribute to
accidents. Keeping records also helps the supervisor or the top management evaluate
if the employee has been violating safety rules again and again.

1. The First Aid Report. The first aider or nurse fills out the first aid report for each
new case. Copies of the report are sent to the safety departments or where
the management may wish.

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2. Supervisor’s Accident Report. Supervisors should make a detailed report

about each accident, even near misses and small accidents. Accident
investigation report should be completed as soon as possible.

3. Monthly Accident Statistics Report. The monthly accident statistics reports

allow the tabulation of cumulative totals and the computation of frequency
and severity rates. With it the management can determine if the goals on
safety are attainable or not.

NOTE: Refer to DOLE/BWC/OSH/IP-6, otherwise known as the “Employees Work

Accident/ Illness Report” form on you OSH Standards.

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Summary Key Points

 Accident investigation is a necessary and effective technique for
preventing recurring or future accidents.

 The supervisor is the person who most often investigates accident and
makes out reports.

 The sources of information are the witnesses, the physical evidences and
the existing records.

 Witnesses are important source of


 Analyze the facts: Why-Why, Cause &

Effect, Fault tree

 Recommend Corrective Action:

engineering, Admin, PPE.


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Module 16 - Roles of Supervisor in Safety

A supervisor, foreman, team leader, overseer, cell
coach, facilitator, or area coordinator is a manager in
business. A supervisor is first and foremost an overseer whose
main responsibility is to ensure that a group of subordinates
get out the assigned amount of production, when they are
supposed to do it and within acceptable levels of quality,
costs and safety. The supervisor is management on the front
line. They directly influence the quality and quantity of goods
and services produced.

Managers or supervisors have a direct bearing on health and safety since they
have control and can give instruction. They are also the focal point of a lot of
employee attention and the manner of their behavior and the way they view on safety
and health greatly affects the employees’ attitudes.

Supervisors can influence safety performance by:

 Setting policies that requires high safety performance.

 Providing resources, handouts, and materials to achieve those policies.
 Demonstrating the commitment to safety by:
o Personal involvement in health and safety matters
o Encouraging employees to approach high standards on safety
o Giving health and safety equal consideration with everyone in the
o Being knowledgeable in health and safety issues.

Safety Responsibility of Line Supervisors

The largest share of responsibility in the

substantial reduction of accidents and injuries on the
job falls on the shoulders of the supervisors, not
because it has been arbitrarily assigned to him, but
because accident prevention and production control
are closely associated to supervisory functions.
Whether or not a company has a safety program, the
supervisor has these principal responsibilities:

 Establish work methods

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 Giving job instructions

 Assigning people to jobs
 Supervising people at work
 Maintaining the equipment and the workplace.
 Instill safety consciousness
 Proper safety equipment
 Education and training program

Summary Key Points:

 The supervisor is management on the front line.
 The Supervisor’s behavior and the way he view
on safety and health greatly affects the
employees’ attitudes.
 The largest share of responsibility in the
substantial reduction of accidents and injuries
on the job falls on the shoulders of the


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