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Nama : Calvin Endyanto

NIM : 201010550484

Kelas : 01SMJE20


Complete these sentences with “be going to” or “will”

1. I arranged to borrow some money because I am going to buy a motorcycle


2. I bought some woods because I am going to build a bookcase for my


3. This chair is too heavy for you to carry alone. I will help you.

4. Sara and Josh are going to get married on September 22 nd.

5. I hear that you are going to move into a new apartment.


Rewrite these sentences into Passive Voice

1. I confirm the reservation. The reservation is confirmed by me

2. We will deliver the goods immediately. The goods will be delivered by us


3. We arranged a meeting. A meeting was arranged by us

4. You can cancel the contract within five business days. The contract can be
cancelled by you within five business days

5. They execute all orders carefully. All orders are executed by them carefully


Each of the following sentences contains at least one preposition. Indicate if

the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. After school many students participate in sports. (Correct)

2. I know I can rely in you to be here on time. (Incorrect)

3. If you need more light to read, turn on the lamp next to you. (Correct)

4. Parents always try to bring at their children to be thoughtful. (Incorrect)

5. I just don’t approve at your cheating on the exam. (Incorrect)

D. Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not


1. Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, disappeared on

June 1937 while attempting to fly around the world.

Answer : On

2. The occurrence edema indicates the presence of a serious illness.

Answer : occurrence edema

3. According legend, Betsy Ross designed and sewed the first American flag.

Answer : According legend

4. A marionette is controlled by means strings connected to wooden bars.

Answer : means strings

5. The middle ear is attached for the back of the throat by the Eustachian tube

Answer : For

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