Sample - AISS Case Study Project

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Adjustment Inventory
School Students

It gives me immense pleasure to present the project in
Psychology titled Adjustment Inventory for School Students.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my teacher in
charge Mr. Dharmedra Sharma under whose guidance and
constant supervision the project has been completed. The
instructions and suggestions given by him have been a major
contributor towards the completion of the project.
I am thankful to CBSE for giving me this opportunity to
understand the Emotional, Social and Educational School
Adjustments of a student. I would also like to thank my
parents for their encouragement and support towards
completion of this project.
I also thank my Subjects for sharing information and web
links which helped me in preparing the project.





1. Subject details
2. Family details
3. Test administration
4. Interpretation


Human beings are the supreme creation of the God endowed with the capacity of
reasoning and thinking. By these virtues, he is able to make adequate adjustments

with himself and his surroundings. Many times, he has to resolve the conflicts
between strong desires or motives.
He has to overcome them and adjust to reality in a realistic way.
Education is considered to be not only a means of improving one’s own life but
also that of others around one. Therein lies the importance of wholesome education
in a child’s life. In today’s multi-cultural world, education necessitates adjustment.
Children with different abilities, different skills, different backgrounds, and
different cultures get educated together, providing them an opportunity to hone
their adjustment skills thus acting as a training ground for the rest of their lives.
During school life, a child has to learn to co-exist and cooperate with students and
teachers of different religions, different cultures, different opinions and a different
outlook towards life. The students enrolled in secondary classes are experiencing
the ‘storms and stresses’ of adolescence, a very critical stage of their lives. During
this period, they keep vacillating between being children and being adults. Though
adjustment is a major concern at all life stages, it becomes especially critical at the
stage of adolescence. Being a phase of rapid growth and development during
which physical, sexual and emotional changes occur, adjustment problems are at
their peak during this period. Most adolescents experience adjustment difficulties
in emotional, social and/or educational aspects of their lives.
As adjustment gives an individual strength and ability to bring desirable changes in
the condition of his or her environment, it can be considered as an important
phenomenon of human life. Adjustment means reaction to the demands and
pressures of social environment imposed upon an individual.
It starts at one’s birth and goes on without stop till one’s death.

The definition of Adjustment in Psychology has undergone various modifications

over the years:

1. C. V. Good (1959: “Adjustment is the process of finding and adopting modes

of behaviour suitable to the environment or the changes in the environment”.

2.  Shaffer: “Adjustment is the process by which a living organism maintains a

balance between its needs and the circumstances that influence the satisfaction
of these needs”.

3. Halonen and Santrock (1997): “Psychological process of adapting to, coping

with, and managing the problems, challenges and demands of everyday life”

Adjustment has three characteristics :

1. It is Subjective

2. It is a continuous Process
3. It varies from culture to culture

Entry into Secondary School is a trajectory changing event that represents a

convergence of physical, mental, familial and social developments .Thus, school
adjustments can be defined as a “process of adapting to the role of various aspect
of school environment. “In Indian schools, the major thrust is usually academics,
even in the nature of holistic educational patterns of education and development
is observed that areas like emotional development and school adjustment are
often ignored and it could be argued that the individual competencies of
emotional, social and educational adjustments of pupils in school determine their
overall success in school, along with many factors like peer acceptance,
motivation, interest and academic challenges that influence school adjustment.

Emotional adjustment:
Emotional adjustment is also called personal adjustment. Emotion is the current
of energy that is within us. Emotion is also defined as complex state of feeling that
results in physical and psychological that influence thought and behavior. Our
emotions control our behavior. Emotion is a dynamic inner adjustment in an
organism that operates for the satisfaction and welfare of the individual. Parents
and teachers are more responsible for the Emotional adjustment of the child.

Social adjustment:
Social adjustment is an effort made by an individual to cope with standards,
values and needs of a society in order to be accepted. It can be defined as a
psychological process. It involves coping with new standard and value. In the
technical language of psychology "getting along with the members of society as
best one can" is called adjustment.
Educational adjustment:
Education is a process of development of habits, skills and attitudes which made
individual good citizens. Educational adjustment means how an individual is
imparting his duties towards his education and whether he is able to get his goal or
not. If an individual is unable to get good marks in the examination, he will face
the problem to adjust himself in that educational environment while students who
get good marks the exanimation feel better adjusted in their educational setup.

