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English Core

ALS Project Portfolio

Grade: 11

S. No. Topic Page No.
1. Title

2. English ALS Project Portfolio

3. Certificate of Completion

4. Acknowledgement

5. Objectives and Goals of the Project

6. Action Plan

7. Material Evidences

8. Project Report

9. Student/Group Reflections

10. Photographs of the Positive Learning Experiences

11. List of Resources/Bibliography

English ALS Project Portfolio


Movies on books
project based on series “13 reasons why” and survey

“The book is the film that takes place in the mind of a reader.”

- Paulo Coelho.

Team members: Roll Numbers:

Amal Haris G11619
Hana Fathima G11608

Class and Section : 11-F


We would like to show our sincere gratitude towards Principal Sir, Mr. Neeraj
Bhargava for giving us this opportunity .We would like to thank my teacher, Mrs.
Zohra Yasmeen for guiding me through the project. We would like to also thank our
friends and the others who filled up the questionnaire and gave their best on sharing
their views on the topic and our parents who helped us in gathering information and
helping us with technological difficulties.
Project Report

This project was undertaken in our interest to find out preferences of teenagers on
movies based on books. A survey was prepared asking the audience their preference
on books over movies or vice versa. The survey was then sent out to our friends on
various platforms. We got around 40 responses from teenagers aged 14-18. They all
gave it their all when it came to completing the survey and assisting us with data
collection. In this line, I'd want to express my gratitude to everyone who took part
in the survey and shared their opinions.
We learned about different people’s perspective on why they enjoyed reading the
book or otherwise watching the movie.

We started the survey by asking their preferences over reading books or watching
movies, 19% voted for reading books and 54% preferred watching movies and 27%
preferred both. We further asked on why they preferred the book or the movie.
When asked about the reason why they chose watching movies over reading books
we got responses mentioning how it helped them in grasping the content better
through movies than books, visual learners were able to understand the story and
the message of the writer through the movie,some found reading time consuming
and preferred watching movies as the sound effects and visual effects added into it
made it more fun.Some found difficulties with new words and their meanings.
The other 19% who preferred reading books over watching movies stated that they
found reading more interesting as reading left them to imagine and enjoy the
fictional world or the true world mentioned, books helped them to live up to their
own expectations and gave them an in-depth experience of the character’s feelings
and emotions. Reading gave them the inner monologues of the character’s emotions
which made them feel connected to the character on a certain level which they
could not achieve from watching the movie. Some found reading a way to
disassociate themselves from the real world and enter a world of their own which
helped them with stress and pressure.
The other 27% preferred both based on what their mind set was at the moment.
Then we asked about the description of movie based on the book they read and
according to the responses majority of the respondents have watched the movie of
the book they read and 57% felt that the movie has not reached up to the level of
description in books whereas 43% are quite satisfied with the movie reaching the
standard of books.
67% of the respondents agree that the plots of the movies are similar to that of
books and 33% feels the opposite / (disagrees)
The survey further revealed that 62% of the teenagers found their favorite character
in the book to be the same as the favorite character in the movie and the rest 38%
felt that they differ in character.
As a result a great majority, about 62% was more interested in watching movies
than reading books and felt movie to be more enjoyable than reading the books

The series is a flashback of a high school student named Hannah baker who ended
up with suicide and recorded 13 tapes in which she explained a reason why she
chose to take her own life. Each tape corresponded to a different person at school
who had bullied or mistreated Hannah, and each episode revolved around one of the

While watching the series we felt bad for Hannah because of everything she had to
endure. We were able to gain a better understanding of what had actually happened
in the story by seeing a visual representation of what had happened in the book.

In one of the 13 tapes, there is mention of a girl named Jessica with whom she
became friends after an accidental encounter. The two became friends with a young
man named Alex after a while, who became increasingly close to Jessica. Jessica
and Alex started ignoring Hannah and distancing themselves from her. Having both
of them ignore her for each other made her blame herself and feel left out. It ruined
her mentally and physically.

The movie portrays the emotions of Hannah in the situation and helps us understand
the depth of the situation. There is a strong sense of hurt in the movie that comes
from the actions of her ex-friends and how these actions affected her.

In the book, this similar situation is elaborated with emphasis on the character's
emotions. It gave an insight to her internal feelings and explained her thoughts
about the situation. It let the reader know what passed through her mind and how
she was handling the situation mentally. By reading the novels, we were able to
visualize the situation based on our own experiences and level of comfort and
anxiety based on our own understanding of the situation.

Conclusion: Overall, the study found that teens were more interested in
watching movies than they were in reading. Movies were more attractive because of
their audio effects and visual appeal. On the other hand, books helped people
expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to empathize because of their
ability to expand their vocabulary. In the same way that the movie and the book are
equally significant, the series "13 reasons why" holds a similar significance.
Action plan

Movies are the pictorial representation of books. The book is the film that takes
place in a mind of the reader. People have different preference on reading the book
or watching the movie. We conducted a survey and learned about their preferences
and why they preferred it.

We conducted a survey among teenagers to know their opinions about movies

based on books. The survey was conducted as online questionnaire asking about
their views. We were able to understand and know about different opinions,
perspectives and enlighten ourselves with new information on their views.

We watched the series “13 reasons why” and compared it with the book and was
able to read and see the series with different given point of views. We both were
able to look deep into the emotions depicted, character differences and plots
handled in both. It helped us with comparing and finding out the difference between
watching the series and reading the book. It also helped us in figuring out why some
people were more emotionally attached to the book character and the other to the
movie character.
Photographs of the Positive Learning Experiences

Amal Haris

Driving question:
How can my partner and I prove the importance of reading a book to watching a
movie in the same way that watching a movie is important?

o The main objective of movies based on books is to give a visual
representation of the written down script.
o It exposes one to different culture and languages.
o It helps in making positive changes in one’s life and increase self-motivation.
o To provide the message of the script for visual learners.
o To provide knowledge about a topic in an entertaining manner.
o Watching movie can help us gain more insight and understanding

What happened:

So what:
To complete this project, we researched the different opinions that people have
regarding books as well as the movie adaptations of the same books. One of the key
components of our project was the survey which we conducted in order to gain a
better understanding of teenagers' preferences over books and movies. As well as
explaining why teenagers preferred them over books and movies, we examined the
advantages of watching movies over reading.

Now what:
Having the opportunity to watch the American series exposed us to the reality of the
outside world and how to deal with the difficulties that face us. It gave us a glimpse
into the different problems faced and the different emotions that were experienced
in this series.

After watching the series "13 reasons why" we were able to compare it with the
book and be able to read and understand the series from a different point of views.
We both were able to look deep into the emotions , character differences and plots
in both.

Furthermore, it was instrumental in identifying why some people were more

emotionally attached to the book character, whereas others were more attached to
the movie character. This project helped us realize that reading a book enhances
one's vocabulary and imagination, while watching a movie helps visualize a script.
Personal reflection

Amal: I have always preferred watching movies, doing this project made
me realize reading a book helps in vocabulary and communication skills
and enhances one’s ability with imagination and creativeness.

Hana: This project helped me to learn about people's preferences and

delve deeper into why they thought a movie was better or vice versa. It
helped me to recognize that both messages were portrayed in different and
significant ways
Material evidences
Survey Questionnaire
Survey responses

 Book- 13 reasons why by Jay Asher

 Original Netflix series 13 reasons why.
 Template-
The series— 13 reasons why.

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