ScE7.2.3 Booklet 2019 - ANSWERS

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Science Grade 7 Name : ___________________________ HR : _____

ScE7.2.3 : Heat Transfers - ANSWERS

1. Three Modes of Heat Transfer
a) Conduction, Convection, Radiation
b) Convection Currents
c) Lab 6-1D Absorption of Radiation

2. Conductors and Insulators

Heat Convection Heat insulator
Heat conductor Radiation Heat transfer
Conduction Convection current

1. Heat : the type of energy that moves from hot things to cold things.

2. Heat transfer : when heat moves from one place to another

3. Conduction : a kind of heat transfer in solids, where heat is passed by collisions between
molecules that are not free to move around.

4. Convection : a kind of heat transfer in liquids and gases, where the heat is carried by a flow
of molecules moving through.

5. Radiation : a kind of heat transfer without direct contact, by heat rays travelling through
empty space or transparent substances.

6. Convection current : a circulation current that happens when a hotter liquid or gas floats
up because it is less dense, while the cooler liquid or gas sinks because
it is denser.

7. Heat conductor : a substance through which heat moves easily.

8. Heat insulator : a substance that does not allow heat to pass easily.

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.1

Heat Transfers
9. Define heat transfer: when heat moves from one place to another

Name the three modes of heat transfer :

Conduction, convection, radiation.

Complete the table :

Conduction Convection Radiation

heat transfer
heat transfer in heat transfer in
without direct
solids, where heat is liquids and gases,
contact, by heat
passed by collisions where the heat is
Definition rays travelling
between molecules carried by a flow of
through empty space
that are not free to molecules moving
or transparent
move around through

Molecules stay in
Molecules circulate
place but vibrate
through the
What are the faster and collide, Does not involve
substance, carrying
molecules doing? passing on heat molecules
the heat energy
energy from one to
the next.

Which states of
Mostly solids Liquids and gases No matter required
matter do this?

Heat from hot soup Heat from the sun

Water heating on
Examples moving through a warming the earth
metal spoon

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.2

Application Exercise
Classify the examples of heat transfer, according to which type (conduction,
convection, radiation).

Description Classification

The hot water flows up and the

cold water flows down.

Stir-frying veggies Conduction

Wind currents Convection

Using a microwave Radiation

The warm glow from a campfire Radiation

The heat from a lightbulb Radiation

Using cold water to cool a hot pan Convection/conduction

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.3

The basement is cooler, the attic
is warmer.

Frying an egg Conduction

Steaming veggies Convection

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.4

Convection Currents
Explain what is a convection current :

When a liquid or gas is heated unevenly, the warmer gas/liquid expands and
becomes less dense, so it floats up. The part of the gas/liquid that is cooler is
denser, so it sinks. This creates a flow in the substance called convection currents
that carry the heat throughout. When the substance is all the same temperature,
the convection currents stop.

Explain the convection currents when water is heated on a stove.

We often hear the phrase “heat rises”. This is a quick way to remember what is happening, but it
is not quite accurate as an explanation. Explain why not.

It’s not “heat” that rises, otherwise a hot stove would float up in your kitchen,
which would not be good! We could say “hot liquids/gases float up in cooler
liquids/gases”, and that would be more correct, but harder to remember.

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.5

Heat Conductors and Insulators
Heat Conductor Heat Insulator

a substance through which heat a substance that does not allow

moves easily. heat to pass easily.

Wood, styrofoam, fiberglass,

Examples Metals

Activity : Observe the objects in the lab. Complete the table below.
Substance it Conductor or What heat do we want to keep in or
is made of Insulator ? transfer in this use?

Wool mitts Wool I To keep in the heat from your hands

Wooden To stop the heat from hot food from

Wood I burning your hand.

To let the heat from the element

Metal frying
Metal C transfer through the pan to cook your

To stop the heat from the pan from
handle on Plastic I burning your hands.
frying pan

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.6

Substance it Conductor or What heat transfer do we want to
is made of Insulator ? happen or avoid in this use?

Heat Heat-
To stop the heat from the hot object
resistant resistant I from burning your hand.
gloves fabric

The air between the glass walls stops
Glass and the heat of the coffee from passing
coffee cup
air I through the walls of the cup, so your
(glass and
coffee stays hot longer.

The air between the metal walls stops
walled travel
Metal and the heat of the coffee from passing
coffee mug
air I through the walls of the cup, so your
(metal and
coffee stays hot longer.

Metal To let the heat transfer from the

Steel C hotplate to the water.

Pick Styrofoam
styrofoam (contains
home lots of tiny I To keep the heat inside your house.

insulation air bubbles)

So the heat from a hot dish doesn’t

Cork trivet Cork I burn your table.

ScE7.2.3 Heat Transfers 2019 –p.7

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