Techno Concept

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Subject: Technology Date: …./….

❖ The word “Technology” is derived from the two Greek word namely “Technic” and
“Logia”. “Technic” Means ‘Art or skill’. “Logia” Means ‘Science or study’.
❖ Technology is science of study of an art of skill.
❖ Technology is use of knowledge to invent new devices or tools.
❖ Technology is application or tools techniques and systems that are designed to
make human lives easier and more productive.
❖ Technology is a real machines that solve the problems in a world.
❖ Technology is application of science ( the combination of skill or knowledge)
to solve problems.
❖ Technology can be anything that was created by humans and it makes life
easier or solve problems. E.g. computers is technology because it invented by
The Main Types Of Technology
▪ Medical Technology
▪ Mechanical Technology
▪ Agricultural Technology
▪ Construction Technology
▪ Manufacturing Technology
▪ Electronic Technology
▪ Information Technology
Disadvantages of Technology

1. Technology causes Unemployment.

2. Modern technology waste our time.
3. Technology causes social isolation of people
4. Technology causes Environmental problem
5. Addiction technology of people
6. Technology causes lack of interest in studying
7. Technology causes health problems in peoples
8. Technology cause wastage of money.
9. People dependency on technology
10.Security issues in using the technology

Eng. Abdisalam Mcd Technology pg. 1

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