Educators often underestimate the importance of developing student’s abilities to

adapt and get along with people; however, students learning abilities depend on
their experience of their ability to cope and adapt with people.

The concept of school adjustment finds significant relevance during the adolescent
phase, where the student may experience adjustment problems in emotional, social,
and educational aspects of his / her academic life, also accounting for the genetic
makeup and maturation rates in boys and girls.

Maladjustment in adolescents is recognized to have immediate and long term

effects. Escalating aggressive behaviour ,poor academic grades, increasing anti
–social problems, rising incidences of bullying in schools are the indicators of
inadequate adjustment .Maladjustments also imply devasting, lifelong impact on
the child`s personality development . Therefore, in school it is upon
teachers to be vigilent and notice clues and symptoms of maladjustment, and report
them to the concerned authorities and take corrective measures.

This case study was designed to explore the differences in school adjustment of
higher secondary students, based on the aforementioned rationale which states
the importance of adjustment on school learning and overall development of
secondary school students.


 Name of the subject: AO (Male)

The psychological attribute measured in this study is Adjustment

1. Subject Details:
The subject AO is a boy of age 15 years 2months. He is a student of grade
10 studying in Abu Dhabi Indian School Muroor.

2. Family Details:
AO belongs to a middle income earning family of 5 members. Father works
as a Financial Controller in a reputed bank, Mother is a home maker. He has
an elder brother who is working in India and an elder sister, studying in
grade 12. The subject is physically fit.

3. Test Administration:
The subject was administered with Adjustment Inventory for school
students(AISS), constructed by R.P. Singh and AKP Sinha. The inventory
has been constructed for Indian students belonging to the age group 14-18
years. The test has 60 items and is used for measuring overall school
adjustment of the student along three vital areas – a) Emotional b) social
c) Educational.

Each item in the tool has three alternatives- Always / Sometimes/ Never.
The subject has to read the statement and see whether it applies to his mode
of behavior or not. There is no time limit for answering the items.
Ordinarily an individual takes 10 to 15 minutes in completing the test. The
items can be only be scored by hand. A high score in any given area of
adjustment indicates poor adjustment and a low score indicates healthy

The scores obtained by the subject are as follows

Subject AO has obtained an overall score of ……., of which scores of ….,

…..and …… have been obtained for emotional, social and educational
adjustment respectively.

The subject AO, has obtained an overall adjustment score of ……., of which
he has obtained a raw score of ……in emotional adjustment, which places
him in category … which implies his level of emotional adjustment is

The subject has a raw score of …… in social adjustment, which places him
in category ….and his level of adjustment in this area is ………….

In the case of educational adjustment, he has obtained a raw score of …….,

according to which he is placed in category…..., indicating he exhibits a
……………. level of educational adjustment.
With regards to overall adjustment to the school, the subject is placed in
category ……implying an …………level of adjustment.

Adjustment plays a vital role in the development of the child. The secondary
school students are at a very precarious stage of their lives Wherein they are still in
process of exploring their place and role in society. It is at this stage of their lives
that they are most in need of their adjustment abilities. The finding of the present
study indicates that there exist significant differences between the adjustments of
secondary school students on the basis of academic achievement.
Thus, efforts should be made to help them to improve the academic achievement,

A perusal of the results done above reveals that the subject

1. Adhiambo W. M., Odwar, A. J. and. Mildred, A. A. (2011). The
relationship among school adjustment, gender and academic achievement
amongst secondary school students in Kisumu District Kenya. Journal of
Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 26, pages
2. Sinha, A. K. P. & Singh, R. P. (2013). Manual of Adjustment
Inventory for School.
3. Mansingbhai T.S., &Yasvantbhai, H.P. (2014).
“Adjustment and academic achievement of higher secondary school
student”. Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in
Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 128-130


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