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Science Grade 7 Name : _________________________ HR : _____

ScE7.2.2 : Particle Theory

Outline and Study Guide
1. States of Matter
a) States of matter : solid, liquid, gas (p.146-147)
b) Particles in each state of matter (p.147-148; p.156)
c) What happens to particles during thermal expansion and contraction (p.149-150)

2. Matter and the Movement of Particles :

a) Definition of matter (p.136)
b) Five points of particle theory (p.138)
c) Kinetic energy (p.138)
d) Kinetic energy and temperature; definition of temperature (p.140-141)

3. Changes of State
a) Six changes of state (p160-161)
b) Temperature and change of state.
c) Core Lab : The Plateau Problem (p.166-167)

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.1

Kinetic Melting Particle
Condensation Gas Solid
Solid condensation Liquid Sublimation
Freezing Matter Temperature
Evaporation Molecule

1. ___________________________________ : anything that has mass and occupies space

2. ___________________________ : state of matter that keeps its shape and volume

3. ____________________________ : state of matter that keeps its volume but changes shape
to fit the container.

4. _____________________________ :state of matter that changes its shape and volume to fill
the container.

5. _________________________ or ___________________________ : the smallest « grain »

of a substance that can exist; too small to be seen even with the most
powerful microscopes

6. ___________________________________ energy : energy of motion

7. ____________________________ : A measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a


8. ___________________________________ : change from solid to gas.

9. ___________________________________ : change from gas to solid.

10. ___________________________________ : change from gas to liquid

11. _______ ____________________________ : change from liquid to gas

12. _ __________________________________ : change from liquid to solid

13. ___________________________________ : change from solid to liquid

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.2

Define matter : ________________________________________________________


Name the three states of matter : __________________________________________

Solids Liquids Gases

Keep or change
their shape?

Keep or change
their volume?

Three examples

Examples of liquids that do not contain

Examples of liquids that contain water

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.3


Molecules in solids Molecules in liquids Molecules in gases


of molecules

Sketch of

Five Points of Particle Theory (Textbook p.138)

Statement Sketch





ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.4

What happens to the particles when a substance expands or contracts with temperature





Foldable Project : States of Matter Pyramid

1. Follow your teacher’s instructions to mark and cut the paper for a three-sided pyramid.
2. On one side of the poper, label three sides “Solid”, “Liquid”, and “Gas”. For each one, say if
they keep or change their shape, keep or change their volume, and three examples (use
table on p.3). Use colour and pictures.
3. Tape the pyramid in its shape with the writing on the OUTSIDE. On the INSIDE of the
pyramid, for each state of matter describe the distance between the particles and their
movement, and draw a sketch of the molecules. (use table on p.4)

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.5

1. What is kinetic energy?

2. What is the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy?

3. Think of a situation in each case. Use your imagination and sense of humour!
a. A situation in school where students have lots of kinetic energy:

b. A situation in the school where students have less kinetic energy :

c. A situation in the school where students have no kinetic energy at all :

d. A situation where they molecules of a substance have a lot of kinetic energy:

e. A situation where the molecules of a substance have very little kinetic energy:

f. A situation where the molecules of a substance have no kinetic energy at all:

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.6

Draw and label a diagram that shows all possible changes of state between a solid, a liquid,
and a gas.

Give an example occuring in nature or in daily life for each change of state.
Change of state Example







ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.7

What change of state is represented in this picture:

Describe what is happening to the particles in this change of


Use a series of sketches to show what is happening to the particle as an ice cube melts.

Water particles in an ice cube. Cube is partially melted. Cube is completely melted.

What happens to the particles when a gas condenses to a liquid?

What happens to the particles when a liquid freezes into a solid?

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.8


This graph is called a heating curve. It shows what happens to the temperature over time
when a substance, starting as ice, is heated until it first melts then eventually boils.

Interpret the heating curve above and answer the questions :

The ice started at a temperature of ____ .
The heating was continued for ____ minutes.
The ____________________ was measured throughout the experiment .
The final temperature was : _______

More Questions :
1. What was the temperature between 2 and 6 minutes? _________
2. How come the temperature did not change during that time? ____________________________


3. Between 6 and 10 minutes, was the water a solid, a liquid, or a gas? _____________
4. How do you know? ____________________________________________________________


5. What was the temperature between 10 and 18 minutes?__________

6. How come the temperature did not change during that time? ____________________________


7. What is a plateau on a graph? ___________________________________________________


ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.9

Extension : Heating curve of methanol

The same experiment was repeated with a different substance called methanol :

Based on the heating curve above, answer the following questions :

1. At what temperatures are the plateaux on the heating curve of methanol?

2. What is the melting temperature of methanol ? __________

3. What is the boiling temperature of methanol? _____________

4. For each of the following temperatures, state if the methanol is a solid, a liquid, or a gas :
 at -120 oC : _____________
 at -60 oC : _____________
 at 0 oC : _____________
 at 90 oC : _____________

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.10

1. Study the definitions on p.2!!!

2.. Complete the table about the states of matter.

Solid Liquid Gas



Distance between

Movement of

Sketch of

2. The five points of particle theory


ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.11

3. What happens to the movement and distance of particles in a gas when it is heated?

4. What happens to the movement and distance of particles in a solid when it is cooled?

5. What is kinetic energy?

6. How does the kinetic energy of particles change with temperature?

7. Draw and label a diagram that shows all possible changes of state between a solid, a liquid,
and a gas.

8. Describe what happens to the particles in a solid when it melts.

9. Describe what happens to the particles in liquid when it evaporates.

10. Describe what happens to the particles in a gas when it condenses into a liquid.

11. Describe what happens to the particles in a liquid when it freezes.

12. Review heating curve graphs and the answers to the questions on p.9-10 – there “could” be
another example on a quiz or test!

ScE7.2.2 Particle Theory 2019 – p.12

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