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Q No.

The figure below shows WBS for a project “Writing a Research Paper”. Draw the network
diagram of the project. Moreover, if following time duration are given for each activity, perform
forward and backward pass computations to calculate (1) EST (2) EFT (3) LST and (4) LFT.

A= 1 B=5 C=3 D=2 E=1 F=1 G=1

Q No. 2.
The project information for the custom order project of the Air Control Company is presented
here. Draw a project network for this project. Compute theearly and late activity times and the
slack times. Identify the critical path.

Q No3:
You have signed a contract to build a garage for the Simpsons. You will receive a $500 bonus
for completing the project within 15 working days. Thecontract also contains a penalty clause in
which you will lose $100 for eachday the project takes longer than 15 working days.Draw a
project network given the information below. Complete the forwardand backward pass, compute
the activity slack, and identify the critical path.Do you expect to receive a bonus or a penalty on
this project?

Q No. 4
A large eastern city is requesting federal funding for a park-and-ride project.One of the
requirements in the request application is a network plan for thedesign phase of the project.
Catherine Walker, the chief engineer, wants youto develop a project network plan to meet this
requirement. She has gathered the activity time estimates and their dependencies shown here.
Show yourproject network with the activity early, late, and slack times. Mark the criticalpath

Q No.5:
Draw a project network given the information below. Complete the forward and backward pass,
compute activity slack, and identify the critical path. How long will this project take?
PERT based Scheduling
1. Compute the expected time for each activity
2. Compute the variance for each activity
3. Compute the expected project duration
4. What is the probability of completing the project by day 112? Within 116 days?
5. What is the probability of completing ‘negotiate with unions’ by 90 days

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